I built an armada

Chapter 410: The three Niying tribes come out together, and the Longxia Navy fights one against four

In fact, it is composed of one destroyer and three frigates.

Such strength is not taken seriously by the current Longxia Navy. It is as easy to crush them as to crush an ant.

If it were a few years ago, 956E had not arrived yet, everything was in its infancy, and there was not a single modern warship equipped. It was indeed a strong enemy.

The navy is like this, purely a high-tech branch of the army. Once a technological gap is formed with the enemy, it is a gap that cannot be filled even with more lives!

But with the passage of time, everything has changed.

The Longxia Navy is no longer the backward armed force before, but a modern armed force!

Among the four warships from the Niying tribe, the destroyer "Shamadi" is the flagship, with a displacement of more than 4,000 tons. It is the largest surface warship of the Niying Navy. After the modernization modification of the Eagle Tribe, it has preliminary modern combat capabilities.

This time, they naturally return the favor and want to get a share of this military operation!

In the main control room of the Shamadi, Captain Uspu held a telescope in his hand and looked at the fleet of the Feilu Tribe Navy in front of him, and his face showed envy.

"Look, 12 warships were dispatched directly. The Feilu Tribe is still generous. This confidence is unmatched by other tribes."

"Over the years, the Feilu Tribe has been close to the Eagle Tribe and has been well taken care of. We have obtained a large number of warships from them, and it has become the second East Desert Sea Self-Defense Force."

"If it continues, I estimate that the Eagle Tribe will station troops on the territory of the Feilu Tribe."

"Our Niying Tribe has naturally not reached that point. We are a little weak, but we have complete sovereignty and national dignity."

Captain Uspu said with envy. To be honest, he also hopes that the Niying Tribe Navy has so many warships.

With so many warships, it means that the navy can better protect the interests of the Niying Tribe and compete for more interests.

But he doesn't want to lose the national dignity!

Without national dignity, it means that the Niying tribe will become the lackey of the Eagle tribe and obey the other side completely.

"It's so spectacular, all given by the Eagle tribe."

"In fact, if the conditions offered by the Eagle tribe were not too excessive, we might be able to purchase more warships from them, and we wouldn't be so shabby."

"But everything has two sides, there is a benefit and a disadvantage."

The deputy captain took over the conversation and echoed that it would be a lie to say that he didn't envy.

It's just that purchasing warships from the Eagle tribe is not just about giving money. If you can buy them, you have to pay a considerable price and become a vassal of the Eagle tribe, just like the Lijiapo tribe, and let them send troops to garrison.

At worst, they will become loyal followers like the Feilu tribe and the Qianfo tribe. Once a war breaks out, they must always be ready to go to the battlefield and completely obey the baton of the Eagle tribe.

"The Feilu tribe is not free now. They were the first to receive the notice and had to send troops."

"There are still many Eagle tribe troops stationed on the territory. The authorities are basically controlled by the Eagle tribe. They are really not free."

The deputy captain continued to speak. Although he envied them, he did not want to let the Eagle tribe send troops to station here like these tribes.

"Aren't we the same?"

"Now we have to send troops to fight with the Longxia tribe."

"Okay, let's not talk about this. The fleet of the Qianfo tribe has also arrived."

Captain Uspu turned his head and glanced at the deputy captain, saying helplessly.

The deputy captain immediately chose to shut up. He also suddenly realized this. They were also accepting the command of the Eagle tribe and obeying their orders.

His behavior just now was completely a case of laughing at others for their own mistakes. In the end, the result was the same.

The Niying tribe was not too far away from the Feilu tribe. They had no excuse not to send warships to participate in the war.

"I understand."

The deputy captain picked up the telescope and looked through the porthole of the cabin. At the end of his sight, a large fleet appeared.

Especially the aircraft carrier, which looked so huge, sailing on the sea like a giant.

Eight warships protected the aircraft carrier.

Seeing such a large fleet, Uspu was so envious that his mouth was about to drool.

"This is the style of having an aircraft carrier. It is a super-large fleet."

"When will our Niying tribe have such an aircraft carrier fleet?"

Uspu muttered to himself, and every word in his words was full of envy, but they only had four warships.

On the sea, the visual limit of ordinary people is only about 20 kilometers, but through the use of military telescopes, you can see farther.

"The Eagle Tribe sold this light aircraft carrier directly to the Thousand Buddha Tribe a few years ago, and treated them as well as their own grandchildren."

"It's really enviable, we didn't get such a bargain."

The deputy captain took over the conversation, and his words were full of envy.

"This Gabet aircraft carrier has a displacement of more than 20,000 tons and can deploy at least three carrier-based aircraft, as well as a certain number of armed helicopters. It is of the same level as the Haruna-class light aircraft carrier of the Donghuang tribe."

"However, due to the lack of funds of the Qianfo tribe, naturally there are not enough carrier-based aircraft deployed. Even now, there are still a few empty ones."

Uspu turned his head and looked at the deputy captain, and said like a treasure.

"Captain, when the Qianfo tribe bought the aircraft carrier, it cost a sky-high price. Adding the cost of the carrier-based aircraft, they really can't afford it. The economy of the Qianfo tribe is far inferior to that of the Donghuang tribe."

"I don't know if it has been replenished this time."

The deputy captain also knows something about this aircraft carrier, but he knows very well that the navy is a big spender, and everything needs a lot of money.

Moreover, the navy is a military branch that is not easy to see the effect even if a lot of money is invested.

One or two warships can't change the backward status of the navy at all, not to mention that the aircraft carrier is a big melting pot that burns money. Once it is started, it will burn money like crazy.

"Whether they are fully equipped or not, having more than a dozen carrier-based aircraft is enough to deal with our warships. Even if they encounter those warships of the Feilu tribe, they can beat them to death."

"Fortunately, this time we are a joint fleet. The three tribes are jointly conducting maritime operations. Those carrier-based aircraft are to protect us."

At this point, Uspu took down the telescope and exhaled a long breath.

"Pass the order down, we will go over and join them."


The deputy captain immediately took the order, and then the Shamadi destroyer turned around and drove towards the fleet, followed by three other frigates.

In order to respond to the call of the Eagle Tribe, the Qianfo Tribe used their only aircraft carrier Gabet this time, and also dispatched eight warships, including two destroyers and six frigates.

It can be said that the Qianfo Tribe has taken out the absolute main force. They want to use this war to completely cripple the Longxia Tribe, and then rush over to divide the benefits.

With such strength, it was ranked below the East Desert Sea Self-Defense Force at the beginning, and was the second most powerful navy in the East Continent Sea!

However, since the Qianfo Tribe bought this light aircraft carrier only a few years ago, the matching carrier-based aircraft are not yet complete.

But the Eagle Tribe also promised that as long as the military operation performs well this time, they can sell carrier-based aircraft to them at a low price to make up for the establishment of carrier-based aircraft on the aircraft carrier.

If the Qianfo Tribe were to build the carrier-based aircraft themselves, they would not have such aviation industry strength at all, so they could not build it at all.

Otherwise, it would not have been vacant until now.

Although the three tribes all sent their own fleets to participate, they had their own ulterior motives.

In the main control room of the Gabet aircraft carrier, Captain Surasak looked at the radar screen and saw that the fleets of the other two tribes had appeared, and were gathering towards the designated sea area.

So, he said to the deputy captain.

"It's been so long, and the Niying Navy hasn't made any progress. They still have those four warships. If they keep going like this, they'll retire these warships, and they'll have no warships to use?"

"The Feilu tribe is pretty good. They got two more warships secretly, and now they have twelve warships. Not bad."

"It's a pity that no matter how many warships there are, they won't be able to win if they encounter our aircraft carrier fleet. We can only get beaten."

Surasak's face was full of arrogance. He looked down on the navies of the other two tribes and didn't take them seriously at all.

In his opinion, his rank was higher than that of the two tribes, and having an aircraft carrier was amazing!

Especially when he heard that after this naval battle, the aircraft carrier would be equipped with carrier-based aircraft, he was particularly excited.

"Captain, it's getting late. Let's set off as soon as possible. According to the requirements of the Eagle Tribe, we must arrive at the designated sea area before 8 o'clock tomorrow."

"If we are late, it will not be good."

The deputy captain looked at the time on the wall, calculated the distance to Longzhua Island, and could not help but remind him.

At this time, it was more than ten hours before the chief went to Longzhua Island, and they had not yet entered the Nanzhou Sea of ​​the Longxia Tribe, and they were even farther away from Longzhua Island.

"You are right, we have to speed up. This is not a visit, but a place to help."

Surasak gathered his mind, turned his head and looked at the deputy captain and said, "Establish communication with the two tribal navies."


The deputy captain immediately took the order and immediately began to build the internal communication network channel of the three tribal fleets.

It didn't take long for the three tribal fleets to establish a communication channel.

"Hello, I am the captain of the aircraft carrier Surasak from the Thousand Buddhas tribe."

"Hello, I am Gaspar from the Feilu tribe."

"Hello, I am Uspu from the Niying tribe."

After the three tribal flagship commanders greeted each other, they immediately entered into the specific matters of allocating the primary and secondary.

"In this military operation, I think our side is the main force, and your two tribes will assist my aircraft carrier fleet. Is that okay?"

Surasak spoke first and immediately determined his position as the main force.

In his opinion, only by getting the main force position can he ask for more benefits from the Eagle tribe, and the other party will feel embarrassed to refuse to give it when they see the great credit.

"We have no objection."

Uspu of the Niying tribe responded first.

Anyway, they only had four warships, the fewest among the three tribes, and it was impossible for them to get the main force, so they might as well take the lead.

However, Gaspard of the Feilu tribe felt uncomfortable. After all, he brought twelve warships, which was definitely the largest among the three tribes.

How could they allow the people of the Qianfo tribe to command the battle?

Isn't this obviously inferior?

The reason why they sent out so many warships was to get the main force, and then bargain with the Eagle tribe after the war?

How embarrassed would they feel if they handed over the main force?

So, he said, "I personally agree in principle, but I brought the captains of eleven warships with me, I don't know if they agree."

"In my opinion, it's better to support each other."

"As for the fleet of the Niying tribe, see who they are willing to act with, then act with whoever they are willing to act with."

Gaspar did not hide his dissatisfaction with the fence-sitting style of the Niying tribe.

"Usp, do you have any opinions from the Niying tribe?"

"Then let's do it."

Usp simply responded, "We will follow the Qianfo tribe to act together, Commander Surasak, do you have any objections?"

"Okay, welcome to join us."

Surasak readily agreed. Anyway, for the aircraft carrier fleet, the more ships, the better.

In addition to the four ships of the Niying tribe, their scale has reached thirteen warships including aircraft carriers. No matter what, they are very powerful.

For Usp, it is naturally the best to be able to rely on the aircraft carrier fleet. This is a great backer!

It's much easier to do things with friends.

As for the Feilu Tribe fleet, let them play by themselves.

Without the protection of the aircraft carrier, those dozen warships are just going to give heads to the Longxia Navy.

"Then it's settled, the three parties will work together."

"Smooth sailing, a victory!"

After the three parties had a brief discussion, the next step was to discuss the specific battle plan.

The Qianfo Tribe aircraft carrier fleet and the Feilu Tribe fleet of twelve warships went hand in hand, supporting each other.

After the battle plan was finalized, Sura Sak suddenly asked.

"Have you seen the latest foreign affairs announcement issued by the Longxia Tribe?"

It was based on this concern that he wanted to hug the thigh of the Eagle Tribe. If something really happened, the Eagle Tribe would be in front.

However, as soon as these words came out, Gaspar and Usp fell into silence.

Although they have relied on the Eagle Tribe, the Longxia Tribe is not bad either, relying on the White Bear Tribe.

The Longxia Navy has developed rapidly recently, which is a huge threat to them. They must take it seriously and never underestimate it!

After a while, Captain Gaspar spoke very confidently.

"The announcement issued by the Longxia Tribe is to make us retreat, but they don't know that the elite of the three parties have formed a huge joint fleet."

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