I built an armada

Chapter 426: Press conference held, Long Xia is about to make a fool of himself

Otherwise, can we suddenly hold a press conference at this juncture?

Logically speaking, it should be before the military exercise.

No matter what happens, postpone the meeting until the event is over.

This node is really exciting.

That's right.

Countless spies became crazily active again, searching for information from various channels. However, they exhausted all means and failed to obtain any useful information.

Many people who had left the department from outside rushed back as soon as they received the news and were waiting at the gate.

The harbor of the Eastern Barren Tribe garrison base.

The night was as dark as ink, and the lights in the harbor were brightly lit, almost turning this small world into daylight. The light and shadow made the three-star general Cruz, who was dressed in military uniform, look extremely tall and strong.

He withdrew his eyes from the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier that was unmooring and setting sail, and turned to look at General Coro, the person in charge of the base.

"Koro, spread the news about the fleet's dispatch! Remind a certain tribe's navy to take it easy! Otherwise, we will be beaten. We blame us for not reminding them!"


General Coro immediately took the order, turned around and deployed.

at the same time.

The Longxia tribe's secret nuclear weapons base is located in the hinterland of the northwest.

On the towering, cloud-like fixed launcher, the Thunderbolt 31 has been erected. The thick missile body stands there straight into the sky, as if it is going to pierce the dark sky like a bottomless pit.

Under the light, this brand-new missile shone with an icy cold light, exuding a strong murderous aura, as if it was accumulating terrifying energy that could destroy the world.

As long as the launch button is pressed, it will rush towards the target and completely destroy the enemy!

Under the launch tower, dozens of staff wearing protective clothing are busy conducting final tests and data checks on the status of the missile. Everything is busy in an orderly manner.

Inside the underground bunker headquarters of the base.

Qian Lao sat in front of the chair, but his eyes kept staring at the various data that were constantly appearing on the screen.

"Hold on tight and be meticulous."

"Time is tight, we don't have time to start over, we must ensure success the first time!"

Mr. Qian's voice was so sonorous and powerful that there was no doubt about it.


Everyone immediately followed the order, and they became more careful and serious.

Thunder 31 is an important weapon to control the country. Now it is about to be test-fired. It also has to perform strategic deterrence effect, so it is natural to ensure its absolute success.

I don’t know what the situation is on the Navy’s side and how far it has progressed.

The more this happens, the more he wants to ensure the 100% success rate of Thunder 31.

At the moment, the only thing he can do is to let the Thunder Trinity launch in a perfect posture, and then fly far away according to the predetermined trajectory, so as to shock the Eagle Tribe.

No matter how the situation develops, the test launch of Thunder 31 will be carried out rain or shine!

While commanding, Mr. Qian sighed in his heart: "I hope the navy can withstand it, and I hope it's not too late."

At the same time, he was somewhat upset. If Thunder Trinity could achieve an early breakthrough, it would not conduct a temporary test launch. Time is so tight, so naturally any accidents must be avoided!

He knew very well that the more urgent it was, the more he had to ensure that he was calm and composed and perfected every procedure.

There has been no news from the navy, and he will not stop worrying for a moment.

At this moment, the person in charge of the base hurried over and stopped in front of Mr. Qian.

"Xiao Zhao, is there a situation with the Navy?"

Upon hearing this, the person in charge of the base hurriedly said: "Yes, yes."

"How's it going? Did we win?"

Mr. Qian couldn't wait to ask, his bright eyes staring at the other party.

"Our navy intercepted the combined navy fleet of the three tribes and achieved a great victory!"

"It took a total of 14 minutes to completely wipe out the combined fleet of the three tribes!"

The person in charge of the base quickly reported the situation in detail. Even though he had already read the news, he was still very excited at this moment.


Annihilated the combined fleet of the three tribes?

Only took 14 minutes?

Boss Qian was surprised.

This kind of achievement is really incredible.

Is it possible that the combined fleet of the three tribes is just paper?

So unbeatable?

14 minutes, less than a quarter of an hour, this speed is really amazing.

It only takes the time to drink a cup of tea, right?

"Xiao Zhao, is the news accurate?"

Qian Lao asked impatiently.

"Mr. Qian, I guess you will say that."

The person in charge of the base was extremely excited, "When I first received the news, I was just like you. I couldn't believe it. I didn't react for a long time and thought it was fake. But it was sent by Xue Shuai himself."

"Our navy is already very impressive."

After thinking for a while, he felt that only the word 'awesome' could express his inner shock!

Next, he explained the details.

After receiving a positive reply, Mr. Qian was very excited: "Okay, okay, okay!"

The entire navy of the three tribes was wiped out, which saved the navy from a huge problem. Now only the Eagle Tribe's Seventh Fleet nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle group is left.

As a result, the pressure on the Navy was suddenly reduced.

At least you no longer have to worry about encountering the terrible situation of being attacked from both sides at critical moments.

As for the rebel navy on the island, can it be called a navy?

No matter how hard the rebel armed forces try, they are still rebel armed forces. In the end, they are not just strawberry soldiers to be eliminated, and they pose no threat to the navy at all.

"The Eagle Tribe Navy Fleet is our navy's old rival."

The person in charge of the base said helplessly, "The entire navy is here. We don't know if we can defeat them at the moment, but at least we can be sure that our navy's record can make the opponent's hands tied a lot."

"At least let the opponent be afraid of three points."

Having said this, after a slight pause, he spoke again.

"The feeling of being bullied to the point of being unable to fight back will never happen again. We will no longer have any rivals in the waters of Dongzhou."

Mr. Qian nodded in agreement and said, "Yes."

The navy completely annihilated the combined navy fleets of the three tribes within ten minutes. Once such explosive news spread, it would be enough to awe the Eagle Tribe's top brass!

If they really encountered it, the Eagle Tribe would not dare to use high-tech means like before to put the Longxia Navy in a position where they could only passively be beaten without being able to fight back.

Mr. Qian was very confident. He had seen it in the integrated military factory before.

Those advanced anti-ship missiles can travel more than 500 kilometers, and the speed exceeds Mach 3. Even if they encounter the most advanced warships of the Eagle Tribe Navy, they must be wary of such terrifying speeds.

A few years ago, Long Xia's navy also encountered the Eagle Tribe's navy on Dragon Claw Island. It watched helplessly as the enemy ships collided with each other and missiles flew randomly. However, those lagging warships could only be beaten passively and could not fight back.

That kind of despair and helplessness can be experienced firsthand by anyone who participated in the war at that time.

It is also a shame for any military worker and a pain in the heart forever!

Mr. Qian took off his glasses and turned to look at the Longxia map: "Times have changed. From now on, the Dongzhou sea area belongs to our era!"

He believed that as long as Su Dingping built a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, there would be no fear even if the Eagle Tribe navy pressed up in the Dongzhou waters.

Even the entire Blue Star Ocean is within the navigation range of Long Xia Navy.

The future belongs to Longxia Navy.

And the future is already here!

After taking a long breath, the person in charge of the base immediately brought the topic to the right track: "Mr. Qian, how are you doing here?"

"Don't worry, everything is ready."

Mr. Qian immediately reported the matter seriously, "We can launch on time and on time without any delay."

"Okay, money is always hard work."

The person in charge of the base immediately felt relieved, and then said, "Mr. Qian, you have been here for such a long time, can your body handle it?"

"Don't worry, my body is strong and I can handle it."

Mr. Qian waved his fist nonchalantly to show that he could hold on.

"Well, Mr. Qian, please take it easy. I'm still busy, so I'll leave first."

Seeing Mr. Qian like this, the person in charge of the base was finally able to leave with peace of mind, but before he could reach the door, someone suddenly broke in.

"Chief, important information."

"The Eagle Tribe nuclear-powered aircraft carrier has set off from the garrison base."

Upon hearing the news, the face of the person in charge of the base suddenly changed.

The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of the Eagle Tribe's Seventh Fleet was dispatched anyway, determined to toughen the Longxia Tribe.

Just such a piece of news was enough to make the heads of the three armed forces change their minds.

No matter what, the Eagle Tribe Navy is the strongest Blue Star Navy, and its super oppressive power is still very terrifying.

Even if the White Bear Tribe faces the Eagle Tribe's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle group, they will be intimidated.

Qian Lao, who was sitting in his seat, looked solemn. He had just planned to rest for a while, but now he had to cheer up again.

"Notify us and speed up the inspection progress."

At this point, Mr. Qian changed the topic and said, "I'll keep an eye on this matter."

After that, he got up and walked out, and went to the scene to keep an eye on it to ensure that no accidents could occur.

Soon, the news of the Eagle Tribe's Seventh Fleet dispatching the aircraft carrier fleet spread like a tornado across the entire Blue Star.

Tribes of Britain, MI.

In an office, the person in charge, Richard, was sitting at the executive desk and looking at a document.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door, and after receiving permission, an intelligence officer rushed in quickly.

"Report, latest information."

The intelligence officer then handed over the document, and Richard immediately took it, checked it, and immediately got up and took a special car to the Prime Minister's residence.

"Prime Minister, the Seventh Fleet of the Eagle Tribe has moved. They dispatched a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle group to escort Air Force One."

The Prime Minister, who was reviewing documents, suddenly stopped writing and looked up at Richard.

After waiting for so long, I finally got the result.

"Will they fight?" the Prime Minister asked bluntly.

Richard shook his head slightly: "We have not received any relevant information so far."

"However, according to some relevant intelligence, in addition to the Eagle Tribe dispatching a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle group, the Nihan Tribe, the Feilu Tribe and the Qianfo Tribe have all dispatched their navy."

"The three tribes formed a joint fleet and attacked the Longxia tribe from the south."

The Prime Minister frowned immediately, with a worried look on his face, and immediately asked: "According to your judgment, what is the probability of them fighting?"

"Based on the current situation, it's probably a 50-50 split between fighting or not fighting."

Richard quickly explained that he had no more information.

"I want a definite answer. When did your intelligence agency learn to use such ambiguous words?" the Prime Minister suddenly asked in a cold voice.

What he is most worried about now is that while Long Xia is fighting with the Eagle Tribe, the White Bear Tribe will suddenly attack Europa and send out an army to crush them.

In that case, they would be in great trouble.

For them, the White Bear Tribe is the most realistic threat!

"prime minister……"

Richard suddenly looked helpless and immediately explained, "Prime Minister, we currently have too few clues to make an accurate judgment."

He also wanted to know the specific situation, but each tribe kept the news tightly, so outsiders could not pry into it.

The coalition forces of the three tribes are floating on the sea again. I am afraid that only the frontline combat headquarters knows the specific movements.

Naturally, he was unable to obtain the information he wanted.

If he knew that Long Xia Navy had completely wiped out the three tribal navies, he would definitely give a very definite answer. Long Xia Navy won the first round.

"Report, I just received the latest news." Richard said quickly.

"what news?"

The Prime Minister asked curiously, quickly putting down his hand that was already on the coffee cup.

"The Foreign Affairs Department of Longxia has announced that it will hold a press conference at 6:50 Longxia time. It is said that they will reveal some information at the press conference."

"As for what kind of news it is, they kept silent."

After hearing what Richard said, the Prime Minister's face suddenly became extremely serious.

What he is most worried about now is whether the Longxia tribe will take the opportunity to join forces with the White Bear tribe, deliberately create trouble and provoke this armed conflict.

On the other side, the White Bear Tribe, Kegong.

The White Bear King Pushkin in the office was very anxious. There were changes in the Western Tribal Alliance to prevent them from messing around.

Of course, it's not that you can't beat it, but it will be very troublesome.

But now the Dongzhou Sea Area is quite chaotic, both sides are causing trouble, and the White Bear King caught in the middle is very upset.

He has been getting a little angry lately and has to drink herbal tea to calm down the heat.

At this moment, there was a knock on the office door, and after getting his permission, Boris, the head of the intelligence department, walked in quickly.

"Great Emperor, the latest information."

"The Longxia tribe's foreign affairs department has issued a notice. They will hold a press conference at 6:50."

"The specific release content is currently unknown."

When the report came here, he first submitted the first intelligence document, and then he started to report again.

"According to the intelligence coming back from the front line, the Seventh Fleet of the Eagle Tribe dispatched a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle group."

After listening to the report, Pushkin rubbed his swollen temples with both hands and fell into deep thought.

At this moment, he was feeling even more stressed, and he already felt that an arrow was about to strike.

I'm afraid it's going to happen for real this time.

He knows very well that the Eagle Tribe still occupies Blue Star's military dominance, at least so far, it is unshakable by any other tribe.

Now the Longxia tribe has to face the naval siege of four tribes at the same time, and one can imagine how dangerous it is.

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