I built an armada

Chapter 326: Long Xia joins the association, angering the Western representatives

If the Longxia tribe joins the organization, then the tribes behind him will undoubtedly be able to get a preferential price from the Longxia tribe if they want to replace a batch of new warships, and they are brand new warships with advanced performance and no technical castration.

Whether the Longxia tribe can join now depends on how they choose.

Agree or oppose.

The results of different choices will lead to different consequences.

If the Longxia tribe does not join, they will continue to buy obsolete garbage warships from the Eagle tribe and the Western tribes as before, and pay high upgrade and renovation costs every year. Anyway, they are exploited in various ways.

The Western tribes completely treat them as lambs and want to fleece them as they want.

If the Longxia tribe can join, they can purchase several cutting-edge warships from the Longxia tribe. Not only will the tribe's combat effectiveness be enhanced, but Longxia also provides very good after-sales service, which will save them a lot of money at once.

It is not easy for each tribe to develop, and money is not blown by the wind and waves.

They are willing to spend the same price to get better warships. No one wants to be a sucker, and no tribe wants to be the blood bank of the Western tribes and be sucked blood by them crazily.

As the name of the Longxia tribe was mentioned, many tribal representatives became active.

In the past, the reason why everyone listened to the Eagle Tribe was purely because their navy was super strong and had many aircraft carriers, while the Longxia tribe only had the army. As for other military branches, I can't show them at all.

Without the support of the navy and air force, no matter how strong the Longxia Army is, it can't rush out of the country on its own. It can only play a role around the Longxia tribe and can't affect them.

As for the mushroom egg, it is indeed powerful and deterrent, but once it is launched, it will be a nuclear war.

However, now the Longxia Navy has been able to kill the autonomous forces of the East Desert Sea first, and even defeated their aircraft carrier formation. Now it has crossed the ocean and sailed thousands of kilometers to drive the fleet to the Kata tribe and personally escorted the Longxia delegation to the venue.

On the way, they also visited many coastal tribes in Dongzhou in a friendly manner, and held an anti-piracy and joint search and rescue exercise with surrounding tribes in Malacca.

According to the exposed video clips, it is obvious that the Longxia fleet is really fighting pirates, and it is very professional.

After this operation, the meaning is completely different.

In their view, the Longxia tribe has been able to reach the entire Blue Star and truly maintain the security of the maritime trade route.

Especially the fight against pirates, which directly shocked those rampant pirates.

For them, it is not only a matter of buying warships, but also a rare opportunity to make friends with the Longxia tribe.

Things always have two sides. When they support the Longxia tribe, they will inevitably offend many Western tribes.

As for whether it is worth it, it is up to them to weigh the pros and cons.

Because of this, many representatives were in a very complicated mood. They looked at the Western tribes headed by the Eagle Tribe, and then looked at the representatives of the Longxia tribe not far away.

For a while, the conference hall fell into a brief silence.

"Voting begins now. Those who oppose Longxia's joining the association, please press the voting machine."

Just as the tribal representatives were hesitant, the person in charge looked around and then spoke expressionlessly.

The representative of the Eagle Tribe took the lead in pressing the button and casting a vote against it, and did not forget to announce loudly: "We do not agree with Longxia joining the trade organization!"

Straightforward and threatening!

Soon, the Western tribes, that is, the allies of the Eagle Tribe, followed suit.

"We do not agree either."

"We think that the time for Longxia to join the association has not come yet. We should wait for a few more years. They still need to work harder."

"Second, we oppose it."

With the representative of the Eagle Tribe taking the lead, the situation developed in a direction that was not favorable to the Longxia tribe in the blink of an eye. In just a few minutes, more than 30 people voted against it.

It must be said that the influence of the Eagle Tribe is still very large.

Even though he had been mentally prepared, the Dragon representative was still a little nervous when he saw such a result.

But he also saw that the tribal representatives who catered to the request were far less than half, and less than a quarter of the previous years.

Because of this, before the results come out, the process is still worth looking forward to.

Seeing that no one objected, the person in charge spoke again: "Those who agree to the Longxia tribe joining the association, please vote."

The representative of the Laxi tribe was the first to stand up and said: "We support the Longxia tribe joining the association."

Then he pressed the approval button.

After doing all this, they smiled at the Longxia representatives and gave them a kind look.

Originally, the Longxia tribe lost a lot of maritime territory, and the navy was beaten and fled, with no power to fight back. They sought help from the Western tribes, but they ignored them. In the end, they urgently purchased 051C from the Longxia tribe.

After the two warships came back, they immediately showed their fierce fighting power and crazy firepower output ability. They stunned the Ertu tribe at the beginning of the war, and finally recovered the lost land.

Now they are fighting back and forth with the Ertu tribe, and they no longer have to fear the Ertu tribe navy.

"We also agree to the Longxia tribe joining the club."

"We believe that the time is ripe for Longxia to join the club, and their arrival can increase the authority and vitality of the trade organization."

Then the Tesha tribe also stood up. They were not afraid of the Eagle tribe and the opposition of many Western tribes, and still firmly expressed their support.

For them, buying several 051Cs from Longxia not only did not make any technical castration, but also provided very good after-sales guarantee, which saved them a lot of money and greatly improved their ability to safeguard national interests.

Later, they obtained an aircraft carrier from the Longxia tribe, which directly allowed them to enter the Blue Star Aircraft Carrier Club and became a powerful maritime force in the Indian Ocean that cannot be ignored.

Looking at the entire oil-rich country and the surrounding areas, which tribe can have such a good situation as theirs?

Only the Longxia tribe can give such a good situation!

In contrast, they had previously purchased weapons and equipment from the Western tribes, but they were cheated in various ways, and all they got were monkey-version weapons and equipment.

They spent a lot of money, but ended up buying castrated weapons and equipment, and they really thought they were being taken advantage of.

Comparing the two, they will naturally make their own choices.

Seeing the Tesha tribe stand up, the Eagle tribe representative's face suddenly changed.

The Tesha tribe voted in favor, agreeing that the Longxia tribe would join the trade organization, which made those hesitant tribes even more tormented.

They were very painful, and it was so difficult to make such a choice.

"We also agree that Longxia should join the organization. After all, Longxia is the vice president of Blue Star, and their trade is developing rapidly."

"If they don't join, the trade organization will not be complete."

At this time, a hesitant representative of the Kata tribe suddenly figured it out, and then made a statement, choosing to support the Longxia tribe.

Seeing several oil-rich tribes in the central region come forward to express their opinions, the face of the representative of the Eagle Tribe turned dark, which obviously broke his expectations.

He remembered clearly that he had communicated with these tribes before.

Damn, this is completely ignoring them, it's too much!

Seeing more and more representatives of oil-producing countries come forward, the representatives of the Eagle Tribe and other Western tribes suddenly felt bad.

They realized that the signs were getting more and more wrong, and the situation they had created with great difficulty was almost reversed. If this continued, I am afraid that the Longxia Tribe would have to join the association!

As expected, more and more representatives voted to support his Longxia Tribe to join the trade organization.

Soon the number of votes in favor exceeded the number of votes against, and the representatives of the Eagle Tribe and other Western tribes clenched their fists tightly, and they almost went crazy.

Especially the representatives of the Eagle Tribe, they have invested a huge price and finally persuaded so many tribes to oppose, but now it seems that it has no effect at all.

The final number of votes was 95, which means that 95 tribal delegations voted in favor.

In fact, only more than half of the representatives need to agree, which is obviously beyond expectations.

"Now I announce that the Longxia tribe has obtained 95 votes, which exceeds two-thirds of the votes."

"According to the relevant regulations of the trade organization, the application of the Longxia tribe has been approved."

After the person in charge looked at the relevant documents handed over by the assistant, he raised his head and looked at the representatives, then picked up a small hammer and hit the hammer board in front of the table.

With one hammer, the Longxia tribe officially became a member of the trade organization.

"Congratulations to the Longxia tribe for officially joining the Blue Star Alliance Trade Organization!"


After announcing the results, the person in charge took the lead in congratulating the Longxia tribe representative.

The Long representative suppressed his excitement and immediately went on stage to sign the relevant membership documents, completing the final process and completely finalizing the Longxia tribe's membership qualifications.


Returning to the seat of the delegation, the Dragon representative burst into laughter, and everyone in the Longxia delegation laughed, and the laughter resounded throughout the hall.

More than a decade of hard work, more than a decade of dream-chasing journey, finally came true on this day, in Doha City.

The Eagle Tribe delegation, who were sitting not far away, had gloomy faces and were full of hatred.

Before departure, the chieftain had clearly explained the task, asking them to stop the Longxia tribe from joining the organization, but he failed.

When they thought that they would definitely be punished when they returned, their hatred for the Longxia representative became even stronger.

At this moment, they wanted to kill all the members of the Longxia delegation.

He knew very well that the Eagle Tribe had sent representatives to the Longxia tribe some time ago, and they had bluntly threatened that the Longxia tribe would definitely stop dreaming of Doha City.

But who could have thought that this place would become the place where the dream of the Longxia tribe came true, like a loud slap in their old faces.

The other representatives of the Western tribes all had confused expressions on their faces. They really couldn't understand why they were suddenly attacked by the Longxia tribe.

The situation took a shocking turn and was completely out of their control.

Those tribal representatives who changed the direction in time couldn't help but secretly rejoice, and secretly shouted in their hearts that this time they made the right bet.

And those tribal representatives who hesitated and didn't turn in the end, now regretted it, and they couldn't help but secretly exclaimed that they were fooled by the Western tribe.

The Longxia tribe joined the trade organization and completed the last link of joining the WTO. In the future, it will become a member of the organization. In the future, the national strength will definitely increase greatly, and these hesitant tribes will eventually be remembered by Longxia.

When they thought of this, they couldn't help but feel a little flustered.

As soon as the meeting ended, a group of representatives ran to the Longxia tribe delegation seat to congratulate them enthusiastically.

While congratulating, they were asking about the warships intentionally or unintentionally.

Their idea was simple, that is, we used votes to lift your Longxia tribe into the trade organization, and now it is your turn to help us strengthen national defense.

They no longer want to be a sucker or a dumping ground for backward weapons.

Representative Long is a man with a clear mind, and he quickly understood the true intentions of the representatives.

"We know the intentions of all the representatives very well."

"Since you let us join the trade organization, we will naturally open the door to trade with you. We are definitely not ungrateful."

"Whatever you want, you can go to our Longxia tribe. We will arrange for the relevant person in charge to talk to you and help you get what you want."

"Again, our product quality is guaranteed, after-sales service is also guaranteed, and we will never sell castrated versions."

Representative Long looked at everyone talking, and his words naturally gave the tribal representatives a reassurance.

The representatives were extremely excited. They were finally able to change their allegiance and obtain high-quality and low-priced military products and a large number of civilian goods from the Longxia Tribe.

Many tribal representatives began to surround the Laxi Tribe, and the Tesha Tribe began to consult the precautions for purchasing weapons and equipment from the Longxia Tribe. It was obvious that they were ready to take action.

In order to avoid not knowing where to buy them after they went to the Longxia Tribe.

The many tribal representatives surrounded the Longxia Tribe delegation members, as if they had been neglected by the Western tribes, as if they had been completely forgotten. They were the ones who were surrounded before.

The huge psychological gap added to their strong hatred. The representative of the Eagle Tribe snorted angrily and left the meeting angrily.

After dealing with the situation here, someone in the delegation immediately sent the news back to the country.

After receiving the news, the members of the department responsible for relevant matters in the Longxia Tribe were very excited, and tears could not help but flow out and slide down their cheeks.

Some people even cried, they were so happy.

"More than ten years of hard work finally paid off. We have successfully joined the association. Woohoo, so happy."

"We have been neglected over the years, and we have survived all the hardships. We won!"

"So happy, we finally succeeded."

"In the future, our products can be sold all over the world, and we can enjoy tariff preferences. It's great. We can make full use of foreign markets."

Only they themselves know the sadness, but for the rise of the Longxia tribe and for the Longxia people to make more money, all their efforts have been rewarded.

This day is worth remembering and happy for the entire Longxia tribe, and it is a milestone.

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