I built an armada

Chapter 361 The Eagle Tribe is here, the final test before the 10,000-ton destroyer is launched

However, the more this happens, the more serious the problem becomes!

If they could detect the clues earlier, they could take corresponding measures earlier.

Hearing this, several people fell into deep thought. They didn't know the real intention of the chief.

The key is that the Donghuang tribe is completely under the command of the Eagle tribe. They also have garrisons and military bases in this place.

It can be said that the current Eagle tribe is completely in an active position, while the Longxia tribe is in a passive defense state. For the defender, this is a very unfavorable situation.

Liu Huaming can deeply feel that the navy is getting stronger and stronger now, but after all, with the current strength, it can only dominate the East Continent Sea. When encountering a Blue Star overlord like the Eagle tribe, the sense of oppression is still very real.

It is impossible to rise peacefully. No matter what the Longxia tribe does, it can't get around the Eagle tribe, the leader of Blue Star. This is a dead end.

"The full load test ended in ten minutes, and everything meets the design requirements."

Liu Huaming spoke again.

If it weren't for the crazy trial and error in the forging space of the military industry illustrations, which forcibly found a correct technological path, the 10,000-ton destroyer would never have been launched for sea trials so quickly.

But just over a year had passed, and the rising Longxia Navy had defeated many surrounding tribes, and even defeated the overlord of the Dongzhou Sea, the Donghuang Sea, again and again, and finally even directly destroyed their aircraft carrier fleet and the main fleet.

"Combined with the large-scale capture of spies before, I think they will definitely send out reconnaissance aircraft to investigate these sensitive areas of ours."

The military experts looked at the instruments in front of them and reported loudly.

Even so, Liu Huaming still held a full optimistic attitude in the face of pressure from the Eagle Tribe.

"Chief, it seems that we have to be fully prepared."

Hearing Su Dingping's order, the military experts immediately took the order and entered the test state, and at the same time their hearts were hanging.

"Yes, everything is arranged by Chief Engineer Su."

The 10,000-ton destroyer uses a very advanced integrated power system, which is controlled by computers to distribute the power supply of the entire ship. It has an unparalleled high efficiency advantage.

Since the Eagle Tribe is suppressing Long Xia, they are not cowards. They will face the enemy bravely like the previous revolutionary predecessors, and even dare to kill them.

"Commander, since they want to investigate us, they will definitely take the most prudent way."

After saying that, Liu Huaming picked up a red phone and dialed it.

The head of the intelligence department was on the other side.

"But since we have encountered it now, we must accept it and face it calmly."

"Faith, time!"

Seeing that Xu Dongguo and others still had no intention of speaking, Liu Huaming spoke slowly.

"In the past, such old equipment, ships that have been used for decades are not afraid of powerful enemies, not to mention that we now have more powerful armaments."

If it continues to develop at this speed, it will only be a matter of time before the navy catches up with the Eagle Tribe in terms of equipment level.

Each call lasted more than an hour, and the army and air force chiefs clearly expressed their unconditional support.

"Your deduction is very real and attentive, but lacks evidence."

Qian Wenbing also spoke up and started to deduce on the map.

Xu Dongguo and others quickly left the headquarters and went to deploy after receiving the order.

"You know, our Navy will intercept the reconnaissance aircraft of the Eagle Tribe almost every once in a while."

"Five minutes."


"Increase to full power."

"Everyone needs to work overtime tonight to complete the core data tests of our first 10,000-ton destroyer as soon as possible to ensure that it can be tested smoothly tomorrow."

After receiving the call, they immediately took relevant actions and contacted spies to strengthen the investigation of the Eagle Tribe, the East Wasteland Tribe military base, and many other places.

All the relevant data were handed over to Su Dingping.

"Since you haven't forgotten, then tell me, have we reached the second step now? What is the most important thing for us in this step?"

After summarizing all the data, Su Dingping compared the design parameters. Between the allowable floating values, he finally showed a satisfied smile on his face.

And this pain must be endured by the navy and even the three armed forces!

It's just that this day seems to have come a little too fast, so they haven't adapted yet, so they can only leave it to time.

The Eagle Tribe has more than ten aircraft carriers, and its military bases are all over the world. It can be said that it is very powerful and must be guarded against.

When Su Dingping said the first step of the three-step strategy, who didn't think it was a fantasy and a wild idea.

"All data is normal."

"You haven't forgotten the three-step strategy proposed by Dingping?"

Today is to test several core technologies of warships. It's the turn of the power system. After Su Dingping recorded the power system data, he came to the power distribution room.

Struggle for peace, then peace will exist.

On Dock No. 1, a huge warship stood there quietly like a towering steel warrior, holding a steel gun ready to give the enemy a fatal blow at any time!

In the main control room, Su Dingping looked haggard, his eyes were full of bloodshot, and his crew cut was already emitting a strange smell.

Su Dingping looked up at everyone and encouraged them loudly. He needed to mobilize all military experts to work hard to complete the last bit of finishing work.

"Since we are here, we are not cowards, cowards, or softies."

"You and I have participated in its construction, which is extremely glorious."

This step is so difficult and painful.

After two rounds of data adjustment, it finally operates normally and meets the design requirements.

"... Next, we will test the power system."

"Let's brainstorm."

"Since the chief of the Eagle Tribe landed in the East Wilderness Tribe, I'm afraid this is just a façade, and they actually want to investigate us."

"If they want to secretly investigate us while people's attention is on the chief, especially the military bases and the location of the integrated military factory, then we will be very passive."

"It has been increased to the maximum."

"It is unlikely that the Eagle Tribe will use an aircraft carrier battle group, because once it enters our coastal waters or exclusive economic zone, it can be sunk by us."

Liu Huaming agreed with the deductions of several fleet leaders, but he felt that there must be something that he had overlooked in secret.

"So what if the Eagle Tribe is strong? We have fought against each other in the past. Now we have just moved the battle to the sea."

After all, if a serious mistake occurs, it will have to be returned to the factory for repair or to be rebuilt, and the cost is too high.

"It's unlikely that they will launch carrier-based aircraft to threaten us, but we can't rule out this possibility."

The second step is to fight against the Eagle Tribe Navy.

When they heard this, several people immediately sat up straight, their ears erected.

"In this way, there are many ways."

"Everyone stare at the various instruments and record the data in detail."

Ten minutes passed quickly.

This is Longxia's first 10,000-ton destroyer. They worked day and night for so long and finally built it. Now if there is a problem with the power system, the service time of the 10,000-ton destroyer will be pushed back.

It can be said that it is completely not on the same level and is basically incomparable.

Before surpassing, they need to endure a period of pain.

Almost instinctively, Liu Huaming thought of the three-step naval strategy formulated by Su Dingping at the beginning,


They did lack confidence before, and obviously overlooked something.

"In my opinion."

And it is still moving forward steadily at the rate of two ships entering service every two and a half months.

The power system is related to the power supply of the entire ship, the normal operation and safety of the equipment on the entire ship, and the normal operation of the weapons. It is the core of the core.

"It is our dreadnought-class battleship, which will lead the world's shipbuilding trend."

Because of this, Su Dingping attaches great importance to this test.

On this day, the setting sun was like blood, and the integrated military factory seemed to be covered with a layer of golden gauze, which was so breathtaking.

They have been following Su Dingping from the cutting of the first steel plate of the 10,000-ton destroyer to the complete construction of the entire battleship, which is about to be launched for the final sea trial.

The operator replied immediately.

To put it bluntly, everything stems from the lack of naval strength!

After hanging up the phone, Liu Huaming gave a decisive order.

"Okay, I don't want to say more. Now let's deduce it together. It seems that what does the Eagle Tribe want to do?"

Xu Dongguo took over the conversation and said loudly. He knew that his thinking had fallen into a dead end before, and Liu Huaming's point suddenly made him clear.

"I'll fill in the gap for you."

"We didn't have advanced warships before, but now we have them, so we should be more confident."

A sonorous and powerful speech resounded in the conference hall, shaking everyone's heart, just like a revelation, suddenly awakening.

The hearts of all the military experts present were in their throats, and they were looking forward to the announcement of the final results, just like waiting for the final judgment.

Everyone was shocked, as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and their spirits were excited again.

They have mastered advanced warships, with 9 052Cs alone, and the number of more advanced 052Ds has also been steadily increasing and has developed to as many as nine.

Both the Army Chief Deng Zhenhua and the Air Force Chief are well aware that the visit of the Eagle Tribe Chief to the East Wilderness Tribe has a huge impact.

Although the Navy got a lot of military funds last year, it is indeed richer than in previous years, but if it goes through this, it will also cost a lot of military funds.

Liu Huaming's heart surged, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind. Finally, he took a deep breath and suppressed all the chaotic thoughts.

"After all, the Eagle Tribe likes to use aircraft carriers very much."

In fact, he often worked day and night to ensure that the ship was foolproof, and every core technology needed to pass the test.

Xiao Chongjun also opened up, but his expression became serious.

For this first 10,000-ton destroyer of the Longxia Tribe, he had been working continuously for an unknown period of time, and only had two or three hours of sleep a day.

Everyone is convinced that the Eagle Tribe has a very famous saying. No matter where something happens on Blue Star, their chief will always say, where is our nearest aircraft carrier.

"This is an important piece of equipment for our navy to lead the world. I hope it will be in the best condition when it is delivered to the navy."

The staff looked at the stopwatch report.

Everything now is just a tactical deduction, and a large amount of evidence is needed for verification.

In the final analysis, the Longxia tribe's foundation is not enough to be able to stand up in terms of hard power.

"They may be able to avoid our air defense missile attacks through high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft and combined operations with carrier-based aircraft."

"So we still need to take more precautions."

Once this warship is launched, it will firmly rank as the number one destroyer of the Longxia Navy in terms of tonnage.

Su Dingping would never allow such a major mistake to exist. The reason why he spent so much energy on the 10,000-ton drive was to minimize the error rate.

The purpose is naturally to save military expenditures and use every cent of military expenditures wisely to ensure maximum revenue.

"There is no shortage of optimism and belief, but time is the only thing the Long Xia Navy lacks and is the most precious!"

"Forget it, since you don't want to talk about it, I'll talk about it first."

Xu Dongguo also approached the map, holding a reconnaissance plane in his hand.

Because of this, each of them attaches great importance to it.

I didn't expect to enter the second step of the three-step strategy so quickly, which is also the most painful stage.

"Chief, I really didn't expect that we would enter the second stage of the confrontation with the Eagle Tribe so quickly. I really didn't expect it."

"As long as Longxia Navy is given more time, it won't be impossible for Longxia Navy's warship tonnage to be equal to that of the Eagle Tribe, or even surpass them!"

"Order, the entire navy enters the realm state!"

In reality, building a 10,000-ton large drive requires real money and a lot of manpower and material resources. Su Dingping is naturally under tremendous pressure. Compared with the military industrial illustration forging space, the fault tolerance rate is unknown. How much lower.

Without waiting for anyone to answer, Liu Huaming held out two fingers, "I think it's confidence!"

"You didn't expect that the pressure from the Eagle Tribe would come so quickly and so fiercely. In fact, I didn't expect it either."

Liu Huaming called the chief of the army and the chief of the air force respectively.

Faced with the sudden and huge pressure from the Eagle Tribe, the navy cannot face it alone. Naturally, it requires joint operations among the three armies and close cooperation with each other.

"It lasts ten minutes, and each department checks all data."

If the current Donghuang Tribe did not have the Seventh Fleet stationed there, I am afraid that the White Bear Tribe would have to attack them all the way from north to south, driving the little devils completely into the sea.

It can be said that they watched the Longxia Tribe's first 10,000-ton cruiser being born little by little, just like watching their own children from birth to about to join the army.

Overtime, endless overtime.

Even though they were very tired, they felt that compared with Su Dingping, they were doing very well now. At least they didn't have such terrifying bloodshot eyes like Su Dingping!

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