I built an armada

Chapter 440 Panic engulfs Blue Star, confronting the Eagle nuclear-powered aircraft carrier fleet

Soon, everyone regretted it!

"Farke, Farke, Farke!"

"Damn Eagle Tribe, they harmed our Thousand Buddha Tribe...Pfft..."

The Thousand Buddha King's face was full of remorse, and his mood was extremely heavy. He kept accusing in his mouth, and the next second he spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

In an instant, the impromptu meeting became a mess.

When the senior officials of the Feilu Tribe and Nihan Tribe learned about this, they were collectively stunned.

It turns out that his fleet did not lose contact, but fell into the Nanzhou waters of the Longxia tribe!

Even if they have already had this suspicion in their minds, they can still numb themselves for a while by seeing people alive and dead.

Today, they can no longer deceive themselves.

The combined fleet of the three tribes was completely defeated, and all the main battleships of the navy were destroyed.

This also declares that they will completely withdraw from the historical stage of competition in the East Continent Sea for a long time to come.

But when it comes to relevant interests in the sea, they no longer have the strength to protect them, so they can only look back and sigh, which is useless!

Not only did this military operation not gain anything, but it also resulted in such huge losses that everyone regretted it.

It can be said that this is the first time that the three tribes have suffered such serious losses since their establishment. All the main fleets were wiped out, and the remaining warships are all old-fashioned and have no long-range coastal defense ships at all. , gunboats and the like.

Building a navy requires a large amount of military investment. Even if they want to return to their former size, they may not be able to do so within ten or eight years.

And this is on the premise that each of their tribes has extremely sufficient military expenditures!

If a tribe's domestic economy is not doing well, it will be difficult for them to recover.

I have been waiting for more than an hour and still haven't received the fleet news I wanted to wait for.

Suddenly I felt uneasy.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and after getting his permission, one of his men hurried in.

"The latest news." The subordinate was barely breathing.

"Say it quickly."

"The Eagle Tribe aircraft carrier fleet was blocked by the Long Xia Navy at the national border!"

"There is still no definite news of the arrival of the three-tribe naval combined fleet! Judging from the time, the three-tribe combined fleet should be arriving soon."

"But until now, there is no news at all. Something is not right."

The subordinate frowned, his face full of distress and confusion. He couldn't understand what the current situation was like.

"There is currently no news about the combined fleet of the three tribes. Could it have been intercepted, right? The Longxia Navy is so brave that they dare not even stop the aircraft carrier fleet of the Eagle Tribe."

"I wonder if the navy of the three tribes is deliberately stalling for time. They want to take this opportunity to show off and fall down. Don't say it, there is still a possibility. We need to pay more attention."

"With the size of the three-tribe joint fleet, nothing will happen. It may have defeated Long Xia's navy. It's normal to delay the journey again."

"If they could arrive, they would have arrived long ago! If they couldn't, they probably wouldn't be able to arrive."

Several subordinates expressed their speculations one after another, and all kinds of speculations naturally became rampant.

"No, it's impossible. It's a joint fleet of the three tribes. It's huge and nothing will happen to it."

"They have so many warships, but there is no news at all for such a long time."

"Even if there are 25 broken ships, if you want to wipe them all out, it's impossible to make no movement at all."

"They are coming from the south. It will take some time to pass through the Nanzhou waters." The subordinate spoke again.

As soon as I heard that I was going to pass through the waters of Nanzhou, I immediately became extremely panicked and felt a little overwhelmed.

The waters of Nanzhou belong to the Longxia tribe, and the Longxia navy will definitely have an ambush in that case.

He didn't dare to think any further.

"Report, report, the combined fleet of the three tribes cannot come."

At this moment, the door opened again and a man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks ran in, with a look of horror on his face.

"Why exactly?"

"I didn't tell you the reason, I just suddenly said I couldn't come."

The sharp-nosed monkey-cheeked men responded quickly.

These words were like a basin of cold water suddenly pouring down on my head for three-nine days. It instantly chilled my head to my feet, and I couldn't help but shiver all over my body.

He had a premonition that things were getting worse.

Before, he might have been able to comfort himself that everything was possible before time came, but now as time goes by, there are more and more signs that the three-tribe joint naval fleet will not be able to come over at all.

The news that the combined fleet of the three tribes could not arrive soon reached the Eastern Wilderness Tribe and the Great Chief.

The staff rushed to the great chief and reported with a serious expression: "Great chief, the latest news, the three-tribe joint fleet!"

The cabinet leader on the side was shocked when he heard this, and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

This news is terrible.

The chief had a gloomy face, said nothing, and was completely silent.

The strength of Long Xia's navy, coupled with Long Xia's nuclear deterrence, made him hesitate whether to cancel this trip.

He was really worried and ended up losing his life.

A person's life is only one, and if he says it's gone, it's gone, and he doesn't know who to talk to for reasoning.

In other words, if he was not killed but captured by the Longxia tribe, it would be even more embarrassing and he would be thrown into his grandma's house.

Just when the Great Chief was hesitant, relevant news also reached the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

"Report to Captain, the latest news."

"It's confirmed!"

Captain Willis felt a slight wave of emotion in his heart when he heard the news.

"Has the chief set off yet?"

"Report Captain, not yet."

The correspondent quickly reported the truth.

Hearing this, Willis's expression became complicated.

He knew that if the chief canceled his visit this time, the operation would most likely be canceled and the aircraft carrier fleet would definitely return without success.

But if the mission was canceled without doing anything, if word got out, where would the chief's face be? Where to put the face of the Eagle Tribe?

After hesitating for a moment, Captain Willis walked to the radar screen and watched the coordinate points representing the Longxia Navy flashing on it. He suddenly made up his mind.

"In this case, it is obviously not in our interests to return without success."

Willis clenched his fists, "Now that I'm here, I'll weigh the strength of Long Xia's navy!"

In his opinion, just returning without doing anything is something he doesn't want to see, and it is absolutely not allowed to happen.

In any case, since the "Eagle" nuclear-powered aircraft carrier fleet has been used, something must be gained, and one must not return empty-handed.

"Order, the reconnaissance planes in the air come forward, approach the opponent, and expand the monitoring and warning range!"

Immediately, Willis picked up the microphone and quickly issued combat orders.


The vice-captain quickly conveyed the order to the two reconnaissance planes in the air, quickly expanded the patrol area, and moved forward at least 50 kilometers, responsible for searching the battlefield environment and preparing for subsequent strike plans.

Seeing that two reconnaissance planes were about to fly into the eastern sea of ​​Longxia tribe.

The pilot glanced at the vast sea in front of him and was stunned for a moment.

The awareness of the battlefield caused him to immediately check the radar screen for target comparison, but soon he was completely confused.

The radar screen clearly showed that there were only nine warships. Seeing that there were so many more warships within his sight, more than ten, it was not an exaggeration to say that the number had doubled.

In fact, at this moment, the first and second echelon battle groups have merged, showing a battle formation to meet the enemy's arrival!

This is completely inconsistent with the results displayed on the radar!

"Is it possible that my eyesight is dazzled?"

He hurriedly checked it again, obviously more carefully than before, to confirm that he was not dazzled.

After confirming the results again, he was completely panicked.

This is so scary.

what does that mean?

This means that this incident has exceeded their expectations. This is a very serious intelligence failure accident that will bring very dire consequences.

Immediately, he opened the communicator and reported the matter.

"Report to the captain, something is wrong. We are here..."

But before he could finish speaking, the early warning radar suddenly sounded a crazy alarm sound, and in the blink of an eye, blood-red warning lights flashed in the cabin.

He checked and found that the reconnaissance plane was locked by the incoming missile.

"I'll give it a try, anti-aircraft missile?"

After looking down at the early warning radar screen, the pilot suddenly discovered that two anti-aircraft missiles were exploding at Mach 3, which was too fast.

Even though their two latest Hawkeye reconnaissance aircraft belong to the Eagle Tribe, with a maximum horizontal flight speed of 598 kilometers per hour, they do not reach the speed of light. Faced with such incoming missiles, they may not have a chance even if they want to escape.

"Enemy missiles are coming!"

On the other side, in the eastern waters, the Longxia Navy has been paying very close attention to every move of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

When the reconnaissance planes moved forward and away from the aircraft carrier formation, the active phased array radar of the 123rd ship immediately detected the traces of their two reconnaissance planes.

"Report to Captain, two enemy carrier-based aircraft have been discovered! The model is unknown!"

The radar monitor immediately made a report.

"Keep staring."

It didn't take long for the radar monitors to determine the nature of the two fighters.

"Report to Captain, based on target information comparison, it can be determined that these two are enemy reconnaissance aircraft!"

"Two reconnaissance planes from the Eagle Tribe are flying towards our waters!"

Hearing this, Zhou Qinglei frowned immediately. The other party was very likely to take action.

The aircraft carrier fleet has dispatched reconnaissance aircraft as the advance force to conduct reconnaissance. It is obviously to expand the scope of its early warning, which means that the other party has begun to sharpen its sword.

This is a precursor to war, and they must deal with it with extra caution.

In the communication channel, the captains all sounded serious.

"Reconnaissance planes have been dispatched. It seems that the aircraft carrier fleet of the Eagle Tribe has already launched a murderous plan. We need to be prepared for the war to begin."

"Then let the storm come more violently. Our ship is in the best condition, all kinds of ammunition have been replenished, and it can give the enemy a fatal blow at any time!"

"Our ship is also in the best condition and all equipment is operating normally, so let's fight!"

"If a reconnaissance plane crosses the maritime boundary line, should we attack it or not?"

"Why not fight? When it's time to fight, we should shoot them down. We weren't afraid of them a few years ago, so why should we be afraid of them now? I have only one opinion, that is to do it!"

"In that case, let's unify our thoughts. Once we find that the enemy reconnaissance has crossed the sea boundary, we will fire a warning shot the first time, and shoot it down directly the second time!"

"Just this operation process, first courtesy and then force, if you don't listen to the advice, then shoot it down!"

Soon, the captains unified the combat process, and they took their positions, waiting for the next step of the two reconnaissance planes to cross the boundary.

In the 123 ship, Zhou Qinglei immediately issued a combat order.

"Turn on the radar automatic locking system, and once the reconnaissance plane approaches the airspace of the sea boundary, open fire immediately!"


The deputy captain immediately received the order.

After giving the order, he still felt quite heavy in his heart.

The number and scale of the warships dispatched this time are the largest in history. Various types of ships and submarines participated in this interception operation.

At present, he is not sure whether these warships will be scanned by the radar of the enemy aircraft carrier fleet.

If it is scanned, it is one thing.

If it is not scanned, it is another matter.

Their advantage will be greater, and it will also bring great deterrence to the enemy, so that the other party dare not easily start a war!

Of course, he can rest assured that the 10,000-ton destroyer has definitely not been discovered by the other party so far, and this is their confidence.

Otherwise, the enemy fleet would not stay in place so safely and would definitely make a series of early warning actions against the 10,000-ton destroyer.

Seeing that the two small red dots representing the reconnaissance aircraft on the radar display were rapidly approaching the sea boundary, the deputy captain and others became more and more serious, and their hearts were hanging.

He knew very well that once the two reconnaissance aircraft were shot down, it would mean the start of the war.

They must go all out, and it would be a lie to say that they are not nervous.

"Captain, although we have a large number of warships this time, our advantage is not great."

"Although we have some advantages in the quality of warships, the most powerful thing about the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier dispatched by the Eagle Tribe is the large number of carrier-based aircraft."

"For example, our opponent's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier "Eagle" can carry more than 90 carrier-based aircraft at most, which is a very large number."

"I just don't know how many they brought this time."

"If it is fully loaded, it will be very disadvantageous for us."

Zhou Qinglei's face was solemn and he didn't speak.

He knew very well that the reason why the aircraft carrier fleet was so powerful was that it had a large number of carrier-based aircraft and was hard to defend against.

The Eagle Tribe Navy once defeated many tribal naval fleets with its advantage in carrier-based aircraft.

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