I built an armada

Chapter 444: The Eagle Navy is unhappy about being surpassed by the Longxia Navy

"Koro, remember, we are the most powerful navy in Blue Star, and we also have the strongest armed force in Blue Star."

"We have eleven aircraft carriers alone, and all of them are nuclear-powered super aircraft carriers, which are enough to destroy any opponent on the Blue Star."

"Even if all the tribes in Blue Star form a combined naval fleet to fight us, we still have more than a 50% chance of winning!"

Having said this, there was a slight pause, and then Ke Luo spoke again.

"As for the Long Xia Navy, although they have completely wiped out the combined fleet of the three tribes, they are vulnerable to us!"

General Coro was full of confidence when he said these words!

His self-confidence naturally comes from the huge naval fleet of the Eagle Tribe behind him, with eleven nuclear-powered aircraft carriers alone in the world.

"General, that's not what I'm talking about."

Ke Luo said hurriedly, "The situation is more serious than this now."

More serious than this?

Three-star general Cruz looked obviously surprised and a little confused.

Which news is that?

Could it be that what just happened?

Just when the other party was confused, Ke Luo handed over all the information he brought.

"General, please take a look at these documents." Ke Luo gestured.

What is going on?

Seeing Koro's serious look, General Cruz was even more surprised. After putting down what he was doing, he quickly picked up the information and started reading.

The data recorded in detail all the details from the encounter to the battle between the aircraft carrier fleet and Long Xia Navy.

This included reconnaissance aircraft, early warning aircraft taking off, and fighter jets taking off for combat operations. The two sides also conducted anti-ship missile firings and so on.

Just after reading the first page, his expression changed slightly.

Then the second page, the third page...

After reading the last page, he was a little confused, his head was buzzing, and he couldn't believe that this information was true.

"Is this the combat data we just obtained?"

After a while, Cruise asked with difficulty.

"Yes, General."

Koro nodded seriously.

"No, no, this is absolutely impossible!"

Cross's three-star general denied it subconsciously, his voice raised eight times, "The strength of Long Xia's navy has indeed increased, but we all know it."

"Even if they can completely annihilate the combined navy fleets of the three tribes, how can they compete with our aircraft carrier fleet and still be evenly matched?"

"That's not realistic, you know?"

Coro took a deep breath and said seriously: "General, I didn't believe it like you at first. But this is the combat data passed back by Captain Willis himself."

"You can't fake it."

The three-star general Cruz shook his head vigorously, still not believing it. This was a knowledge that penetrated deep into his bones.

It can be said that it has been deeply ingrained. Decades of being the only Blue Star has given him a natural sense of superiority and arrogance. He feels very good about himself. Naturally, he does not believe that Long Xia Navy can achieve this step.

Even though Long Xia Navy is making rapid progress, he still believes that the Eagle Tribe Navy is the strongest in Blue Star!

Immediately, he stood up and strode to the combat command center without paying attention to Koro.

As soon as he arrived at the command center, he gave an order directly to the correspondent, requesting to speak with Captain Willis in person, and immediately!


The communications personnel were startled and hurriedly established a communications link with the Eagle nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

"Willis, I'm asking you now, and you should give me a straight answer."

Cruise said bluntly.

"Yes, General!"

Willis quickly responded seriously.

"Willis, what's the situation now? Is this combat data true or false? I need you to tell me personally!" Cruz asked very seriously.

Willis hurriedly said truthfully: "General, I guarantee with my life that it is true. All participants in the war can testify!"

"General, I didn't believe it before, but after the battle, I believed it because this is an unchangeable fact."

"Otherwise, our fleet has already arrived at the rebel island."

After receiving Willis's personal admission, General Cruise felt as if his head had been hit hard, buzzing, and his whole person was even more confused.



All kinds of complicated emotions linger in my heart.

I didn't expect that such terrifying performance data was actually so real!

"Why, why is this?"

General Cross really couldn't figure it out, "Why do we invest so much military expenditure every year, and how come we are overtaken by the Long Xia Navy, which only spends so little military expenditure, in the development of naval science and technology?"

"What the hell is going on?"

"It's unscientific!"

With these words, he seemed to be asking himself, and also seemed to be asking Koro, the person in charge of the base next to him.

Ke Luo also looked confused, he couldn't understand what was going on.

If the Longxia Tribe's annual military expenditure is several times or more than theirs, then there may be a slight possibility of surpassing the Eagle Tribe in just a few years.

But the key now is not only less time, but also less military investment!

And over the years, a large number of high-quality talents have left the Longxia Tribe, almost half of them have gone to the Eagle Tribe, and very few of them have returned.

The most irritating thing is that despite having more military expenditures than Long Xia, more talents than Long Xia, and a very strict military technology blockade against Long Xia, he was actually overtaken in a corner?

How did the Longxia tribe achieve this step?

They really can't figure it out!

I can’t understand it even more!

Seeing that both of them were silent for a while, Willis spoke up and said, "General, what should we do now? Should we continue the confrontation, or should we rush over in one go?"

Cruise came back to his senses and said quickly: "The cost of starting a war is too high, so don't move for now!"

Then, he turned to Koro and said, "Send the relevant combat data back to the military headquarters, and I'll go find the chief immediately!"

To be honest, he is now in a state of despair.

This matter was too big and too outrageous. No matter how stubborn he was, he had to change his mind at this moment and admit that Long Xia's navy had indeed become very powerful.


Koro immediately took the order.

Just when the garrison base was in panic, the Longxia tribe, the capital, and the naval headquarters base.

After listening to Zhang Zhaoxin's report, Liu Huaming was shocked at first, but then he laughed heartily.

This incident is of great significance to the Longxia Navy, and it is the first time in history. After many years, it has finally achieved catch-up in maritime power.

They could finally comfort the former martyrs. The Long Xia navy no longer had to be beaten by powerful enemies at its doorstep. In the end, it could not win against others, and it no longer had to use land artillery on the ship.

But with powerful surface ships, it can also block powerful enemies outside the sea boundary line!


"Okay, okay, great."

"Our navy is completely proud this time! We finally moved that big rock away from us!"

"We got a 50-50 result with the Eagle Tribe nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle group. Everything was in the Dingping simulation."

"I, the chief of the navy, can finally straighten my back!"

At this point, Liu Huaming looked a little weird, "But then again, we, the navy chiefs, might as well have Dingping fully grasp the current strength of the navy. It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be."

Hearing this, everyone present was stunned at first, and then they all couldn't laugh or cry.

At first, they did not think that the Long Xia Navy could compete with the Eagle Tribe's Seventh Fleet with its current strength, but they just blindly trusted Su Dingping.

Moreover, Su Dingping also received strong support from Xue Shuai, and this naval battle began.

However, Xu Dongguo and others also breathed a sigh of relief.

If the score is evenly divided, as long as the opponent does not send a second nuclear-powered aircraft carrier fleet, Longxia Navy has a great chance of winning.

Of course, even if the Eagle Tribe wanted to send them over, it would be too late!

So for Longxia Navy, it’s a sure win!

In the conference hall, the atmosphere was very warm, and every leader's face was filled with excited smiles.

"What the hell, after enduring it for so many years, we are finally able to compete with the Eagle Tribe's 7th Fleet nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle group!"

"It's really a pleasure!"

"Today, you will have a clear idea, and you will rest after getting drunk!"

Qian Wenbing, who has always had a hot temper, uttered a curse word and revealed the grievances he has been feeling for many years!

"Yes, today's draw is of great significance to us. Our navy has never thought that one day we would be able to fight face to face with the Eagle Tribe aircraft carrier battle group."

"We have finally washed away our shame!"

Xu Dongguo took over the conversation and said with great emotion.

"This is our condolences to the martyrs, and we say goodbye to the past. From now on, our navy will finally be able to sail thousands of miles of sea territory without fear of any opponent!"

"Even the Eagle Tribe Navy aircraft carrier battle group can give us a tie. Who can defeat us in the waters of Dongzhou in the future?"

Xiao Chongjun, who was not far away, was also filled with emotions, and his back straightened a lot.

Liu Huaming, who was sitting in the chief position, was also infected, and his eyes gradually became deeper.

"I still remember talking with Su Dingping about the Navy's three-step strategy at the Navy's Northern Base two years ago. I was shocked at the time and felt how far away and impossible it was."

"But today, we have reached the second step steadily. Think about it, time flies really fast."

"Given more time, it is not impossible for us to truly be on an equal footing with the Eagle Tribe aircraft carrier fleet."

In an instant, several leaders were extremely ambitious.

"I firmly believe that we can do it because we have Dingping!" Xu Dongguo took over.

Qian Wenbing said: "Hey, I like to hear this. We have Comrade Dingping. As long as we continue to believe in him and fully support him, it is not impossible for our navy to be reborn."

"Anyway, I'm just waiting for him to keep building new ships for us."

Xiao Chongjun then said: "With Dingping, everything is possible. If our navy adopts a three-step strategy, it will definitely be achieved."

While everyone was sighing, Liu Huaming stood up and walked aside, took out his satellite phone and dialed Xue Shuai's number.

Beijing Military Region, Headquarters.

Xue Shuai, who was in the office, saw the phone ringing and answered it immediately.

After learning the news, his hanging heart was finally relieved.

After hanging up the phone, Xue Shuai stood up and came to the window sill, looking up at the blue sky outside.

"It turns out that our navy is already so powerful."

"What a joy."

Xue Shuai murmured to himself, Cheng Fu was as serious as he had always been, and now there was a little bit of a happy smile on his face.

The Navy really brought him a lot of surprises.

Previously, he and the Donghuang tribe defeated the Donghuang Haizi, and later they competed with the combined fleet of the three tribes and still annihilated them all. The feeling is still not obvious.

But today, they faced off against the 7th Fleet aircraft carrier battle group that made many tribes in Blue Star become angry, and finally got a 50-50 result!

This feeling is the most intuitive and direct!

It is really surprising that the navy has developed to what it is now without even realizing it.

In the future, the Dongzhou sea area can be guaranteed to be worry-free.

"It seems that it was a very correct decision to use the most advanced Thunder Trinity to strengthen the navy's momentum!"

Xue Shuai spoke again, but his eyes were particularly deep and firm.

You must know that the technology of Thunder 31 was not yet stable and perfect at that time, and the conditions in all aspects were not mature enough. The decision to launch Thunder 31 was achieved through his hard work with the superiors.

This result greatly exceeded his expectation!

After a while, Xue Shuai turned back to his desk, picked up the red dedicated phone in the upper right corner, and made a call.

The call was quickly connected.

Before Xue Shuai could speak, a message came from the other end of the phone: "We already know about the navy's annihilation of the three tribes' navy. This result is very good. The navy performed well."

"That's not it."

Xue Shuai immediately explained, "Just now, our navy had a small-scale confrontation with the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle group of the Eagle Tribe's Seventh Fleet on the sea boundary."

"What happened?"

The other end of the phone asked hurriedly.

"Fight against each other!"

As soon as these four simple words were spoken, Xue Shuai obviously heard a gasp from the other end of the phone, and was obviously shocked.

"Is this true?"

"Absolutely true!"

Xue Shuai said quickly.

"Okay, we get it."

It was obvious that they were relieved. After a slight pause, the other party added, "It seems that my decision to support you was the right one."

After hanging up the phone, Xue Shuai breathed a sigh of relief.

Nothing is more important than the recognition of this last sentence.

You know, before this result came out, he was under a lot of pressure. If something happened, the consequences would be disastrous.

He chose to believe in Su Dingping and the navy!

The result did not disappoint him!

Su Dingping really created a navy with strong combat effectiveness. He really dared to attack at critical moments and showed his true combat ability!

"It seems that the Navy has now put pressure on the situation and stabilized the situation."

After saying this, Xue Shuai personally contacted Deng Zhenhua who was waiting for news at the southern military base.

Next comes another big thing.

When the call was connected, Xue Shuai just said one sentence into the phone: "The navy and the aircraft carrier fleet are on the same level!"

A simple sentence suddenly exploded in Deng Zhenhua's ears like a thunder on the ground.

"Chief, I understand."

Deng Zhenhua was shocked and said, "The navy does a really good job."

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