I built an armada

Chapter 402 The Five-in-One Strategic Concept, on par with Mr. Qian’s realm

"After a little improvement, it can be immediately applied to the army and air force to meet the urgent needs of these two services for new equipment."

"After the shipborne laser weapon is developed, it can be improved and used by the air force and the army."

"The so-called five-in-one does not mean to bundle them all together, but to use the advanced technology mastered by the navy as the trunk, and then expand the various technologies to radiate to the other two major services."

"In fact, in the final analysis, it is to systematize and summarize all technologies into a system."

"In this way, the army, navy, air force, and space power can all be radiated."

After a slight pause, Su Dingping took a deep breath and then began to explain again.

"In the future, our military will certainly develop into a five-in-one force of sea, land, air, space and electricity!"

"Therefore, it must be systematized, which is very critical. The Eagle Tribe has done a good job in this regard."

"Chief, do you know which tribe has the strongest navy in the world today?"

Faced with Su Dingping's question, Liu Huaming immediately said: "Of course it is the Eagle Tribe."

"What about the army?"

"As for the army, we were definitely the first on Blue Star decades ago, but now..."

Speaking of this, Liu Huaming hesitated, and then said, "It has been many years since we fought with the Eagle Tribe. Their military system has developed very fast, and various equipment has been constantly updated. They are likely to be the first."

Today, the various military equipment of the Longxia Tribe's army is still the old stuff. If a real fight breaks out, it will definitely be very disadvantageous.

Xue Shuai and Qian Lao looked at each other, and then nodded in agreement.

They all knew that they were developing here, but the Eagle Tribe was also developing, and they must have learned from the experience and lessons of decades ago.

Therefore, it is still very difficult to catch up.

In the past wars, the human wave tactics could be used to make up for the shortcomings, but now, even more and more development, the human wave tactics are no longer effective. It depends on military technology and fights a high-tech war!

Even if they don't want to admit this, they have to admit it.

Because the recent Keyi Tribe War is a vivid example. The Eagle Tribe dispatched the sea, land and air forces together, almost suppressing hundreds of thousands of Keyi Tribe troops.

And many of the Keyi Tribe's equipment was imported from the Longxia Tribe, and some of them were even more advanced than those used by the domestic army.

This is a bloody lesson, and it is also a wake-up call for the Longxia Tribe!

After thinking for a moment, Xue Shuai immediately said.

"If we exclude other factors and only compare our combat effectiveness and fighting will with the Eagle Tribe Army, it is still difficult to say who will win in the end."

"But the Eagle Tribe fought several modern wars, almost all of which involved land, sea and air forces, with various firepower support, long-range strikes, electromagnetic suppression, etc."

"In this case, the support that our army can get is obviously much less, and it is not enough at all."

"Compared in this way, the Eagle Tribe must have a great advantage."

"It is okay if one or two pieces of equipment are outdated, but if all the equipment is outdated, then there is no way to fight this war."

When he said this, he couldn't help but feel a little worried about the Longxia Army.

He knew very well the cruelty of modern warfare. Once the war started, he might not even find the shadow of the enemy, and his own forces would have been destroyed by the enemy.

The Keyi Tribe had so many soldiers, and when the Eagle Tribe fought, they were completely useless. In the end, they almost surrendered in batches, which shocked these military leaders greatly.

They also want to change and build the army with science and technology, but it is so difficult to promote it.

It was not until the navy recruited talents like Su Dingping that the navy emerged and became a force that pleased him.

At least the navy can stand on its own, fight independently without the support of the army and air force, and win a great victory!

"That's right."

Qian Lao nodded in agreement and said, "The Eagle Tribe has the most powerful and fastest airborne division in the world today, which can fully realize fast and long-distance support operations."

"Our army has little chance of winning in this situation."

Even though he said it very tactfully, he also said that the Longxia Army no longer has any advantage due to its backward technology and equipment, and even if it fights with the Eagle Tribe, it will be at a disadvantage.

The army's iron feet can outrun cars, but there is no way to outrun airplanes or cruise missile attacks.

Among the new three strikes and three defenses, special emphasis is placed on attacking cruise missiles and armed helicopters, but the army does not have many targeted weapons and equipment, and it can even be said that they are trying to make do with various methods.

But everyone knows that it will not play a big role at all, and it will still rely on people to fill in the gaps in the end.

The three military leaders all agreed to this matter, so there is naturally no dispute.

"Then, which tribe in the air force is the strongest?"

Su Dingping asked again.

"Needless to say, it is naturally the Eagle Tribe."

Liu Huaming said straightforwardly without hesitation.

This is a fact recognized in the world today. The Eagle Tribe has the strongest air force in Blue Star. It has all kinds of fighter jets and auxiliary aircraft. It is simply not comparable to other tribes.

"That's right, it's the Eagle Tribe."

Su Dingping also said, "I believe Xue Shuai and Mr. Qian have also discovered it."

"The Eagle Tribe has the strongest navy, land and air force in Blue Star. The most fundamental reason for this, apart from the fact that the technology is sufficiently advanced, is because the Eagle Tribe has strong air force support."

"The army or even a company commander can call in the support of air force fighter jets. This is simply not something our tribe can do."

Having said this, Su Dingping paused slightly.

"I once read an authoritative foreign report."

"The above concludes that the most powerful air force in the world is the Eagle Tribe Air Force, the second most powerful is the naval aviation equipped with the Eagle Tribe Navy, and the third most powerful is the air force equipped with the Eagle Tribe Army! "

"That's why I came up with this bold idea, so that our navy or air force can be integrated into three parts to achieve trinity operations."

"Because future confrontations will no longer be wars between single services, but systematic operations."

"In layman's terms, the era of fighting alone has passed, and now we have entered the era of group fighting."

After hearing that last sentence, the three bosses all had weird expressions on their faces.

Systematic combat.

I have to say that although this example is a bit vulgar, it is really true in the end.

Instead of fighting you alone, the three armies will come together to fight the enemy in groups!

When the army is fighting a war with others, the navy and air force will definitely not stand by and watch. Instead, they will go together to provide their own support and completely kill the enemy.

"The reason why I did not list the Army as one of the three pillars is that I believe that future wars will not be fought on our homeland, but will be fought abroad to keep the enemy out of the country!"

"This will ensure that our homeland will not encounter any attacks, but will become the largest logistics base."

Hearing this, the three people's eyes suddenly lit up.

Su Dingping's idea is very bold and unprecedented!

At present, mechanized combat is still being promoted, but Su Dingping has proposed trinity and systematic combat.

First, go all out to develop the backbone of one of the military services, and then spread the technology tree, like the Air Force of the Eagle Tribe, and apply it to other military fields.

At this moment, Mr. Qian was impressed by Su Dingping. This young man's ideas were very far-sighted.

These are simply not something that other military science and technology talents can come up with. Even if they can come up with it, it is far from a comprehensive system like Su Dingping.

Isn’t this what a strategic scientist needs?

We should look very forward-looking at the development trend of military science and technology in the future, and then promote armament construction on this basis, and promote the integration of the three services.

This not only saves a lot of time, but also allows us to concentrate limited manpower and material resources on key breakthroughs.

As long as the army and air force master one or two killer weapons and equipment, they will be able to survive for a period of time in future wars and inflict a heavy blow to the enemy.

Once implemented, the overall combat strength of the three armed forces will be rapidly improved!

"Dingping, what is our core?"

Mr. Qian asked very seriously.

"Mr. Qian, of course it's the navy, for now."

Su Dingping responded seriously.

When Liu Huaming heard that it was the navy, his heart suddenly surged, and he also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that Su Dingping would choose the Air Force and follow the path of the Eagle Tribe, which would make him very uncomfortable. In that case, Xue Shuai would definitely vigorously promote the construction of the Air Force according to Su Dingping's ideas.

I'm afraid it will be difficult to obtain more military spending in the future.

If everything goes well, among the three armed forces of the sea, land and air force, the navy will also be able to obtain more resources and occupy the top three positions in the future.

In this way, the strength of the other two armies can also be greatly improved.

"Why not the Air Force?"

Xue Shuai smiled and asked.

Su Dingping raised his head and glanced at the slipway not far away, where a 052D was being built intensively, the sparks of electric welding were flickering, and everything was moving forward steadily.

Only then did he explain.

"Our air force started too late and developed too slowly. If we look at the entire Blue Star, it is at a mid-level level. Therefore, if we focus on the air force, it is currently too difficult to develop and the cost-efficiency ratio is not worth it. "

"And that is the path that the Eagle Tribe has walked. If we walk it again, we will only be following in the footsteps of others."

When the three bosses heard this, they all looked at each other and understood what Su Dingping was saying.

This clearly means that he does not want to continue to follow the footsteps of the Eagle Tribe, but wants to achieve overtaking in corners, and truly wants to dominate the Blue Star again!

"Dingping, it's a good thing that the chief of the Air Force is not here, otherwise, he would definitely be jealous of you."

Liu Huaming took over the conversation with a smile, but he was extremely happy in his heart. The Navy was finally going to be the main force and could enjoy a core position among the three armed forces in the future.

"Chief, even if he is here, I will say this."

Su Dingping said with a serious face, "I did this without any personal likes and dislikes. I considered it from the perspective of the country's overall military development."

Seeing Su Dingping's serious expression, Liu Huaming suddenly looked solemn.

Sure enough, this young man is different. He has the far-sighted vision of a strategic scientist and is not bound by the military branch.

Xue Shuai also appreciated this very much and agreed with Su Dingping's views.

The three armed forces are currently strong and weak. With the navy as the backbone, the strategy of one body and three parts is the most in line with the national conditions.

"Based on the navy, core technologies will be spread to the army, air force, and other arms."

"In the future, when developing carrier-based aircraft, relevant core technologies can also be transplanted to air force fighters for use, further accelerating the implementation of new technologies."

Su Dingping continued to elaborate, "For example, reconnaissance and strike drones, early warning aircraft, and electronic warfare aircraft only need to be slightly modified to be fully applied to the air force and the army."

"If the air force fighters are installed as naval carrier-based aircraft, it will not be helpful to redevelop a product. It is too difficult, but on the other hand, it is relatively easier to change the carrier-based version to land-based and use it by the air force."

"After all, those weapons and equipment have been tested in the harsh environment of the sea, so it is even easier to land."

This analysis was agreed by the three big guys.

It's just that the pie that Su Dingping painted for them is really too big and unprecedented.

It's so big that they have no other ideas except being shocked.

The development of the navy, army, and air force can no longer be developed independently and fight alone as before.

During this process, only strategic-level scientists like Mr. Qian could comment on the new concept proposed by Su Dingping, while Xue Shuai and Liu Huaming, two military leaders, were just listening in.

After a long while, Xue Shuai asked, "By the way, the so-called sea, land, air, space and electricity are the five-in-one, so what do the sky and electricity refer to?"

"Sky is the space combat field, and electricity is the electromagnetic space combat field."

Su Dingping responded very directly.

The three of them were puzzled when they heard it. They didn't understand how the three-army system was related to space and electromagnetic space.

"Space combat field, electromagnetic space combat field?"

Xue Shuai frowned and continued to ask.

"Space is the link between the three armed forces and the mainstream of future development."

"Electromagnetic space warfare is a brand new field. Networks and electromagnetic space are crucial to the communication between our three armed forces and are the commanding heights that must be fought for."

"The ancients often said that knowing yourself and the enemy will lead to victory in all battles. We don't even have the right to information, which is equivalent to fighting a blind war."

Su Dingping first explained the two fields, and then analyzed very seriously,

"If we want missiles to be accurate and fighter planes to fly without getting lost, we can't do without radar and precise positioning provided by satellites."

"The future battle for space satellites will be very critical, and deploying space must also be in our future strategy."

"We absolutely cannot lose in these two fields, otherwise the consequences will be quite terrible."

With just a few words, the three big guys have already understood the importance of this, and they suddenly became enlightened.

Xue Shuai and Liu Huaming both fell into deep thought. Su Dingping's words today directly opened a door to the new century for them!

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