I built an armada

Chapter 396: Gaining praise from a great scientist

It was precisely because of this that he felt extremely anxious.

Originally, they were a rebel area with the support of the Eagle Tribe. Long Xia was not strong before and had to endure for the sake of development, but today he suddenly showed his strength, making him completely unable to adapt for a while.

On the island, he might be able to incite the people who don't know the truth to make a fuss, but what he is facing now is that the island is surrounded on all sides, and even flights and ships in and out of the island are restricted.

At this moment, he was no different than an ant on a hot pot.

I am angry and anxious, but there is nothing I can do!

Eastern Wasteland Tribe, Eagle Tribe garrison base.

In the conference hall of the headquarters, the chief, three-star General Cruz, and a staff member sat together, having a heated discussion about the follow-up arrangements and itinerary.

At this moment, the door was suddenly opened.

"General Koro, what can you do?"

Seeing the hurried arrival, Cruz frowned and asked.

"The Great Chief, General Cruz, and the Longxia tribe's foreign affairs department have issued a latest announcement. The Longxia Navy will hold a military exercise starting at 6:30 in the morning two days later."

As he spoke, he took out a marked map and spread it out in front of the three of them.

"These marked areas are the exercise range. When connected, they just surround the entire Dragon Claw Island, completely cutting off all our routes to the island."

"And they were conducting live-fire exercises and they were issuing warnings."

"Seven days!"

Three-star General Cruz immediately stood up and went over to check, his face suddenly darkened.

Obviously, this was a targeted military action deliberately taken by Long Xia's army, to make it impossible for them to enter the island.

It can be said that this is a conspiracy to drain the flames. There is only one way for them to respond, and that is to take military action to confront the Longxia tribe head-on. Otherwise, there will be no solution.

After reading it, the chief's face looked very ugly, and he was obviously very dissatisfied.

"What do you think of this?"

The chief looked towards his staff and asked.

"The Longxia tribe was not like this before. This time it is most likely a smoke bomb. They don't have such great determination and courage." The blond and blue-eyed staff member took a deep breath and said quite calmly.

"how do you feel?"

The chief turned to look at General Cruz and asked.

"I don't really believe it either. It's just a bluff."

Cruise smiled faintly, "They simply don't have the strength to achieve their goals."

As the commander of the American garrison here in the Eastern Wilderness Tribe, he has a very complete intelligence source system. Judging from the information he has learned so far, if he wants to blockade the entire Dragon Claw Island with just the equipment of the Long Xia Navy, how can he Possible?

If the blockade can be completed, it will only be a large-scale military operation.

An operation of this magnitude would easily be captured by space-based reconnaissance satellites, but so far, he has not received any relevant intelligence.

The chief smiled casually and said, "What a coincidence, I don't believe it either."

"The plan remains unchanged and we will continue to move forward according to the original plan."

Having said this, the chief thought for a moment and said, "Just in case, we have to take action."

"Yes, Warchief."

Three-star General Cruz said quickly, "I will mobilize the Seventh Fleet to assist in the operation and dispatch the aircraft carrier fleet."

"Is it too much to mobilize troops and mobilize people like this?"

The blond staff member asked curiously.

In his opinion, Long Xia's navy combined is not enough to fill the gap between the Seventh Fleet. If a war really breaks out and the Seventh Fleet is dispatched, coupled with the fighter planes at the bases on the road, Long Xia's armed forces will be trapped directly in the first place. Within an island chain.

Longxia Navy's desire to leave the first island chain is simply a wishful thinking.

"Not at all."

General Cruz quickly explained, "We haven't shown our muscles in the Dongzhou Sea for a long time, so much so that some people have forgotten who is the real talker in the Dongzhou Sea."

The blond staff member's triangular eyes brightened a little and said: "So this is your idea. I think it can be implemented."

"Then follow your plan."

"It's getting late, I'm going to rest."

The great chief waved his hand nonchalantly, and after a brief discussion, he stood up and left the conference hall.

It was too late, he couldn't stand it anymore.

If it hadn't been for the unexpected incident just now, he would have gone to rest long ago.

As the order was issued, the garrison base immediately began to get busy preparing for this military sword action.

Relevant ships of the Seventh Fleet are also intensively replenishing and preparing to conduct a large-scale military operation in the Dongzhou waters.

Early the next morning.

Longxia tribe, a mysterious military base in the northwest.

The deep sky was still full of stars, but the earth seemed to be awakened, and the strong wind caused the green trees to sway from side to side.

This is a truly barren land, and the green trees were planted one by one by the scientific researchers stationed here all year round. Now it has become a dense forest, where wild animals also appear.

Now these small saplings have grown into big trees in the sky, standing there like steadfast and unyielding steel warriors, resisting the wind, sand and coldness coming from the surroundings.

In an office in a building, the lights are bright.

An octogenarian had already arrived here early and was busy in front of the desk lamp, hunched over his desk and calculating on manuscript paper.

On the stool next to the desk, there is a thick stack of used manuscript paper. The handwriting on the manuscript paper is still new. These are the results of the old man's hard work last night.

Compared with computers, he is more accustomed to typing by hand, and the computer on the table becomes an assistant.


The old man coughed twice, sighed helplessly, reached for the teacup, opened it, took a sip of warm water, and then continued to work hard.

At this time, a general in army uniform knocked on the door and walked in, holding a thick stack of information in his hand.

He is none other than the person in charge of the base.

Seeing that the kind old man was still busy, the person in charge walked up to him.

"Mr. Qian, you got up so early and were busy, how can your body bear it?"

"What if you call me if something happens?"

After putting down the information in his hand, he saw that there was no water in the cup. He quickly took it to the side and helped fill it up with water, and then returned to the desk.

These materials are all covered with seals, and the seals have two big characters written on them: "Top Secret". This is top secret!

"The core technology of the Thunder Trinity intercontinental ballistic missile has encountered trouble, and there has been no breakthrough for a long time."

"This is a new ballistic technology. I'm getting older and my energy is not what it used to be."

"If I can't afford it early, hurry up, I'm afraid I won't have a chance to get it out."

Mr. Qian raised his head, adjusted his glasses, and said seriously.

"Mr. Qian..."

The person in charge had a sore nose and his eyes instantly turned red.

Since the day this military base was established, it has been expanded several times, and Mr. Qian has always stayed here. More than forty years have passed in a flash.

Mr. Qian has also grown from a high-spirited young top scientist to a silver-haired old man who is one of the few left today.

He is 90 years old and is still fighting on the front line of national defense. He has dedicated most of his life to this country.

The person in charge admired Mr. Qian from the bottom of his heart!

"Xiao Zhao, how did the thing I asked you to help with last time go?"

Mr. Qian put down his pen, looked up at the person in charge, and asked.

"Mr. Qian, this is all the information on the development of the navy. I found it and it's all here."

"I specially requested a copy from Xue Shuai. It may not be complete, but most of it is here. If you feel that there is any missing part, tell me and I will go to Xue Shuai to get it."

After that, the person in charge of the base picked up the pile of information and placed it in front of Mr. Qian.

After watching the live broadcast of the surrender ceremony last time, Mr. Qian suddenly realized a very serious problem, which was to find a suitable successor for himself.

It happened that day after he heard that the Navy had recruited such a talent, he started to think about collecting relevant information about that person to see what his potential was.

In his opinion, engaging in scientific research on military equipment requires not only being able to endure loneliness, but also high talent.

There are indeed many outstanding talents in the experimental base, but in Mr. Qian's view, they lack a pioneering spirit, which does not meet the needs of strategic-level talents.

Therefore, he needs to find a talent who has an overall view and can even see the future development trend of military science, and then with a little training, he can take over his mantle!

When looking for a successor, Mr. Qian has no selfish motives at all. Instead, he wants to select the next generation of scientific masters for the Longxia tribe who can support the military technology pyramid, so that the Longxia tribe can maintain its vitality in military technology.

If the Longxia tribe wants to continue to develop, it needs strong national defense, and strong national defense comes from advanced military technology!

The development of military science and technology is inseparable from top talents!

This is a chain of links, and it doesn’t matter if there is a mistake in any link!

After learning about the chief designer who designed a groundbreaking new warship and related ship-based weapons, he became quite interested in it.

Mr. Qian quickly put down the water glass, tore off the seal, took out the relevant information inside as quickly as possible, and read it carefully.

The more I watched, the more energetic I became, and the more I watched, the more excited I became.

After watching for more than half an hour, Mr. Qian started from 052, 052C, 052D, and continued to the latest 10,000-ton large drive.

Each warship allowed him to see pioneering innovation and uniqueness, forming a new generation warship system that was completely unique to the Longxia tribe. The innovations made his eyes brighten instantly.

"This young man is truly a great talent!"

Mr. Qian admired sincerely while reading the information.

"Xiao Zhao, I want to see him!"

"You should arrange it as soon as possible, the sooner the better."

What Mr. Qian said directly confused the person in charge, and they didn't know why Mr. Qian was so anxious.

Even conquering the core technology of Storm 31 can be put aside temporarily. Is this young man so interested in Mr. Qian?

"Mr. Qian, do you want to see him?"

The person in charge of the base looked at the time and saw that it was only half past three in the morning. Is it too early to rush there now?

It will probably be two hours before the other party arrives here on a direct military plane.

It's really too late. According to the relevant work and rest schedule, Mr. Qian should rest.

"Mr. Qian, it's too early now. You still need to rest."

"I'll contact them now and ask them to come over."

"Would you like to rest first?"

The head of the base took a deep breath and said what he thought.

"No, no, no."

Mr. Qian looked at the information in his hand and was very excited. He waved his hand without raising his head.

"After reading these materials, I have no intention of resting."

"Look, from the transformation and upgrading of 952E to the development, we have created a new battleship belonging to our Longxia tribe. 052D has even surpassed the battleship of the Eagle tribe!"

"The 10,000-ton destroyer is unique in the world. I dare say that it is the dreadnought-class battleship belonging to our Longxia tribe, which will lead the development trend of Blue Star battleships."

"This boy is super talented. If I don't see him soon, I feel that I will not be able to sleep for the next few days."

Looking through the contents of the top-secret information, Mr. Qian was very excited and continued to say.

"Look at these. The Navy's new generation of missile destroyers, starting directly from 051, are completely different from the past."

"Starting from 052, special attention has been paid to stealth performance and airworthiness, and the military technology used on it is becoming more and more advanced."

"When it comes to 052C, it is directly equipped with active phased array radar and vertical launch system, which has realized the history of Longxia Navy without vertical launch and truly realized regional air defense."

"In the early years, I also mentioned that the Navy should develop a phased array radar on board, but I didn't expect it to be realized in the hands of this young man."

"This is his strength!"

Hearing that Mr. Qian praised Su Dingping so much, the head of the base was overwhelmed. He had never seen Mr. Qian give such a high evaluation to a young man.

Even he couldn't help but praise him, awesome!

Of course, he also knew that Mr. Qian was fond of talents.

As the head of the base, he naturally knew how difficult scientific research was. He knew better than anyone what each military technology represented.

After the active phased array radar was installed on the ship, coupled with the vertical launch system, the Longxia Navy was transformed from a green-water navy to a blue-water navy, and it could truly go to the ocean.

This huge change could not be achieved by hard work alone, but required the extraordinary wisdom and scientific research talent of scientific researchers.

He knew very well whether fighting was awesome, but he didn't know whether the armaments were awesome or not, but he believed in Qian Laodong. Qian Lao had praised these equipment to this extent, so they must be awesome.

Think about it, it can make the navy fight a beautiful turnaround and completely pull the arrogant and domineering Donghuanghai down from the position of the first overlord of Dongzhou. How could such naval equipment be bad?

"The Eagle Tribe Navy dominates the Blue Planet with its numerous warships and aircraft carriers, but they don't have advanced missile destroyers like the 052D and the 10,000-ton destroyer."

"Even the performance of our missile frigates has been raised to a new level."

"Our navy has become a true ocean-going navy."

Mr. Qian said excitedly.

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