I built an armada

Chapter 408: Long Xia gets angry and declares war on the coalition of three tribes

"I suggest that we also send troops as quickly as possible to fight for the benefits!"

The military personnel started talking a lot, and soon they showed the unique greed and ferocious nature of pirates.

In their eyes, the other tribes are all lambs, and they can take whatever they want.

If not, then let Cannon do the talking!

The Prime Minister, who was sitting in the chief position, kept his mouth tightly closed and did not say a word, quietly listening to the discussions of the military bosses.

Soon he had an idea in mind.

Then, he raised his hands and pressed them down to signal everyone to quiet down.

"Ahem, since you all said so, we must get a share of the pie."

The Prime Minister took the lead and looked at Richard, who was not far away, and directly ordered, "The troops will be divided into two groups to investigate relevant intelligence in the Dongzhou waters. I need the latest information in real time."

"On the other hand, send people to closely monitor the movements of the White Bear tribe to prevent any unexpected events from happening."

Hearing this, Richard shivered and hurriedly accepted the order: "Yes!"

The Prime Minister immediately looked at the military representatives.

"You also go down and prepare well, always ready to deal with the worst situation!"


A group of military representatives took the order and left.

Just as Richard stood up and left with him, he heard the Prime Minister calling his name: "Richard, wait a moment."

"prime minister?"

Richard stopped and asked in confusion.

"After you go down, contact the person in charge of the Longxia embassy and check their tone to see if there is still room for maneuver in this matter."

"If you can dissuade them, then try to dissuade them as much as possible to avoid unnecessary conflicts."

After the Prime Minister pondered for a moment, he asked.


Richard then took the order and left.

The Prime Minister was the only one left in the empty conference hall, and his brows gradually wrinkled.

He must be prepared with both hands. It is best not to start a war unless it is absolutely necessary. He does not want the third Blue Star melee to happen.

Once a nuclear war breaks out, no one can survive alone.

As long as the Longxia tribe can be dissuaded, then this war will not be fought randomly. After all, the Eagle tribe will not listen to their advice at all.

When the situation was not that serious, he clamored for war because he could take advantage of the opportunity.

But once the real war started, it would develop in an unpredictable direction, and he would naturally panic.

The biggest enemy of the entire Europa is the White Bear Tribe, which is a world of steel and torrents. Once they swoop down, no one can stop them.

Going to war with the White Bear Tribe is not a joke, it will really lead to the annihilation of the country!

Time flew by, and the navies of the four tribes took action one after another, leaving the port and heading towards Dragon Claw Island from different directions.

At this moment, the sky is getting dark, and a new day is coming.

On the sea more than 40 kilometers away from the island, the outline of Long Xia's fleet gradually emerged, like a steel warrior, showing its mighty and majestic body. The steel gun in its hand was loaded, ready to deliver a fatal blow to the enemy at any time. !

Their arrival announced the arrival of Long Xia's navy.

An hour before the Long Xia naval exercise fleet arrived at the exercise area.

The announcements issued by the four tribes spread across the entire Blue Star like paper snowflakes.

At the same time, the White Elephant Tribe.

The residence of Prince Baixiang.

He has been clamoring for a third Blue Star melee before, and then redefines the white elephant king Manhammer as the talker.

When he learned that the Longxia tribe had sent troops and the four tribes followed suit and took tit-for-tat military actions, he completely chose to remain silent.

After discussing with all the ministers under his command, and analyzing the strength of his own family, he felt that it was still too early to attack the people who spoke to the Blue Star Alliance at this moment, and there was still some pressure.

The aircraft carrier fleet in their hands, even if it is complete, does not seem to have much effect.

After all, the Donghuang Tribe had such an aircraft carrier fleet before, but in the end it was overthrown by the Longxia Tribe, which did not have an aircraft carrier, and forced the chief of the Donghuang Tribe to personally submit a letter of surrender and pay compensation.

But now, with one move from the Eagle Tribe, the heroes rose up.

If someone rushes in at this time, the entire White Elephant tribe will be unlucky.

In the conference room.

White Elephant King Manhamo was sitting in the chief position. His face was very ugly at the moment, but he had to make a statement immediately.

"Quick, please let me know. We'll keep a low profile these days. Don't go to Europa to show off if you have nothing to do. Send people to keep an eye on the movements in the waters of Dongzhou."

"Inform the military immediately to make strategic arrangements! As long as the Long Xia Navy and the four tribal navies start fighting, they must be ready for action immediately."

Upon hearing this arrangement, the ministers were collectively stunned, and soon they panicked.

Just now you said you should keep a low profile, and now you say you want to prepare for a fight immediately. Isn't it too hasty?

"King White Elephant, are we in too much of a hurry?"

"It has only been more than a day. There is no time to deploy so many troops and there is no way to form an effective force deterrence."

The Minister of Defense hurriedly said that he thought it was too childish, and war was no joke.

"Not hasty."

White Elephant King Manhamo's eyes flashed with brilliance, "We don't have time to deploy, and the Longxia tribe has no time to deploy."

"Back then, the Longxia Army was so brutal that they almost kicked our capital. We must seize the opportunity to avenge this!"

"And now is a perfect opportunity."

"Once the Longxia Navy is beaten down by the four tribes, it will be our time to take revenge. Let's put the tribes on the European side aside. Now we will focus on dealing with the Longxia tribe!"

The ministers suddenly realized that after all, the White Elephant King had not forgotten the revenge of the past, and he had always been thinking about revenge!

They don't have the courage to start a group at present, but they still have the courage to take advantage of the opportunity.

At that time, under the banner of revenge for their ancestors, they will have a legitimate reason to go out.

Even if they can't get the position of the boss of Blue Star in the end, it's also very good if they actually get the advantage.

"Remember, if they don't fight, then we shouldn't do it. If they start fighting, then we'll take advantage of the situation!"

"We must take revenge!"

"We must avoid being tricked by the Longxia tribe!"

The White Elephant King finally reminded them that they were doing something sneaky, so they naturally couldn't let the Longxia tribe find out.


The ministers took the order and left.

In the conference hall, the White Elephant King Manhamo sat there quietly. After taking a sip of coffee, he laughed heartily.

That's right, he was praying that the Longxia tribe would choose to fight the four-tribe alliance headed by the Eagle tribe like they did to the Donghuang tribe last time.

If they didn't fight hard, how could they take advantage of the situation?

He needed this opportunity, he needed revenge!

"Let's fight, let's fight, and we will have everything."

After putting down the coffee, the White Elephant King came to the statue of Shivra, knelt down and prayed very devoutly.

Normally, this thing is a spiritual sustenance, and it doesn't work. Now he only prays for it to work once, and bless him to realize his wish.

In the Dongzhou Sea, all tribes that have historical grievances with the Longxia tribe now focus their attention on the island, the eye of the storm!

They are also praying for the outbreak of war.

It seems that this place has become a super powder keg that will detonate the melee on Blue Star, and a key node that determines the future situation of Blue Star.

Because of this, more and more media reporters on Blue Star, and almost all of them have focused their attention here.

Everyone knows that this is witnessing history!

It is also because of this that they don't blink their eyes. Once the latest news comes out, they have to get it clear as soon as possible.

At the same time, in the Longxia tribe.

Military fans and netizens who have been paying attention to the latest developments have gathered on the Tiexue Forum.

This place has become the most important place for them to get the latest news as soon as possible.

At this moment, a piece of latest news was posted on the forum by netizens, which immediately attracted many people to watch. After reading it, they were dumbfounded. This is too scary!

"Fuck, this is unplayable. The damn Eagle Tribe is so shameless."

"It's so shameless. It's okay that their chieftain took the initiative to visit Longzhua Island, but now they even sent out an aircraft carrier fleet for escort. That's okay, but they even dragged in the Feilu Tribe, the Niying Tribe, and the Qianfo Tribe. It's clearly a one-on-four situation. It's a gang fight."

"The Eagle Tribe is really a dog that can't change its nature. This is too much. It's okay to invade my tribal territorial waters, but now they are forming gangs and ganging up on us. Isn't it obvious that they treat us like fools? They are going to repeat the scene a few years ago!"

"Fortunately, our navy beat up the East Wasteland Sea before, otherwise the East Wasteland Tribe would definitely get involved, and then it would be five against one. It's really shameless."

"The Eagle Tribe's Seventh Fleet, that's Nuclear-powered aircraft carrier fleet, it's fine if they go it alone, but they also brought three helpers. This is obviously to suppress us and interrupt our path to rise. This is absolutely unbearable! We must fight them! "

"How can we do it when there is no chance of winning? We have a chance of winning against those three tribes alone, I believe. But now we have to add an aircraft carrier fleet of the Eagle tribe, how can we fight it?"

"Yes, the Eagle tribe has an aircraft carrier fleet, the Thousand Buddhas tribe also has an aircraft carrier fleet, the Niying tribe has a fleet, and the Feilu tribe also has one. They will definitely take advantage of the fire. This is not a battle of the navy alone, but a war of the entire tribe."

"The war is completely fought at sea, a little far from the land, the army can't help, only the air force can support it, and now we can only rely on the navy itself."

For a while, the crowd was excited, but they could not see any hope of victory.

It's not that they are unpatriotic, but the reality is too cruel and the enemy is too powerful. This time, the Eagle tribe has assembled two aircraft carrier fleets to fight together.

At this time, someone suddenly cast his eyes on the White Bear Tribe.

"Do you think the White Bear Tribe can help us?"

"White Bear Tribe? Given the current complex situation, we are in an extremely disadvantageous position. It's already good enough that they don't come to cause trouble or add insult to injury. Don't expect them to help us."

"There are no eternal friends or eternal enemies. There are only eternal interests! They are already very lucky that they didn't divide us up."

Seeing such an analysis, everyone was very helpless. Everyone knew that this was the reality!

"Then do you think our navy will shrink from this?"

At this time, someone asked very worriedly.

"It would be understandable if we choose to take a step back in order to preserve our strength."

"Even though I really hope that the Navy can fight hard once, his situation this time is completely different from the original. Back then, the Haizi was isolated and helpless because the Eagle Tribe ignored it, so we just fought."

"The current situation is completely different and very unfavorable to us."

All the military fans were in a very bad mood. They used their brains but could not think of a way to break the situation, as if they were in a deadlock.

The price for being a hero for a moment is too high!

But if we don't fight, then in the future, cats and dogs can use a banner to stroll around the Longxia Sea. The more arrogant tribes will rope in a few small tribes to knock on the door and plunder like the Eight-Nation Allied Forces.

Isn't history about to repeat itself?

Face and dignity will be completely lost, and the morale of the people of Longxia will be greatly affected!

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

Everyone understands this truth, but how difficult is it to actually do it, especially in the current situation?

If it were a different opponent, it wouldn't be such a bad stalemate.

It can be said that this is simply an unsolvable situation.

Even though they were angry, they had nowhere to vent.

This night, many fans of Long Xiajun and many netizens got drunk again, trying to numb themselves with alcohol, and a new turning point appeared the next day!

On the other side, Longxia Navy Headquarters.

After leaving the integrated military factory, Liu Huaming returned here and immediately anxiously gathered all the navy and fleet bosses into the conference hall.

The atmosphere at the scene was very serious, and everyone looked solemn.

Someone soon sent over the latest information. After reading it, Liu Huaming couldn't help but sigh.

"Ding Ping really got it right, they actually took action."

After finishing speaking, he handed the intelligence documents to Xu Dongguo and others for review.

At the previous meeting of the chiefs of the armed forces, Su Dingping mentioned that once he decided to continue the showdown with the Eagle Tribe, he must be prepared to confront the tribes in the Dongzhou Sea.

At that time, Su Dingping also made relevant tactical arrangements for this.

With the Southern Fleet as the main force, it independently took on the preparations to counter the navies of the three tribes.

One 052C, two additional 052s, two 052Bs, three additional 052Cs, and two 052Ds were dispatched as the main force to cooperate with submarines and Air Force long-range bombers to fight.

The remaining warships gathered together to deal with the Eagle Tribe's aircraft carrier fleet.

Under this situation, Su Dingping concluded that there was at least a 40% chance of winning.

At the beginning, Liu Huaming felt that Su Dingping was thinking too far.

The navy had already shown its great strength before, beating up Donghuang Hai and wiping out its main force. The surrounding small tribes should be afraid of it.

But who would have thought that those tribes did not remain calm, but used all their main forces to cause trouble behind the Eagle Tribe Navy.

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