I built an armada

Chapter 424: No surrender accepted, determined to annihilate

Well now, I fell directly from heaven to hell.

The key is that they can't contact the Longxia tribe now. Even if they want to surrender, they have no place to surrender.

This is to kill them and wipe them out, leaving them no chance of survival.

Too bad.

"What should we do next? How long can we hold on?"

"I feel like I can no longer withstand the next round of missile attacks. This is the most useless and brutal naval battle I have fought since I joined the army, bar none!"

Usp took a deep breath, endured the severe pain in his head, and said in a very serious tone.

"Now it depends on whether the command can find out that we are missing, and then find a way to rescue us."

"Hold on, every minute you can hold on is worth a minute."

"I also regret getting involved. Nothing good will happen if you follow the Eagle Tribe."

Gaspar's heart was desolate, his heart was bleeding continuously, and his whole body was even more desolate, and he was so depressed.

If there was a regret medicine in this world, he would want to take ten pills.

"Hey, you said it was great to watch the show at home safely, but you insisted on joining in the fun. Now it's fine. It's all over, and we've all joined in."

"Next, I'm afraid I won't even be able to save my life."

Surasak said in an extremely sad tone. He could no longer see any chance of escape, and his hope of survival was extremely slim!

On the other side, in the 123 ship owner’s control room.

The correspondent suddenly spoke at this time: "Report to the captain, the remaining three tribal warships have been trying to contact us, and they probably want to surrender."


Are you thinking of surrendering now?

What were you doing in the first place?

Zhou Qinglei smiled coldly: "The avatar does not exist."

"If you lose, you want to surrender. What if you win?"

"Surrender is a matter for the King of Hell, and my mission is to send them to see the King of Hell!"

Seeing that there were only five warships left on the radar display, Zhou Qinglei's idea was simple: annihilate them all in one go and fight a beautiful blocking battle.

"Pass my life..."

Zhou Qinglei had just planned to issue the final general offensive order.

Then I heard the correspondent suddenly say, "Report to the captain, a secret message has been sent from the headquarters, requesting the capture of the aircraft carrier Gabet."

Capture the aircraft carrier?

After just being stunned for a moment, Zhou Qinglei reacted instantly.

The last time there was a naval battle with Dong Huanghai, their Haruna-class light aircraft carrier was captured, which was what he did together with other brother warships.

He knew what happened next without even thinking about it.

He was so experienced in this kind of thing that he couldn't help but have a faint smile on his lips.

It wouldn't be too easy to leave this matter to him.

He felt that he was almost becoming an expert in capturing aircraft carriers. If he captured another aircraft carrier, his record would skyrocket. He had captured two aircraft carriers.

Such achievements are unique even among the entire navy or even the three armed services.

To become the first captain of the 10,000-ton cruiser for him would be a definite bonus!

Just now, I was only focused on annihilating all the enemy ships. I didn't expect to capture an aircraft carrier. Now that the headquarters reminds me, it's natural to hit it off.

Of course, he knew who could come up with such an idea. Looking at the entire navy, except for Su Dingping, there was no one else.

At that level, as long as the aircraft carrier is not sunk, it can be repaired!

"Instruct all ships participating in the battle to control their firepower. Next, focus on precision strikes!"

"Destroy all the remaining warships."

"Remember, leave the aircraft carrier behind!"

"We're going to take him prisoner!"

Zhou Qinglei immediately picked up the microphone and immediately issued new combat instructions.

Now there are only five warships left in the combined fleets of the three tribes. It would be a waste of ammunition to attack them with missiles.

No matter what, each missile costs a lot of military spending to manufacture.

In the early stage, the saturation attack and fire suppression are all about momentum.

Comprehensively suppress the opponent's momentum and strengthen your own side's momentum.

Now that the overall situation has been decided, it is natural to save ammunition and attack enemy ships one by one with precise attacks.

As the order was issued, the firepower of the participating ships was significantly reduced.

Even so, in the face of such powerful and advanced anti-ship missiles, the remaining five warships of the three-tribe joint fleet had no room for resistance.

Because the anti-aircraft missiles they were equipped with had been exhausted in previous anti-saturation attacks, and the warships had also suffered varying degrees of damage.

Now he is just a living target.

In the past, the target ships used by the Long Xia Navy were not driven by any personnel, but now these invading enemies are all controlled by personnel, and that's all.


In the main control room of the Humabon, Gaspar was shaken by a violent explosion. The next second he saw with his own eyes on the dark ocean surface, a destroyer was hit by a missile. Then it exploded, and then a huge fire burst into the sky, and thick smoke billowed into the sky!

He was completely stunned and just stood there.

When they arrived, the Feilu Tribe Navy dispatched a total of 12 warships, which could be described as majestic and high-spirited. They repeatedly claimed that the Longxia Navy was vulnerable and even wanted to completely wipe out the Longxia Navy.

In the blink of an eye, he was the only commander left.

Only this warship drifted alone on the sea, waiting for the final death.

Watching the last warship slowly sink to the bottom of the sea, those former colleagues struggled hard in the water, Gaspard's eyes were bloodshot.

"It's over, it's all over, our Feilu Tribe Navy is completely finished."

"This is a complete annihilation."

Gaspard's eyes were bloodshot, and he shouted desperately, "Ah! Longxia Navy, I won't let you go even if I become a ghost!"

The deputy captain hurriedly said: "Captain, we are the only ones left in the entire fleet, what should we do?"

What should I do?

I know what to do?

If I knew, would I still have to stay in this place without being able to get out?

"Can't we contact the headquarters yet?"

"Report to the captain, we still can't contact, our communication is still blocked."

Hearing this, Gaspard's eyes flashed with a lifeless look, and he was completely desperate.

In the main control room, despair spread across the faces of the remaining sailors, and their eyes were filled with fear and sadness.

Many people even sobbed quietly, they were really scared.

"Captain, can we still break out?"

"I don't want to die, I don't want to be a soldier anymore, I want to go home."

"Captain, do we really have no hope at all? Can't I contact the Longxia Navy and surrender to them? We don't want to continue fighting, our warships have all the ammunition."

The operators asked one by one, where was the fighting spirit, they just wanted to find a way to survive.

In fact, they also knew very well that there were indeed anti-ship missiles on the warship, but they were useless, just like nothing happened, they didn't even know where the enemy was, how to lock and use it?

By the way, there were also some naval guns, but how far could the naval guns shoot?

The Longxia Navy was out of their range, which was equivalent to a one-sided crushing.

"The Longxia Navy has been refusing to accept our communications, which is a clear refusal to accept surrender."

"They are determined to wipe us out!"

The deputy captain shook his head in despair, "We have no chance of surrendering, only death!"

"Because they have hated us for a long time!"

Hearing this, the sailors were immediately angry and roared hysterically.


"The Longxia Navy is too arrogant. Why don't they accept our surrender? They are all a bunch of executioners!"

"We are already so miserable. We only have one warship left, and we can't pose any threat to them. How can they do this? They are so assholes."

"Even if we did something to them in the past, they have sunk eleven of our warships. They should take revenge. Bastards, bastards, they are too cruel and don't treat us as human beings at all."

"Aren't they full of benevolence and morality? Aren't they claiming human rights? Why don't they let us go!"

Listening to the almost hysterical abuse of his men, Gaspar smiled sadly and shook his head vigorously.

He glanced at the radar display screen and saw two more missiles coming. A trace of sadness appeared in his eyes.

"I never thought that one day I would die in a foreign country."

"It's really ridiculous and pathetic."

"And this war is not to defend the country, but to invade the territorial waters of another country."

At this moment, he heard a series of roars in his ears. It was the last bit of pitiful ammunition fired by the close-in defense gun.

It is obvious that the anti-ship missile has broken through to within three kilometers of the warship.

Whether he can live for another one or two seconds depends on whether the close-in defense gun can intercept the incoming anti-ship missile.

"Captain, the missile broke through the interception firepower network at three times the speed of sound."

"Start the close-in defense gun, it's over, the close-in defense gun is useless, only shot down one, and another missile broke in."

"We are finished..."

The captain's ears echoed with the operator's loud shouting that the close-in defense gun failed to intercept, and there were reports one after another, and he became dazed.

And at this moment, in his sight, an anti-ship missile dragged a long fire snake directly towards the bridge where the main control room was located.

"Captain, the enemy missile is 800 meters away from our ship."

"700 meters."

"400 meters..."

A series of rapid reports echoed in the main control room. The missile was getting closer and closer to the Humabon, and the missile was getting bigger and bigger in Gaspar's eyes.


Accompanied by a violent explosion, the bridge was blown apart directly, and almost all the people in the main control room were blown to pieces. Even if they were not dead, they would not be able to fly.

The Humabon continued to explode, the flames shot up to the sky, and the sea water poured into the ship frantically. The ship tilted at a very twisted angle, and it didn't take long for the ship to sink rapidly.

At this moment, all 12 participating ships of the Feilu tribe sank, and no one survived!

This means that the entire Feilu tribe fleet has disappeared from now on.

The Feilu tribe that showed off its power in the South China Sea a few years ago, which made many military fans of the Longxia tribe feel unhappy and scolded the powers, disappeared under the wheels of history.

In the main control room of the USS Gabbert, the air seemed to have frozen and there was a dead silence.

Surasak watched helplessly as the destroyer Humabon was hit by a missile, and the explosion ignited a fire that shot into the sky.

Recalling that a few hours ago, the two sides looked at each other unhappy and planned to plot against each other.

All the little calculations are going on!

They were completely wiped out in the blink of an eye, and even Gaspar sank into the waters of Nanzhou. It was unavoidable to feel a sense of sadness that the rabbit had died and the fox had died.

At this moment, Uspu's voice sounded from the communication channel.

"Captain Surazak, all the ships of the Felu Tribe participating in the battle were sunk, and Commander Gaspar was killed."

Surasak's sad voice sounded.

"I've seen it all."

"Now it's just you and us, who will be next?"

As soon as the words fell, the radar monitor shouted extremely anxiously: "Report to the captain, a missile broke through the air defense fire network."

"No, no, we can't intercept it anymore. All interception methods have failed."

As soon as he finished speaking, before Surasak could react, a huge explosion suddenly sounded, and the aircraft carrier shook violently. It was hit by a missile again.

If the aircraft carrier hadn't been huge and designed to withstand attacks, it would have sunk long ago.

The fear of death always hangs in the mind of every crew member.


"What's going on? A missile is coming?"

Surasak was helpless and had no other options.

For him at this moment, he was already prepared to die, and now he was just waiting for death to come.

"No, no, Captain, someone couldn't stand it anymore and jumped into the sea and escaped."

At this time, the deputy captain reported extremely anxiously.

Jump into the sea and escape?

Surasak looked confused.

At this time, some sailors who have gone through rigorous training actually run away during the war. Isn't this a deserter?

In the past, he would have sent people to shoot the opponent long ago in order to strictly enforce military discipline and uphold military law1

But now, he no longer wants to care about it, and he is too lazy to care about it.

To die in battle on an aircraft carrier is to die in the sea.

No matter where he died, it would be the same. Anyway, he would die in the waters of Nanzhou of the Long Xia tribe.

"No matter, let them be."

Surasak waved his hands very weakly, then turned around and sat on the captain's chair with a dejected face. There was no fighting spirit at all, as if his whole person had been drained of energy.

The vice-captain stood aside with dull eyes, no strength in his body, but his hands could not help but tremble.

"Captain, we were defeated. Of the warships we brought out, we are the only ones left."

"This is still our aircraft carrier that can withstand beatings."

The deputy captain was about to cry, his eyes filled with tears.

"I know."

Surasak nodded, turned around and took out a bottle of wine from his handbag.

These three words seemed so light, as if they were hanging in mid-air.

Then, he poured two glasses on his own, picked up one of them and handed it to the deputy captain.

"Come and have a drink with me. I'm afraid I'll never have this opportunity again."


As soon as the vice-captain took the liquor, he heard Uspu's voice coming from the communication channel.

"Captain Surasak, it's an honor to fight alongside you. I'll take the first step."

Immediately afterwards, along with a burst of chaotic electricity, a violent explosion suddenly sounded, and it soon fell silent.

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