I built an armada

Chapter 336: Once the core data is released, the military industry vows to take over the aircraft ca

At this time, military vehicles drove into the compound.

As soon as the car stopped, hundreds of fully armed soldiers jumped down from the backbone military vehicles and quickly set up a cordon around them.

They immediately realized that the information was extraordinary, but everyone was still a little confused.

Soon, they saw a large military truck slowly driving into the compound, and Sun Yongguo and Zhang Gongnong got out of a van.

Cheng Yiqiang immediately greeted him and took the lead in extending his hand and shaking hands with Sun Yongguo.

"Welcome to Base 702."

Base 702 was established on the basis of Institute 702. It is a unit with a very high confidentiality level. It is also a secret place built by the Navy specifically for aircraft carriers. It is absolutely confidential to the outside world.

It is uniformly called Base 702.

"Director Cheng, this is some of the core technical information of the Varyag."

"Very detailed, a real analytical version."

Looking at Cheng Yiqiang who was a little confused, and everyone else, Sun Yongguo spoke directly.

"You, you said this is all in this car?"

Cheng Yiqiang's face was full of disbelief, and he hurried over to check.

The experts behind him also ran over, and it was obvious that they didn't believe it either.

But when the sealed iron door was opened, the neatly stacked boxes of information shocked everyone and they cried out in surprise.

"Fuck, it's a truckload, my god, this is too scary."

"This is really detailed, who made it? So thoughtful, and there are annotations. This is the core technology that has been bothering us. It turns out that this is the idea."

"Explanation of 36 technical difficulties of aircraft carrier steam boiler system, hey, I said there was a problem with the direction before, it didn't work to directly copy the 956E, you still don't believe it, what about now? The boiler is not a simple enlargement and reduction, we can't have a boiler explosion accident."

"Active phased array radar application and analysis, it really doesn't work with the original one, the technology can't be transplanted unchanged, I finally understand, this is an aircraft carrier, we have to adapt to local conditions."

Seeing the content of these materials, the experts and professors were as excited as when they were on the list of successful candidates for the first time in their lives, and they almost jumped up.

Shock was written on everyone's face. These technical materials were a guiding light for them, and they were forced to correct them from the wrong direction.

As if they had found a treasure, they couldn't wait to hold the materials and study them well, and come up with an engineering prototype as soon as possible.

With this pile of information, they believe that they will be able to completely solve the problem of the power of the aircraft carrier.

"Now it's good, our aircraft carrier transformation plan can be smoothly promoted, it's really great."

Cheng Yiqiang was extremely excited, and ran to Sun Yongguo again, holding his hand tightly, "Old Sun, you are really a kind person, it's so timely, you sent us so much information."

"How do you want me to thank you?"

In fact, he still felt a little guilty when he mentioned this.

Before, the Navy handed over the work of continuing the construction of the aircraft carrier to them. He did not disappoint everyone and immediately organized a large number of experts and professors to participate in the research of related technologies.

However, more than half a year has passed, and most of the technologies on the aircraft carrier have not yet been researched.

It can be said that they are still conquering those scrap technologies, and the core technology has not been touched at all.

Even if there is a touch, it seems that the direction is wrong.

Before Sun Yongguo spoke, a group of military experts surrounded him and surrounded Zhang Gongnong and him in the middle.

"President Sun, where did these materials come from? It's just a solution to my urgent need. It's so comprehensive."

"48 lectures on ship sonar systems directly solved the aircraft carrier sonar system and cleared up the problem that has been bothering me for a long time. If I were to solve it myself, I don't know when it would take. Who is this person? I want to thank him in person and worship him as my teacher!"

"12 lectures on ship landing guidance system, so damn insightful. It turns out that it can be done this way. Fresnel lens is just a signal device. The main thing is to rely on radar landing guidance. It's so advanced."

"I have another book here, Ship Power Communication and Guarantee General Solution, which uses computers to control the power distribution of the entire ship, which solves many problems. It's so amazing. I'm just kneeling."

"Which great man did this? It's definitely impossible abroad. Is this person in China?"

Hearing the people's extremely excited and heated discussions, and still asking to see that person, both Sun Yongguo and Zhang Gongnong were deeply moved.

Especially Sun Yongguo, he really couldn't imagine that Su Dingping in the integrated military factory was not only busy teaching them the relevant core technology breakthroughs of 052D, but also managing the upgrading and transformation projects of the factory area.

But he managed to break through so many core technologies of aircraft carriers one by one in a few months.

Especially the power system of the Varyag aircraft carrier, that is a pain point and a difficulty, mainly because there is no experience and accumulation in this area in China, the time for the introduction of 956E is too short, and many technologies have not been fully understood by other military experts.

The goal of truly digesting the entire industrial chain has not been achieved at all.

Moreover, the power system has always been a shortcoming in China, but Su Dingping has managed to break through it.

Now they only need these military experts who continue to build aircraft carriers to understand it thoroughly, so that they can directly manufacture the engineering prototype and install it on the aircraft carrier.

Once it comes out, he believes that the power system of domestic ships will be qualitatively improved.

From then on, the Longxia tribe will no longer have any problems in the ultra-high power power system of ships.

In addition, the technology of active phased array radar has been further improved. Not only has the number of T/R components in it been qualitatively improved, but it also has more powerful detection and scanning functions.

Compared with combat ships, the active phased array radar equipped on aircraft carriers is more comprehensive in technology. While having detection functions, it can also have the function of fire control radar, which can guide missiles to targets and guide missiles on related ships to attack targets.

At the same time, it can also track more batches of targets and sort them according to the degree of threat.

Rapid firepower conversion greatly improves interception efficiency.

Of course, Su Dingping only gave the first generation version. As for the next generation of complete versions, it is naturally to be installed on domestic aircraft carriers. This is just a training ship.

First, the problem of whether there is or not must be met so that the navy can train more aircraft carrier talents.

Only by solving the problem of whether there is or not can the combat effectiveness be further improved.

As far as Longxia is concerned, the arrival of the Varyag aircraft carrier is the realization of the century-old aircraft carrier dream, allowing Longxia to establish a complete industrial chain for aircraft carriers.

Once the industrial chain is opened up, then as many aircraft carriers as you want to build in the future can be built, and all the equipment is purely domestically produced, so there is no need to worry about being strangled by foreign countries.

"President Sun, where did you get it from?"

"Just tell me?"

Seeing that Sun Yongguo didn't speak for a long time, Cheng Yiqiang asked again, seeming so impatient.

"Don't worry about where you got it from."

Sun Yongguo deliberately kept it a secret and asked with a smile, "Just tell me, how about the information I brought you?"

"Very useful, it's just timely rain."

Seeing the excited expressions of every military expert, Cheng Yiqiang also knew how powerful these materials were.

It is equivalent to directly opening up the Ren and Du meridians of the 702 base, completely activating the creativity and vitality of every military expert. They are no longer blind men groping in the dark and moving forward in the fog.

"That's fine. The construction of the Varyag aircraft carrier can be accelerated."

"We will also have our own aircraft carrier in the shortest possible time. The century-old dream of an aircraft carrier can finally be completed in the hands of our generation."

Sun Yongguo said very excitedly, and then urged, "Quick, move these materials down, and be careful with them all."

"Dean Cheng, these materials must have taken a lot of effort. I dare say that there is only one in the country or even the world."

Zhang Gongnong spoke at this time. He glanced at the excited people, "You must treat them well and fully understand the technology inside."

"Next, Dean Sun and I will work with you to overcome difficulties."

Cheng Yiqiang and a group of military experts suddenly looked stern, and everyone became extremely serious.

Before, Meng Lang was also taken away because he was too excited.

Cheng Yiqiang personally directed the personnel to move, and did not let the logistics department intervene. He led the team to move.

It was too heavy, so a forklift was called to assist in the movement.

"Be careful, don't break it."

"Ah, what's wrong with you? If you break it, I'll make you pay."

"You all know the importance of these materials, why do you have to move them so violently?"

Seeing that everyone accidentally bumped into the box while moving, Cheng Yiqiang felt distressed and shouted in anxiety. These materials were his favorite and more important than his life.

As for the box, it must not be damaged, otherwise if the information inside was damaged, wouldn't it be very bad?

A truckload of information was quickly moved to the confidential database, but it made the military experts breathless.

However, no one complained at all, and they were even annoyed for accidentally scratching the box skin, blaming themselves for being so careless.

Each of them knew that these materials could not be bought with any money, and they were blocked by foreign countries.

If they were seen by foreign colonists, I'm afraid they would set fire to these precious materials to show their loyalty to their breeders.

Some marines wanted to come over to help, but they refused to let them. They insisted on carrying the materials themselves, otherwise they would not feel at ease.

Inside the database.

Looking at the relevant materials piled up in different areas, the military experts were shocked again.

They found that many core technical materials were annotated and explained, which greatly reduced the difficulty of understanding. If they could not get it, they would be ashamed of Su Dingping.

"President Sun, Professor Zhang, don't worry, we will make full use of these materials."

"Master these core technologies as soon as possible and promote the continued construction of aircraft carriers as soon as possible."

"It's really detailed and very useful."

After completing the handover procedures, Cheng Yiqiang patted his chest and promised, and the military experts behind him were also very serious.

"Well, I believe you can master it as soon as possible."

"Forget it, I won't keep you in suspense. This is Comrade Dingping's work."

Sun Yongguo picked up a core technology document and read it. The level of detail was astonishing. "I have to say that these documents are very detailed, with various difficulties and key notes. You don't want Dingping to come and explain it, do you?"

"I promised him that we must learn it as soon as possible and implement it in the project as soon as possible."

Zhang Gongnong took over the conversation and said with great emotion: "When we conquered the relevant core technologies of 956E, Dingping also made notes on the relevant core technologies."

"We still haven't figured it out, so Dingping had to take the time to explain it to us patiently."

"But it's definitely not possible now. He has more important things to do, and many production tasks are waiting for him to do."

"Next, I'm afraid we can only figure it out slowly."

These words directly reminded many military experts on the scene of the excitement when 956E was pulled back two years ago. After Su Dingping took it on board and looked at it, they found that it was still a castrated version.

Even so, many core technologies in it were still difficult for them to understand.

At this time, Su Dingping had to dismantle the entire ship, cracking the relevant core technology while explaining it in detail, which was equivalent to an on-site teaching and training.

It was under such difficult conditions that the strength of these military experts was forcibly improved by several levels.

"Lao Zhang is right. With these materials, we can't rely on Dingping to teach us step by step for the continued construction of the aircraft carrier."

"We are also people with dignity. We are all old. We can't rely on Dingping for everything, right?"

"Don't you think so?"

Sun Yongguo continued, and his eyes stayed on everyone's face for a moment.

He had already thought about it on the way to pull the information over. No matter what, the continued construction of the Varyag aircraft carrier cannot be divided by Su Dingping's energy, but must be overcome by their own strength.

"I also told you that the reason why Dingping broke down the core technology is that he hopes we can study it thoroughly and open up the entire industrial chain of our own aircraft carrier production."

"Aircraft carrier technology, even if we have a good relationship with the White Bear Tribe, we can't buy it, and the West has strictly blocked us."

"And if the industrial chain is opened up, it will be natural for us to build our own domestic aircraft carrier in the future."

Sun Yongguo's words directly touched the hearts of everyone present. They are all experts who have been immersed in the military shipbuilding industry for many years, and they are all people who have made achievements.

The key is that they are old. If they all rely on Su Dingping, where will they put their old faces?

"President Sun, you are right. We have to have some dignity. These materials are so detailed and have important annotations. If we still can't figure it out, I, Wang, will just kill myself."

"It's the same for me, Zhang. This material is much more detailed than before. If I don't understand it thoroughly, am I still a human being? Now there is only one word, do it!"

"I promise you all here that if I, Zhao, slack off, any of you can point at my nose and scold me. I am so excited just thinking about opening up the entire industry chain. From today on, I will eat and live here. I will not go back until I get it done."

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