I built an armada

Chapter 309 Su Dingping suddenly became famous

Therefore, the pictures used in textbooks can be selected at will.

It is precisely because of the freedom to choose that experts and professors started to argue about it. There are too many classic photos, and there are different opinions and no consensus.

There was a stack of photos on the table, and suddenly a silver-haired old man wearing glasses spoke.

"I think the third row and the first one are good. They are very in line with the current educational philosophy."

Everyone immediately followed the sound and looked over. It was a picture of Chief Donghuang standing up too slowly and Su Dingping being urged by reporters. It happened that the two people's eyes were facing each other, one was glaring angrily, the other was calm and calm. The contrast in emotions between the two Straight line full.

The visual impact is very strong!

"I think this picture can be selected as a unit illustration."

The silver-haired old man said seriously, this picture is so classic. The reporter captured it very timely, and he could almost win the prize in the news photography competition.

"Professor Ma, what's your reason?"

A weight loss expert next to him asked curiously.

Everyone cast their eager glances, wanting to hear his opinions.

"I have three reasons."

"First, at such a young age, he became the senior translator of our foreign affairs department. He was not panicked or stage frightened at all when he stepped on such a big stage. Instead, he gave Chief Donghuang a strong sense of oppression, which can give young people a People inspire future generations.”

"Second, look at him. When he faced the chief of Donghuang, he showed no timidity at all. He looked very calm and calm from beginning to end, without any fear. This can inspire young people to be positive and win glory for the country. "

Having said this, he simply picked up the photo and walked to the slide to enlarge it.

In this way, people can see more clearly, and even the subtle expressions on the faces between the two people are clearly revealed.

"Third, this is what I like the most. Look at this young man who is full of energy and looks like a young boy in his prime. That positive energy does not exactly reflect the current situation. Are ambitious young people working hard?”

These words immediately caused everyone at the scene to stop and watch, and they all fell into brief contemplation.

The more they looked at it, the more they felt that Su Dingping's calmness and calmness were very contagious. They really couldn't understand why this young and enthusiastic man was so good?

Yes, it is precisely because of excellence that we can be confident and calm.

"Bah bang bang."

As soon as the words fell, long-lasting applause rang out. Everyone expressed their deep agreement. It really meets the current needs and encourages students to study hard and serve the motherland.

"I also think this photo can be used as an illustration. It's very realistic."

"This young man is really unexpected. His confident appearance is beyond the comparison of ordinary young talents. He can be used as a role model to inspire more aspiring young people to join the ranks of serving the country."

"I have to say that when I saw the live broadcast, I thought it was too childish at first, but what I didn't expect was that this young man's performance was so amazing and perfect. It was really amazing."

"I very much agree with Professor Ma. I just chose this one. Alas, I didn't even notice it just now. It's so classic and should be passed down forever."

After a burst of praise from the professors and experts, they unanimously reached an agreement to retain this extremely classic photo as a unit illustration.

Such a classic historical scene must be preserved forever.

This was the first time that the Longxia tribe accepted the surrender of the Donghuang tribe alone. Everyone above them performed extremely well, especially the surprising young man Su Dingping.

Below the illustration, several professors also added a very thoughtful sentence.

The young people of Longxia are not afraid of the expression of the chief of Donghuang, and they show off the youthful style of Longxia. I am so magnificent, Longxia!

After the live broadcast ended, universities all over the country also started summary mode, and almost all of them were changed to ideological and political courses. Those ideological and political teachers came on stage one after another, extremely proud and proud.

They never thought that one day, ideological and political courses would be so sci-fi that they would be reflected in reality, using a historical scene to teach students a true patriotism lesson.

"Students, today is the most meaningful day in the history of our nation. You are fortunate to witness history happening."

"Our Longxia Tribe Navy not only defeated the Donghuang Haizi, but also forced them to submit a surrender letter to us. This is the second surrender of the Donghuang Tribe in modern history."

"The first time they surrendered, it was the allies, many countries. We were one of the victorious countries. Remember, we are one of them."

"But today, once again we accepted a surrender, but it was not one of them."

The ideological and political teacher stood on the podium and talked. He had never been so excited or happy. Tears flowed down his face when he finally spoke.

"Classmates, have you seen that young man named Su Dingping? He is an extremely excellent diplomatic translator. You must work hard to learn from him and bring glory to the country."

"Our Longxia tribe has always been full of talents. Maybe one day you will be able to represent our country on the international stage and honor our ancestors!"

The teacher's words were extremely contagious. Many students' emotions fluctuated accordingly, and many even silently set goals in their hearts.

We are all young people, and we are all future successors. We all have two shoulders and one head. Naturally, they do not want to fall behind, nor are they willing to fall behind. They must work hard to become stronger.

Of course Su Dingping didn't know, but he suddenly became famous and became a role model for countless students in the Longxia tribe, and even appeared in textbooks.

Although there is no separate article dedicated to him, it will always be remembered in history because of that classic scene. Even if he does nothing in the future, he can still be regarded as leaving his name in history.

There are many young people gathered in the Jagged Forum and many other forums.

As more information about Su Dingping was unearthed, people realized a more three-dimensional Su Dingping. Even those professional Internet trolls could not find any flaws in him that could be used to smear him.

Even if someone is forced to be black in an extremely blunt way, he will be met with verbal criticism from others, who will continue to condemn him, and will soon be drowned in spit.

"The young man named Su Dingping is so powerful. He is a role model for me to learn from and a role model for me to move forward in life. I want to follow him."

"I plan to apply for Harbin Institute of Technology this year. Even if I am not as good as him, I still want to be his alumnus, his junior brother, and follow his footsteps closely."

"Harbin Institute of Technology is indeed a place for talents. I decided to send my child to it so that he can become a pillar of the country."

"Such a young man is simply a treasure. His excellence can be seen. He was so angry that Chief Donghuang almost vomited blood. It was so awesome that I knelt down."

"I want to be Su Dingping's licking dog, a big fan."

"I'm going to give him a monkey."

Suddenly, Longxia tribe students set off a wave of learning from Su Dingping.

Everyone's face is filled with the passion for struggle, which has become the biggest source of motivation for work and life.

In addition to major schools, many companies have also set out to learn from Su Dingping's spirit of not fearing power and authority, studying hard, and working hard to strive for the economy.

At this moment, the national pride was overwhelming, and the national fortunes were soaring.

On 052D, the surrender ceremony was completed. Xue Shuai and others boarded the exclusive ship again and set off back to the base.

After seeing Su Dingping's amazing performance with his own eyes, Ambassador Chen became more determined to recruit Su Dingping to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the recruitment conditions became even more tempting.

During the surrender ceremony, Su Dingping acted calmly and calmly, neither humble nor arrogant. He was able to face ruthless characters like Chief Donghuang without fail, and almost made the little devil angry to death. Such talents are urgently needed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and he is deeply impressed by them. Like.

If Su Dingping joins the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it won't take long for him to stand out on the international stage and win more benefits for the Longxia tribe.

"What do you mean?"

"You're poaching people in front of me again. Don't you take me seriously?"

Liu Huaming was so angry that he almost hit the person with his fist and threw him from the ship.

What international joke are you kidding me? Our navy finally got such a big treasure, why are there people from the foreign affairs department coming to snatch it away?

If he is poached by you guys, where will our navy find the second Su Dingping?

It can be said that Su Dingping is a top expert talent that is rare in a century.

"Commander Liu, don't be so stingy. Even if I don't dig, if I need it in the future, can I borrow it from you?"

"You see, for this operation, our foreign affairs department has cooperated unconditionally, and we have given our talents in return."

"He also has an office specially set up for him in the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Beijing."

"You can't deny these things."

Ambassador Chen spoke quickly, not thinking there was anything wrong with poaching people at all. He really liked young people like Su Dingping, and he had qualities that could not be cultivated in a professional school.

Even the office was naturally to protect Su Dingping's identity and prevent spies from targeting Su Dingping in the future. It was naturally for safety reasons.

"It's okay to borrow it."

"Then you have to see if Dingping has that time."

"Besides, we agreed in advance that we can only borrow it and cannot take it away without returning it to me."

"Whoever wants to borrow it in the future must get my permission."

Liu Huaming was slightly startled, and then made some concessions. Naturally, this was to confuse the enemy's ears and eyes.

The navy has risen rapidly in such a short period of time. After this live broadcast of the surrender ceremony, hostile forces or interested people will definitely start to pay attention to this matter.

So as the soul of naval equipment research and development, Su Dingping will definitely be noticed. Having an office in the foreign affairs department and having the role of senior translator in the foreign affairs department is equivalent to putting on a piece of armor for him.

It would be even more difficult for the enemy to figure out Su Dingping's true identity.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, I will definitely contact you to apply."

Hearing this, Ambassador Chen immediately beamed, as if his evil plan had succeeded.

As long as we can borrow Su Dingping, we will have a close relationship with the foreign affairs department in the future. If we find Su Dingping a girlfriend from the foreign affairs department, then the foreign affairs department will become Su Dingping's wife's natal family.

Liu Huaming naturally did not guess what Ambassador Chen was thinking. He was only thinking about Su Dingping's safety, but he did not expect that he would be plotted.

After returning to the base, the Navy held a grand celebration banquet that night.

Before the banquet, Liu Huaming attended in person to present awards and honors to the meritorious personnel for first-class merit and second-class merit, and encouraged them to keep up their efforts.

As for Su Dingping, he had previously been promoted from colonel to colonel. It was too short a time to mention it again, but his salary was improved again, directly from the division level to the deputy level.

Su Dingping was flattered by such treatment.

After conferring honors on Su Dingping, Xu Dongguo, Qian Wenbing, and Xiao Chongjun sat on a table and pulled Su Dingping over to show their care.

"Old Qian, you see, this is the person who gets promoted the fastest in our navy."

"I guess it won't be long before he becomes the youngest general."

Seeing the rank of colonel on Su Dingping's shoulders, Xu Dongguo couldn't help but joke with Qian Wenbing beside him.

"No, he deserves it."

"According to my temper, he should be a senior colonel now."

"Without those advanced warships he built, if we want to defeat Donghuang Haizi, let's just dream."

The more he looked at Su Dingping, the more Qian Wenbing fell in love with him. This young man was really to his liking. Since the navy had him, advanced warships have been launched one after another, and their performance has become more and more excellent.

The lone ship broke into the waters of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe, which was something no one had dared to think of before.

But now, not only did they achieve it, they also eliminated the independent forces of the Eastern Barren Sea and captured the opponent's aircraft carrier and the most advanced guided missile destroyer.

From then on, there was only one Eagle Tribe Seventh Fleet left in the waters of Dongzhou.

As for moving this mountain, he didn't think it was impossible at all, it was just a matter of time.

"Did you hear that?"

Liu Huaming also said in a joking tone, "Dingping, everyone hopes that you will become the youngest general of our navy as soon as possible. You have to work hard. I am waiting for that day too."

"Dingping, we believe in you, come on."

Xiao Chongjun also started joking.

At the celebration dinner, in addition to Liu Huaming and other big bosses, there were also many naval senior colonels, colonels and many other school-level commanders who came forward to toast Su Dingping.

Even though I was slightly drunk, the atmosphere had already entered a good state.

Xu Dongguo raised his wine glass and suddenly stood up. He glanced around at all the officers present and said, "Come on, comrades, let us raise our wine glasses again and collectively salute Comrade Su Dingping, the greatest contributor to our navy's victory this time."

"Comrade Dingping deserves the most credit for the rapid rise of our navy and its prestige over Blue Star in such a short period of time."

After saying that, he turned around and gestured to Su Dingping. All the officers present stood up and looked at Su Dingping with extremely moved expressions.

Su Dingping was greatly moved and quickly stood up and picked up his wine glass.

At this time, Liu Huaming and other big guys also stood up. Su Dingping also saw Sun Yongguo, Zhou Qinglei and several other acquaintances in the crowd.

Zhou Qinglei, Cao Youren and other commanders were all truly meritorious, and they were awarded honors collectively.

"Dingping, let's finish this cup."

After saying that, Xu Dongguo took the lead and drank all the wine in the glass.

Everyone also drank it all in one gulp, which was called a quick drink.

Looking at the high level of in-house special liquor in the cup, Su Dingping was also infected by the warm atmosphere.

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