I built an armada

Chapter 378: Longxia overtakes on the curve, the eagle is unwilling to give up

Pushkin slowly stood up from his chair and walked to the window sill.

Looking up at the starry sky, the stars were still shining, and his eyes gradually became deeper.

Over the years, a large number of talents from the Longxia Tribe have been absorbed by the Eagle Tribe. Of course, other western tribes have also absorbed many talents, and naturally some have come to the White Bear Tribe.

In addition, Western countries have crazy restrictions and blockades on the Longxia tribe in the military and high-tech fields, with the purpose of preventing the Longxia tribe from becoming strong.

Under such extreme circumstances, it would be very difficult for the Longxia tribe to develop.

But even so, it still failed to curb the rise of the Longxia tribe. Instead, it rose faster and faster, especially since the navy had developed warships with regional air defense capabilities.

According to the classification of the White Bear Tribe, those who can shoot down strategic-level reconnaissance aircraft such as U2 can basically be classified as strategic-level navies, which have strong ocean-going combat capabilities.

In just a few years, Long Xia has grown from a country that needs to import advanced warships to a country that has the ability to develop and build advanced warships. Its progress is so fast that even Pushkin feels helpless.

Nowadays, the speed of development of Longxia Tribe has left him helpless.

Over the years, although the White Bear Tribe did not impose an overt technical blockade on Long Xia like the Eagle Tribe, they would not give up any military secrets.

Even the warships sold to the Longxia tribe were retired from active service after decades of service.

Even so, they still tampered with the exit. Wherever they could castrate, they would try to castrate it as much as possible, and they would never let Long Xia Navy get the most advanced warship technology.

Hiding like this, it still failed to stop the rapid rise of the Longxia tribe.

It has to be said that the people of Longxia really have an indomitable spirit, and they become more and more courageous the more they are frustrated. They are like an invincible Xiaoqiang. They become more and more courageous with every setback, and they catch up at a speed that is shocking to humans.

"How difficult are times?"

"Our White Bear tribe is also in a very bad situation."

Pushkin felt that the pressure in his heart suddenly increased a lot, and his mood became low.

The Eagle Tribe in front was pressing forward step by step, causing them to keep retreating. Now the Longxia Tribe behind them was also catching up quickly.

He even had some doubts that it wouldn't be long before the Long Xia Navy would surpass a traditional naval power like theirs.

Even though he didn't want to accept this result, he had to accept it.

In terms of the development of military technology, the White Bear Tribe is indeed developing at a much slower pace. If it continues like this, it will sooner or later become a third-rate navy.

"It seems that the White Bear Tribe also needs to work harder to develop its navy."

Pushkin murmured to himself. At this moment, his mood was complicated, a little sour and a little unhappy.

"Great Emperor, the Longxia tribe has made frequent moves in the past two years, and its economy has developed rapidly."

"Do we need to contain them further?"

"For example, increase the horsepower."

Boris frowned and asked, he had no idea now.

If you act truthfully, it will definitely have a negative impact, that is, you will be attacked from both sides.

In the past, they have been secretly curbing Long Xia's development, especially in the field of military industry. If it suddenly becomes obvious now, it will definitely arouse Long Xia's dissatisfaction.

Having a bad relationship with this neighbor will cost them more than they gain.

What can be done?

Pushkin's head was extremely heavy at the moment and he was unable to make a decision for a while.

The Longxia tribe developed under such difficult conditions, which has shown that they cannot be contained.

Even if we tighten restrictions in the future, what will happen?

This was done too harshly. If the Longxia tribe were forced to go to the Eagle tribe like before, they would be in great trouble.

There is no way for the neighbor to move out, and any action taken now may not work.

"We will observe for a period of time. If their development situation is beyond our control, then we will have to take some necessary measures."

After thinking for a long time, Pushkin returned to his desk and sat down again, and spoke directly.


Boris responded hastily.

"They are our neighbors no matter what."

"Some things can't be done too much."

At this point, Pushkin's eyes flashed with fierceness, "Of course, if the Longxia tribe loses control, we still have to do some things."

When it really comes to that point, for the sake of the national interest, even if he really pushes the Longxia tribe to the side of the Eagle tribe, he will do it.

The other side.

Eastern Wilderness Tribe, America Military Base.

As the steel gate of the base opened, the bulletproof vehicle the chief was riding in quickly drove into the base, protected by the convoy.

Even though the Eastern Wilderness tribe has taken very good security measures, the chief still brought many security personnel.

After entering the base, they stopped in front of the command center.

The car door opened, and the Chief slowly stepped out of the car and landed, stepping on the specially laid carpet, which was very soft.

The three-star general Cruz, the person in charge of the garrison base, had already led everyone to line up and wait there. When he saw the great chief coming, his face immediately burst into an extremely bright smile.

"Welcome to the base, Chief."

After Cruz stepped forward and saluted with a military salute, he turned aside and said, "Great Chief, please go this way."


The chief said with an extremely serious expression.

Under Cruise's guidance, the group came to the combat command center, where everyone was busy, and numerous data and changes in the surrounding situation were displayed on the large screen.

"What's the situation now?"

The chief asked impatiently as soon as he sat down.

"Great Chief, Fox Hunter 1 has lost contact. I have sent Fox Hunter 2 and Fox Hunter 3 to search."

The three-star general Cruz said hurriedly, "Judging from the time, they should have almost reached the sky above the Longxia Sea. I believe the results will be available soon."

"I need specific results. When did they search?"

The chief's brows gradually wrinkled and he asked in a deep voice.

"The report is not certain yet, but I think they will send back the news soon."

Cruise responded truthfully, he only has so much information so far, and he still needs to see the relevant intelligence information brought back by the two U2s.

"Why did Fox Hunter One lose contact?"

The chief's words directly caused cold sweat to break out on Cruz's forehead.

"It's not clear yet."

These words directly made the chief frown, "Then do you have any follow-up plans?"

"Sorry, Warchief, not yet."

Cruise was obviously stunned for a moment, and then said truthfully.

I previously thought that the Longxia Tribe had no way of shooting down the U2 reconnaissance plane, and felt that it would be like entering an uninhabited land when it arrived at the Longxia Tribe.

There's no need for it at all.

That's U2, not the garbage from the Eastern Wilderness Tribe.

Who would have thought that it would suddenly lose contact?

Their impression of Long Xia's navy was that they were forced to land artillery a few years ago.

Besides, who dared to beat down U2 after being so brave?

Based on these practical factors, are there any follow-up plans that need to be prepared?

"Great Chief, it has been more than three hours since Fox Hunter 1 entered Longxia's airspace."

"Still no news at all."

Seeing that the chief didn't speak, Cruise frowned and spoke with a distressed look on his face.

At this moment, an intelligence officer walked in quickly.

"Great Chief, General, the latest news."

"Long Xia's foreign affairs department has just issued a latest announcement, which is suspected to be related to the missing Fox Hunter 1."

Hearing this, the chief and Cruz were shocked.

Is it possible that the disappearance of Fox Hunter 1 has something to do with the Longxia tribe?

Could it be that.

Suddenly, an unknown premonition arose in the minds of both of them at the same time.

"Quick, bring it over and let me take a look."

Cruise almost snatched the photo from the other person's hand, stared at it, and his face instantly became extremely ugly.

After reading it, he immediately handed it over to the chief.

The picture is full of piles of wreckage. Without professionals, it is impossible to see part of the U2 reconnaissance aircraft. Naturally, the Great Chief also has no idea.

"General Cruz, do you recognize him?"

Seeing the change in Cruz's expression, the chief asked in a deep voice.

"Great Chief, this is our missing Fox Hunter One!"

General Cruz reported with an extremely heavy heart, but his heart was extremely complicated.

I originally thought that the Hunter 1 was playing hide-and-seek with the Long Xia Air Force and was trying every means to get out of trouble.

But he didn't expect that he had been shot down.

To be precise, it should have been beaten to pieces. If I hadn't seen the icon, I might not even recognize my mother.

Damn it, what a blow it has been. It's about to be blown into pieces.

It was so tragic.

"Long Xia Navy has such technology?"

The chief asked with disbelief written all over his face.

He remembered clearly that his staff had reported that this was a U2 reconnaissance aircraft that could fly to an altitude of 24 kilometers. It was equipped with the latest electronic warfare system. Longxia's navy and air force had no way to deal with it.

But now, you actually told Fox Hunter 1 that it was shot down not long after it flew into the Longxiahai airspace?

And it was shot with a missile, which was truly horrific.

If Cruise hadn't recognized it, he probably wouldn't have known what kind of fighter plane it was, and it was all blown to pieces.

And he discovered that the fragment with the logo seemed to be deliberately placed for them to see.

"Great Chief, I don't know about this."

Cruise responded awkwardly that he indeed had no information in this regard.

If there was, he would not deploy like this. Instead, he would let fighter planes escort him, or attack from multiple points at the same time. There would always be one point that broke into Long Xia's tribe, and he would not be shot down.

"Great Chief, according to the relevant information we have obtained before, the Longxia tribe does not have such technology. They only have land-based fixed position anti-aircraft missiles, but they have no way of intercepting sea targets."

"Their ship-to-air missiles are even more short-legged. The most advanced aircraft in the Air Force is the Su-27 aircraft imported from the White Bear Tribe, but it cannot fly at high altitudes."

"Judging from the content in the photo, it looks more like it was shot down at sea."

At this point, Cruz paused. I'm afraid even he himself couldn't believe what he said next.

If it was at sea, it meant that the Longxia Navy must have at least one anti-aircraft missile that could hit an altitude of 25KM. It also meant that the Longxia Navy already had ship-borne anti-aircraft missiles that were more advanced than they imagined.

Otherwise, Longxia could only use fighter jets, regardless of the safety of pilots, and pay a heavy price to attack with air-to-air missiles.

After all, the flying altitude of the Longxia tribe's fighter jets was much lower than that of reconnaissance aircraft.

To attack a reconnaissance aircraft at a high altitude from a low altitude, the overload that fighter pilots need to bear is very large, almost vertically rising, and the engine needs to have a strong thrust.

It is a major test for the fighter's engine, the missile's fuel, etc.

"Are you trying to tell me that the Longxia tribe has made new breakthroughs in the field of military technology?"

The chief stared at Cruz and asked in a deep voice.

"This, this..."

Cruz hesitated for a long time and couldn't say a word. He didn't know how to answer.

After all, he had no first-hand information, let alone going to the scene to check, so how could he respond?

He couldn't just talk nonsense like a child playing house, right?

For a moment, both of them fell into silence.

At this moment, apart from the breathing of the people in the hall, there was only the humming sound of the computer fans.

After more than three minutes, the blond and blue-eyed staff member on the side hurriedly spoke.

"Great Chief, General Cruz."

"If the Longxia tribe really has a breakthrough in military technology, then our reconnaissance operation must be canceled immediately, otherwise it would be like sending heads."

"After all, if we can shoot down the Fox Hunter No. 1, we can shoot down the subsequent reconnaissance aircraft."

The staff member's words also scared himself, and the faces of the Great Chief and General Cruz changed drastically.

After being reminded by him, everyone on the scene thought of a very serious problem.

If the first Fox Hunter No. 1 was shot down, then the risk of the other two being shot down would increase exponentially.

Thinking of this, several people could not sit still, and their faces became extremely ugly.

Without the chief's reminder, Cruz ran and called the signalman to him at the fastest speed: "Quick, contact them, order Fox Hunter No. 2 and Fox Hunter No. 3 to return immediately!"

"Cancel the action plan, and the task of searching for Fox Hunter No. 1 will be canceled immediately."

"Order them to come back quickly."

He knew very well that if he was a step late, not only would the two ace pilots be gone, but even the U2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft would be blown up.

The order had been issued, but General Cruz was still very nervous.

He even felt that he was too careless before, and he rashly issued the order without checking the specific situation.

It was also his own fault. He had a huge prejudice against the Longxia tribe, so that he made some wrong decisions!

At this moment, his mood was extremely bad.

I only thought that Fox Hunter No. 1 had a little accident in the airspace of the Longxia tribe, but I didn't think about being shot down by the Longxia tribe at all.

One U2 is nothing, but the Eagle Tribe’s reputation was damaged.

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