I built an armada

Chapter 365: The Eagle takes action, and the three armies of Longxia work together

If, by any chance, the Eagle Tribe succeeds, the consequences will be dire.

Their old face has been humiliated internationally, and it has made Long Xia Navy the biggest joke in the world. It is tantamount to making Long Xia Navy severely humiliated by the Eagle Tribe again!

This is unacceptable, and they will never allow such a thing to happen.

Within the communication channel, more than a dozen captains gathered together like they were having a meeting.

"Lao Zhou, did you find anything abnormal over there? I didn't find anything here. Damn it."

"I don't have it here either. There is no target information on the radar."

"I didn't find it here either."

"I found nothing unusual here."

"My side..."

Almost everyone didn't notice any abnormality, which made everyone puzzled and almost broke their defense.

Is this necessary?

"No one found any problems. This is totally inappropriate."

Zhou Qinglei frowned with a look of surprise on his face, "The Eagle Tribe launched such a huge battle and sent out a large number of spies. The chief even went to the Eastern Wilderness Tribe. Could it be that they didn't do anything?"

A captain took over the conversation and spoke first.

"Could it be that the other party deliberately faked a shot? The Eagle Tribe often does this, and this time it's not impossible."

"This is impossible. The Eagle Tribe has spent so much money to cause trouble this time. There are suddenly fewer spies in the past few days. The chief of the Eagle Tribe has landed in the Eastern Barren Tribe. Is it really helping the Eastern Barren Sea to regain its strength? Why don’t I believe it so much?”

"We still continue to be vigilant and fully prepared. We must not let the enemy in in the sea area we patrol and guard the country's gates."

"I'm telling you, we haven't fought against the Eagle Tribe Navy for a long time. We finally got the chance this time. Why don't we give it a try?"

The captains are gearing up and eager to try. They really want to fight the Eagle Tribe Navy for three hundred rounds to get revenge. However, so far, even the opponent's hair has not been discovered, which is really unpleasant.

In the No. 123 ship owner's control room, Zhou Qinglei fell into deep thought.

He had just heard from the Air Force that no incoming target had been found, which made him even more puzzled. He always felt that this matter was not that simple.

Didn't the Eagle Tribe pay such a high price just to find out the core secrets of the Longxia Tribe?

Are they so kind that they won’t come?

The 052D active phased array radar did not detect any anomalies on the sea, which meant that the Eagle Tribe at least did not invade the Longxia Tribe from the sea.

The sonar system did not find any clues, proving that the Eagle Tribe did not send a submarine to carry out activities.

Now only the sky is left.

It is also the most likely place to invade. The vast airspace is very vast and it is dark.

However, there are so many fighter planes in the sky, and there are also reconnaissance aircraft activities.

The captains felt that there was still more or less no problem.

Zhou Qinglei was still worried, always feeling that something had been overlooked.

"Contact headquarters."

The order was issued, and the communications troop immediately contacted the headquarters.

"Report, no abnormalities have been found on the sea surface or on the bottom of the sea."

Zhou Qinglei reported the situation at the scene truthfully.

"okay, I get it."

"Continue to be on alert and on standby."

Commander Xu Dongguo on the other end of the phone responded.

At this moment, in the capital, inside the naval headquarters command center.

Not only Liu Huaming and other navy bosses are here, but even the army and air force have each sent a powerful chief to form a joint command of the three services.

Although in this era, the integration of the three services and three-dimensional offensive and defensive operations are advocated, in fact, when it comes to combat, the commanders of the three major services have not yet sat down to work together.

The heads of the three armed forces gathered together, which shows that they attach great importance to this incident.

The Eagle Tribe Chief's landing on the Donghuang Tribe has indeed brought unprecedented pressure to the Longxia Tribe. It is far from comparable to the pressure faced by the Donghuang Tribe when it established the Air Defense Identification Zone.

Everyone's face was serious, and their eyes were focused on the big screen on the wall not far away.

On the large screen, information from all aspects is integrated, which is very intuitive and the real-time situation is clear at a glance.

"I just received a report that no trace of the enemy was found at sea."

"We found no trace of the enemy in the air."

"Radar stations inland found no trace of the enemy either."

The three chiefs each reported the situation, and they were all stunned. What was going on?

They didn't believe that the Eagle Tribe had made such a big noise. It was just for show, to scare the Longxia Tribe?

Everyone is very clear about the virtues of the Eagle Tribe. Once they discover that any tribe on Blue Star has a new weapon, they will spare no effort to make moves and must find out.

They even dispatched special forces to destroy those advanced weapons and equipment.

"What's going on with them? Are they not causing trouble?"

"It's so weird. What do they want to do?"

Liu Huaming frowned tightly, completely unable to guess which move the Eagle Tribe would make.

"If they didn't do anything, then why did they make such a big noise before? It doesn't make sense that they were both spies and chiefs landing on the Eastern Wilderness tribe."

"With their urinary nature, they will be in a panic even if they don't do anything."

The remaining leaders were also confused and could not understand the chief's tricks at all.

"Intelligence staff."

Liu Huaming shouted directly outside.

A man in a navy uniform walked in, wearing glasses and looking gentle and refined.


"Is there any intelligence from the East Wasteland Tribe?"

Faced with Liu Huaming's inquiry, the intelligence staff quickly looked through the information on the tablet in his hand and replied.

"Report to the chief, there is no information at the moment. Our spies are already inquiring about information from all sides, and I believe that there will be results soon."

Liu Huaming frowned slightly, and a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

In other words, no valuable information has been found so far.

"Next, focus on the garrison bases deployed by the Eagle Tribe in the East Wasteland Tribe!"

Several leaders were immediately surprised. What does this mean?

Focus on the military bases of the Eagle Tribe.


Could it be that they are worried that the Eagle Tribe will send out an aircraft carrier fleet to harass the Longxia Tribe?

This doesn't make sense.

Could it be that they are targeting the Eagle Tribe's military bases and then attacking them with missiles?

If the Eagle Tribe sends out an aircraft carrier fleet, the Longxia Tribe's ballistic missiles are no joke, not to mention the anti-ship missiles with a very long range.

Once a saturation attack is carried out, how can the Eagle Tribe's aircraft carrier fleet withstand it?

"Also, send someone to keep an eye on the military bases of the East Wasteland Tribe. If the Eagle Tribe takes action this time, they will definitely have related support actions."

Liu Huaming finally said that the scope of intelligence must be expanded now, and those military bases must be kept an eye on.

The reason why the Eagle Tribe deployed many military bases in the East Wasteland Tribe and even set up the headquarters of the Seventh Fleet here is nothing more than seeing that it is close to the Longxia Tribe and can curb the development of the Longxia Tribe.

"Yes, Chief."

After receiving the order, the intelligence staff turned around and left quickly.

Everyone in the conference room looked at Liu Huaming. They were all curious about the purpose of the other party's deployment.

"Old Liu, what do you think?"

The army chief spoke first, his brows slightly frowned.

"The chieftain landed in the East Wilderness Tribe. We are almost 100% sure that they will make a move, and it is against us."

"If they really want to make a move, there must be something wrong with the garrison base."

"It's just that the news of the garrison base of the Eagle Tribe is currently blocked. If we want to find out clearly, it is still very difficult."

"But we have to do it."

After listening, the leaders agreed deeply.

Everyone knew that the East Wilderness Tribe was too close to Longxia. The straight-line distance was only a few hundred kilometers. It didn't take long for the fighter plane to take off and reach Longxia's airspace.

"It's true that if the Eagle Tribe really wants to make trouble, whether it's from the sea or from the air, the military bases deployed in the East Wasteland Tribe must be a springboard."

"If there is any movement in those military bases, there is indeed such a possibility."

"But whether it is a naval base or an air force base, it is also a big project to detect."

"No matter how big the project is, they must find a way to detect relevant information, otherwise we will be passive."

The leaders discussed fiercely and felt that this possibility was very high.

Whether it is the air force or the navy, starting from the Eagle Tribe's homeland, even from Hawaii or Guam, it will be a long distance, and then they will launch an action against Longxia, and they will not have enough fuel.

"Focusing on the military bases of the East Wasteland Tribe is also the intention here."

"Once the Eagle Tribe makes a move, although the East Wasteland Tribe can't control it, the people in their military bases will definitely find something."

Liu Huaming explained again that the East Wasteland Tribe also has some tricks, and the detectors they deployed in the military base can capture some actions of the Eagle Tribe.

Hearing this, everyone felt that it made sense and nodded in agreement.

The East Wasteland Tribe has always been restless, which is obvious to everyone. They have their own little tricks, wanting to get rid of the shackles of the Eagle Tribe and become a normal country, and they have been working hard to do so.

"Do you think the Eagle Tribe is trying to scare us, but actually has no action?"

"Otherwise, the Navy and the Air Force would not have noticed anything."

"It's really a bit weird."

At this time, an army chief spoke up, his brows furrowed.

"Yes, I think this possibility cannot be ruled out."

"The Eagle Tribe has done this kind of trick before, deliberately scaring people, and it's hard to figure out the connection."

"Impossible, after our recruitment video was released, their spies took action, and also activated a lot of our internal colonists, security departments, and our security departments. They arrested a lot of people."

"Yes, the arrival of the great chief attracted the attention of most people on Blue Star. Who could know that their military was doing something privately? This is called trying to cover up the truth. They did it on purpose."

"I still think that they have taken action, but we haven't detected it yet."

Everyone talked about it, some agreed, and some opposed.

Someone's words inspired Xu Dongguo, who had been silent, and he interrupted.

"Commendants, perhaps the Eagle Tribe has taken action in a field that our current technology cannot reach."

This remark immediately surprised everyone, and they were all very puzzled.

The navy, army, and air force have all been dispatched, is there still a field that cannot be reached?

Which dimension is it?

Suddenly, a light flashed in Liu Huaming's head, and he woke up.

"High-altitude reconnaissance, high-altitude reconnaissance over 20,000 meters."

Looking at the Air Force chief, Liu Huaming spoke at this time.

So far, the Longxia Navy and the Air Force have no fighters that can reach such an altitude.

Xu Dongguo immediately took over the conversation and explained.

"From the current situation, we think we can't fight against their nuclear-powered aircraft carrier fleet, but we can still compete with ordinary fleets. Our 052D has advanced performance that is ahead of our opponents, and there is no possibility of being crushed."

"But the air force, our Mr. Baye, and the imported Su-27 aircraft, the maximum ceiling does not exceed 20,000 meters, and we can deal with ordinary fighters and reconnaissance aircraft."

"If the Eagle Tribe dispatches a high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft of more than 20,000 meters, which is equipment we don't have, how should we deal with it?"

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone's face changed immediately.

They just thought that the navy and the air force had been dispatched, and the sea and air were made into an iron barrel, but they ignored that the Eagle Tribe also had the technology to crush the Longxia Tribe, which they all ignored.

"Once, our 052D crossed the waters of the Donghuan tribe with its overwhelming technology, killing people in and out without being discovered by them, and returned triumphantly."

"Afterwards, we asked Dingping, and his meaning was very clear, that is, our 052D has stealth capabilities, and directly crushed the East Desert Maritime Self-Defense Force in terms of science and technology."

"Not only can the radar of the East Desert Maritime Self-Defense Force warships not detect the 052D, but even the long-range warning radar they deployed cannot detect it. This is the crushing of stealth capabilities."

"If the Eagle Tribe is facing us now, it is also the same, then we..."

Before Xu Dongguo finished speaking, everyone suddenly realized, and they all knew what it meant next.

Liu Huaming glanced at everyone and said slowly.

"In other words, it's not that they didn't take action, but that they took action, but we haven't discovered it yet."

The leaders present nodded one after another, but their expressions changed drastically.

They all have in-depth research on the Eagle Tribe. It is true that the Longxia Tribe is not as good as the Eagle Tribe in many technologies at present, so being crushed is not a problem.

"The Eagle Tribe's technology in the field of high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft is unique in the world. Even the White Bear Tribe can't compare, let alone our air force."

"If we really conduct high-altitude reconnaissance, such as dispatching U2 and other high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft that can fly up to 24,000 kilometers, our navy and air force really can't do anything about it."

"Unless it enters our inland area and is discovered by large land-based radars."

Xu Dongguo's words made everyone feel heavy, and they knew too well what this meant.

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