I built an armada

Chapter 341 Shock! The whole nation is excited about the navy

"Why do I suddenly feel that 052C is not so popular? Am I a person who loves new things and dislikes old things? Yes, this mysterious warship is my little sweetheart! I have fallen deeply in love with it."

"Such a warship is the most handsome. In comparison, I find that 052C has become ugly. Woohoo, this warship is true love."

This short naval battle scene directly turned the whole nation into a big pig's hoof who loves new things and dislikes old things. Almost all of them focused their attention on the mysterious warship that appeared in the last video.

At the same time, the appearance of two videos at different stages gave them a deeper understanding of the two naval battles last year.

Everyone almost instinctively felt that the two naval battles must have been very difficult, and the navy made great sacrifices to exchange for the final victory, but they never expected that it would be like this.

After two naval battles, the Longxia Navy achieved an unprecedented victory with the powerful performance of the warships, with almost zero casualties.

The Maritime Self-Defense Force is still the arrogant East Desert Maritime Self-Defense Force, but it did not expect that the Longxia Navy would make such rapid progress, and the performance of the warships it is equipped with is stronger than the previous generation!

In this way, the Longxia Navy has really achieved a change of guns and cannons, and turned over a new leaf!

In the future, in the Dongzhou Sea, who dares to say that the Longxia Navy is not good?

At this moment, the people of Longxia felt a sense of security.

Just as everyone was still immersed in shock, Zhang Zhaoxin's voice appeared in the video again.

"This is the absolute main combat ship among our navy's active warships."

Zhang Zhaoxin suddenly changed the subject, "But is it really our most powerful warship? Come on, welcome to join our navy family, you will know the answer when you come!"

At the end of his recruitment video, an animated CG appeared, the lights suddenly illuminated, and a picture full of science fiction appeared with great impact.

A huge warship was covered by a huge curtain, only revealing its hull outline, but it gave people unlimited reverie.

With the end of the recruitment video, a text slowly emerged: The strongest destroyer of the navy! Please imagine boldly!

It seemed to appear out of nowhere, and the picture was frozen for this.

Until the end of the recruitment video, almost everyone was still immersed in shock.

Not only the audience in front of the TV, but also the military fans gathered on the Internet, or the hosts in the studio, including those behind the scenes of the TV station.

At this moment, they were all in great shock.

Even though the staff in front of and behind the TV station were very professional, very dedicated, and had very high professional qualities, they were still shocked at this moment.

After all, this recruitment video was only seen by the director before, and it was directly inserted.

Before the video was played, it was highly confidential, and others were not qualified to watch it.

The host also watched it with the general public.

In the studio, almost everyone remained in a state of extreme shock, and no one reminded the host that he could broadcast the next segment.

Fortunately, only five or six seconds later, the host was the first to react.

People in this position usually maintain a very high mental concentration, and their reaction speed is usually higher than that of ordinary people.

"Dear viewers, I watched the Navy's recruitment video this year just like everyone else, and I just want to say that I was very shocked."

"Our Navy has really grown up, and has become very strong and very powerful."

"They can fully shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding our country's maritime interests and build a maritime steel Great Wall for our great motherland to keep all enemies out."

"Looking back on the Navy's history, there are sadness, pain, and many regrets, but today with the commissioning of a large number of advanced modern warships such as 052C, our Navy has become stronger from weak, and the past things of being invaded by others are gone forever!"

"We will always support the Navy to become stronger!"

"The Navy has been sharpening its sword for four years, and the sword is invincible wherever it points!"

Then the host changed the subject and continued, "Now, let's continue broadcasting today's news."

Since its launch, the evening news broadcast has remained unchanged for decades and has become an important window for the general public to understand current events and international dynamics.

It is also an important window for the country to release major events to the outside world, affecting almost everyone's daily life.

Therefore, the daily news broadcast has always attracted a large number of people, even in the modern society with highly developed information technology.

But today, something unusual happened, which also caused a huge sensation.

In a building in Pengcheng.

An old man was sitting in front of the TV. He was watching the news broadcast as usual, but he never thought that he saw the navy recruitment video.

Even though he had watched it for a full minute, he was still excited.

"Xiao Qiang, was it our navy just now? Is it really our navy?"

The young man who was peeling oranges on the side responded quickly: "Yes, grandpa, that is our navy, absolutely true."

"Did our navy really beat the aircraft carrier fleet of the East Desert Sea Self-Defense Force?"

The old man asked again, and his voice was so moving that he could not help but be moved.

The young man called Xiaogang quickly sat in front of the old man so that the old man could hear his voice clearly.

The old man was already blurry-eyed and his ears were a little deaf.

He was a survivor of World War II decades ago. He made outstanding contributions to the Longxia tribe's fight against aggression and drove the East Wasteland devils out of the Longxia tribe.

Even so, the East Wasteland tribe still refused to admit that they were defeated by the Longxia people. Instead, they thought that they had to surrender after the two mushroom eggs of the Eagle tribe exploded!

In the bones of the East Wasteland people, they look down on the Longxia people and always think that the Longxia people are defeated!

For this reason, he was very angry!

But he could do nothing.

Especially after hearing that the East Wasteland Sea was rampant in the Dongzhou waters, completely ignoring the Longxia Navy and often provoking the sovereignty and interests of Longxia.

"Yes, Grandpa."

The young man called Xiaogang nodded and responded loudly, "Grandpa, those two videos show that our navy defeated the East Desert Maritime Self-Defense Force. Not only did we defeat them, but we also achieved zero casualties."

"We defeated the East Desert Maritime Self-Defense Force aircraft carrier fleet and forced them to surrender. The 052C that just appeared in the video also appeared at the surrender ceremony that day."

"Grandpa, our navy has really become stronger and equipped with many advanced warships!"

The old man understood it completely this time. His hands were shaking with excitement, and tears rolled in his turbid eyes. It seemed that he saw the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 many years ago, but now he was attacking and defending aliens.

The Longxia Navy has finally become stronger and no longer has to fear any villains.

"Good, good."

"Our navy finally has new equipment and has become tough!"

"In the future, we will no longer have to fear being bullied by the East Desert Japs. They no longer have that ability!"

The old man said with great excitement, his voice trembling, and his emotions were high.

"Xiaogang, study hard and apply for the naval academy this year."

"You also have to take on the responsibility of defending the country. This is your mission, do you know?"

After a moment, the old man's turbid eyes suddenly became unusually bright and firm, staring at his grandson and speaking loudly.

In the past, there might have been risks, and he could make concessions, but this time he would never give in.

"Yes, Grandpa."

"I have made an agreement with a few friends to apply for the Naval Ship Command Academy together."

Xiaogang did not resist this time, and stood up and stood straight in front of the old man, saying very solemnly.

"Okay, okay."

"This is my good grandson."

The old man was slightly startled, and then a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

He could see that his grandson had changed.

At the same time, Qindao, in the military retirement home.

In an independent villa, an old man in an old-fashioned naval uniform sat on a rattan chair and stared at the TV broadcasting the news broadcast with tears in his eyes.

He had driven warships to perform maritime expulsion missions many times, and the warships he expelled the most were those of the East Desert Maritime Self-Defense Force.

He was the naval veteran who was helped by Zhang Zhaoxin to visit the ship during the naval review that day, and personally felt the powerful performance of 051C.

Now he is old and retired, but he still remembers it very clearly. He was very angry that day, and he actually exposed the most advanced missile destroyer of the navy so early, and the relevant secrets were stolen by foreign spies.

Of course, some people speculated at the time whether there were new warships, but Zhang Zhaoxin did not reveal a word.

Although he had seen 052C when watching the live broadcast of the surrender ceremony before, it was just a clip. The rear deck gave people the feeling that it was very new and large, and there was also a large hangar, but the hangar was closed, and no one knew whether there were helicopters parked inside.

But today, not only was 052C exposed, but also the scene of it participating in the naval battle was exposed.

This clearly told the world that Longxia has been equipped with more advanced modern missile destroyers, and anyone who dares to provoke Longxia’s national interests will be beaten up.

The pictures flashed through his mind, and the old man became more and more excited.

"No wonder they dared to show the 051C to the world. It turned out that it had entered the retirement stage."

"The Navy has come a long way, it has been very difficult, and now it has finally made it and become a strong maritime force on Blue Star."

"Damn it, who dares to bully us Longxia in the future!"

As the old man spoke, his eyes were red, and hot tears flowed down. These were tears of happiness, and even more tears of joy.

I am happy that the Longxia Navy can have today!

The Navy is no longer the Wuxia Amon of the past, but has become a real strong army!

At the same time.

After watching the Navy recruitment video, the audience in front of the TV had a sharp decline in interest in continuing to watch the news broadcast for the first time. What they are most concerned about now is the Navy.

Especially those young people, many of them even started to make appointments to get together and talk about this matter.

"Old Zhou, have you watched our navy's recruitment video? If you have, let's go out for a drink and celebrate."

"Hey, why didn't you watch this video? My god, you missed the visual feast. You are a bad person. You don't care about national affairs at all."

"Brother, are you listening to me? Today's recruitment video is too explosive. It shows two naval battles in a row. We won both of them and directly defeated the East Desert Sea."

"At first, I thought it was just a recruitment video, but I didn't expect it to be a show of force to show the strength of our navy. My father, who was a navy officer, cried."

At this moment, almost all parts of Longxia Tribe were filled with excited people. They gathered together because of the navy recruitment video, drinking and bragging in the night market stalls.

Even if you drink alone, you will be infected by the chats of the passionate young people around you.

They vented their emotions crazily.

What's more, some people bought fireworks and set them off, making it like the New Year.

This happened in many places in Longxia Tribe.

Whether it was a city or a town.

People were immersed in the warm atmosphere of joy, celebrating the strength of the navy and toasting to those cutting-edge warships.

After being depressed for so long, they finally got to see the scene of the successive defeats of the East Desert Sea.

On the Tiexue Forum, the majority of military fans burst into tears and went completely crazy.

They have always been troubled by the battle situation of the Longxia Navy, but the two video clips released today have solved all the confusion.

They have been suffering for more than half a year and have been arguing for more than half a year, but today they were taught a lesson by the video.

There were two naval battles with the East Desert Sea Self-Defense Force. Almost all military fans, without exception, believe that the Navy's victory came at a high price.

After all, the East Desert Sea Self-Defense Force has been rampant in the Dongzhou Sea for decades, and the 88 Fleet alone has been updated several times.

On the other hand, the equipment of the Longxia Navy is either the old 051 or the old 053H3 frigate. There is no way to fight against it and there is no chance of winning.

Who knows, the result is different from what each of them thought.

The Navy taught them a good lesson with facts, what is a complete victory!

They never thought that the Navy is no longer the small Navy of the past.

The navy that made the majority of military fans worried and anxious about what to do in the future has completely stood up and become an existence that they have to look up to.

"My dear mother, the navy has sent out all its elite this time, and it has really gone all out for enrollment. It is so powerful."

"Colonel Zhang was evasive at the naval review before, and did not reveal any secrets about the new ship. He just said that we would know it later. Sure enough, he did not lie to us and really let us all know that we have such a powerful shield ship as 052C."

"During the first naval battle, I thought the navy paid a heavy price, and I still felt so in the second naval battle, but the two videos played today slapped my old face hard. . "

"I was slapped twice today. I can say with confidence that almost all military fans have been slapped by the navy. But I am willing to bear this slap. Damn, we completely defeated the East Desert Maritime Self-Defense Force without losing a single soldier. I just want to ask you if you are awesome or not!"

"Awesome Plas, I am willing to bear such a slap. I am happy to do so. I am afraid that those who hate their country, banana people, and colonial people are different. They are probably crying in the toilet. "

"You have to sign a confidentiality agreement to visit the 051C at the naval review. I was worried that it was sunk before, and I was so sad for a while. "

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