I built an armada

Chapter 358: The Great Chief Visits the Foot Basin, Su Dingping Builds a 10,000-ton Destroyer

As time went by, the Donghuang tribe was fully prepared to welcome the arrival of the chief of the Eagle tribe.

Every task was done to the extreme, and they wanted to give the chief a safe and peaceful gift.

Everything was in order, but everywhere was filled with the atmosphere of a grand festival.

Longxia tribe, Beijing, Navy headquarters.

In a spacious and bright conference hall, Liu Huaming sat in the chief position, with commanders from major fleets on both sides, as well as other bigwigs.

They were holding a seminar to discuss the things that had happened in the Dongzhou waters in recent times, as well as the tactical programming issues after the new ships were put into service one after another.

Now that the Longxia Navy has improved its strength, it naturally cannot stay in the first island chain all the time, but must officially go out, break through the island chain and sail into the real ocean, so that the ships can fight the deep sea and the waves!

At this time, the guard hurriedly pushed the door and walked in.

"Report, the latest news, the chief is about to visit the East Wasteland Tribe."

"The specific itinerary is ten days later, and the specific purpose of this trip is unknown."

Hearing this, the faces of several leaders changed, and they all had deep doubts in their hearts. Why did the chief of the Eagle Tribe go to visit the East Wasteland Tribe at this time?

"Okay, I know, you go out."

After the guard left, Liu Huaming looked at everyone and made temporary changes to the content of the meeting at the right time.

"Why did the chief of the Eagle Tribe choose to visit the East Wasteland Tribe at this time?"

"This matter is a little unusual no matter how you look at it."

Liu Huaming frowned slightly and said his thoughts.

His intuition told him that whether from the timing or from other angles, the visit of the chief of the Eagle Tribe to the East Wasteland Tribe was unusual.

"Chief, it would be great if we had detailed intelligence."

"Otherwise, we can't guess here, but there must be something fishy."

Xu Dongguo took over the conversation and said very confidently.

In his opinion, the Eagle Tribe chose to go at this time, not to mention them, so they must be planning something hidden, and this thing is very likely to target the Longxia Tribe.

In fact, let alone them, even the high-level officials of the East Wasteland Tribe, including the East Wasteland Chieftain, did not know the real purpose of the Eagle Tribe Chieftain's visit.

"Chief, no matter what tricks they have, we need to strengthen our defense."

"The Eagle Tribe has been targeting us for a long time. They have always regarded us as a hostile force. I guess this time is no exception."

"This damn alien race, forgetting themselves is not dead."

Qian Wenbing said unhappily, his fists clenched, with the momentum of smashing the enemy's head.

"Chief, recently, the spies deployed by the Eagle Tribe have been more and more active, and we have caught many of them. However, they have been surprisingly quiet these days. There must be a conspiracy."

"I feel that the Eagle Tribe is planning a bigger move."

"You see, they have deployed a large number of military bases in the East Wasteland Tribe, and the distance from there to us is only a few hundred kilometers."

"If they want to make a move, there is probably a springboard, and they can carry out all kinds of despicable and shameless activities against us."

Xiao Chongjun rubbed his forehead and then spoke.

At this point, he pointed to the map on the tablet, which happened to be the distance map between the Longxia Tribe and the East Wasteland Tribe.

After seeing the map, everyone immediately had a very intuitive understanding.

Liu Huaming shuddered and made a decision immediately.

"Notify me immediately and make sure to strengthen the alert!"

"All the warships that should be sent out tonight should be sent out to do a good job of alert. The reconnaissance planes and fighters of the Navy should also be sent out."

"Call Dingping and tell him to be careful."

"Forget it, contact Wan Long and ask him to notify Dingping."

Liu Huaming originally planned to contact Su Dingping directly, but considering that he was busy at this time, it might be impossible to contact him at all, so he naturally changed to contact Captain Wan Long, the security director of the integrated military factory.

Currently, Captain Wan is fully responsible for the internal and external security of the integrated military factory, and he is in charge of a reinforced battalion.

In terms of the number of people, he is equivalent to managing two battalions.

They directly protected the entire integrated military factory tightly, and it was impossible for anyone to break in without permission.

In the integrated military factory, Wan Long immediately ran to find Su Dingping after receiving the order.

In the shipyard factory, he finally saw Su Dingping, who was covered in gray, standing up, making him look like a welder who had been drilling in the deepest part of the ship for many years, and he almost couldn't recognize him.

As the treasure of the navy, the strategic-level scientific master was not arrogant at all, and he actually did it himself, which really shocked him and gave him a huge visual impact.

"Comrade Su, what are you doing in there?"

Wan Long suppressed the shock in his heart, but still couldn't help shouting loudly.

"The parameters of this position need to be adjusted, yes, that's it, adjust it again..."

Su Dingping suddenly heard someone calling him, and quickly turned his head to look over. It was Wan Long, "What's the matter?"

Wan Long hurried over and stood in front of Su Dingping and reported: "I just received a call from the chief. The chief asked me to inform you that the chief of the Eagle Tribe went to the East Wilderness Tribe."

"The reason is unknown, but the chiefs inferred that he came to target us."

"The chief suspects that his trip is related to the spies caught before."

Before coming, he had strengthened the surrounding security deployment, increased the number of patrols and the frequency of patrols, and resolutely fought the last level of security work.

The integrated military factory absolutely cannot tolerate any mistakes, this is the bottom line!

"Okay, I know about this."

Su Dingping nodded gently, and seeing that the other party did not leave, he asked again, "What else do you have to do?"


Wan Long said hurriedly.

"Okay, then I'll go and get busy first."

After that, Su Dingping went into the workshop again and got busy.

For such news, he didn't take it to heart.

Besides, he couldn't stop the chief of the Eagle Tribe from visiting any place, so why bother about such a thing?

He was so busy now that he almost wanted to break one second into ten seconds to use, and he also wanted to split himself into three halves to use, greatly increasing the efficiency of time utilization.

Seeing that Su Dingping, such a great scientist, went to the forging workshop in person, Wan Long felt infinite emotion in his heart, and Longxia tribe would prosper.

This could not be stopped by any hostile forces, even if God came!

Su Dingping, who entered the workshop, did not rest, but continued to discuss the relevant technical parameters of the 10,000-ton destroyer and the forging of the core technology with a group of top military experts.

The surrounding environment of Longxia tribe determined the urgency of the 10,000-ton destroyer, which must be made and put into production as soon as possible.

The 10,000-ton destroyer is a staged ultimate battleship.

If the navy wants to have the power to fight back when facing the threat of the Eagle Tribe, then the 10,000-ton destroyer is an indispensable surface ship, and it is also the first type of warship with real theater-level air defense capabilities.

It needs to provide a protective umbrella for the development of Longxia on the sea, blocking the vicious enemy outside the missile range, and it is also a weapon to interrupt the enemy's invasion.

It is precisely because of its importance that Su Dingping has been speeding up the research and development.

Hard work pays off.

After his continuous efforts, he finally achieved certain results.

After more than two months, the 10,000-ton destroyer finally went smoothly while he was busy directing the forging and teaching the core technical knowledge of military experts.

Now the installation of the final sprint core equipment has begun in the workshop.

It only takes a while for the first 10,000-ton destroyer to be successfully launched and commissioned, allowing the Longxia Navy to have the first real ocean-going warship.

Time is tight, and he dare not be careless.

At the same time,

White Bear Tribe, Black Palace, Emperor's Office.

Pushkin was sitting at his desk, reviewing a stack of documents that had just been delivered.

Boris from the intelligence department hurried here and knocked on the office door.

"Come in!"

After getting permission, Boris walked in with the latest documents and sat down at the desk.

"Emperor, the latest intelligence."

"The Longxia Tribe has recently captured a lot of spies. Most of these spies are from the Eagle Tribe, and some are from the East Wilderness Tribe."

"Obviously, the Longxia Navy has released a recruitment video, and the Eagle Tribe has begun to pay attention to Longxia. They want to spy on the relevant secrets of the Longxia Navy."

"And Longxia is not to be outdone. They capture one by one. They also set up a lot of suspicious arrays, but they have been broken through."

Boris first reported the fierce espionage war in the Longxia Tribe. The Eagle Tribe has completely reached a very crazy level, with the purpose of spying on the core secrets of the Longxia Navy.

This is something that has never been encountered before.

It seems that the Eagle Tribe's attention to the Longxia Tribe has reached a new height.

Pushkin thought that the Eagle Tribe's fierce reaction was a very normal behavior.

After all, the Eagle Tribe's goal is to dominate the world, defeat all competitors, and completely cut off the idea of ​​other tribes challenging their boss status.

The Longxia Navy has completed the dominance of the East Continent Sea in just one or two years, and defeated the East Desert Sea's autonomy in one battle. How can the Eagle Tribe not be afraid?

In fact, he has also raised his attention to the Longxia Tribe in his heart by several levels.

"There is news from the East Desert Tribe that the Eagle Tribe's chief will visit Kyoto soon."

Boris then reported another very abnormal and very important thing.

"Visiting the East Desert Tribe, they are a bit hasty."

"They must have a secret."

After thinking for a moment, Pushkin said bluntly that he would not believe that the chief would have so much free time to go to the East Desert Tribe for a day trip.

At this moment, he was also quite curious about the real intention of the Eagle Tribe's chief to suddenly go to the East Desert Tribe at this time.

However, if you look at the two events in series, you can indeed find some clues.

"It seems that these two events are related."

"The Eagle Tribe is not willing to give up and wants to further escalate the situation. It's really interesting."

In a flash, Pushkin realized that the situation was becoming more and more complicated, and the Dongzhou Sea would become more and more lively in the future.

Moreover, he also saw that the Eagle Tribe would never give up the interests of the Dongzhou Sea and wanted to continue to stir up trouble here.

Undoubtedly, the Dongzhou Sea will become more and more lively in the future, so the Eagle Tribe in the central region will inevitably allocate some forces to come here to encircle the Longxia Tribe.

Relatively speaking, he was happy to see it happen.

It would be best if the Eagle Tribe could detect some earth-shattering news, and then force them to invest more manpower, material resources and financial resources in the Longxia Tribe.

The news spread quickly like a piece of paper snowflakes, and the tribes in the Dongzhou Sea also heard the news.

Iron Monkey Tribe: "You all heard that the Great Chief is about to visit the East Wasteland Tribe. It seems that the Great Chief has not forgotten the East Wasteland Tribe. Are they going to re-arm the East Wasteland Sea Self-Defense Force?"

Feilu Tribe: "I don't know whether they will re-arm or not, but I am sure that the Eagle Tribe is definitely targeting the Longxia Tribe. It seems that the situation in the East Continent Sea is no longer stable. I am afraid that it will change."

Thousand Buddha Tribe: "Everyone should be careful. The Longxia Tribe is a new naval power, and the Eagle Tribe is a traditional power. Now the two powers are colliding in the East Continent Sea. We small tribes must be careful. When two elephants fight, the worst will come. It's Xiaocao. "

Niying Tribe: "I can smell the smell of gunpowder in the air. The chief of the Eagle Tribe suddenly visited the Donghuang Tribe. Is he announcing to the world that the Eagle soldiers have returned and they still have the final say in the Dongzhou Sea area, and the Longxia Navy can only stand aside. "

White Elephant Tribe: "I still agree with the views of the representative of the Niying Tribe. The Eagle Tribe is definitely back. They are going to play Asia-Pacific again. We should be careful and don't get involved, otherwise it will be difficult for us to do it. "

For the tribes in the Dongzhou Sea area, the news was like a big stone thrown into the lake, which aroused countless waves.

They were all very nervous and wanted to see the Longxia Tribe suffer a setback to avenge the visit.

In fact, they were completely accustomed to being bullied by the Eagle Tribe and the Donghuang Tribe.

In recent times, the Longxia Navy, which they once looked down upon, has suddenly turned over, and the economy of the tribe has developed rapidly.

They are naturally very upset!

Without the arrival of the Eagle Tribe, they could continue to keep a low profile, not easily provoke the Longxia Tribe, and not give the Longxia Navy a chance to cause trouble for them.

Now that the chief of the Eagle Tribe suddenly visited the East Wasteland Tribe with unclear intentions, their little thoughts became active again.

In essence, they have always been thinking about the interests in Longxia's hands.

They all want to gain benefits from it, so as to strengthen the strength of their own tribe and become a regional tribe with a certain influence. Who doesn't want to leave a name in history by sharing the benefits from the Longxia Tribe?

Or through such actions, they can raise their reputation within the tribe, so as to gain greater economic benefits for their family.

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