I built an armada

Chapter 36 Mao Xiongguo is confused: What are they doing?

Lu Guangjun is leaving?

Sun Yongguo and Zhang Gongnong looked at each other, they really didn't know about this.

"Dean Lu, you are doing well here, why are you leaving suddenly?"

"Yes, there are still major projects waiting for us after 956E."

Su Dingping also looked at Lu Guangjun.

Lu Guangjun explained.

"I have been here for so long. The three people in charge of the 408 hospital are here. There is always a feeling of leaving the job. Moreover, our hospital bears the primary responsibility for the failure of 051B reform. Now that we have gained something, we naturally have to go back and shoulder this heavy burden. .”

"Comrade Dingping led us here to fire the first shot against the Western technological blockade. It's time for me to go back and lead the 408 Academy researchers to fire the second shot against the Western technological blockade!"

Seeing that Sun Yongguo wanted to stay, he smiled and added: "You can't let the 335 Research Institute take all the credit, right? Old Sun, you have to give me a chance to perform meritoriously."

Seeing that Lu Guangjun had decided to leave, the two of them stopped trying to stop him.

Su Dingping said: "Dean Lu, please wait a moment."

With that said, Su Dingping walked quickly towards the barracks.

Looking at Su Dingping's leaving figure, the five of them looked at each other, wondering what he was going to do.

Soon, Su Dingping came over with a thick stack of documents.

"Comrade Dingping, what is this?"

"Dean Lu, I don't know when we will see you next time. These are the research results reports I recently summarized. They may be helpful to you in improving 051B."

After hearing this, Lu Guangjun took the information seriously.

After briefly looking through it, he said excitedly.

"Comrade Dingping, this information is very important to me!"

"Thank you for your kindness, just wait for the good news from my 408 hospital!"

Subsequently, after the three people completed the confidentiality process at the base, they boarded a special plane and flew directly to the capital.

Not long after the three left, Sun Yongguo contacted Xu Dongguo.

After reporting on the research progress of the past few days to Xu Dongguo on the phone, he also told him the news of Lu Guangjun's departure.

Having learned the lesson from the last time, Sun Yongguo is naturally unambiguous about confidential personnel movements.

After learning about the situation, Xu Dongguo had ups and downs in his heart.

He realized more and more that keeping Su Dingping in the navy was a very correct decision.

Having a genius can lead a group of experts to make strides forward.

Su Dingping successfully aroused the fierceness in the hearts of experts. Now everyone is holding their breath and insists on competing with Western technological blockade methods.

This is a good sign.

He hadn't heard those negative comments in a while.

"The West has Zhang Liang's plan, and China has its own wall and ladder. Great naval events can be expected!"

After a pause, he spoke into the phone.

"Comrade Yongguo, I plan to go to the base to visit Comrade Su Dingping in the next few days. I won't delay your research progress, right?"

"Chief, you are always welcome!"

After hanging up the phone, Xu Dongguo received a secret message.

The process of Su Dingping’s awarding and evaluation is almost over.

It has been two hours since Lu Guangjun was sent away, the Military Industrial Illustrated Forging Space.

Su Dingping was holding a notebook and recording relevant data in front of the instrument.

At this moment, suddenly, a siren sounded from the north of the shipyard.

Su Dingping raised his feet and appeared in the north of the shipyard the next second.

Looking at the flashing data on the instrument, he was about to record it when suddenly there was a violent explosion.

A few kilometers away, Su Dingping's figure appeared.

He frowned slightly and looked at the firelight rising into the sky in the distance.

"The forging of the integral ramjet engine failed, and the instrument load pressure was too high, causing a chain reaction?"

After thinking for a while, he waved his hand, and the place where the explosion originally occurred returned to its original state.

Immediately, he came to the northern area of ​​​​the shipyard again.

This is where the integral ramjet engine is forged.


The siren sounded again, and this time he was prepared.

Thinking together, everything seems to be frozen.

With another wave of his hand, the half-forged ramjet engine instantly separated from the instrument and was separated into countless parts.

As he shuttled among the parts, he kept recording the damage to the parts during the forging process.

Several hours later, a huge missile was placed in front of Su Dingping.

It is the 'SS-N-22 Sunzhi' supersonic ship-based anti-ship cruise missile that the Sandfly supersonic anti-ship missile system is adapted to.

Since the analysis of many core technologies of 052D took too long, he focused more on the analysis of ship-based missiles during this period of time.

The core technologies of the missiles adapted to the two ship-based missile systems on the 956E far exceed the eighth batch of Eagle Strike and Haihongqi currently used by the Navy, so Su Dingping listed them as the top priority for research.

He has successfully analyzed the core technology of the Sandfly supersonic anti-ship missile system and can now operate the relevant launch system of the 956E for testing.

As for the SA-N-7 Hurricane air defense missile system, it is still being analyzed.

After a while, Su Dingping appeared in the 956E main control room.

Looking at the [missile filling completed] displayed on the instrument panel, Su Dingping knew that the 'SS-N-22 Sunzhi' had been loaded.

The next step is to test its combat performance.

The test object is 052D dozens of kilometers away.

Taking a deep breath, he pressed the missile launch button on the main console.

【Target locked! 】

[Combat orders issued to Sandfly! 】

[Countdown to 8 seconds! 】

[Ignition successful! 】

As a series of messages jumped out, there was a roar from the anti-ship missile launcher on the deck.

The next second, Su Dingping saw a missile rising into the sky with a long tongue of flame.

However, not long after, there was a violent explosion in the air.


Su Dingping waved his hand and everything returned to before the launch.

With a wave of his hand, 'SS-N-22 Sunzhi' appeared in front of him and disintegrated.

"There is no problem with the launch system. The problem may lie in the direction finder. During the flight of the missile, the unstable swing of the direction finder caused a certain coupling phenomenon."

"Or maybe there is mixed information during the information transmission process of the warhead's active radar..."

After pondering for a while, Su Dingping started the first debugging.

He spent the whole night debugging, testing, researching, debugging again.

In the real world, he could bear the workload of a group of people by himself. The hundreds of millions of fees required for the entire process have also been saved.

I was busy until dawn in the real world. After the 21st debugging, the 'SS-N-22 Sunzhi' anti-ship missile successfully hit 052D.

Su Dingping, who appeared on the deck of 052D, looked at the huge pit on the warship and the fire around him, with a smile on his face.

"The Sandfly supersonic anti-ship missile system, together with the 'SS-N-22 Sunzhi' anti-ship missile, has been successfully developed!"

After a while, 052D returned to its original state.

After looking at the time, Su Dingping walked out of the Military Illustrated Forging Space in a good mood.

Arriving at 956E, Sun Yongguo and others were already waiting here.

Seeing Su Dingping walking over with a smile, everyone was confused.

Take a nap, why are you so happy?

Su Dingping didn't explain, and said straightforwardly: "Everyone, let's get started."

At this moment, the capital.

The seventh negotiation between Wang De and Turgenev collapsed again due to Xu Dongguo's intervention.

At this time, Turgenev and others were completely confused.

It was agreed that the other party would be cool for a while, let the other party know that it would be difficult for the navy to move forward without the 956E, and then obediently accept their conditions.

As a result, more than half a month has passed, and Wang De and others still don't let go!

"What part went wrong?"

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