I built an armada

Chapter 353: Too many ships, naming them becomes a problem

Even if this missile was launched from an aerial platform, it could not penetrate the air defense network of the 10,000-ton destroyer.

It is equivalent to putting on a layer of diamond shield iron cloth for the Longxia Navy!

As for fighters, or reconnaissance planes, it goes without saying that they are purely here to send heads, so that pilots and crew members can reach heaven and reincarnate as soon as possible.

At present, in the Dongzhou Sea area, the most headache for the Longxia Navy is the garrison deployed by the Eagle Tribe in the Donghuang Tribe, especially the Seventh Fleet, which has a complete aircraft carrier battle group.

After the 10,000-ton destroyer was equipped, the Longxia Navy naturally had nothing to worry about. There was no need to be afraid, just fight directly.


Su Dingping took a deep breath and exhaled again, which barely suppressed the joy in his heart.

Next, he had to transform some equipment in the integrated military factory, and at the same time, he needed to upgrade some upstream military factories.

In a blink of an eye, he appeared in the office of the integrated military factory.

Time is like flowing water, passing by in a hurry, and never coming back.

Su Dingping was busy in the integrated military factory, and at the same time he shuttled back and forth in the virtual forging space of the military industry illustrations, running back and forth.

With the foundation of countless trial and error in the forging space, his research and progress in the real world to overcome related technologies was very fast and smooth.

The effect brought about was naturally just right.

Before truly building a 10,000-ton destroyer, Su Dingping still needed to train those military experts and improve their knowledge level, otherwise, even if the relevant drawings were handed over to them, they would not be able to replicate them.

Because for Su Dingping, all the difficulties were solved in the military industry illustrations, and for him, almost all obstacles and difficulties had been cleared, but for those military professors and experts, it was completely different.

It was precisely because of this that he encountered considerable obstacles when teaching these people.

"Looking at you, it seems that you haven't even mastered the relevant technologies of 052D."

"Is it?"

Seeing that the military experts didn't even master the core technology of active phased array radar, Su Dingping held his forehead with his right hand, and his face was full of helplessness.

Although the 052D guided missile destroyer has been launched for a long time, and even mass production has started, they have not yet thoroughly understood the relevant core technologies.

They can only delve into the fields they are good at, and know very little about other professional matters, or even have no way to understand them at all.

At this moment, he finally understood why they were called experts, just people who specialize in one field.


These military experts nodded a little embarrassedly.

They were all full of apologies.

Su Dingping taught them a lot, but they had no way to thoroughly understand the professional knowledge that was not in their own field, and they had no overall thinking to consider the problem.

"Forget it, let's take it slowly, and first understand the technologies of 052D."

"Then learn more advanced professional knowledge."

Seeing these gray-haired old men still listening to his lectures, and they were embarrassed like children who made mistakes, Su Dingping knew that he could only choose to compromise.

He knew that before these experts and professors had thoroughly understood the core technologies of 052D, it was not feasible to force them to learn the relevant knowledge and new technologies of 10,000-ton destroyers.

After all, the relevant core technologies of 10,000-ton destroyers are more advanced and more advanced than 052D.

For them, it is more difficult to understand.

Even if they work all night, it is unlikely.

"Starting from today, I will give you one month. If you don't understand anything, just ask me."

"I will answer your questions."

"Before you have thoroughly understood the relevant technologies of 052D, the core technologies of 10,000-ton destroyers should be put aside."

"We can't force things to happen, we must advance our learning work down to earth."

Su Dingping felt that he couldn't be too fast, otherwise there would be big problems later, which would be even more troublesome.

Since the problem was found, it would be solved.

Anyway, mass production of 052D has begun, and everything is on track, basically achieving the rhythm of launching two ships at the same time in two and a half months.

"You don't have to blame yourself. We still have plenty of time."

"I didn't care too much before, and I was too impatient. I ignored your ability to accept. I'm really sorry."

"But next, I hope you can thoroughly understand the core technologies of 052D in your own field and master them thoroughly, because they are the basis for building a 10,000-ton destroyer."

Looking around at everyone, Su Dingping said loudly. He knew very well that he couldn't expect these experts to become all-rounders or generalists, but could only hope that they could make achievements in their own fields.

Now he has figured it out. Aren't these experts proficient in their own fields?

Then just train them according to this model, let them first understand their respective fields, make subsystems first, and then integrate them.

Anyway, he is young now and has plenty of time, so let him do the system integration himself!

"Then from today on, we will teach in separate classes."

"According to each system."

Next, Su Dingping directly dispersed all these military industry experts and taught them in separate classes, but these people would still be gathered into a very large classroom, but the classroom was transformed into circular partitioned seats.

Power system, electronic system, control system...

Different systems will be closely integrated and intersected, so that they can be as knowledgeable as possible in other professional fields.

Even so, these military industry experts now have to burn the midnight oil to fight.

Fortunately, these military industry experts have a rich reserve of knowledge, so Su Dingping's teaching is not so difficult, which is a kind of comfort.

In the blink of an eye, more than a month passed.

By early July.

The Navy has successfully recruited more than 20,000 people, of which nearly 7,000 to 8,000 are in technical jobs. Many of them have PhDs and master's degrees, and have a certain amount of knowledge, which is very suitable for Su Dingping's appetite.

The vacancy created by him pulling away so many people has finally been filled.

Regarding the report sent by Zhang Zhaoxin, several leaders held a seminar specifically to study and deploy relevant countermeasures. Everyone took it lightly.

Of course, this is the result of three screenings and back-checking. Otherwise, the number of people would be far more than this.

The enthusiastic registration has paralyzed the registration website. Will the number of people still be small?

It’s just that the navy’s enrollment requirements are stricter and its requirements for talents are also relatively high.

Northern Naval Base, headquarters, office.

Xu Dongguo glanced at you on the military expenditure application form, picked up the brush and signed his name on it.

After signing, he did not immediately hand the list to Zhang Zhaoxin. Instead, he looked up at him and said, "This group of newly recruited people needs to make great efforts to train them. Don't be reluctant to spend money."

"They are vital to the future of our Navy, do you understand?"

Zhang Zhaoxin quickly straightened his body and responded seriously: "Understood! Chief!"

"In addition, as I told you before, everyone's background must be clean and their origins must be investigated."

"Our navy is no longer what it used to be. We need to be more cautious in everything we do."

"With such a large enrollment this time, it is inevitable that there will be no fish in troubled waters. I want you to eliminate all unstable factors."

Xu Dongguo reminded with a serious face that the navy must keep it secret. This is the secret method of the rise of Long Xia Navy that is not spread to outsiders.

Because once word spreads, it will immediately arouse the vigilance of the Eagle Tribe and make surrounding tribes uneasy, leading to an unnecessary arms race.

This is still a small matter, but if you say it in a big way, the secrets of the Navy will be leaked, which will have very serious consequences.

"Chief, please rest assured that we will be serious and responsible."

Zhang Zhaoxin hurriedly patted his chest and said, "We have formulated relevant plans, and all will undergo three rounds of screening to ensure nothing goes wrong."

Then he put a plan in front of Xu Dongguo.

"Okay, take it."

Xu Dongguo glanced at it and handed the application form to Zhang Zhaoxin.

"By the way, what's the situation at the integrated military factory?"

"Do you have any news?"

Before Zhang Zhaoxin could leave, Xu Dongguo asked again.

Recently, since Sun Yongguo went to the 702 base to help, the integrated military factory has been in a vacuum. Su Dingping was too busy and did not have any time to make reports.

As for picking up the ship, Wan Long notified them.

"Reporting to the chief, there is no specific information."

"But according to what Battalion Commander Wan said a few days ago, the integrated military factory seems to be testing something. I don't know the details, and the other party didn't say anything."

Zhang Zhaoxin told everything he knew without hiding anything.

"Okay, then go ahead."

Xu Dongguo nodded and dismissed him without asking any more questions.

In fact, he was very pleased. Zhang Zhaoxin didn't know the specific situation in the integrated military factory, so outsiders naturally had no way of knowing. Wanlong's confidentiality work was still very good.

At this point, he was still relieved.

When the navy's recruitment reached this point, he had to report to Liu Huaming. After sorting out the relevant information, he took a special plane to the capital headquarters the next day.

Beijing headquarters, in the conference hall.

Several leaders gathered here, and Liu Huaming sat in the chief position.

Xu Dongguo submitted the relevant enrollment report and also elaborated on some of the problems faced by the enrollment this time.

"Chief, this is basically the situation."

"I have ordered Zhang Zhaoxin to conduct a back-up investigation to find out the details of everyone."

Hearing this, Liu Huaming nodded slightly. He knew very well that with the release of the admissions video, some of the main battle equipment of the Longxia Navy would naturally cause the relevant tribal intelligence agencies to covet it.

They will take advantage of the opportunity and spare no effort to intensify their infiltration. While figuring out the secrets, they will also carry out sabotage.

Non-my family, its heart must be different!

Except for those who are truly patriotic, no one hopes for the good of the Longxia tribe.

Especially the Western tribes headed by the Eagle Tribe, they want to strangle the Longxia Tribe in the cradle and turn it into a colony for them to take and take away.

Because of this, they have cultivated many colonists remotely within the Longxia tribe, as well as intelligence personnel.

These people are all kneeling people and have no conscience.

"I also received intelligence from the security department. Combined with the relevant background checks, we did find some people with suspicious identities."

"It seems that after the release of our recruitment video, many hostile forces have stepped up their infiltration operations."

"The enemy's selflessness is not dead."

After Liu Huaming glanced at the report, he looked up at everyone and said very seriously.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the entire conference hall suddenly became extremely serious.

Almost everyone present knew what this meant for the Longxia Navy. The opponent had already taken action, which was not subject to will.

And this will be a new normal, and they must ensure that the navy does not leak secrets under this normality. The relevant core departments must strictly control and set up defenses at all levels.

"Chief, we must cooperate with the security department in anti-espionage and anti-leakage operations."

"Now the enemy is becoming more and more cunning, and they will infiltrate us at all costs."

"Our task is very difficult."

Xu Dongguo took over the conversation and put forward his own suggestions.

We have cooperated with the security department before, but that was also on a small scale, and this time we must carry out comprehensive and all-round cooperation.

Not only should we prevent the enemy from sneaking in during the enrollment, but we also need to purify the surrounding environment.

Especially important military production departments such as integrated military factories.

They can imagine with their toenails that the enemy will definitely step up the infiltration of these departments, so as to grasp the development trend of Longxia Navy from the inside.

"Damn, those rats are the most hateful."

"Especially our own people, who have also been developed into special forces by them. I really want to crush them all to death."

Qian Wenbing is still very violent. There is only one word for those intelligence personnel, kill!

Since they are already working for the enemy, what's the point of keeping them?

During the war, there were so many puppet troops and traitors. In peacetime, they all hid, and the struggle situation became more complicated.

"Then you should draw up a plan."

"The task of counter-espionage and counter-infiltration is urgent. You must hurry up after you go down."

"We must have our own capable team and strengthen security."

Liu Huaming nodded in agreement, and then looked at Xu Dongguo, "You must especially hurry up there. The integrated military factory is the core of the core, and no secrets can be leaked."

"Anyone who spy on the intelligence there will be arrested and strictly investigated."

"Those who deserve to be beheaded will be beheaded, and those who deserve to be sentenced will be sentenced."

Xu Dongguo was shocked and said hurriedly: "Yes, Chief!"

After talking about counter-infiltration, he raised another question.

"Chief, now there is a new problem."

"Dingping threw this matter to us."

At this point, Xu Dongguo handed a document to Liu Huaming.

For them, this is a sweet trouble, but they have to solve it. They can't just do it by numbers, and it doesn't conform to the tradition of the Longxia Navy.

"Name it?"

"Are our ships launched so quickly?"

After reading the document, Liu Huaming looked at the three fleet commanders with a look of astonishment on his face.

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