I built an armada

Chapter 381 Developing carrier-based aircraft, it is finally the turn of the Air Force

However, it is one thing to master these technologies.

Trial and error, engineering manufacturing, and then repair and reconstruction are completely another matter.

All of these require a lot of time.

At present, the aircraft carrier has not entered the large-scale reconstruction, and there is no definite information on the time of its return, but Su Dingping is already seriously considering the issue of carrier-based aircraft on the aircraft carrier.

For a while, Liu Huaming and other naval leaders felt that they were somewhat incompetent as leaders. They did not consider the development of such weapons and equipment as much as Su Dingping, who worked hard on technology, and naturally did not think as far as he did.

In fact, this cannot be blamed on them.

It can only be said that the development of naval equipment is too rapid. Often, they have just learned about a generation of warships, and a new generation has come out, and future warships have also entered the scientific research.

They are naturally not as good as Su Dingping, a future man who has long seen through the future, not to mention that he knows the future development of Longxia’s navy, army and air force.

The Air Force chief standing by was extremely happy. Once Su Dingping made a carrier-based aircraft, the Air Force would benefit greatly.

Although he wanted to know what the carrier-based aircraft looked like and how advanced it was, he still held back and waited for Su Dingping to finish his research.

Seeing Su Dingping staring at the wreckage of the U2 reconnaissance plane with such a serious face, and occasionally looking for it, everyone just stood aside and watched quietly.

No one spoke, for fear of disturbing his thoughts.

After touching the extremely large wreckage continuously, Su Dingping set out again to the military industry illustrations to forge air force fighters, and the relevant technologies of the U2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft emerged in the virtual panel in his mind.

"The second generation of high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft-U2, completeness (55%), note: temporarily unavailable for upgrade!"

"Full version of hydraulic control resistance technology (analysis progress 43%, analysis time 189 days); full version of synthetic aperture radar technology (analysis progress 88%, analysis time 99 days); full version of J57 turbojet engine technology (analysis progress 43%, analysis time 474 days); full version of high-resolution photography, multi-spectral analysis combined system technology (analysis progress 68%, analysis time 106 days)."

"Full version of interference metal foil technology (analysis progress 88%, analysis time 22 days); full version of new aviation fuel technology analysis (analysis progress 56%, analysis time 140 days); full version of high-altitude pressurized suit technology (analysis progress 45%, analysis time 138 days); full version of high-altitude electronic reconnaissance technology (analysis progress 76%, analysis time 201 days)..."

Staring at the various technical data on the virtual panel in his mind for a long time, Su Dingping couldn't help but sigh secretly.

High-altitude reconnaissance aircraft and warships belong to two completely different fields. Although there are some overlapping technologies, most of the fields are brand new.

Even for him who has a virtual space of military industry illustrations, it is also a big challenge.

Therefore, even if there is a nearly 45% analysis progress bonus for touching the real object, the analysis time of the U2 reconnaissance aircraft is still very long.

But compared with another virtual panel in his mind, "The third-generation top-end nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is 150,000 tons, note: it cannot be upgraded for the time being!", Su Dingping was quietly relieved.

"A 150,000-ton nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is the real dream ship of the Longxia Navy."

"As for the continuation of the construction of the Varyag, it is only to solve the problem of whether there is an aircraft carrier and realize the century-old aircraft carrier dream of the Longxia tribe!"

"It seems that the continuation of the construction of the Varyag aircraft carrier needs to be accelerated."

Su Dingping muttered to himself. He suddenly felt that the progress of the continuation of the construction of the Varyag aircraft carrier was a bit slow. Cheng Yiqiang's engineering team was really too slow in research and development.

At least, he has already mastered almost all the core technologies and made detailed annotations, so it shouldn't be difficult.

But he still underestimated that these difficulties were indeed a bit high for Cheng Yiqiang and his team, and what he did was just forcing things.

No matter how advanced the U2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft is, it is still far behind the third-generation nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

In addition, he also found that the "temporarily unupgradeable" button on the virtual panel of the 10,000-ton destroyer has become "upgradeable".

This also means that the 10,000-ton destroyer can be upgraded to state B, with electromagnetic guns and laser weapons on board.

But he doesn't plan to continue upgrading for the time being.

For the current Longxia Navy, the 10,000-ton destroyer, plus a group of 052Ds, can fully maintain the safety of the sea within a range of 1,500 kilometers.

As long as the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier comes out, the Longxia Navy will officially have the confidence to compete with the Eagle Tribe Navy.

A complete nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, equipped with a 10,000-ton destroyer, a large number of 052Ds, and some accompanying frigates, nuclear-powered submarines, and supply ships.

This is a complete aircraft carrier fleet. It will be no problem to confront the Eagle Tribe's aircraft carrier fleet.

Of course, this is just a consideration from the perspective of the navy, from the perspective of warships.

Compared with the Eagle Tribe's aircraft carrier fleet, the Longxia Navy still needs to develop a sufficient number of carrier-based aircraft and related production lines.

As for the natural upgrade, Su Dingping thinks it can be analyzed slowly and there is no need to be so anxious.

After all, even if some technologies are upgraded now, there is probably no way to implement them at all, the difficulty is too great.

After the basic model of the 10,000-ton destroyer is developed, the subsequent construction of ships will inevitably involve more new materials.

And materials science still has a very big shortcoming for the current Longxia tribe, especially after large-scale application, the gap will be even greater.

Su Dingping thinks that what needs to be done now is to use time to exchange for space.

In fact, breakthroughs in the field of new composite stealth materials are not so easy, let alone the Longxia tribe, even the Eagle tribe, which is far ahead on the blue planet, has no way to achieve large-scale industrial production.

This involves opening up the entire industrial chain, not a single enterprise can do it.

Even if you look at the world, no country has such a complete industrial chain, and the Eagle tribe does not have it either.

The Nighthawk fighter of the Eagle Tribe was once said to be impossible to shoot down, but in the end, it was still shot down. As for the B2, which is called the Ghost Bomber, it is boasted quite a lot, but the high cost means that a wealthy country like the Eagle Tribe has few equipment.

If it is replaced with a warship, the cost will be even higher, and it is no problem to be ten times more expensive.

Using the blind spots of radar monitoring can achieve a certain degree of stealth, and 052D and 10,000-ton destroyers can also do it. Although the direction is different, the effect is the same.

This is completely different from the stealth required by the next generation of warships. Two concepts.

Under the current technical conditions, the creation of stealth materials alone has made countless military factories scratch their heads, not to mention other more complex and more advanced black technologies.

You have to eat one bite at a time and do things bit by bit.

Su Dingping felt that no matter how advanced he was, no matter how anxious he was, he had to consider the current scientific research environment of the entire Longxia tribe and the level of industrial development.

He couldn't ignore reality in order to produce more ultra-modern armaments.

Military expenditures must be used where they matter most. At present, the overall military expenditure of the Longxia tribe is not high, and it will be even lower when it is allocated to the navy. He still needs to use it sparingly.

Taking a deep breath, Su Dingping suppressed the distracting thoughts in his mind.

As his mind turned, a complete version of the U2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft appeared in the forging space.

Carefully looking at the U2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, Su Dingping also sighed secretly.

"55% completeness is still a bit low, the core technology has not been conquered."

"Especially the aircraft engine, it is the focus of the focus, no matter how difficult it is, we have to do it."

"Even if the core technology of the engine is slowly analyzed, the wind tunnel technology for testing the engine is also a huge trouble."

"Aviation engines and warship engines are also two different fields, and the related technologies involved are also different."

"The only common point is probably that they are both gas turbines."

Su Dingping stroked his chin with his right hand, thinking, weighing the differences between the two, and trying to find the balance point in the middle.

"It seems that we need to build a complete large wind tunnel laboratory in the virtual space of the military industry illustrations, so that we can test various carrier-based aircraft built later."

"It would be great if we could also obtain a virtual panel that analyzes the core technology of large wind tunnels, so that we can continuously upgrade and light up more advanced wind tunnels, so as to obtain more advanced wind tunnel technology."

"Only with more advanced wind tunnel technology can we test more advanced engines. This is a technology that must be conquered."

Su Dingping has made up his mind that he must build a large advanced wind tunnel laboratory in the forging space of the military industry illustrations when he has time.

Of course, the more advanced the better, not to mention that when it comes to the stage of hypersonic missiles, it also needs a wind tunnel.

Of course, he is preparing for the development of the air force in the future.

For now, he feels that the air force has seriously slowed down the development of carrier-based aircraft, and he will inevitably have to go into battle himself.

No matter how advanced the aircraft carrier is, it is just a combat platform, and its combat effectiveness needs to be exerted through carrier-based aircraft!

Among the three armed forces, the air force has the biggest shortcomings.

Before the aircraft carrier is launched, there is still a period of time to tolerate slow development. Once the aircraft carrier is launched, if there are no available carrier-based aircraft, it will become the biggest joke on Blue Star!

Su Dingping will never allow such a thing to happen, so he must prepare in advance.

After all, the carrier-based fighters, reconnaissance aircraft, and transport aircraft on the aircraft carrier all belong to the field of the Air Force, and they can all exchange what they have in this regard.

Through carrier-based aircraft, radiating to the Air Force, this is also a very good choice!

Su Dingping decided to take a challenge.

Anyway, the first 10,000-ton destroyer has been built. The next step is to train Sun Yongguo and other military experts to ensure that they can stand on their own.

After the overall level of the military industry is improved, large-scale construction will be carried out immediately.

The 10,000-ton destroyer is a warship with expensive construction and many new technologies. Naturally, it is impossible to build 30 or 40 ships like the 052D once it is built.

This kind of iron fist, a weapon specifically for attack, is not very urgent for the current Longxia Navy.

One ship is enough to last for a while.

The next step is to upgrade the subsequent batches of 052D and 054 frigates so that they can be well compatible with the Haihongqi 901B.

After such an operation, the Longxia Navy has many warships that can hit 30KM altitude.

Seeing that Su Dingping didn't speak for a long time, his eyebrows were tightly knitted together, and he stood there motionless, Liu Huaming almost subconsciously thought that he was in trouble.

"Dingping, are you in trouble?"

"You don't need to worry too much about the field of carrier-based aircraft. Take your time. After all, this is also a new field for our navy."

Liu Huaming asked with concern.

He knew that Su Dingping's head would never stop, and it was always running at a high speed. The fact that he could be so solemn was enough to prove the difficulty of this matter.

"Yes, Dingping."

"We didn't even have an aircraft carrier before, it was just a dream. The Navy is not mentally prepared to enter the field of carrier-based aircraft."

"Let's not rush for now."

Xu Dongguo on the side also persuaded him. He knew very well that as long as Su Dingping started to consider it, it would not take long for the relevant engineering prototype to appear.

The Navy currently needs to digest the new warships and train more talents.

"Dingping, you should worry less now."

"Even if we want carrier-based aircraft, the Navy and the Air Force will work together to tackle the problem. Are you still afraid that we can't overcome it?"

Qian Wenbing on the side also persuaded him. The Navy's strength alone is definitely not enough for carrier-based aircraft. If the Air Force is involved, it can not only share the risk, but also get a lot of military funds.

"Yes, Dingping, don't be so stressed."

"We can combine more forces to overcome it, and the difficulty will definitely be greatly reduced."

Xiao Chongjun also persuaded him. He was really afraid that Su Dingping would fall into a technological dilemma and waste a lot of time in vain.

If you have that extra time, you might as well use it to build advanced warships.

The Air Force chief was very excited when he heard what his colleagues in the Navy said.

If they work together with the Navy to develop carrier-based aircraft, Su Dingping will definitely participate. The benefits will finally be the Air Force's turn, and he will benefit from it.

Immediately, the Air Force chief said: "Yes, this is not a big problem. We will definitely be able to overcome it through joint research. Dingping, you don't have to worry too much."

Listening to the persuasion of everyone, Su Dingping has already withdrawn from the virtual space and smiled at everyone.

"Don't worry, Chief, I'm really fine."

"I need to spend some time to study the carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft after I go back."

Hearing this, Liu Huaming walked slowly to Su Dingping and looked at him very kindly. He liked this young man more and more.

With him, there is no need to worry about the future equipment of the Longxia Navy. Anyway, one generation after another will emerge.

Every piece of equipment that comes out is an epoch-making progress, which directly improves the combat effectiveness of the Longxia Navy to a higher level.

"Dingping, I only have one request, don't put too much pressure on yourself."

"Our navy is now in the second stage, and we can develop step by step. With such a 10,000-ton destroyer, our maritime security will be more stable."

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