I built an armada

Chapter 323 Long Xia’s sword will open the way for Long Xia’s trade

"This time, we are going to let Long Xia Haijun see what slander is."

“They want a friendly visit, that’s a dream!”

Morita Hidemasa was very happy at the thought of being able to pour dirty water on the Ryukatsu Navy's friendly visit fleet.

As long as they can disrupt the Long Xia tribe's visit, they are willing to do any bad thing. There is no psychological burden on them because they list this action as an important part of their revenge.

As for the pirates in Malacca, they have existed for a long time, and many of them are still the mainstay of their Donghuang tribe. Anyway, as long as they can rob the Long Xia merchant ship and obtain relevant benefits from it, then they are willing to do it.

"Helicopter, Captain, helicopter."

"The Long Xia Navy has discovered us, and they have sent helicopters to keep an eye on us."

Before he could be happy for long, he heard the hurried shouts of the crew. They obviously did not expect that the Longxia Navy would actually take action, which frightened them.

"Why are you panicking?"

"Isn't it just a helicopter? We can still grab it, and there are no guns on the helicopter to kill us."

"Move quickly, we must plunder Long Xia's navy when it passes by!"

Morita Hidemasa held a loudspeaker and ordered unhappily, no matter what, he would do it.

At this time, he was holding a loudspeaker in his left hand, an AK47 in his right hand, a ring of bullets wrapped around his body, and a skull turban on his head, looking like a pirate.


The pirates could only continue their actions and launched an attack on a cargo ship. Each of them held weapons such as submachine guns in their hands, and some simply carried RPG rocket launchers.

Previously, they had robbed many passing ships with this kind of equipment.

Because they maneuver quickly and their boats are small and easy to turn around, every time a neighboring country dispatches its navy, they will hide or use passing ships as cover.

"Da da da!"

Suddenly at this moment, a series of tongues of fire spurted over.

"Bagayalu, they really dare to take action!"

"Quick, take cover quickly."

Seeing that his ship was instantly smashed into sieves by bullets, Morita Hidemasa hurriedly shouted loudly.

"Jump into the sea, jump into the sea, damn Longxia Navy."

"They are trying to kill us. What a bastard. Who said Long Xia's navy wouldn't take action?"

"Those bastards, they are really harmful!"

Morita Hidemasa was desperate and jumped into the sea desperately.

Soon, the Long Xia fleet immediately stopped moving forward and launched an anti-piracy operation on this busy international waterway. The Malay tribe also dispatched relevant ships to participate in the operation.

As the speedboats were launched one after another from the 052C, the fully armed maritime special operations team members immediately sailed away from different directions at high speed towards the waters where pirates were infested.

Capture the pirates who fell into the water, and among them was Morita Hidemasa.

Seeing that the Long Xia fleet had taken action, the Malay tribe was not to be outdone and hurriedly dispatched relevant ships to the sea area where the incident occurred. Naturally, they wanted to get involved.

There was a pirate incident in Malacca, and they had known for a long time that the situation was too complicated and could not be solved by their tribe alone. Now that Long Xia Fleet was here to help, it was natural that they could only ask for it.

They actually didn't expect that Long Xia's navy would really dare to do it.

He would never show mercy to the pirates, and directly destroyed the pirate ship with naval guns. It was so fierce, especially the close-range defense guns on the ship, the firepower output was simply insane.

What was originally a 100-ton pirate ship was beaten to nothing in less than a minute.

At noon, Longxia's foreign affairs department issued an announcement.

"In view of the safety and importance of the Malacca waterway, our naval fleet and the Malay tribes have launched joint anti-piracy and joint search and rescue exercises, and both parties jointly maintain peace and security in the Malacca Strait."

As soon as this announcement came out, it immediately caused an uproar around the world.

Their first reaction was disbelief, and then they began to pray for the pirates in Malacca. When should they not cause trouble? They had to do it when the Long Xia naval fleet was passing through. Isn't this too old to cause trouble?

He insisted on stretching his neck under Long Xia Haijun's butcher knife to test the sharpness, just because he disliked that he lived too long.

The news soon spread to the Donghuang tribe.

Shushang Tianfu rushed to the cabinet chief's office in a hurry and reported the news.


"Long Xia Navy is really damned, they actually played this trick on us, they are bastards."

"Morita Hidemasa and the others are also bastards, and they never pick a good time to take action."

The leader of the cabinet was so angry that he almost spit out his blood. The operation that he had planned so hard was actually cracked, and Long Xia took advantage of it to make a fuss.

Angry, he instantly realized something very serious.

"Quickly, inform the secret agents in the Long Xia tribe that I must kill Moruda Hidemasa and his group."

"We absolutely cannot have any handle being controlled by the damn Long Xia."

"Go quickly."

The leader of the cabinet suddenly woke up and yelled loudly at Tian Fu in the tree.

He is very worried now. Once Morita Hidemasa and his group are caught, and if they can't bear it any more, they all will be confessed, then the Donghuang tribe will lose all face.


The field man on the tree hurriedly accepted the order and turned around.

At the same time, many tribes that had received friendly visits once again held online emergency meetings.

Feilu Tribe: "Damn it, the Long Xia Navy is here for real. Those pirates are in trouble. Fortunately, we reacted quickly, otherwise we would have been the first target. If we did, we would definitely lose and scare the baby to death." ”

Nigang tribe: "The Feilu tribe has set an example, and we have also learned very successfully, and finally sent the Longxia fleet away very friendly. Seeing the scene of the pirate ship being shattered into pieces, my little heart is still trembling. , the Longxia fleet is too oppressive, the key is that they really dare to take action. "

Thousand Buddha Tribe: “We had very frank and friendly communication and cooperation before, and nothing happened.”

"We have decided to further strengthen cooperation with the Longxia Navy and can resume purchasing weapons and equipment from them. They will really maintain peace and stability in the Dongzhou waters."

Malay tribe: "Those pirates are really short-sighted. They actually went to provoke the Long Xia fleet, but they were punished. Fortunately, we responded quickly and immediately launched a joint search and rescue exercise with them. It was so refreshing. It felt like we were talking to our big brother. It’s the same as working.”

"We announce that starting from today, we will regularly hold anti-piracy and joint search and rescue exercises with the Long Ha Navy to jointly maintain the safety and stability of Malacca's waterways."

White Elephant Tribe: "Why do I hear what you mean? It seems that everyone has changed their attitude. What about your persistence and your attitude? Forget it, the muscles of the Longxia Tribe are so perfect this time, my scalp is numb. ”

They were all glad that their tribe did not do anything outrageous, and each of them responded faster than the other. Gradually, their style of painting changed, and the original friendly visit gradually evolved into a friendly exchange activity that was enjoyable.

The change has been so rapid, unprecedented.

On this day, the Donghuang tribe cabinet meeting was successfully held.

Shushang Tianfu gave a detailed report on the reactions of all the visited tribes in Dongzhou at the meeting, but the result was far beyond their expectations.

"My lords, this is the situation."

"The tribes that were visited have all changed their attitudes now. They are all very lucky that they responded quickly and were able to adjust their relationship with Long Xia Navy in time, and then launched many friendly exchanges and cooperation."

"The Long Xia Fleet's visit is still continuing."

The words of Shushang Tianfu directly shocked all the cabinet ministers. They were in a very bad mood, but they could not say anything.

Whether it is the announcement of Long Xia's foreign affairs department or the actions of Long Xia's fleet, they are all a conspiracy.

Fight pirates and conduct joint search and rescue exercises.

When these two banners are raised, who the hell has the brains to object?

Unless you don't want to hang out on Blue Star, that's fine.

Obviously, things had far exceeded their expectations. Instead, the sabotage was used by the Longxia tribe and turned into their propaganda materials.

Isn't this guy handing a knife to Long Xia Haijun?

What was a good friendly visit and a show of force turned into a show of force for peace and stability. This is rubbing salt into their wounds.

Eagle Tribe, Washington, Black Palace.

The staff sent today's latest news here, including the reaction of these Dongzhou tribes, as well as the anti-piracy and joint search and rescue exercises conducted by the Longxia tribe.

"Great Chief, the Longxia Navy has really turned the friendly visit into a friendly exchange event."

"The Long Xia Navy was indeed carefully prepared this time, taking advantage of every accident that occurred along the way, and showing their determination to use force."

"Those pirates in the Strait of Malacca are going to be in trouble."

After the report, the staff sighed with complicated emotions.

The Eagle Tribe stationed its fleet in Lijiapo, close to the exit of the Strait of Malacca, but their plan to combat pirates was never revealed. Instead, the Long Xia Navy Fleet took a big advantage and gained a good reputation.

"Great Chief, there is another important piece of information."

"The pirates dispatched this time were planned by the intelligence department of the Eastern Barren Tribe. Their purpose was to obstruct and discredit the Long Xia Fleet. However, they did not expect that the Long Xia Fleet would actually take action."

The staff then submitted a top-secret intelligence document to the chief. When he received the intelligence, he couldn't laugh or cry.


"The Donghuang tribe is really stupid. Do you really think they are the only smart people and the whole world is stupid?"

"Forget it, leave them alone."

"Let the Long Xia Navy do whatever they want, as long as our interests are not violated."

After reading the information, the warchief was so angry that he cursed to vent his dissatisfaction, but he soon calmed down and knew that he could no longer stop the Long Xia fleet from advancing.

But now he is even more curious about what the Long Xia fleet will do next. After making such a long circle, they are also heading towards the Indian Ocean to visit the White Elephant tribe.

This route is very strange.

"Look at it, this route is very strange."

"Isn't the Long Xia fleet an armed escort for their negotiators to the Kata tribe?"

"Are they crazy?"

When the chief took a pen to connect the routes, a very terrible thought suddenly flashed in his mind and he exclaimed.

"Great Chief, please be patient."

"Even if they do this, they won't be able to make big waves. We have completed the deployment."

"It is impossible for our allies to let them pass. If they want to join the Blue Star Alliance trade organization, I am afraid that the Longxia tribe will fail."

"We'd better sit back and wait for the good show."

Several staff members quickly tried to persuade him. They had the strength and confidence.

Whether it is the Western Group or other tribes, they have already said hello, and they can punish anyone who disobeys.

"Yes, yes, we should sanction them."

"Tell the negotiators that you will stop the Longxia tribe from joining the association no matter what."

The chief gradually became quiet and then gave instructions to his staff.

Since he couldn't intercept it on the road, he didn't believe that he couldn't make the Longxia tribe pay the corresponding price if he went to cause damage at the venue.

In fact, Long Xia Haijun's move really killed two birds with one stone. It not only eliminated the sabotage of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe, but also severely slapped their Eagle Tribe in the face.

After a friendly visit to the White Elephant Tribe, and after nearly ten days of sailing, the Long Xia Fleet finally successfully arrived at the Kata Tribe.

Hundreds of tribal representatives have gathered in Doha City, where they are all quietly waiting for the annual meeting of the Blue Star Alliance trade organization.

At the same time, everyone knew that this meeting had an important agenda, which was to consider whether to allow the Longxia tribe to join the organization and become a formal member of the organization.

Originally, these representatives entered the venue directly, but today they all went to the Doha International Port under the guidance of the Kata tribe.

The majestic bodies of the 052Cs stand erected on the port, and the huge hulls can be seen from a long distance away.

"Let me tell you, is this the Long Xia fleet?"

"Isn't it too powerful?"

"I've never seen this before. I didn't expect Representative Long Xia to be escorted by such a great warship. Just thinking about it makes me feel very awesome."

Seeing the Long Xia delegation disembarking from the warship at the port, these tribal representatives all showed extremely envious eyes.

They all want such high-standard treatment, but many of their tribes cannot get so many advanced warships together no matter how hard they try.

Naturally, I can only feel envious.

The nine behemoth ships docked at the pier gave everyone a huge sense of oppression, and the visual impact they gave everyone was even more unimaginable.

Many representatives took out their cameras and took pictures wildly.

Many of these tribes have been won over by representatives of the Eagle Tribe and some western tribes. They have long been colluded and prepared to show some disgrace to the representatives of the Longxia Tribe and even prevent the Longxia Tribe from joining the association.

As a result, they learned some bad news from relevant channels. Representatives of the Longxia tribe did not arrive in Doha City last night, which naturally made them extremely surprised.

But when they woke up the next day, news came that the Longxia tribe's fleet had entered the Kata tribe's waters, and the Kata tribe's navy had already gone out to greet them.

Moreover, representatives of Long Xia will also come together. This is obviously escorted by the Long Xia fleet personally.

Such high-standard treatment was something that none of the tribal representatives had expected, and it was even more incredible to them.

How is this possible?

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