I built an armada

Chapter 437: Blue Planet falls into panic and attacks the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier fleet

If both sides did not take action, and he forced the order to take action.

The consequence would probably be a repeat of the situation in which the invasion war turned into a war to defend the capital.

He is an opportunist, but not stupid!

Like the White Elephant Tribe, the Iron Monkey Tribe also chose to wait before getting definite news.

The situation in the Dongzhou Tribe, which was originally tense, calmed down at this moment.

All the tribes knew that this was the last calm before the storm, and there would definitely be a huge storm next, which would most likely rewrite the history of the entire Blue Star!

On the other side.

Longxia Tribe, Beijing, Navy Headquarters.

Navy Chief Liu Huaming has received news from the foreign affairs department that the three tribes want to send a joint fleet to our waters to investigate the missing three-tribe joint fleet.

Liu Huaming, who was sitting in the chief position, looked at his subordinates and said, "Those three tribes want to send a joint investigation fleet to our Nanzhou waters to investigate the loss of contact. What do you think about this?"

"In my opinion, there is no need to agree. Anyway, the contact has been lost. Why bother investigating?"

Xu Dongguo's words naturally attracted the unanimous agreement of the other leaders.

"Chief, I think that's the truth. As long as they can't wait for the news that the three-tribe joint fleet has arrived at the rebellion island, they know what happened."

"Let them investigate, just to find out whether the three-tribe joint naval fleet was sunk by us, so why let them investigate? They broke into our waters once, but they have to break in a second time?"

"Besides, if they find that they were sunk by us, they will ask us for the captured aircraft carrier. Should we give it to them or not? This is a problem."

"Since everything is not ready, why should we agree to it? Let them worry about it themselves."

"Just treat this matter as a matter of no concern to us. It has nothing to do with us, but they are not allowed to break into our territorial waters, otherwise we have to perform the task of protecting the sea borders!"

The words of several generals directly touched Liu Huaming's heart.

Originally, he didn't plan to let the three tribes enter the Longxia waters. At this time, the situation was tense. Do they want to continue to cause trouble?

"Then I don't agree!"

Liu Huaming finally made a decisive decision.

Soon, Ambassador Chen of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs passed the relevant information to the heads of the foreign affairs departments of the three tribes, and warned them not to make any moves to enter the Longxia waters again.

When the top leaders of the three tribes learned about it, they were so angry that they almost vomited three liters of blood and died.

Their naval fleet lost contact in the Nanzhou waters, and now they can't send people to look for it.

Isn't this obviously going to cause them trouble?

It's too much!

But they are very helpless.

Even if they want to compete with the Longxia tribe, the naval ships are available.

There is really no way out. The three tribes quickly held an emergency meeting, and all the top leaders of each tribe gathered together for a closed-door meeting to discuss solutions.

"The Longxia Navy is such a jerk. They didn't give us any chance to search. They clearly have something to hide!"

"I'm so angry. How could they do this? They are so arrogant and unreasonable. If something happens to the fleet, we won't even have the chance to rescue them in time. We'll just have to watch those elite sailors die in despair."

"No matter what, we have to form a search team to search for our fleet."

They knew very well that the Longxia Navy was very determined to protect the sea borders, so they had to be cautious.

After many rounds of negotiations, they finally made a decision to send speedboats and armed helicopters to the periphery of the Longxia Nanzhou waters to investigate and see if they could find some valuable floating objects.

In the view of the marine experts attending the meeting, if the three-tribe joint fleet was really destroyed, there would definitely be debris and floating objects on the sea.

Maybe they could salvage some of them, which would also prove that those ships were sunk.

With the lessons learned from the past, they naturally didn't dare to force their way in again.

Just as they had deduced, with the flow of the ocean current, there were indeed a lot of floating debris drifting in all directions.

As for whether they could meet, it depended on whether God was willing to help them.

Time passed quickly.

More than 20 minutes later, the island owner on the rebellious island still had not received any news about the departure of the chief, and even the foreign affairs department of the Eagle Tribe had no movement.

He was extremely anxious, restless, and about to get angry.

At this time, a subordinate rushed in.

"How is it, has the chief set off?"

The island owner asked subconsciously.

"No, we have observed another phenomenon."

"The military exercise of the Longxia Navy in the northeastern waters is getting smaller and smaller."

Without waiting for the island owner to urge, the sharp-nosed and monkey-faced subordinate quickly reported the situation.

Hearing this, the island owner was stunned at first, and then a bright smile appeared on his face, finally giving him a glimmer of hope.

"This is good news."

"It seems that the Longxia Navy also knows to give in. Knowing that the Eagle Tribe's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier fleet is coming, they began to back down."

The island owner said with joy, not realizing that things were becoming more and more serious.

In fact, at this moment, in the main control room of the 128th ship, Cao Youren was commanding the first echelon battle group to conduct maritime maneuvers. They were ready to support the battlefield.

In the sea area 70 kilometers northeast of the rebellion island, the sea water on the ocean surface was rolling like boiling black water soup, but it was also brewing greater wave energy.

The first echelon fleet battle group commanded by Zhou Qinglei had arrived here and quickly headed towards the direction of the sea boundary line.

From here, it is actually only more than half an hour away from the boundary line.

The 10,000-ton destroyer was in the first echelon, just ahead of the three fishing ships that came later, but it was ranked last in the first echelon battle group, and it was currently in the nature of a rear guard.

In the main control room, various instruments and equipment flashed different lights.

"Report to the captain, a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier reconnaissance aircraft was found 180 kilometers away."

"Report to the captain, a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier fleet was found 210 kilometers away from our ship."

The radar monitor saw the cursor appear on the radar screen and immediately reported it.

This distance is a piece of cake compared to the radar detection range of more than 500 kilometers for a 10,000-ton destroyer. Even if it falls behind the fleet, it can easily detect targets at sea and in the air.

If necessary, he can now launch an attack on the aircraft carrier and its carrier-based aircraft.


Captain Guo Chengjun, who was sitting in front of the CIC command center, had already set his sights on the Eagle Tribe's aircraft carrier battle group.

Even if the opponent was a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle group, he had no fear at all. He would fight anyway, and he didn't care about his life or death.

The tribe's maritime territory was not violated, which was the highest mission of the navy!

At the same time.

Ship 123 where Zhou Qinglei was located also found the target.

In the main control room, the radar monitor immediately reported the latest situation.

"Report to the captain, an enemy carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft was found 140 kilometers away from our ship."

"Report to the captain, an enemy nuclear-powered aircraft carrier formation was found 170 kilometers away from our ship."

With the report of the situation, the atmosphere suddenly changed, and everyone's face showed a solemn look.

They all knew that the discovery of the Eagle Tribe aircraft carrier battle group meant that a tense confrontation was about to begin.

As long as this aircraft carrier battle group dared to enter the Longxia waters, it would mean the start of the war.

Even if the opponent they encountered was such a powerful enemy as the Eagle Tribe nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle group, they had to continue the war.

They were soldiers and the last steel wall of the Longxia tribe.

If they didn't go up, would they allow this aircraft carrier battle group to invade and trample on the interests and dignity of the Longxia tribe at will?

In any case, they must go up without hesitation!

With the arrival of the first echelon battle group, an ominous shadow shrouded the sea, the dark clouds of war were gathering, and the air seemed to become gloomy!

There was not even a flying bird in the sky, as if they could smell the smoke of war approaching.

In the control room of the 128 ship owner, Cao Youren linked to the relevant information through the data.

Zhou Qinglei's first echelon has arrived, and the Eagle Tribe's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle group is approaching, with no intention of stopping.

"It seems that this battle must be fought."

After listening to the communicator's report, Cao Youren's inner tension increased a bit.

To be honest, even as a soldier, he does not want to fight, but since the war has come, he will not be afraid at all.

But as a normal person, facing this upcoming armed conflict, and fighting against the strongest navy of Blue Star, he is still a little nervous.

In just two days, too many things have happened around Longzhua Island, and now it is finally time to fight to decide the outcome.

A few years ago, he was one of the captains of the land artillery on board.

It was a landing ship with dozens of cannons used by the army on it. He could see the determination on the faces of those copying the artillery through the porthole in the cab.

Everyone wrote a suicide note before boarding the ship, vowing to defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the tribe with their lives.

Even a captain like him was moved by such a scene.

This is the blood of Longxia soldiers.

If the weapons are not advanced, then use life as the price to deal with the enemy.

Today, the navy already has sufficiently advanced warships, which are even more advanced than the Burke-2 missile destroyer of the Eagle Tribe.

Today is a fight or a peace.

It all depends on whether the Eagle Tribe nuclear-powered aircraft carrier fleet dares to cross the line and enter the Longxia waters.

Even if it is a fight!

The navy will never be as helpless as it was before, because they finally have a sharp sword that can confront the enemy head-on.

And it will no longer be passive and beaten throughout the whole process as in the past.

Even without the air support of aircraft carriers, he thinks that the navy can deal a heavy blow to the Eagle Tribe aircraft carrier fleet this time, and declare to the world from now on that the Longxia Navy will never let anyone bully it!

Soon, the first echelon battle group, the second echelon battle group, and a 10,000-ton destroyer quickly established a data link communication network within the fleet.

This is a very confidential communication link. Even an advanced tribe like the Eagle Tribe cannot crack it in a short time.

"How should we fight this battle?"

Cao Youren took the lead in expressing his welcome to Zhou Qinglei's second echelon battle group, and then asked directly.

Zhou Qinglei's timely arrival undoubtedly gave him great confidence!

How to act this time, of course, needs to be discussed, coordinate the actions between each other, maximize the interception efficiency, and give the enemy a fatal blow!

"Since we are going to meet the Eagle Tribe's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle group, we can't divide our troops anymore, so we might as well merge the two battle groups."

"The 10,000-ton destroyer is our trump card, still hidden, and will come out at the critical moment to give the enemy a fatal blow!"

Zhou Qinglei was not polite and said what he thought along the way, which was also the second set of action plans formulated before.

"Old Zhou is directly executing the second set of predetermined plans."

"That's right, we don't have the air cover of aircraft carriers, so we can only rely on ourselves."

"Then what are you waiting for, join forces!"

Cao Youren agreed immediately and suppressed the tension in his heart.

Soon the relevant orders were passed down, and the battle groups of the two echelons quickly maneuvered at sea and rushed towards the designated sea area.

Guo Chengjun, who received the order, immediately ordered the 10,000-ton destroyer to execute the original plan, hiding in a hidden sea area and lurking to carry out secret operations.

About ten minutes later, the two sides officially reunited.

Because the shadow brought by the Eagle Tribe's aircraft carrier fleet still exists!

This time, in order to deal with the Eagle Tribe's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier fleet, the navy almost dispatched all its elite troops, even including submarines and other warships.

Even so, it only dared to say that there was a 50% chance of winning.

After all, the Eagle Tribe's aircraft carrier fleet is too famous, and its combat effectiveness is also very strong, which is not something that the three-tribe joint fleet can compare with you.

A person's reputation is like a tree's shadow.

I'm afraid that only after fighting can we have a general understanding of our own and the opponent's combat effectiveness.

After so long, the strength of the naval fleet is probably unknown to the entire navy, except for Su Dingping, even including Liu Huaming and other naval leaders.

After all, the opponents they encountered used to be powerful countries, but now they have all become chickens and pottery dogs.

Even the joint fleet composed of 25 warships from the three tribes, including an aircraft carrier, has not been able to push the second echelon to its limit.

Such combat power gives everyone the confidence to confront the Eagle Tribe nuclear-powered aircraft carrier fleet head-on.

As time goes by, the fleet is getting closer and closer to the sea boundary.

In the main control room of Ship 123, the radar monitor stared at the radar screen, monitoring the every move of the Eagle Tribe aircraft carrier fleet, and also paying attention to the distance from the national border.

"Report to the captain, there are still 5 kilometers to the national border."

After listening to the report of the radar monitor, Zhou Qinglei took a deep breath and immediately picked up the microphone.

Before the war started, he still needed to unify the thoughts of the sailors and boost morale. He needed to let everyone know the significance of participating in this war.

"Comrades, we have arrived near the border, and we are about to face the strongest navy on Blue Star."

"Let me ask you, are you afraid?"

Zhou Qinglei said in a sonorous and powerful voice.

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