I built an armada

Chapter 405: Unprecedented, Longxia Navy launches a collective attack

The Longxia Navy has now deployed its forces, as long as the Eagle Tribe does not give in.

If the two tribes confront each other, the long-lasting peace in the East Continent Sea will be completely shattered.

But no one said it, everything is unspoken!

The news that the Longxia Tribe Navy launched an all-out attack quickly swept across the corners of the Blue Star like a tornado.

The East Continent Sea almost became the hottest place on the Blue Star in an instant.

Many media and journalists have all focused their attention here, and they wish they could take an oversized camera and point it at this place for 24 hours for live video.

White Bear Tribe.

On this day, KGB, Boris was reviewing intelligence from all sides as usual.

"Sir, the latest intelligence."

"The Longxia Tribe Navy launched an all-out attack. They chose to confront the Eagle Tribe and held military exercises around Longzhua Island."

At this time, an intelligence officer walked in quickly and handed in a latest situation report.


"Did the Longxia Navy go out?"

Boris hurriedly picked up the intelligence and read it carefully, and his face suddenly changed.

This is great news.

It is destined to make a sensation on the entire Blue Star.

Boris could no longer sit still, and hurriedly sorted out the relevant intelligence documents, and then took a special car to the K Palace as quickly as possible and entered the Emperor's office.

"Emperor, the Longxia tribe chose tit-for-tat."

"They have sent a large number of warships to conduct military exercises around Longzhua Island."

"It depends on the chief next. If he insists on going, then the Dongzhou Sea will become a real powder keg, and it will definitely explode at any time."

"Based on the current situation, we really have to be prepared."

Boris made a brief report on the content of the intelligence, and even drew the final conclusion based on it.

White Bear Emperor Pushkin's eyes flashed with shock, and his heart surged for a while.

This day has not passed yet, and major events have happened one after another.

The East Continent Sea has become a powder keg, and the third Blue Star melee may start at any time.

When have we encountered this situation before, we always protest and condemn first, and then sit down and have a good talk, even if it is a quarrel. Even if the two sides cannot reach an agreement, they can still quarrel at the Blue Star Alliance meeting in the end.

After exhausting all means, they will start to show their muscles.

The chief of the Eagle Tribe is going to Dragon Claw Island, and the Longxia Tribe should at least condemn it, but now there is nothing.

If condemnation doesn't work, you can quarrel in a formal occasion.

Now, without saying much, they just set up a posture to fight!

You know, that is the Eagle Tribe, not the East Wilderness Tribe.

According to common sense, wouldn't the Longxia Tribe protest first?

When did they just start fighting?

This directly refreshed his understanding of the Longxia Tribe.

There is no protest, condemnation, or even quarrel. They just drove the warships around the island and carried out military exercises with real soldiers and live ammunition.

This is to make things as big as possible, and will not stop until a big fight on Blue Star.

Pushkin was also shocked!

The Longxia tribe is now serious. Next, it depends on whether the chief dares to gamble and see if the Longxia tribe really dares to fight.

Of course, if you want to gamble, it is the life of the chief!

"Is there any room for redemption?"

Pushkin frowned and asked.

"According to the current situation, there is no evidence that the Longxia tribe and the Eagle tribe have negotiated on this matter, and the two sides have no contact at the foreign affairs level."

"I have some doubts that the Longxia tribe has no intention of negotiating with the Eagle tribe at all."

Boris looked through the information and responded very solemnly.

"Without launching foreign affairs efforts, just do it directly?"

"It's a bit unreasonable."

Pushkin was slightly startled, and then said slowly.

He said that he was increasingly unable to understand the Longxia tribe, and he could not use common sense to infer at all.

This time, the Longxia tribe did not play by the rules at all.

They played for real right from the start, but there was no need to be so tough, right?

"What about the Eagle tribe now?"

Pushkin spoke again.

"It is not clear yet, and there is no news. The chieftain is still in the East Wilderness tribe and has not left. It is obvious that he is making preparations."

"But according to the intelligence we have, the Eagle tribe garrison has begun to prepare, and it is obvious that they are also taking tit-for-tat actions."

Boris then took out relevant information from a document and handed it over, "Emperor, the current situation is developing a little too fast, which is completely beyond expectations."

"The situation is already very chaotic, and now many tribes are moving."

"Especially some western tribes, they seem to be determined to follow the Eagle tribe to make trouble, and a storm is coming."

Hearing this, Pushkin frowned again. The situation was getting worse and worse, giving him a headache.

"How is our deployment?"

Suddenly, Pushkin thought of something and asked directly.

"Report to the Emperor, I have conveyed your order."

"It's just that most of our armed forces have not yet withdrawn from the central region, so it will take some time."

"Should we speed up the withdrawal?"

Boris hurriedly made a truthful report. So far, they have not been able to play a greater role in the Dongzhou Sea.

"Let them speed up and withdraw quickly."

"We must prepare for the worst."

"The Dongzhou Sea is a big powder keg. Once they start fighting, we will not be able to spare any effort."

After a little contemplation, Pushkin made a new arrangement decisively.

In his opinion, without enough troops, it is impossible to achieve the effect of deterrence, and there is not enough capital to gain benefits.

Once the Dongzhou Sea starts fighting, it will be very intense.

He can foresee that this is an unprecedented war. If the Longxia tribe wins, then the Dongzhou Sea will be ruled by the Longxia tribe, and even the Eagle tribe will have to retreat.

And once they lose, it will be a disaster!

"Yes, I will notify them now."

After speaking, Boris hurriedly got up and left quickly.

In the office, Pushkin stood up and came to the window sill, looking at the blue sky, with an unusually serious expression.

"How can this big melee not involve our White Bear Tribe?"

"Since we have to fight, let's just play it bigger."

"Let's just die together!"

Pushkin has made up his mind that no matter what the outcome of the battle in the Dongzhou Sea is, the White Bear Tribe must participate in it and get a share!

Longxia Tribe, Tiexue Forum.

Many military fans and netizens who eat melons gather here. Even if they stay up all night, they still have no intention of sleeping, but are nervously waiting for the latest news.

They refresh the webpage from time to time to see if there is any update.

It's already four o'clock in the morning.

They are still very excited, but after refreshing, there is still no news released.

Some people are already drowsy, they are too sleepy.

Not everyone can bear to stay up late.

Click refresh.

Suddenly, a message was updated on the page, and the title was particularly eye-catching, which shocked everyone.

"Breaking news, brothers, shocking news!"

"The latest news from the outside is, 'Longxia Navy is collectively dispatched, aiming at Longzhua Island! Now, the pressure is on the chief!' It's great, it's so great, it's so damn great!"

The military fans were instantly awakened and stood up from their seats excitedly.

"Fuck, our navy is so domineering, isn't it? Without further ado, let's get straight to the point, so brave! I'm crazy about the navy this time."

"Our navy has finally stood up, and even dares to show its sword against the Eagle Tribe. It's no longer the one that was forced to fight at the doorstep by the other side."

"After a few years, our navy has the strength to directly fight the Eagle Tribe Navy. It's unbelievable. But how strong is our navy? As a hardcore military fan, I don't know."

"This news is so cool, our navy is mighty!"

"Hahaha, so happy, one day we will be able to fight the Eagle Tribe, it's really something that can make me laugh even in my dreams Wake up."

"Our navy has already conducted military exercises with real soldiers and live ammunition. Next, it depends on whether the chief dares to go out. I bet he dares not to act rashly."

"Humph, if he has the guts to move, isn't he afraid of being shot down by a missile? Without further ado, I will donate a year's salary when this war starts. Damn it, Eagle Tribe!"

"Although I can't go to the battlefield directly, I will definitely not fall behind in donating money, I will donate too!"

"Yes, I will donate too, even if my wife is in charge, but I will donate what I stole today."

"Must donate!"

For a while, the enthusiasm of military fans to donate was high, and they all wanted to rush to Longzhua Island with the soldiers and drown all the rebels in the toilet.

And at this time, some netizens had already left a message.

"Brothers, don't worry, I will continue to find out the news."

"If there is any latest intelligence, I will post it on the forum as soon as possible to let everyone know."

This news was like chicken blood, hitting all military fans, completely making them lose the desire to catch up on sleep.

Those who were supposed to go to work today simply asked for leave and stayed in front of the computer, waiting for the latest news.

In order to avoid being tired, they either made coffee, drank refreshing drinks, or drank strong tea, watched TV series, and even watched pornographic movies.

Almost everyone was waiting for the latest news, just to see what the chief would do next.

Is it to admit defeat or choose to fight hard?

There are only two options at present, and the results are naturally opposite.

If you admit defeat, it means that the Eagle Tribe will have no say in the Dongzhou Sea in the future, and the initiative will be completely controlled by the Longxia Navy.

If you choose to fight hard, it means a fierce maritime conflict.

As military fans, everyone could not guess how advanced Longxia's military equipment was, but they knew very well that Longxia tribe would not take action normally, but when they did, it would be extraordinary.

Since they chose to fight hard, they would fight to the end and must decide the winner!

Donghuang tribe, Kyoto, the official residence of the cabinet leader.

Midnight was the time when the leader was sleeping soundly. He finally fell into a deep sleep and was feeling comfortable.

But at this moment, a rapid knock on the door woke him up.

It gave him the urge to hit someone.

"Come in!"

Getting up from the bed, the cabinet leader responded with a gloomy expression.

"Chief, something happened, something big."

The visitor spoke extremely anxiously, almost incoherently.

The head of the cabinet frowned and looked at the clock on the wall. It was only a quarter past four in the morning.

"What's going on?"

"Isn't the chief setting off tomorrow? Even if the Longxia tribe holds military exercises, it won't be until tomorrow."

"So what happened?"

He has secretly made up his mind. As long as the other party is not looking for him in an urgent matter, he will definitely slap the other party to death without hesitation.

Don’t you know that as you get older, you lack sleep?

I finally had time to sleep, but he came over in the middle of the night to bother me. Did he take sleeping pills?

"According to the latest information, Long Xia's navy has been dispatched."

The visitor hurriedly opened the folder, took out a piece of information and handed it over.


"They really set off? They weren't joking?"

The head of the cabinet received the information in great shock, held it in front of him and read it.

He couldn't understand where the Long Xia tribe had the courage to choose to be tough, without even protesting from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Don’t you know that’s the Eagle Tribe, not their Eastern Wilderness Tribe?

"This is definite news. Commercial satellite companies have photographed those warships sailing."

"Now basically all the countries in Blue Star know that the Longxia tribe is serious!"

The visitor hurriedly reported back in a serious tone. He did not dare to hide anything about this matter, and naturally he did not dare to make any fabrication or fraud.

"What is the configuration of the Longxia tribe?"

The head of the cabinet asked with a frown.

"According to reliable information, Long Xia's navy is dispatched en masse this time."

The person responded truthfully.

"Go out as a group?"

The cabinet leader was even more surprised. What is the Longxia tribe doing?

Directly fight to the death with the Eagle Tribe?

In the previous battle with the Long Xia Navy, their aircraft carrier fleet was completely wiped out, and all the main forces of the Donghuang Sea were lost. In the end, they didn't even know how many troops the Long Xia Navy dispatched.

Even now, they still don't know the specific circumstances of the naval battle at that time.

All we know is that at the surrender ceremony, many new warships of the Longxia tribe appeared. All of them were modern and had stealth designs.

If we were to attack collectively now, there would only be about a dozen ships.

He felt that there would be no more than fourteen ships that could stand up to the sky, and it might even be less. The Longxia tribe's shipbuilding level was not as good as theirs.

With only such a small amount of troops, trying to stop the great chief is like using a mantis as a chariot.

However, he felt that even though Long Xia Navy dispatched so many warships, it was still a few grades behind the Eagle Tribe's Seventh Fleet.

After all, the Seventh Fleet has a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, and the number of carrier-based aircraft on it is far beyond what their light aircraft carrier can match.

The Longxia tribe had no way to stop it.

"Have you found out the specific quantity?"

The head of the cabinet spoke again and asked.

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