I built an armada

Chapter 419: Despair, one-sided beating

Finally we got in touch.

Uspu almost cried with excitement, feeling that he had a lot of grievances to express.

"Quick, establish contact."

It didn't take long for the two ships to establish contact!

Soon, Sura Sak's voice came from the communicator.

"Captain Uspu, the current situation is very serious. I won't waste my words. Can you contact the Feilu Tribe Fleet?"

"I'm sorry, I can't contact!"

After receiving such a reply from Uspu, Sura Sak's face was full of helplessness.

"According to my speculation, the Longxia Navy must have used some new technology to interfere with our radio communications at a long distance."

"Thank God, we can still contact."

Sura Sak was very excited, feeling like he had found light in the darkness.

At this moment, Uspu was also very happy. He finally contacted his own ships in the information island, as if he saw the hope of survival.

In fact, they didn't know that this was just the 10,000-ton destroyer that weakened the electromagnetic interference according to the plan.

"Listen to me, from now on, we will gather together and retreat together, and try to get out!"

Surasak directly expressed his thoughts.


Uspu was completely confused.

"Captain Surasak, the firepower in the rear is more fierce than the two sides. If we retreat from the rear, aren't we looking for death?"

"We should look for a breakthrough from the two wings, or from the front..."

Before Uspu finished speaking, he was interrupted by the angry Surasak.

"Stupid. Breaking out from the two wings and from the front will only lead to a deeper encirclement. Don't forget that this is the Longxia Nanzhou Sea. Going deep will only put us in a dead end!"

"And the high seas are more than 30 kilometers behind. As long as we rush out, we will win!"

Hearing this, Uspu also reacted quickly.

There are only three warships in front, but who knows if there are other ambushes waiting for them to fall into the trap?

That was deep into the waters of Longxia Nanzhou. Maybe the Longxia Navy deliberately released them to confuse them. The purpose was to create an illusion for them, let them continue to go deeper, and finally completely wipe them out.

In that case, their last hope of escape would be completely gone.

"Captain Uspu, now we have only two ways out. First, we break out from the back and rush out with full power. As long as we can hold on for more than 30 kilometers, it will be fine."

"The second way is to go around from both wings, but we will face fire coverage."

"Listen to me, choosing the first way is very risky, but time is in our favor and the time consumed is short."

"For the second way, the risk is also very high, and it takes longer."

"Of the two ways, I think the first one is the most suitable."

"Do you think so too?"

At this time, Sura Sak's voice came from the communication channel again.

Without time to consider the consequences in detail, Uspu hurriedly said: "Then choose the first one, let's rush out from the back in one go!"

"I don't want to stay in this damn place for a moment!"

Surasak immediately said: "Okay, then we will rush out from the back!"

After cutting off the communication, the remaining ships of the Qianfo tribe and the two ships of the Niying tribe immediately approached slowly.

They had to take decisive measures and turn around to break through together.

On the other side, the Feilu tribe fleet.

In the main control room of the Humabon, Captain Gaspar was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

It was calm at the beginning, but who knew that they would encounter so many missile attacks in an instant, which was simply to take their lives, completely a thunderbolt.

Although they reacted quickly enough, they still couldn't withstand such a fierce firepower attack.

It has been many years since I served as a commander, and this is the first time I have used such force.

Twelve warships, such a large fleet, there is no room for resistance, the firepower was suppressed as soon as the battle started!

What made him even more desperate was that they didn't even know where the enemy was.

Finally, he ordered the signalman to contact the other two tribal fleets, but encountered strong electromagnetic interference, and couldn't contact any tribal naval ship at all.

"Fuck, I should have known that I shouldn't have done anything to pin the corners and calculate each other!"

"If the three parties were together like the Niying tribe, the loss this time would definitely not be so great."

Thinking back to when he wanted to take advantage of the chaos to sell his teammates and make a profit, Gaspard's heart was filled with deep regret, and he wanted to slap himself hard!

The powerful strength of the Longxia Navy made his conspiracy and tricks completely useless.

Now the other two tribal fleets can't be contacted, and more than half of his warships have been lost, and the remaining warships have also been injured to varying degrees. Gaspard is extremely worried and even more manic in his heart.

Seeing the flames of the warships that were hit in the sea not far away, many of his former naval colleagues and sailors fell into the sea and struggled to death, and soon some of them sank completely into the sea.

There were very few survivors.

Looking at those struggling colleagues, he couldn't even help them. Now he was anxious and furious.

This was the first time he felt deep despair since he grew up!

"Captain, the naval fleets of the other two tribes cannot be contacted at the moment, let alone the headquarters."

"What should we do?"

At this time, the deputy captain asked anxiously.

"Shut up, let me think about it alone!"

Gaspar was anxious, and after scolding the deputy captain, he forced himself to calm down.

He knew very well that if he continued to be anxious at this time, he would not be able to think of a better way.

When he thought of the three tribal fleets gathering together at the beginning, he whispered to the deputy captain that once the war started, the navy of the Qianfo tribe would go first, because the other side had an aircraft carrier, and if they suffered losses, they would let the other side bear them first, and then they would rush out to pick up the leaks and maximize their benefits.

And now, how long has it been, the Longxia Navy did not confront the joint fleet head-on, but chose to tactically encircle them, directly catching them off guard.

The anti-ship missiles, which were so fast that they burst one after another, sank one warship after another, and his little thoughts were completely in vain.

If they continue to stay here, they may not even be able to save the last few warships.

At the moment, they can't care about the little thoughts at the beginning. The most important thing is to preserve the living force.

"Pass the order, we will retreat immediately."

"Let the Thousand Buddha Tribe and the Niying Tribe continue to rush to the front to attract firepower for us."

Gaspar's idea is very simple. He doesn't care about being blamed by the headquarters and the Eagle Tribe. They must use their milk to break through and save the remaining warships!

He even doesn't plan to try to contact the fleets of the other two tribes. He plans to sacrifice the other side to buy precious time for their retreat.

"Captain, will we be considered to be escaping from the battlefield?"

"Will we be blamed by the headquarters and the Eagle Tribe..."

The deputy captain hesitated. He felt that he couldn't abandon his teammates at this time, otherwise who would be responsible for the consequences?

In any case, he didn't want to be used as a scapegoat!

"Shut up!" Gaspar suddenly shouted, "Now our lives are in danger, and you still tell me to care about these things? Remember, no matter what time it is, leaving some seeds for the navy is better than anything else!" "If we all die here, there will be no navy to protect the interests of the tribe in the future. Such a vast sea area contains huge resources, which are of great importance to our Feilu tribe." "If it is lost, it will be extremely detrimental to the economic development of our tribe. Do you understand?" The deputy captain shuddered and hurriedly said, "Understood! I will notify them now!" Gaspar was already praying silently in his heart, hoping that the Qianfo tribe and the Niying tribe could attract the firepower of the Longxia tribe and create a chance for them to escape. The distance of more than 30 kilometers is not far, nor is it close. He is not sure how many warships can escape from the Nanzhou waters alive this time. But at least he has to try. It is better to have one more ship escape than to be wiped out. Not long after the order was issued, the fleet had already begun to turn around. At this time, the radar monitor said in a panic.

"Report, report to the captain, there is also an ambush behind, and the firepower is even more fierce!"

Upon hearing the trembling voice of the radar monitor, Gaspar immediately knew that the situation was not good, and it was very bad.

He hurriedly got close to the radar screen and looked at it, and suddenly felt dizzy.

The data displayed on the monitor scared him so much that his legs almost went soft, and he fell to the ground headfirst.

"Why is this happening?"

"When was there an ambush behind? Why can't we see it?"

Gaspar was confused and extremely shocked.

Except for the enemies in front that were always visible on the radar screen, the left and right wings, as well as the rear, did not see where the Longxia Navy's warships were, only the incoming missiles.

The invisible enemy is the most terrifying, and he now deeply understands it!

This completely overturned his cognition.

He knew very well that since entering the Longxia Nanzhou waters, almost all the warships' radars were turned on at full power, but they did not find the enemies on the left, right and behind.

He did not even find the shadow of the enemy along the way.

"Radar soldier, are you blind? Didn't you see the ambush behind you?"

"Our shipborne radar can detect all targets within 70 kilometers of the sea! Why was the missile not discovered until it flew nearly 40 kilometers?"

"Could it be a cruise missile?"

Gaspar roared hysterically at the radar monitor, and his saliva splashed all over his face.

At this moment, he had an urge to beat the radar monitor.

It was obviously the most advanced radar imported from the Eagle Tribe, but it was not discovered until the missile penetrated 40 kilometers. Didn't this greatly compress their own reaction time?

"Captain, I don't know what's going on. Those missiles suddenly appeared like ghosts."

"By the time our radar captured their traces, they had already broken through the 40-kilometer range."

The radar monitor had a sad face and hurriedly told the truth.

It's not that he is incompetent, but the radar system on the warship is outdated and can't find the specific location of the Longxia Navy's ships at all, so it can't guide the attack.

The situation was already unfavorable, and now it's even worse!

"What are you all standing there for? Intercept, intercept quickly!"

"You bunch of good-for-nothings, all get moving, quick, quick, quick!"

"Notify all ships to gather and turn around."

The captain issued a series of orders, speaking very quickly and in an extremely urgent manner.

Before the captain had time to catch his breath, he heard the radar monitor report again.

"Report to the captain, 48 anti-ship missiles appeared in the rear, too fast, the speed exceeded Mach 3!"

"Oh my God, we can't intercept them at all."

"All the interception systems on our ship have failed."

Seeing the densely packed target points on the radar screen, Gaspar's scalp numbed and his whole heart was trembling.

The firepower network of the three-tribe navy was just a makeshift one. It couldn't even intercept the first wave of 1.7 Mach anti-ship missile saturation attack. Many fish slipped through the net, which also brought them extremely heavy losses.

Now suddenly there are two rounds of anti-ship missiles at a speed of Mach 3, which is even more impossible to intercept.

The three-tribe fleet is surrounded by incoming anti-ship missiles, one faster than the other. How can they intercept them?

Even if they are shooting anti-aircraft missiles, they can't catch up with them!

This is not over yet. Suddenly, missiles from the left and right wings appeared again.

The missiles coming from the left and right must be intercepted, and the missiles coming from the back that are faster must also be intercepted.

Gaspar felt that his head was about to explode, and he was so angry that he jumped and cursed.

Just as the radar monitor predicted, they only intercepted part of the first wave of incoming anti-ship missiles, and some broke through the defense interception network!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The violent explosions continued, and warships were hit and ignited with raging fires, which looked like beacon towers from afar.

Seeing the billowing smoke from those warships, Gaspar's face was full of despair!

On the radar screen, the warships of the Feilu tribe suffered losses again, and three of them at once.

The Niying tribe also suffered losses, and the Qianfo tribe also suffered losses, both of which were two warships.

Originally, there were 25 warships, but less than half of them were left in the blink of an eye.

Watching the second wave of anti-ship missiles coming, Gaspar was about to collapse, and shouted: "No, no, don't come again, I can't bear it at all!"

"There is no way to escape from this."

"Change the plan, cancel the retreat, and quickly move closer to the Qianfo tribe fleet!"

Now that there is no hope of escaping alone, Gaspar can only change his strategy and hope to gather the remaining warships of the three tribes to rush out and escape!

After facing two rounds of anti-ship missile salvos from the rear, Surasak did not dare to break out to the rear.

The terrifying power displayed by the 10,000-ton destroyer has made him feel deeply desperate. Now he can only get together first and then find a way out.

In the main control room of the Gabet aircraft carrier, Surasak hurriedly ordered: "Pass the order, hurry up, move closer to the Feilu tribe fleet!"

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