I built an armada

Chapter 376: High altitude is no longer safe, scaring the eagle

The tonnage exceeds 10,000 tons?

A 10,000-ton destroyer?

Upon hearing this tonnage, Xue Shuai suddenly lost his composure, and his heart beat hard.

When did the missile destroyer develop towards the direction of 10,000 tons?

Is this really a destroyer?

The 10,000-ton destroyer produced by the Eagle Tribe is a cruiser, right? When did their destroyers exceed 10,000 tons?

Even if there are some that exceed 10,000 tons, it is only on the PPT and has not been implemented in reality.

Then, Xue Shuai suddenly remembered that Liu Huaming had asked him to borrow people from the army and return them after three years.

"Liu Huaming, you asked me to help coordinate the loan of 15,000 people from the army. Is it related to this?"

Faced with Xue Shuai's question, Liu Huaming, who was in an excited state, was stunned for a long time.

"Report to the commander, yes."

Liu Huaming took a deep breath and said frankly, "At the beginning, Dingping only gave me a concept and a design sketch. I didn't expect that he really made it."

"Its combat effectiveness is really strong, which is completely beyond my expectations."

Xue Shuai was speechless. Liu Huaming kept talking about the 10,000-ton destroyer.

"The navy is equipped with a 10,000-ton destroyer, which is a cause for celebration."

"You are so happy that you have surpassed the air force and the army?"

Xue Shuai said unhappily, "It is indeed a great achievement for your navy to shoot down the U2 of the Eagle Tribe. It is worth celebrating. Of course, this is your navy's business, so you can arrange it."

After hanging up the phone, Xue Shuai was in an unusually good mood.

The Eagle Tribe actually sent a U2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft over, which did cause a lot of trouble to the three armies of Longxia, and made him worried for a long time.

The kind of aircraft that was clearly detected and was there, but they did not have a suitable anti-aircraft weapon to shoot it down, but let others enter the land as if there was no one.

That was so frustrating.

Now, the Navy can rely on its own hard power to provide Longxia with a safe air umbrella.

In the future, facing the advanced means of the Eagle Tribe, they will no longer be powerless to resist, but will be able to kill the attacking targets at sea.

From then on, the Longxia Tribe can peacefully pursue economic development, improve the comprehensive national strength, and allow the majority of the people to devote themselves to the tide of economic construction.

Before, he also made calculations. If the U2 of the Eagle Tribe was not shot down, then they would definitely be unscrupulous in the sky over the Longxia Sea, and the next day they would definitely discredit the three armies of Longxia unscrupulously, and even trample the face of the tribe on the ground.

The consequence that followed was that Longxia's international status would be greatly shaken.

The consequences were unimaginable!

Fortunately, this 10,000-ton destroyer suddenly appeared, and decisively shot down the U2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft. I am really grateful that the Navy actually received such a big treasure.

"The navy has done a great job this time."

"We are no longer afraid of super-high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft. We can shoot down as many as we can in the future."

"Next, we will see whether the Eagle Tribe has more high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft or we have more anti-aircraft missiles."

Xue Shuai muttered to himself, with bursts of brilliance in his eyes.

At the beginning, he was determined to support the navy, help the navy, and help Su Dingping, but he really didn't make a decision, and today's return has far exceeded people's imagination.

It can be said that the navy's investment has received huge returns and is the most worthwhile investment.

"It's great that the navy can finally stop worrying too much."

"Just proceed with the work step by step."

Turning back from the window sill to the desk, Xue Shuai picked up the red confidential phone on the table and reported the good news.

At the same time, in the East Wilderness Tribe, there was a garrison base of the Eagle Tribe.

The atmosphere in the command center was very depressing. The Fox Hunting No. 1 had flown out for more than two hours, but there was no news feedback until now.

This feeling of being out of touch made all of them very uncomfortable.

The signalman had called no less than two hundred times, but each call was ignored, and no response was received at all.

Everyone in the headquarters didn't understand what was going on, and they couldn't help but feel confused.

"Why has Fox Hunter No. 1 not responded after more than two hours?"

"Shouldn't the normal reconnaissance aircraft be back by now? Why is there no news yet?"

"Could it be that Fox Hunter No. 1 has expanded its search range and wants to take more photos of the scene?"

"Then let's wait a little longer."

"U2 is still the highest-flying reconnaissance aircraft on Blue Star, with more advanced performance. Not to mention Longxia, even the White Bear Tribe can't do anything about it."

After some discussion, everyone felt relieved.

In their view, the three armies of Longxia were all rubbish, and they didn't have the strength to capture a high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft like U2.

Even if the army had a fixed position, they had already obtained the specific location through various reconnaissance methods and could easily crack it.

Fixed position targets are the easiest to deceive. You only need to know the relevant coordinates in advance, and then the U2 high-altitude reconnaissance can bypass it. Don't worry too much.

For them, going to the Longxia tribe for reconnaissance is a kind of enjoyment that can be done while drinking coffee.

Although I don't know why it has been so long since it came back, there is no need to worry too much.

It's just a reconnaissance trip to the Longxia tribe, not a dangerous one.

In any case, it's the famous U2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft of Blue Star, an advanced fighter that has created many brilliant achievements, not owned by the Donghuang tribe or other tribes.

Shot down?

That doesn't exist.

When U2 broke into the White Bear Tribe, it gave them a lot of trouble, and finally got a lot of key technologies, forcing them to surrender.

Everyone was still confident. After more than half an hour, there was still no news from Fox Hunter No. 1.

No matter how they called, the other party didn't respond.

Suddenly, some people couldn't sit still. If something really happened, it would be bad.

It's been almost three hours. If U2 returned, it should have returned long ago.

If it came back, U2 would definitely contact the headquarters as soon as possible to report the success.

But now, it is still empty.

"Something is wrong. It has been almost three hours. Why hasn't Fox Hunter No. 1 sent back any news? At this time, it should appear over the East Desert Tribe and be about to descend."

"The mission of this operation is very simple. It is to check a few targets that have been marked in advance. It should be verified and returned very quickly. Hasn't it been too long?"

"Wow, something is wrong. Why do I feel like something is going to go wrong?"

"There are only five targets in this mission. Why did he take so long? Kadiboom is not such a slow person. He is an ace pilot who has withstood many tests. It is impossible for him to ignore military orders!"

"Could it be that It was in trouble. Longxia discovered Fox Hunter No. 1. Kadiboom was dealing with it, right? He wanted to play tricks on the Longxia troops and get more reconnaissance data? "

"Your statement is not true. Our Fox Hunter No. 1 is a high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft like U2. Longxia does not have a fighter plane that can fly so high, and it is even more impossible to discover its existence. Even if they were to play tricks on them, it would not take that long."

"Besides, if there was such a big commotion, our spies in ambush would not be unaware of it."

The people in the command center were confused, and they felt that this matter was more and more abnormal. They had a bad premonition in their hearts, and even thought that U2 had lost contact.

After some discussion, they did not care about exposing the specific location of the U2, and resolutely started the contact procedure.

After receiving the order, the signalman immediately started the call mode for U2.

"Report to the commander, after many calls and contacts, we can't contact Fox Hunter No. 1."

"Can't contact?"

Several people became more uneasy.

"Is Fox Hunter No. 1 really in crisis? Otherwise, why can't we contact it?"

"Kadiboom must be in trouble."

"That must be the case. We must make a decision."

Several people felt that the probability of something going wrong was very high. If they didn't take corresponding measures now, they would be in more trouble later.

"Sir, it seems that we need to send fighters to verify and help Kadiboom out of trouble."

After discussing for a while, several people finally reached a consensus and looked at the commander.

After thinking for a while, the commander felt that it made a lot of sense.

"Order, Fox Hunter No. 2 and Fox Hunter No. 3 take off immediately."

"This time, we will not investigate the relevant bases of the Longxia tribe, but will search for the whereabouts of Fox Hunter No. 1 with all our strength."

"Take off quickly!"

The commander felt that this matter was not that simple. If they didn't act quickly this time, they would never know where Fox Hunter No. 1 went.


The order was quickly passed to the pilots of the other two U2s. The two quickly put on their flight gear and ran to their own U2s as quickly as possible. With the help of the ground crew, they completed all the preparations before boarding the plane as quickly as possible.

Not long after, the two U2s took off from the airport one after another, soaring into the sky in the night and heading towards Longxia.

Soon, the news that two reconnaissance planes took off from the Eagle Tribe military base was immediately detected by several military bases of the East Wasteland Tribe.

They naturally did not dare to let them take care of the situation of the garrison base, but the two reconnaissance planes that took off left the military base and entered the airspace of the East Wasteland Tribe and would naturally be detected.

The commanders of several military bases immediately reported the relevant situation.

The cabinet ministers of the East Wasteland Tribe who learned the news were all shocked.

They had no idea what the Eagle Tribe soldiers were doing. Why did one reconnaissance plane take off after another, as if it was endless.

"The Eagle Tribe has sent out two more reconnaissance planes, and the target is also the Longxia Tribe. What are they going to do? Are they preparing to go to war with Longxia?"

"There is no more news at the moment, but the reconnaissance plane that went out before has not returned yet. It has been out for almost three hours. Now it seems that the situation is more complicated than we thought."

"According to what you mean, could it be that the first reconnaissance plane was shot down by Longxia? It is unlikely. The reconnaissance plane sent out by the Eagle Tribe directly stretched to more than 23,000 meters. The Longxia Air Force does not have this strength."

"If we don't take action, why do we need to carry out such frequent investigation activities?"

As for what type of reconnaissance plane took off, it had long been detected and reported by the military base of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe, and they, the cabinet ministers, knew it.

Just guessing that the Eagle Tribe was going to go to war with the Longxia Tribe, all of them were immediately excited, and finally they got this opportunity.

Once the two sides go to war, they can take the opportunity to rise again.

As for the U2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, apart from the White Bear Tribe, the air force of a third country has not yet reached this level of ability to shoot it down.

"Okay, this matter is beyond our control, just let them go."

"We still choose to wait and hope for better results."

After several ministers discussed in low voices, they chose to shut up and wait quietly for the results of the negotiations between the two parties.

They need the support of the Eagle Tribe, and also related weapon support.

At the same time, in the conference hall of the Cabinet Building.

The leader of the cabinet talked dryly, and tried his best to please and flatter him. He kept expressing his loyalty to the chief and promised many benefits.

Finally, the chief, who had always maintained a cautious attitude, became more and more relaxed.

Now, both inside and outside the words, a batch of weapons can be sold to them.

"After I return, I will persuade other senior personnel."

"I believe there will be good results soon."

"As for the command of the second light aircraft carrier, I can hand it over to you at the appropriate time."

The great chief said happily after taking a sip of coffee.

The benefits gained from coming to the Eastern Wilderness Tribe this time were really many, which made him feel good, so he could naturally relax.

Anyway, for the Eagle Tribe, everything is based on its own interests. If it can get more benefits from the Eastern Wilderness Tribe, why not?

During the break, he had already obtained a lot of information from his staff.

What's wrong with taking advantage of this opportunity to kill him severely and maximize the interests of the Eagle Tribe?

For the cabinet leaders and other senior officials of the Eastern Wilderness tribe, it was completely different. After obtaining the command of the second light aircraft carrier, they were able to form a complete aircraft carrier strike group with the remaining eight-eighth fleet. .

As long as the new warships purchased from the Eagle Tribe are put into service in the future, the strength of Donghuang Sea will inevitably return to its peak.

Nothing is impossible even further!

The Eagle Tribe possesses Blue Star's top battleship technology, and its new generation of Aegis ships are unique in the world.

As a result, the leaders of the Donghuang tribe's cabinet were in a good mood, and the smiles on their faces became even more flattering.

All kinds of disgusting flattery words were thrown out one after another, making the chief elated and happy.

At this moment, a blond and blue-eyed staff member hurriedly walked in and whispered something into the chief's ear.

The chief's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately told the cabinet leader: "I'll leave first if I have something else to do."

After saying that, regardless of the reaction of the cabinet leader, he stood up and walked outside.

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