I built an armada

Chapter 320 The hooligans were all terrified

Su Dingping was filled with emotion as he watched Sun Yongguo's eloquent narration.

This group of veteran military workers, together with the navy, have endured so much pressure and suffered so much injustice. They are the ones who can truly endure the humiliation and bear the burden and move forward!

It is the real backbone of the Longxia tribe!

It is precisely because of their persistence at all costs that the Navy has retained many scientific researchers. Otherwise, it would be difficult for a skilled woman to make a meal without rice alone, and it would simply not be able to support the situation.

He couldn't help but feel lucky that he was born in a good era.

"Hahaha, I can imagine now that the people from the surrounding tribes must have extremely ugly faces after seeing our warships."

"Just thinking about it is exciting. They saw that we were weak before and took away a lot of our interests."

"Now it's their turn to tremble."

"Our efforts over the years have been worthwhile and have all paid off."

At this moment, Sun Yongguo was happy, the kind of happiness that came from the depths of his heart, inspired by the strength of Long Xia's navy.

For him, it is not easy to see his country's navy become stronger in his lifetime, but it is also a time worth remembering.

"Dean Sun, you have all worked hard. Our navy has become stronger, which has nothing to do with your perseverance."

"Without you, I wouldn't be able to support the navy's needs."

"Thank you for your hard work!"

Su Dingping responded with a serious look on his face, saying that it was really a blessing to be able to work with veteran military workers like them to fight for the rise of Longxia Navy and continue to build cutting-edge warships.

"What you said is too polite. We should be grateful to you. If you hadn't taken the lead, how could we old guys in the navy be so strong just because of their years and years?"

Having said this, Sun Yongguo suddenly thought of something and suddenly changed the topic, "By the way, Dingping, let me tell you something."

"I was just here to enjoy myself."

Seeing how serious he was, Su Dingping was suddenly filled with doubts and couldn't help but listen carefully.

"A few months ago, the Eagle Tribe sent people to our tribe to ask for an aircraft carrier and to forcefully purchase one of our 052Cs."

After hearing this, Su Dingping began to think deeply, and after a moment he said clearly: "It seems that the Eagle Tribe has noticed our movements, which is expected."

"Sooner or later, the development of the navy will conflict with them, and this is not based on personal will."

Sun Yongguo nodded with deep understanding. He knew very well that the Eagle Tribe must have conducted in-depth research on the Longxia Navy by doing this, and wanted to prepare for a rainy day in advance.

"Yes, I guess the leaders took this into consideration and decided on this operation."

"The Blue Star Alliance Trade Organization Conference will be held soon, which involves the issue of whether we can join. The Navy urgently needs a peaceful military operation to properly demonstrate our strength to the outside world."

"Although the development situation of our navy looks very good, in fact, there is a hidden crisis."

Su Dingping quite agreed with Sun Yongguo's words. It was absolutely impossible for the Eagle Tribe to watch the Long Xia Navy develop forward without hindrance and surpass itself in one fell swoop.

It is destined that the next development of Longxia Navy will definitely not be smooth sailing and will encounter many ups and downs, especially the extreme pressure from the Eagle Tribe.

However, he remains optimistic about the future. After all, the 055 drive is already in the process of being unlocked.

"After you return, lead them to fully understand the core technology of 052D as soon as possible."

"Only by having more cutting-edge warships can the navy resist the oppression of the enemy. Time waits for us not."

With a clear look on his face, Su Dingping sent Sun Yongguo away directly and let him continue to be the leader, urging the experts and professors to master the core technology crazily.

Looking at the sketch of the 0.55 million ton large-scale drive hanging on the wall, Su Dingping felt infinite emotions in his heart.

"Fortunately, time is on our side. In another half a year, the core technology will basically be able to be analyzed."

"Once the 10,000-ton large-scale drive is commissioned into the navy, it will be a completely different situation for the navy."

"We have finally reached this point. It will be fully formed in a few months. Keep working hard."

The threat of the Eagle Tribe is always hanging over Long Xia's navy, and it is a lingering shadow for some time to come.

But Su Dingping still promoted the scientific research plan at his own pace, step by step.

He couldn't speed up the progress of scientific research because of the threat of the Eagle Tribe, which would lead to problems. What he wanted was that after this painful period, the Long Xia Navy would completely disdain Blue Star.

While more than a dozen experts and professors in the military industry are busy learning and understanding the core technology of 052D, the transformation and upgrading of the integrated military factory is also in full swing.

The upgrade of several shipyards, the upgrade of equipment in the factory, and the training of a new generation of skilled workers are also being carried out simultaneously.

Because of this, everyone in the integrated military factory is in a very busy state.

They almost forgot about food and sleep, and wanted to complete the upgrade and transformation work as soon as possible and arrange for large-scale mass production of 052D as soon as possible.

At present, the Navy is only equipped with three 052Ds, which is still far from the goal of thirty or forty ships.

Early the next morning, the sun just jumped out of the sea, revealing its big red head to the world, bringing a new day to Blue Star.

Northern Naval Base, inside a large comprehensive military port.

Xu Dongguo met with Representative Long and his party sent by the top management to attend the 'Blue Star Alliance Trade Organization Meeting' later in the day. After a brief meeting, he personally sent them to 052D.

The leader, Representative Long, looked at the majestic and technologically powerful 052D, his face full of shock, and a sense of pride welled up.

"Chief Xu, is this the most advanced warship in our navy?"

"Isn't it too advanced?"

Representative Long's hand gently touched a device in the main control room and said in horror.

Not many people knew about 052D, so it was naturally his first time seeing it.

Originally, according to the usual practice, they could choose to fly directly to Doha, the capital of the Kata tribe, by special plane. However, since the navy was going to conduct a large-scale patrol in the waters of Dongzhou, and seeing that they had enough time, it would be a good idea to simply take a warship there.

But he never expected that the warship that sent them to Doha City would be so advanced.

Suddenly, his self-confidence swelled and he became more confident.

Any foreign exchanges are based on strength.


Xu Dongguo nodded.

In fact, whenever he sees 052D, his heart will surge, and his blood will boil as if activated.

The powerful performance of the 052D has caused competition among the three major fleets of the Navy. It is naturally a collection of high-tech, and it is also the most advanced guided missile destroyer in the entire Blue Star.

How can he not be proud?

At this moment, Representative Long and the others were looking at every place on the warship like curious babies, as if every place was full of charm, making them unable to stop.

"By the way, how does our warship compare to the Burke Type 2 of the Eagle Tribe?"

Representative Long asked very curiously. He just didn't quite understand what Xu Dongguo meant.

"It is no exaggeration to say that our 052D is the pinnacle of current Blue Star warship technology. According to the designer, the Burke 2, the most powerful guided missile destroyer of the Eagle Tribe, is three points behind. "

"This is the strength of our navy!"

Xu Dongguo said very proudly.

"It's incredible. I didn't expect that we also have such advanced warships."

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes today, I wouldn't have dared to imagine it."

Representative Long was shocked and his eyes widened for several seconds.

"You don't need to worry about your safety along the way. As long as the Eagle Tribe doesn't use the aircraft carrier formation, there won't be any problems."

Regarding Xu Dongguo's words, Representative Long did not express any opinion, but was even more surprised by this advanced guided missile destroyer.

"Our navy will do our best to ensure your safety this time."

"It will also ensure the smooth progress of negotiations."

"Representative Long, you can negotiate with them without any worries."

Xu Dongguo then said, very proudly, that he wanted to give Representative Long and his party enough confidence to support them.

For this friendly visit, the Navy dispatched nuclear submarines, one 052D and eight 052Cs. It can be said that the main battleships were dispatched.

It is also equipped with a multi-functional comprehensive supply ship to replenish ammunition for the warship at any time, just in case of combat needs.

The two newly launched 052Ds stayed at home to guard the rear. As for the two imported 956E complete versions, they also stayed, as well as a considerable number of 051C warships.

The reason why we keep advanced warships at home is naturally to prepare for Donghuanghai's counterattack.

Although the independent forces of the Eastern Barren Sea have been wiped out, they still have a complete Eighth-Eight Fleet, a light aircraft carrier, and a large number of advanced equipment such as missile frigates and missile speedboats.

Regardless of the fact that the last time troops came to the city and forced the Donghuang tribe to publicly surrender and make compensation, this did not mean that the Donghuang tribe would not counterattack.

Moreover, according to various intelligence reports, the Donghuang tribe was obviously unwilling to be defeated and wanted to wait for an opportunity to retaliate.

Once the Donghuang tribe finds out that all the main forces of the Longxia navy have gone out for a friendly visit, there is no guarantee that they will not carry out a sneak attack and retaliate against the Longxia tribe.

Regarding the Donghuang tribe, a tribe with a lot of misdeeds, the Longxia tribe must remain extremely vigilant and must not let them succeed.

Not only that, but you must also keep an eye on every move of this tribe.

They are also capable of military adventures.

"Thank you very much, Chief Xu. I will do it. I will never give the Eagle Tribe a chance to make things difficult, and I'm not afraid of any of its henchmen getting in the way."

"With you guys seeing me off, I feel more confident."

Representative Long said with great solemnity, but he was particularly moved in his heart.

As the navy becomes stronger, the delegation will have more confidence and a stronger backbone when negotiating with others.

After explaining the precautions, Xu Dongguo walked up to Zhou Qinglei.

"Zhou Qinglei, let's go!"

"Yes, Chief!"

After bidding farewell to Representative Long and his party, Xu Dongguo led the people off the warship.


With a melodious whistle, 052D slowly sailed out of the pier facing the rising sun and sailed towards the sea outside the military port.

Accompanying it in action are eight 052Cs and related ancillary ships.

After watching the fleet leave, Xu Dongguo also turned back to the headquarters. He was the commander-in-chief of this operation and was responsible for the specific deployment matters.

At the same time, the Longxia Tribe’s Foreign Affairs Department issued an announcement.

"In order to strengthen cooperation and exchanges with the tribes in the Dongzhou Sea, and to maintain peace and stability in the Dongzhou Sea, our naval fleet will conduct a friendly visit to the relevant tribes."

"Route: Start from the Feilu tribe and walk around the tribes in the Dongzhou sea area, then leave Malacca and pass through the Indian Ocean."

"We will visit the Feilü tribe, Nihan tribe, Lijiapo tribe, Malay tribe, Baixiang tribe and other tribes along the way. As for those who have not been visited, we will arrange it when we have the opportunity in the future."

Once the news came out, some people were happy and some were sad.

Those tribes were very happy when they saw that their own tribe was not on the visit list.

As for the tribes who were forcibly questioned, they were very unhappy, but they still received visit applications from Long Xia's foreign affairs department one after another.

Faced with these applications, they have no right to reject them and can only accept them in full.

They know very well that this visit is peaceful on the surface, but in fact it is very threatening. If they want to refuse, they don't have the strength.

Feilu Tribe: "Damn it, I feel so heartbroken that I am the first to be interviewed. This is costing me half my life. Why is my life so miserable? Please beg Dad Eagle. take care of."

Ni Hard Tribe: "I thought that we would be ignored despite such a long distance, but in the end we still didn't escape. I'm such a good boy and actually came in second place. Damn Long Xia Haijun, he didn't give us any chance." Ah. My calves are still shaking."

Iron Monkey Tribe: "Hahaha, I'm so happy today. We were not selected. I'm so happy. I must have a few drinks today."

Malay Tribe: "What a sin, we were actually chosen. What the hell did I do wrong? God must torture us like this. Oh, damn bastards, Iron Monkey, don't be too happy." It’s early, let’s take a look at Long Xia’s announcement.”

Li Jiapo: "Why does Long Xia Haijun, who has killed a thousand swords, want to visit us? Are we so easy to bully? Don't you know that our eldest brother is from the Eagle Tribe?"

Then the Iron Monkey tribe received a lot of scolding, blaming them for being happy too early and causing public anger.

White Elephant Tribe: "Why did the Long Xia Navy want to visit us? Just pretend we don't exist, can't you? We are scared if they do it so brutally."

Malay tribe: "Forget it, just accept it as it comes. You have to accept it even if you don't want to. The situation is stronger than the people."

Upon the release of this news, the selected tribes collectively remained silent.

Because they suddenly discovered that they did not have the strength to refuse the visit application issued by the Longxia tribe.

The several high-level tribe bosses and naval commanders who were named were collectively frightened. They all gathered together to discuss countermeasures, but they really couldn't think of any good solutions.

They were forced to hold emergency safety meetings continuously.

The representative of the Iron Monkey Tribe glanced at the crowd and said, "Do you have a chance to refuse? If not, then you can only accept it. Didn't you see that the Donghuang Tribe was not arranged to visit? Obviously, those who were interviewed were carefully selected by Long Xia of."

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