I built an armada

Chapter 356 The Eagle Tribe attacks the Longxia Navy

The back of the man felt cold, as if he had been stared at by a poisonous snake for a long time.

When they suddenly found out, they found that the Longxia Navy was no longer the Wuxia Amon of the past, but a very powerful armed force.

Not only did they defeat the surrounding tribes, but they also wiped out the independent forces of the East Desert Sea. Now there are only a few ships left to support the patrol mission of such a large area of ​​the sea.

Without making any noise, the Longxia Navy became a major overlord in the East Continent Sea.

That's right, in their eyes, as long as the Longxia Navy seized the throne of the first place in the East Continent Sea, it would be the overlord and qualified to challenge the Eagle Tribe.

And what they have to do is to confiscate this qualification.

A Longxia who does not submit to the Eagle Tribe must be ruthlessly and violently suppressed until the armed forces of this tribe, especially the navy, are beaten back to the past era.

In their eyes, only the navy of this tribe uses second-generation ships or even first-generation ships all day long, which is the most in line with their wishes, and they can take whatever they want from this tribe.

Not winning during World War II does not mean that they will never win!

"Tell them about the situation."

The chief glanced at the staff and gestured.

"Yes, chief."

The staff quickly reported the relevant intelligence collected, so that the military people knew it clearly.

After listening to the report, Hawk Henry frowned immediately.

"Henry, what do you think about this?"

"I look forward to your constructive opinions."

The chief looked at Hawk Henry and said expectantly.

Calling them over, isn't it just to listen to the professional opinions given by the military?

"Chief, we need to have a group discussion first."

Hawk Henry couldn't give a better solution for a while. After all, it was too hasty. How could they give relevant plans immediately if they haven't prepared carefully?

"No problem."

The chief readily agreed.

Hawk Henry immediately convened a group discussion to study the feasibility of the plan.

"The relevant plan has been revealed just now. After casting a wide net and investigating by spies, seven suspicious places have been selected. Why don't we send special reconnaissance personnel to secretly sneak into the Longxia tribe for investigation?"

"Yes, they can carry professional equipment and conduct close investigations on those places. We will definitely gain something."

"There is a big problem here. The cost of sending ground personnel is very high. First of all, they must have a clean background and be proficient in the Longxia language. It is best to be Longxia people. It is better to mobilize more colonists or hamsters for investigation."

"The cost of entering the ground is really too high. We can go through the air, and it is ultra-high altitude investigation. We have the highest flying reconnaissance aircraft on the blue planet, and we can completely investigate the seven targets."

"It is obviously not possible to send fighter jets. The Longxia tribe has many anti-aircraft missiles. Fighters going in are no different from going to die."

"In my opinion, sending high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft is the most appropriate."

Several military experts launched a heated discussion, repeatedly compared and weighed the pros and cons of various plans. In the end, almost everyone felt that the high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft had the highest cost-effectiveness, the lowest risk, and the fastest effect.

As long as the seven secret locations are marked, they can be overlooked from high altitude, so that a large number of pictures and data can be obtained.

After the group discussion, the chief took out a pen and quickly summarized.

"Chief, after discussion, we decided to send U2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft to conduct a large-scale reconnaissance of the target. After determining the most likely place to be the secret base, we will carry out a targeted full-scale reconnaissance there."

"The final full-scale reconnaissance can be combined with our spies."

"I think we will definitely be able to obtain reliable intelligence."

After Hawk Henry finished summarizing, he immediately reported the results to the chief.

"Very good, you are attentive."

"It coincides with my idea."

The chief nodded gently, with a gratified look on his face, which coincided with the military's plan.

High-altitude reconnaissance aircraft can penetrate into the airspace of the Longxia tribe, because they fly high enough, naturally safe enough, and very difficult to be discovered.

Even if the luck is too bad and they are discovered, they can run away in time at the first time.

The air force of the Longxia tribe is poorly equipped. So far, it has only been equipped with a small number of super flanker fighters imported from the White Bear Tribe. The number is very small and can only be placed in strategic locations to perform air defense tasks.

The others are all old fighters. Whether it is the flight altitude or the anti-interference ability, it is impossible to pose any threat to high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft.

At present, the air force of the Longxia tribe has seriously lagged behind the needs of the times.

Even since the first Keyi tribal war, the Longxia Air Force has started the research and development of new equipment. However, the difficulty of developing new equipment is too high. It is not like a child playing house.

Fighter planes need to go through very complex manufacturing processes, but the Longxia tribe has very little accumulation in this regard, which is not enough to support the research and development of third-generation aircraft.

Especially in terms of aviation engines, the Longxia Air Force is several generations behind the international mainstream, and the fighter planes it uses are still at the second-generation level.

Had it not been for the Flanker fighters introduced from the White Bear Tribe to take on the task of homeland air defense on the front line, they might have been able to march straight in.

With the current strength of the Long Xia Air Force, even the top twenty mainstream Blue Star Air Force cannot enter. Compared with the air force on Dragon Claw Island, it is far behind.

Fighters simply cannot intercept their high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft.

On the other hand, the U2 can fly at an altitude of 27,000 meters and reach a speed of Mach 0.7. At this altitude, no Long Xia fighter can reach it.

With the superb performance of U2, it can come and go freely, but the Longxia Air Force is helpless.

The only way to intercept is to use anti-aircraft missile units. However, the modernized U2 already possesses quite powerful electronic warfare capabilities, is equipped with a more advanced engine, and its flight performance has been greatly improved.

"Report to the chief, there is a big problem here."

Hawke Henry took a deep breath, and then said helplessly, "The maximum flight distance of the U2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft is only 5,700 kilometers, and it is simply unable to take off from our homeland and cross the Pacific Ocean."

"Not to mention, going to investigate the Longxia tribe."

The great chief frowned slightly, and then said: "How about using an aircraft carrier?"

"Totally inappropriate."

"First of all, we have to consider that the U2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft has a range of only 5,700 kilometers and cannot return."

"If the aircraft carrier fleet appears near the Longxia waters, it may cause unnecessary trouble and put the aircraft carrier in a dangerous situation."

Henry Hawke shook his head slightly and explained seriously.

"They can't hit the high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, but the aircraft carrier battle group needs to face the attacks of Longxia Navy and Army missiles. This risk is extremely high and we are not suitable to take it."

"According to our intelligence, the two warships equipped by the Long Xia Navy already possess quite strong anti-ship capabilities and also have stealth capabilities."

"Our aircraft carrier will inevitably encounter great risks in the past."

"In addition, the Long Xia Army is equipped with a missile with a range of 7,000 kilometers, which has multiple warhead capabilities and has great lethality against aircraft carrier battle groups."

"In other words, within this range, our aircraft carrier battle group has no safe zone."

"So we sent an aircraft carrier battle group over and took off reconnaissance planes from above. The Longxia tribe will inevitably launch a strong counterattack. We cannot make them angry."

Having said this, Hawke Henry paused. He needed to tell the chief that the aircraft carrier battle group was not an inevitable option.

When it comes to high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft and carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft, we can only choose one or the other. We do not have to have both. Adults do not make choices.

"Once the Longxia tribe is angered, we will be trapped in a two-front war. Warchief, this will not be worth the gain."

"Of course, if you give the order, we can also dispatch the aircraft carrier battle group."

These last words were undoubtedly meant to tell the chief that if any problems arise, the final responsibility cannot be placed on the military, but must be borne by the chief himself.

Hawke Henry's words directly revealed the attitude of the military, and they were ready to attack.

"Then tell me your specific plans."

The chief glanced at the military representative and narrowed his eyes slightly.

He didn't know the meaning of Henry Hawke's words. This old boy was clearly setting a trap for himself.

It would be a dream to make him take responsibility.

"Great Chief, this is our plan."

Having said this, Henry Hawke took out his tablet and called up the electronic map in it, then pointed at the Donghuang Tribe and then at the Longxia Tribe, and a long straight line was drawn directly between the two.

"Great Chief, look, the distance between taking off from the Donghuang Tribe and arriving at the Longxia Tribe is less than 800 kilometers."

"Considering the 5,700-kilometer endurance of the U2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, taking off from the Eastern Barren Tribe's garrison base and flying back and forth three times will not be a problem at all. Considering one mission, we have a redundancy of 3,000 to 4,000 kilometers. as reconnaissance endurance time.”

"With the performance of U2, it is completely possible to cover all suspicious points in such a large area, and the investigation will be more detailed and comprehensive."

Henry Hawke took the stylus and drew a large circle on the electronic map, directly drawing in a large area of ​​Longxia tribe land.

"We have determined the specific location, and we can send more U2 sorties to conduct patrol reconnaissance in the future to find out the secret research institute of the Long Xia Navy!"

"At an altitude of 27KM, U2 can shoot back and forth. With large-scale carpet searches, investigations, and taking photos and evidence collection, the secret base of the Long Xia Navy can definitely be clearly photographed!"

"In short, we have the U2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, and we can clearly grasp the secrets hidden by Long Xia Navy."

"Great Chief, I have full confidence in our U2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft. It is fully qualified for this job."

Hearing such sonorous and powerful words from the military boss, the chief nodded repeatedly.

He is still very confident and very satisfied with the plan formulated by Hawke Henry.

Before the great chief could speak, he spoke again.

"Chief, we took off from the military base stationed in the Donghuang tribe. Even if the Longxia tribe noticed it, we are not afraid. They will not attack the Donghuang tribe."

"Once they attack, it is equivalent to declaring war."

"In addition, the Longxia Air Force is equipped with super flanker fighters, and the maximum ceiling is only 24KM, which is 3KM lower than the U2. They have no way to shoot down our U2 with fighters."

"The three-kilometer jump difference is huge, especially in air combat."

"It is impossible to shoot down our improved version of U2."

Hawk Henry looked extremely calm and full of confidence in U2. Obviously, they did not take the Longxia tribe's air defense seriously.

"Henry, your plan is very detailed and very feasible."

"I approve it, you go and execute it."

The chief nodded with satisfaction, "On the day of the action, I will accompany you to visit the Donghuang tribe to cover your action."

"This will prevent the Longxia tribe from discovering the movement in advance and causing adverse effects on your reconnaissance operations."

Since the last defeat of the Donghuang Sea, he has not been there once to appease the Donghuang tribe.

After being ignored for such a long time, the Donghuang tribe's originally somewhat active minds will surely become peaceful again. He went there as the head of the family.

His trip will definitely make the Donghuang tribe more loyal to the Eagle tribe and more submissive in their hearts.

After giving a stick and a candy, the chief felt that he had a lot of experience in studying the traditional military tactics of the Longxia tribe over the years.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little proud in his heart.

The only thing that made him unhappy was that the development speed of the Longxia Navy was too fast and too rapid, so he had to pay attention to it in advance.

"Notify the East Wasteland Tribe and tell them that I will comfort them in ten days."

"It is expected to take one day,"

The chief made the final decision and conveyed it to the staff.

"Yes, chief!"

After receiving the order, the staff immediately passed the news back to the East Wasteland Tribe through the East Wasteland Tribe's special envoy.

East Wasteland Tribe, Kyoto, Imperial Palace.

"Chief, good news, great news."

"Ten days later, the chief of the Eagle Tribe will visit my tribe for one day."

The administrative housekeeper of the street-related news hurried to the back garden and spoke excitedly.

For them, the Eagle Tribe is high and inviolable, and it is also their suzerain state. They are a watchdog.

"It's really good news."

After taking the documents handed over by the housekeeper and carefully checking them, the new chief showed a satisfied smile on his face, as if his conspiracy had succeeded.

"Prepare the car and go to the cabinet building."

After a little preparation, the East Wasteland Chief took a special car and went straight to the cabinet building.

In the Cabinet Building, all the cabinet members who received the relevant notice and the leaders gathered here. They sat upright, fearing that they would sit crookedly and affect the work progress here.

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