I built an armada

Chapter 442: Battle, Longxia Navy is unstoppable

One is at least 16 ships, and the other is at least 14 ships.

Neither number is clear, but at least one thing is clear, the number of warships dispatched by the Longxia Navy this time is far more than they expected!

And a considerable part of them cannot be detected by their radar!

Thinking of this, Willis suddenly trembled all over, and felt a chill from the soles of his feet straight to the top of his head. He had a very terrible guess in his mind.

Why can't their radar detect the rest of the ships?

Could it be that some of the warships of the Longxia Navy can achieve radar-level stealth?

He didn't think that it might be that the radar technology was crushed, causing the radar on their fleet to be unable to scan all the warships. Naturally, he didn't think that the batch of 052D dispatched by the Longxia Navy had super radar stealth capabilities.

This thought suddenly popped up, and Willis hurriedly shook his head and threw it out of his head.

He felt that this was absolutely impossible.

How long has the Longxia Navy been developing?

A few years ago, it was still a few dilapidated small boats, which were completely suppressed and finally forced to board the land artillery.

How could it be possible that after a few years, the Longxia Navy has advanced warships that can achieve radar stealth?

You know, even the Burke II can't be completely invisible to radar, right?

If they can shield radar, where can their own warships put their reputation?

Who is the leader of the Blue Star Navy?


Willis couldn't accept this fact!

"Send high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft to reconnaissance..."

Then, he immediately gave the order, but suddenly remembered that the several U-2 reconnaissance aircraft sent out a few days ago were shot down, and the topic suddenly changed.

"Pass the order down, the reconnaissance aircraft will maintain ground-to-air patrols, and the range of activities will be controlled as much as possible on the high seas."

Obviously, he has deeply realized the iron fist warning of the Longxia Navy and decided to avoid the tragic fate of not getting intelligence and the last two reconnaissance aircraft being shot down.

Soon the two reconnaissance aircraft that went out were taken back, and two more reconnaissance aircraft were sent out to replace them for reconnaissance activities.

After the tossing and turning just now, the two reconnaissance planes that went out had run out of fuel. Even if they had, the pilots needed to be replaced so that they could have a good rest.

As the reconnaissance planes were dispatched, Zhou Qinglei on the 123 ship watched quietly throughout the process.

They still implemented the previous strategy. As soon as the other party crossed the line, they would immediately take action and make them come back without return!

As the patrol range of the reconnaissance planes expanded, there was no cross-border action. It didn't take long for them to detect enough intelligence information and quickly transmit it back to the aircraft carrier.

"Report to the captain, the Longxia Navy sent 19 warships for this operation! 9 of them can be detected by radar, and the remaining 10 radars cannot detect them at all."

"Detailed on-site photo information has been sent."

The communicator quickly reported the relevant intelligence obtained, and also handed over the photos taken on the scene to print them out, and handed the intelligence slips to the captain.

19 warships?

10 of them cannot be detected by radar?

What the hell is this?

Willis said that he could not accept this result at all.

But the pilots of the reconnaissance planes have first-class eyesight and carry optical reconnaissance pods. Even if the pilots' eyes can make mistakes, the observation equipment on the reconnaissance plane can always make mistakes, right?

Soon, the pictures taken by the optical pod of the reconnaissance plane were developed.

"Captain, this is a live picture."

Willis took the relevant photos from the communicator and took a look.

Just this one look made him gasp!

The Longxia Navy really dispatched 19 warships, 10 of which were completely out of the radar on the ship!

He couldn't help but feel fortunate that he understood the iron fist warning of the Longxia Navy and stopped the war in time, otherwise they would have been caught in the war.

The radar monitor came over to take a few glances, and then compared it with the coordinates on the radar display. Some of the warships were indeed hidden in the sea, and they were definitely within the radar detection range, but the radar could not detect them!

"Captain, after comparison and analysis, it is basically certain that the two anti-aircraft missiles were indeed fired from a certain sea area."

"According to the pictures sent back, it is highly likely that they were fired from one of the warships."

"But our radar cannot detect the existence of this warship either."

The radar monitor's words gave Willis a headache. After a long while, he finally accepted this result that he was unwilling and difficult to accept.

Willis was in a very heavy mood.

Only then did he realize that the Longxia Navy had refreshed his cognition.

In fact, it is reasonable to think about it. Almost all the opponents who had fought against the Longxia Navy were killed without exception.

This also led to the fact that for many tribes on Blue Star, they were still in a very vague state about what the real combat level of the Longxia Navy was like.

Rumors are rumors after all. Who would really believe them?

The three-tribe joint fleet did not believe in rumors, did it?

The result was that all three armies lost contact and could not come at all.

Now, facts speak louder than words.

Willis finally knew that the Long Xia Navy was indeed different from what it used to be!

This discovery made him feel very bad, but he was still able to calm down.

After all, the reputation of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle group is so great that it gives him enough confidence!

"Captain, it seems that it is basically confirmed that the fleet-related combat performance of the Longxia Navy has exceeded our expectations. What should we do now?"

The vice-captain put down the relevant photos and asked with a frown.


Willis snorted dissatisfied, and then said disdainfully, "Aren't there just a few more warships? Aren't those few warships with stealth capabilities?"

"Even if the radar cannot detect it, we have already mastered their specific deployment. This way, the threat to us is reduced, and the final victory still belongs to us!"

He knew very well that the reason why those warships were able to be invisible to radar was probably due to the use of special anti-radar coating stealth materials.

Since it cannot use radar guidance, but it still has laser-guided weapons in its ammunition depot, it can completely use reconnaissance aircraft or early warning aircraft to provide target guidance for attacks.

"Order, reconnaissance aircraft to maintain patrols on the high seas, and early warning aircraft to take off for air support."

"Deploy carrier-based fighter jets and rotate them in multiple batches!"

"Be ready for war at any time!"

Willis took a deep breath and decisively issued the combat order.

He wanted to see whether Long Xia was as strong as the legend said, or whether his nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle group was stronger!


The deputy captain immediately conveyed the order.

Soon, almost 30 carrier-based aircraft took off one after another in a short period of time and took off for combat.

The "Eagle" nuclear-powered aircraft carrier has a total of four steam catapults. It takes about 60 to 70 seconds to take off a fighter plane, and the combat efficiency is still very high.

Of course, this efficiency is relative, and naturally it is not as good as the electromagnetic catapult.

In the 123 ship owner's control room, Zhou Qinglei paid close attention to the movements on the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

The target cursor red dots of fighter jets continue to increase on the radar display, and naturally the pressure also increases.

"Captain, according to radar detection data, the Eagle aircraft carrier has taken off multiple carrier-based aircraft sorties! The data is currently being tallied!"

"Reporting to Captain, according to summary, the enemy dispatched a total of 26 carrier-based aircraft!"

"There are fighter jets, reconnaissance aircraft, and early warning aircraft among them!"

The fighter jets had all taken off, and Zhou Qinglei knew that the aircraft carrier battle group of the Seventh Fleet was definitely going to get serious, and the war was about to begin.

I thought before that the distance between the two sides was so close that they could completely defeat the opponent's fighter jets if they wanted to take off for combat.

But now the other party has released so many carrier-based aircraft without taking direct action, and they are all outside the sea boundary, which makes it really difficult for them to take action directly.

Retaliating passively and attacking proactively are two different things.

Taking action on the high seas, if our side takes the initiative, it will be untenable according to the rules.

Taking action hastily will cause even greater trouble.

No matter what, the Eagle Tribe has eleven aircraft carrier fleets, and it is always a sharp blade hanging over the heads of the tribes in Blue Star!

Several captains were feeling particularly heavy at this moment. They knew very well that the commander of the aircraft carrier battle group on the opposite side was very cunning and made full use of the international rules of engagement.

In the communication channel, Zhou Qinglei reported the situation.

"This is the situation now. I believe you have all seen that the other party is very cunning and never enters our territorial sea boundary. This has caused us trouble."

"What a bastard. It's so infuriating just to look at it. The previous battle plan could only be scrapped. Are we going to be completely passive and beaten next time?"

"We already have such advanced warships, and we absolutely cannot suffer the consequences of being dumb. I still say what I said, we are here to protect our country. Once the enemy infringes on our interests, we will fight, without a word!"

"That's right, just one word, hit!"

"Since we are going to fight, then be prepared for a decisive battle and fight those dogs to the end. Let them know that our Long Xia Navy is not that easy to mess with."

"That's right, so what about the Eagle Tribe Navy? We don't have an aircraft carrier or a fighter escort, so we can only rely on ourselves. We all have two shoulders to carry one head. Who is afraid of whom? Just do it."

Hearing this, Zhou Qinglei also made a decision: "Let's do it, everyone is ready for a fight to the death!"

At the same time, on the vast ocean about 100 kilometers away from the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle group, a 10,000-ton cruise ship was quietly moving forward.

As a surprise force on the sea, it is naturally impossible for the 10,000-ton cruiser to appear head-on. Instead, it will stab this aircraft carrier battle group in the back at the critical moment.

Seeing the fighter jets taking off and swooping towards the eastern sea without hesitation, like wasps, Zhou Qinglei and others felt that they no longer had any luck.

They all knew that this meant that the previous missile warning had completely failed.

The next step is to meet the real chapter.

"Inform the entire army and prepare for battle."

"Notify the Ten Thousand Ton Expedition, then prepare to take action and deliver a fatal blow to the enemy!"

Zhou Qinglei immediately issued a series of instructions.


After the order was issued, all participating warships were upgraded to the first level of combat readiness, and the radar quickly locked onto the target.

With Zhou Qinglei's order, all ships issued a firing order.

In a moment, missiles flew together.

At the same time, the auxiliary ships of the opposite aircraft carrier battle group also opened fire, and the fighter planes followed suit.

The two sides had more than a hundred missiles in total, and they were densely packed.

Explosions came one after another.

The Longxia Navy and the Seventh Fleet's aircraft carrier battle group began their first tentative confrontation.

In the first confrontation, both sides quickly analyzed each other's combat effectiveness.

Willis, who had been staring at the results of the battle, immediately felt a lot of pressure. He found that if there was no assistance from fighters, they would probably be at a disadvantage in the first confrontation.

Such combat effectiveness shocked him!

Unexpectedly, the strength of the Longxia Navy's warships has become so strong!

Of course, that was just pressure, and it didn't make him panic.

There are still more than 40 fighters in the aircraft carrier that have not taken off, and now they can only take off.

In his opinion, the odds of winning were still on his side, but he was also a little distressed. If he had known the result, he should have opened up the distance between the two sides before, so that the risk for the aircraft carrier battle group would be relatively much smaller.

The distance was too close, and the advantage of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle group was reduced by at least half!

This made him very unhappy.

And at this moment, the 10,000-ton destroyer that had been hidden suddenly took action.

The radar monitor who had been closely following the battle situation suddenly reported in shock.

"Report to the captain, missiles were found on the high seas 100 kilometers west of the north of my fleet! Speed, speed 3 Mach. 10... No."

"Report to the captain, there are 24 missiles, rushing from 100 kilometers away!"

100 kilometers away?

3 Mach?

The previous 1.7 Mach anti-ship missiles were scary enough, but now they have been directly upgraded to 3 Mach.

The performance of this missile really shocked Willis.

This strike speed exceeds those anti-ship missiles equipped by the aircraft carrier battle group.

What shocked him even more was that it was more advanced than the most advanced ship-borne anti-ship missiles of the Eagle Tribe, and the key point was that it was launched from a sea-based platform.

Isn't this too terrifying?

The Eagle Tribe, which has the strongest navy on Blue Star, does not have such advanced anti-ship missiles. How can they fight?

The whole process of supersonic penetration makes them defenseless!

The key is, when did the enemy come?

Why did they appear in that place, basically behind their battle group.

They don't know any of these questions!

The sudden appearance of such a mysterious support made him feel very bad.

He realized that the situation was beyond his expectations!

If they didn't deal with it well, they would definitely suffer heavy losses, and even many warships would be sunk.

And he also found a very huge problem. It was too careless to fight at such a close distance.

Although the Longxia Navy was already very powerful, and the firepower output was far beyond his expectations, which made him look at it with admiration, but in his bones, the Longxia Navy was still the small navy that was forced to put land artillery on the ship.

The inherent ideas formed in his heart did not change completely because of this fight.

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