I built an armada

Chapter 299 The Eastern Wasteland tribe fell into chaos

"Don't any of you have anything to say?"

"Didn't you clamor for help from the Eagle Tribe before and seek revenge?"

"Why are you all mute now?"

Finally unable to bear it any longer, the angry and anxious cabinet leader raised his eyebrows and roared.

Even after this, all the cabinet members remained silent collectively, as if their mouths were sealed.

For three consecutive days, their foreign affairs department issued a statement of condemnation and clearly informed the outside world that they were being bullied, but the tribes on Blue Star still remained silent.

Isn't it obvious that there will be no reaction?

"Chief, haven't there been any responses from the representatives we sent to the Eagle Tribe?"

At this time, someone asked.

"I haven't seen a single high-ranking member of the Eagle Tribe."

The head of the cabinet responded helplessly and feebly.

As soon as they heard this, everyone's hearts felt as if a basin of ice water had been poured on them, and most of their hearts cooled down in an instant. They knew very well what this meant.

That's right, the Eastern Wasteland Tribe was abandoned by the Eagle Tribe.

All the alliances and defenses were all gone to hell. They were all created by the Eagle Tribe to protect their own interests.

When they were actually bullied, they were nowhere to be seen.

Long Xia Haijun has already bullied him at his doorstep, okay?

"never mind."

The leader of the cabinet said with great sadness, "Everyone stand up and come with me to see the chief!"

Everyone was unwilling, but there was nothing they could do.

The situation has reached an irreversible point, and they need the chief to personally come forward to solve the problem.

Otherwise, if we continue, the Donghuang tribe may encounter a more serious economic crisis, and the external security loopholes will definitely become larger and larger. Over time, the White Bear tribe in the north will definitely come out to cause trouble.

When that time comes, the Donghuang tribe will be in great trouble.

Just surrendering publicly, how humiliating and humiliating is that?

But if they don’t do it, they will have no future.

Under the leadership of the cabinet leader, all members stood up and walked out of the conference hall.

The leader walked in the front, his expression extremely solemn, and his mood was even worse. The cabinet members who followed him all had pale faces, and none of the three axes could cut through.

The group of people got into a special car and drove through the night to the palace.

The imperial palace located in the Kyoto area is the residence of the chief of the Eastern Barren Tribe. It also represents the highest power of the Eastern Barren Tribe and has a long history.

There was a knock on the door in a residence in the palace.

"Come in."

A quiet voice came, appearing weak.

The staff hurriedly walked in and reported their work to the chief sitting on the bed.

"Chief, the cabinet wants to see you. There is something important."

The chief nodded slightly. He had already expected that there would be a knock on the palace door late at night. It must mean something big was about to happen.

Suddenly all sleepiness disappeared.

He knew very well about the shelling at midnight for several days in a row.

Long Xia's navy not only surrounded the Donghuang tribe, but also fired artillery shells into the interior. Recently, it escalated to the point of launching missiles, which frightened the entire Donghuang people and made me afraid to sleep at midnight.

He knew this very well.

He had also heard about the conditions proposed by the Longxia tribe, requiring them to publicly surrender and pay compensation.

As for the specific content, how much compensation should be paid, and what mode of surrender should be used, the cabinet, Fujiwara Norika and other relevant personnel did not disclose it in detail.

And this time, maybe we have to see the truth.

It also proved that the cabinet and the generals of the Self-Defense Forces had no choice but to ask him, the chief, to come forward.

In fact, from the perspective of the entire Eastern Wasteland tribal constitutional monarchy, the chief has no real power. He is more of a symbol of the country's highest power and the spiritual pillar of the Eastern Wasteland people.

If something happens to him, the morale of the people in the Eastern Wasteland will definitely be low.

Naturally, he didn't know that this time of public surrender required him to submit the surrender letter in person!


The chief only uttered two words.

"As you command, Chief."

The staff immediately called the attendants to help the chief change his clothes, put on formal clothes, and tidy up his appearance.

After everything was sorted, the chief, accompanied by his staff, slowly walked into the brightly lit hall.

Looking around, everyone from the cabinet was gathered here.

"stand up."

As soon as an order was issued, the cabinet members who were originally sitting stood up hurriedly.

"Your Majesty the Chief!"

The leader of the cabinet took the lead in shouting, and the rest of the people also shouted in unison, bowing collectively to welcome the arrival of the chief.

The Eastern Wilderness tribe still retains the royal rule that has lasted for thousands of years. It is also a system that they are proud of. Even though it was transformed after World War II, it still remains.

Even though the cabinet has great power, they still maintain a high level of respect for the chief.

This is the hierarchical royal system!

As the chief walked into the hall, his pair of old eyes shot out with an extremely sharp cold light, scanning the solemn faces of everyone one by one, and there was a hint of coldness in his heart.

From the looks of it, there's nothing good going on.

Without any reaction, the chief walked to the chief position step by step with vigorous steps, and Damajintao sat down.

Only then did everyone sit down under the leadership of the leader.

"It's such a late night, if you have any questions, just tell me directly."

The chief said expressionlessly, with no emotion in his voice.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

After taking two deep breaths in succession, I, the leader of the cabinet, spread out the documents I had prepared long ago, and then stood up to report.

"Your Majesty the Chief."

"Many unpleasant things have happened in recent times. First of all, General Murashita Hayaki of Kaiji made a series of wrong decisions, which caused us to lose the support of many allies."

"Even the Eagle Tribe has left us alone. It is very rare for them to side with the Longxia Tribe."

"Currently, the Long Xia Navy has sent troops to my tribe's sea area to directly threaten me with force. Recently, every time just after midnight, they have fired artillery shells or missiles to attack my inland. From the beginning, Fifty kilometers to the current three hundred kilometers.”

"It posed a direct threat to the Kyoto area. Our air defense forces organized an interception with a success rate of 97% and did not cause much damage."

"The biggest loss is that more than one-third of the people in my tribe are under missile threat and live in fear."

"It has had a very bad impact on production, people's livelihood, and all aspects in various places."

"It has already been reflected in the stock market. Many investors have lost confidence. If this continues, our tribe's economy will definitely collapse and the people's morale will collapse... I may be in danger of subjugating the country!"

Perhaps in order to exaggerate the tragic atmosphere, at the end of the report, the leader shed tears, looking very sad.

Of course, he put all the blame on Murakami Saki's head.

He also wanted Kumamoto Tokugawa to know who would bear the terrible consequences next.

"You, you said that the Longxia tribe requires us to surrender openly? Do you want us to pay war reparations?"

Kumamoto Tokugawa's expression suddenly dropped, and he asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, Chief!"

After hearing the straightforward response, Kumamoto Tokugawa suddenly became furious.


"We have been dominating the East Continent in the East Barren Sea for decades, and all our main forces have been sunk. Isn't it possible for the Longxia Tribe to just give up?"

"Have our Donghuang tribe ever suffered such injustice?"

"Now the Longxia tribe actually wants to trample the face of my tribe under their feet. Are they satisfied?"

"Asshole, where do they put the national dignity of my Eastern Wilderness tribe? How can those millions of heroic souls who died in the battle of our Eastern Wilderness Empire rest in peace?"

The conference hall was filled with the angry roar of Kumamoto Tokugawa, and the cabinet leaders were so frightened that they did not dare to take a breath, for fear that the city gate would catch fire and harm them, old catfish.

After venting, Chief Kumamoto Tokugawa's emotions were slightly released and he fell silent.

"What's the attitude of the Eagle Tribe?"

"Didn't I ask you to arrange for someone to come over?"

After a while, Kumamoto Tokugawa spoke again, his tone softened a lot.

"Our commissioner did not meet any senior officials of the Eagle Tribe, and they all refused to meet."

The head of the cabinet responded quickly, and then explained that Donghuanghai violated the Blue Star Alliance's resolution and took the lead in opening fire. The implication was that they provoked this maritime conflict.

Long Xia Navy's counterattack this time was legitimate defense and was unanimously approved by the members of the Blue Star Alliance, including the Eagle Tribe.

For this matter, a second round of voting was held, and the decision was very favorable to the Longxia tribe, but very unfavorable to them.

"Chief, according to the news from Yukio Kojima, the Blue Star Alliance has decided to support the Longxia tribe to seek compensation from us and demand public surrender."

"This time, the Longxia tribe has a comprehensive advantage."

"We no longer have the support of the Eagle Tribe and other allies."

The words of the head of the cabinet directly extinguished Kumamoto Tokugawa's last glimmer of hope, and the Donghuang tribe had no chance of a desperate struggle.

All the ways out were blocked by the Long Xia tribe, and only surrender and compensation were left to them.

In just a moment, Kumamoto Tokugawa's eyes became dull and his expression became much depressed.

If the leader of the cabinet hadn't brought it up, he would have been kept in the dark. He never imagined that the Donghuang tribe would be reduced to such a state in just a few days.


"It's all your fault. Even our die-hard allies are no longer on our side."

"If it weren't for the persecution of Long Xia's navy, wouldn't you still come to me?"

After a moment of silence, Kumamoto Tokugawa's old eyes shot out a sharp light, staring at the cabinet leaders and the group of people, and shouted sharply.

"I'm sorry Chief."

"We thought it would be solved, but we didn't expect that we were abandoned."

The leader of the cabinet broke into a cold sweat, and then changed the subject, "Your Majesty the Chief, General Murakami Hayaki will give you an explanation for this matter."

He was scolding his mother in his heart at this moment, but he didn't dare to show it, and even pushed Murakami Saki out as a scapegoat.

His intention is very obvious, that is, to clearly tell Kumamoto Tokugawa that if you have any anger, vent it all on that bastard Murakami Hayaki.

Just at this time, Murakami Hayaki, who had not arrived for a long time, hurried over. After receiving permission, he quickly crossed the seat that belonged to him and went straight to Kumamoto Tokugawa's side.


Under the angry gazes of everyone, General Murashita Hayaki knelt down and buried his proud head.

"Your Majesty the Chief, my villager Zao Mu is guilty."

"I am a sinner of Donghuang Sea, and even more so, a sinner of Donghuang Tribe."

"It was my poor command that caused the entire battle loss of Donghuanghai's independent forces. Please punish me!"

Murakami Saki said loudly with an extremely sad tone, looking very serious and repentant.

As he spoke, he kowtowed three times on the ground.

He was so excited that his body started to tremble.

When he saw Murakami Hayaki, Kumamoto Tokugawa's eyes flashed with a murderous intent, but he quickly covered it up.

That's right, he really wanted to kill the bastard in front of him at this moment.

If it hadn't been for Murakami Hayaki's poor command and lack of timely response, how could Donghuanghai have suffered such serious losses and the entire main force was wiped out? What a horrific consequence this would be?

Even if it needs to be restored, how long will it take and how much money will it cost?

"We'll talk about your business later. Get up now! Go back to your seat."

Kumamoto Tokugawa shouted coldly, "I ask you, what is your specific plan to deal with the Longxia Navy matter?"

"The Longxia tribe is very resolute and wants a compensation of 15 billion US dollars, not even a penny less!"

Fujiwara Norika hurriedly told the situation. Thinking that he had lost to an unknown young man, he felt uncomfortable. He almost had a psychological shadow.

"$15 billion?"

Kumamoto Tokugawa suddenly realized something and was shocked, "The Ryusha tribe wants half of our annual military expenditure, Baga!"

The head of the cabinet suddenly looked very miserable. He said something was wrong, but he didn't know where the problem was.

After the chief's reminder, he then remembered that the Eastern Wasteland tribe's annual military expenditure was just over 30 billion US dollars, and this year they planned to increase it by 30% to 39 billion US dollars.

Long Xia, the person in charge of negotiations, has a ruthless mind.

"Your Majesty, Chief, we have calculated that if the Long Xia Navy does not retreat, the losses it will cause us will be immeasurable."

"In the past few days alone, our losses in all aspects have exceeded US$15 billion."

After thinking for a moment, the leader of the cabinet said, with helplessness written all over his face. The only blame was that the Long Xia tribe was too ruthless, almost grabbing their lives.

Next, he didn't speak again.

He believed that Kumamoto Tokugawa had fully understood the meaning of his words and would make his own judgment.

But he felt that he was really pitiful. He actually had to find reasons to convince himself of the Longxia tribe's huge claim, and now he came to convince the supreme ruler of the Donghuang tribe.

"After compensating the Longxia tribe, the military expenditure of the Self-Defense Force will be halved this year."

Kumamoto Tokugawa glanced at Murakami Saki with great disgust, "Don't be resentful. This year and next, the Self-Defense Forces will have to tighten their belts to get by!"

His voice was deep but unmistakable.

Although he said he had no real power, when it was time to make a decision, he would still make the decision without hesitation.

Murakami Saki and others did not dare to refute at all, and could only accept it silently. This matter must be as absurd as it is, which was unimaginable before.

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