I built an armada

Chapter 295 Crush the past with force

"Then what can I do to give you enough face?"

Fujiwara Norika sneered, still very arrogant. He would not be easily defeated by Su Dingping's momentum.

In the past, he had killed the negotiators sent by Long Xia Navy in a few strokes, basically getting what he asked for, but this time he was still confident of winning!

What life experience can a young man have and what negotiation skills can he have?

It's just the three fires at the beginning, once you get over it you'll be fine.

If you want me to do multiple-choice questions, what kind of dream is that?

"Let your chief publicly submit a letter of surrender to us and promise to compensate us US$15 billion!"

After Su Dingping said these words, the whole place was silent for a moment. Everyone looked at Su Dingping with their eyes widened.

Is this guy really negotiating?

Isn't it the lion's opening?

Are you crazy to ask for 15 billion US dollars?


Fujiwara Norika slammed her right hand on the table, stood up angrily, pointed at Su Dingping and roared,

"What do you mean? Do you still have the sincerity to negotiate?"

"Our side suffered a disastrous defeat and Haizi suffered serious damage. You actually want my chief to publicly submit a letter of surrender and demand 15 billion US dollars in compensation?"

"You won the battle, but I will never allow you to humiliate our Donghuang tribe and our chief like this!"

Su Dingping was not intimidated at all. Instead, there was a cold light in his eyes. It seemed that the negotiator of the Donghuang tribe in front of him did not realize what kind of position he was in.

"Did I hurt Mr. Fujiwara's self-esteem?"

Su Ding sat there as calm as a mountain, looking at Fujiwara Norika with concern.

"Personal dignity is of no use, and the dignity of the country must not be insulted!"

Fujiwara Norika sat down angrily and responded coldly.

"Mr. Fujiwara only cares about your dignity, but he doesn't care about my dignity, Longxia! The Longxia navy finally won a great victory, but he did not take advantage of others' danger. He just lined up his troops in front of your house to protect your safety, just to give you people The Donghuang tribe retains some dignity."

"Isn't it unreasonable to only need a little surrender and compensation?"

Su Dingping responded rudely, saying that he hasn't used all his strength to deal with this kind of person, but he is confident that he can defeat him.

"Unreasonable, this kind of transaction is definitely not an exchange of equal value!"

Fujiwara Norika was furious and flatly refused.

"Then Mr. Fujiwara, which one does it cost more?"

Su Dingping asked with a smile.

"National dignity is priceless!"

Fujiwara Norika said directly.


A sudden loud noise startled Zhang Zhaoxin and others next to them.

Su Dingping stood up after taking the case, and immediately turned his face and said with righteous indignation: "Back then, your Donghuang tribe launched a war of aggression and attacked my tribe. They burned, killed, looted and committed all kinds of crimes. The crimes are too numerous to describe! May I ask, what is the price of my dignity, Long Xia?"

"That's all in the past. Now there are still many Longxia people immigrating to our Donghuang tribe. We welcome them very much, and everyone has turned their hostility into friendship."

Fujiwara Norika sighed helplessly and irritably, and then quickly defended.

"They are not Longxia people, they are shepherd dogs!"

"As the chief negotiator of Longxia Navy, I must earn back this face!"

Su Dingping became more and more excited as he talked, and finally stood up and almost yelled at the other party.

"You, this is how you earn?"

Fujiwara Nori was so fragrant that he almost vomited blood, so he stood up and pointed at Su Dingping and asked.

Su Dingping slapped the other party's hand away.

"Back then, your Donghuang tribe tore my face to pieces, Long Xia! Today, I, Long Xia, will also tear your Donghuang's face to pieces! Isn't it possible?"

The way Su Dingping shouted loudly at this moment can be said to show the true nature of Long Xia's bloody man!

Fujiwara Norika's eyes, which were as wide as copper bells, gradually narrowed.

"It turns out, it turns out that after all these years, you still hold grudges!"

He seemed very powerless.

It was originally thought that after decades of exporting the kindness of the Donghuang tribe, it had also penetrated into many departments of the Longxia tribe, cleaning up the past war actions of the Donghuang tribe.

Unexpectedly, many people in the Longxia tribe still remember the past grudges.

He felt that the previous policies of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe had failed somewhat, at least for the young man in front of him.

"Mr. Fujiwara, I admit that in order to eliminate the hatred in the hearts of Long Xia people, you have done a lot of work, bribed, infiltrated, etc., and even used evil hands on Long Xia's education."

"But don't forget, the reason why we are Long Xia, which has lasted for thousands of years, is that we always talk about victory in a few words, but we write about defeat in a big way."

"No one in the Longxia tribe dares to forget the hatred of this country's enemies!"

After Su Dingping exhaled a breath of turbid air, he took a deep breath and said decisively.

Before Norika Fujiwara could speak, Su Dingping spoke again.

"If your Donghuang tribe was attacked by the enemy and invaded the interior, with countless military and civilian casualties, and the loss of the country, how would your Donghuang chief react?"

"Your Donghuang Tribe has committed heinous crimes within my tribe. Now you even think that you have the support of the Eagle Tribe and have the power to dominate the East Continent's sea area, so you are running rampant and repeatedly infringing on the interests of my tribe."

"If our Longxia tribe is not bullied, we can only be independent and self-reliant."

"God have mercy on our navy, it finally has some strength."

At this point, after a brief pause, Su Dingping then asked, "Your independent power in the Eastern Wild Sea has been exhausted, the Blue Star vote has also come out, and the help you expected from the Eagle Tribe has not appeared."

Fujiwara Norika's face became more and more ugly, and her heart became more and more unhappy.

Especially when he mentioned the Eagle Tribe, he became even more angry.

"A tribe in the Eastern Wasteland without anyone to help them will only be beaten!"

"Don't forget, you initiated this naval battle. Our navy can besiege your Eastern Wilderness tribe for a month, a year, ten years, or even longer!"

"If you don't surrender openly and make compensation, we will continue to be under siege."

"The attendance fees for the siege, as well as the fuel costs will all be paid by you in the end. You, the Eastern Wilderness Tribe, will not have any peace of mind for a day."

"Even if your Donghuang tribe is finally wiped out, it's not impossible!"

Fujiwara Nori was so fragrant that he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. His whole body was shaking involuntarily, but he didn't say a word.

"Letting your chief publicly submit a letter of surrender will not tear the face of your Donghuang tribe, but make your Donghuang tribe lose face."

Su Dingping stared condescendingly at Fujiwara Norika, pointing at the other person's nose, and righteous anger burst out from his mouth.

"Otherwise, if your Donghuang tribe dies, where will your chief's face be?"


Fujiwara Norika fell down on the chair, her whole body seemed to have been stripped of bones, and her face was ashen.

When the words fell, a strange scene appeared in the conference hall. It was quiet except for the heavy breathing of the Donghuang tribe.

Zhang Zhaoxin on the side looked at Su Dingping with a horrified face, his heart was racing, and his eyes were full of admiration.

It really exploded.

This is Su Dingping's truly powerful output.

He thought he was eloquent enough and was assisting Su Dingping on the side, so it wouldn't be a big problem.

Little did he know that there was no need to go into battle on his own.

Unexpectedly, under the fire bombardment with Su Dingping, the other party turned off the flames and he was killed. They were not on the same level at all.

He couldn't think of these words even if he thought about it.

He is indeed a top student from Harbin Institute of Technology!

It didn't matter that his scientific research strength was amazing, but now he relied on his sharp tongue to force the negotiators sent by the Eastern Wilderness tribe to defeat, and finally collapsed and doubted his life.

For Su Dingping, if I just admired him before, my admiration for him now is like the water of the Yangtze River flowing endlessly, like the Yellow River flooding out of control!

Fujiwara Norika, who was sitting on the other side of the negotiation table, sat there with a frustrated face, her mind was even more blank, and her heart was even more tormented.

He came with the expectations of the shogunate chief, intending to obtain a good solution for the Donghuang tribe to resolve this conflict.

When he saw Su Dingping, seeing how harmless he looked at such a young age, he thought he was sure that this situation was stable and he could completely abuse the opponent.

Unexpectedly, after being sprayed by Su Dingping, he was so stupid that he couldn't handle it.

When he went to the Eagle Tribe, he met such a strong opponent and was able to win the Haruna-class light aircraft carrier to the Eastern Barren Tribe. He was also able to obtain more advanced technology transfer to realize the construction of the Eastern Barren Sea's own warships.

And now, he found that he was defeated by the young man in front of him in the field he was best at. This was something he had never thought of.

The negotiation scene was like a battlefield, and he was now as dejected as a defeated soldier.

From the beginning to the end, he was firmly led by Su Dingping. All the manuscripts he had prepared before were scrapped, and none of them came into use.

Sitting there with a frustrated face, he looked at Su Dingping with inexplicable horror in his eyes!

In the monitoring room next door.

Liu Huaming and other navy bosses were sitting here the whole time, paying attention to the progress of the on-site negotiations, and were ready to adjust the plan at any time.

However, they did not expect that Su Dingping's sonorous, powerful and well-founded words would have a huge impact on them.

They even felt that at the last enlarged meeting of high-level naval officials, Su Dingping was suppressed throughout the whole process, but this time he was full of firepower and his shocking words not only stirred up the negotiation scene, but also stirred up in their minds. They didn't leave for a long time, which shocked them very much!

In fact, they all understand the truth and meaning, but they cannot express it as accurately as Su Dingping.

The big guys looked at each other, and they could all see the shock in each other's eyes.

"Damn it, so happy!"

"I really didn't expect that Dingping would be so eloquent. He really gave us face."

"It's no exaggeration to say he's talented."

The fiery Qian Wenbing spoke first, feeling extremely emotional.

"I originally thought that he was just a scientific researcher with some accomplishments in command, but I didn't expect that he was actually so good at negotiation."

"This guy is so versatile. Is there anything else he can't do?"

Xiao Chongjun also said with shock.

The fact that the Navy can have such a talented person is because God favored such a capable top talent.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, if others had just said it, even if a knife was placed on his neck, he wouldn't have believed that there was such a capable and all-round talent!

"I just thought that Dingping Yu shocked everyone at the last meeting of the chiefs of the three armed forces, and I thought it was a bit reluctant to let him participate in the negotiations with the Japs."

"I didn't expect that he would give us such a big surprise when he came on the field. It was just improvisation."

"If we had prepared in advance, I'm afraid that old boy Fujiwara Norika would be so sprayed that she would doubt her life today. It's amazing."

Xu Dongguo took over the conversation, smiled bitterly and said with a sigh, but he could not suppress the ecstasy in his heart.

This shows what?

They did not hire the wrong person, and even discovered another talent of Su Dingping. In the future, even if Su Dingping did not engage in scientific research, he would be fully qualified to handle the navy's foreign military trade and negotiations.

This guy doesn't have to worry about unemployment at all.

If you are unemployed and cannot find a satisfactory job, it is not because the requirements are too high, but because you are not competent enough to do the relevant work.

"You see, that Fujiwara Norika was so sprayed that she couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north."

"The negotiator sent by the Eastern Wilderness tribe is not very good. He is not as good as our Dingping. He is really a hexagonal warrior. He is awesome in every aspect."

"It is indeed a great blessing for our navy that such an all-round talent has been recruited into the arms of our navy. He has successfully changed us and the navy on his own."

While the few people were chatting and laughing, their words were full of joy and emotion.

"Based on Dingping's performance today, if someone from the Foreign Affairs Department sees it, I'm afraid they will force him to work in the Foreign Affairs Department, specifically to quarrel with other tribes."

"I can physically imagine what it will look like after our peace is over. It is definitely a treasure that can make all the tribal ambassadors so angry that their lungs will explode."

Even though the city was deep, the stern Liu Huaming also started laughing.


Suddenly, there was a hearty smile in the small control room, and every leader was very happy.

At the same time in the conference hall.

Fujiwara Norika, who had been pondering for a long time, couldn't find a very convincing reason to refute Su Dingping's words.

"I know. After I go back, I will definitely try my best to persuade the cabinet and the chief."

When he said these words, he seemed to have exhausted all his energy in speaking, and his whole person looked depressed.

"Looking forward to hearing from you."

Su Dingping nodded slightly, then suddenly changed the subject, "Mr. Fujiwara, after you go back, implement it as soon as possible. My brother doesn't want the time to drag on too long."

"Our ships are equipped with land attack missiles, brand new models, with a strike range of 1,500 kilometers. The entire territory of your Eastern Wilderness tribe is within the strike range."

"If the delay is deliberately delayed for too long, people in your major heavy industrial areas may be able to watch fireworks at night."

"Did you hear that? Hurry up and implement it."


Fujiwara Norika was so angry that she almost spat out a mouthful of blood, but she suddenly became choked up and coughed violently.

This is the threat of Chi Guoguo.

The people's clear and unmistakable attitude issued an ultimatum.

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