I built an armada

Chapter 446 The chief returns home early, alarming the entire Blue Star

At this moment, the Prime Minister couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

At least there is no need to fight with the White Bear Tribe under the current situation.

Well now, the crisis is temporarily over.

White Bear Tribe, Ke Palace, Great Emperor's Office.

When Boris, the head of the intelligence department, finished reporting the latest intelligence, Emperor Pushkin was immediately confused and fell into silence.

Although he didn't want to start a group, he was also very curious about the chief's sudden return to the country.

"Can you find any valuable information?"

Boris shook his head helplessly: "I don't know yet."

"I can't find it from the Longxia tribe, and I can't find any useful information from the Donghuang tribe."

"This happened very suddenly!"

After pondering for a moment, Pushkin asked directly: "Then do you think it is related to the two previous incidents?"

Boris frowned slightly.

Of course he knew that what Pushkin was talking about was an intercontinental ballistic missile test and a one-on-three incident.

"It's not clear yet."

"I still need to send people to continue the investigation. But I think it won't be that simple."

Boris's words successfully attracted Pushkin's attention, and he wondered: "Why?"

"Based on the previously obtained information, it can be inferred that at this point in time, the navies of both sides should have already met each other at sea."

"According to the strength of the Eagle Tribe Navy, it is impossible to stop suddenly once they come face to face!"

Having said this, Boris paused slightly, and then spoke again,

"A few years ago, the Eagle Tribe aircraft carrier fleet blocked the entire entrance."

"So this time, the Eagle aircraft carrier fleet will definitely rush over in one go."

"As long as the Longxia tribe still interferes with the navy and blocks it, then the two sides will definitely have a battle!"

After listening to this analysis, Pushkin understood it and said immediately: "You mean, without our knowledge, there was an armed conflict between the Longxia Navy and the Eagle Navy? And the result was beyond the expectations of the Eagle Navy. so……"

Hearing this, Boris shook his head slightly: "Not sure yet, this is just an inference. There is too little information currently available to analyze the real situation."

"The possibility of this inference is still too low at present."

"Maybe it's also because of those two things."

After hearing the ambiguity of what Boris said, Pushkin also knew very well that inferences without intelligence support were only in the inference stage.

"Okay, you continue the investigation!"

Pushkin waved his hand gently, indicating that Boris could leave if nothing happened.

Soon he was the only one left in the room. He stood up from the desk and walked back and forth in the middle, but his mood was very complicated.

Previously, he didn't want to see Blue Star start a group, and hoped that both tribes could stop here.

But now that the great chief suddenly stopped, he was naturally very relieved, at least he no longer had to risk war.

But at the same time, this also means that the Longxia tribe is even more mysterious, and it is full of fog, making it completely difficult for him to see clearly.

Of course, he hoped that the chief's sudden retreat was due to the previous two things, not because of the inferred possibility.

If it's the latter, it may be very unfriendly to the White Bear Tribe!

After all, who can accept that their neighbor suddenly becomes very powerful? This is a potential threat to them and is an unacceptable fact.

He even hoped that the chief had canceled his plan to visit the rebel island because of something important!

Their intelligence methods are as strong as those of the British Tribe and the White Bear Tribe. They are still using their powerful intelligence network to find out the news.

The White Elephant Tribe can only wait helplessly for the latest news.

White Elephant Tribe, Royal Palace.

The White Elephant King, who was sitting in the chief position, looked at the ministers on the left and right sides of the conference table very unhappy.

"Is there any news from the eastern sea area of ​​Longxia tribe?"

The person in charge of intelligence said quickly: "Not yet."

The White Elephant King was helpless and couldn't help complaining: "What on earth did the chief do? A few years ago, he just did what he said. Why is he so coy now?"

The ministers on the left and right naturally chose to lower their heads and refuse to answer.

But not long after, an intelligence officer opened the door and walked in quickly, attracting everyone's attention.

"Report, the latest information, the chief has set off to go back."

The intelligence officer's words immediately surprised the White Elephant King, and he asked repeatedly: "You, where do you think he went back?"

"Go back to the Eagle Tribe!"

The intelligence officer quickly explained.

"Where can the chief go back if he doesn't go back to his own tribe? This is not useless..."

Halfway through the words, the White Elephant King suddenly froze, and then exclaimed and asked, "You, what did you just say? Did the great chief return to the Eagle Tribe? Shouldn't he go to Dragon Claw Island at this time? He is preparing Going back from Dragon Claw Island?"

The intelligence officer shook his head and said bluntly: "According to the information sent back from the Eastern Wilderness Tribe, the Great Chief took Air Force One directly from Kyoto Airport back to the Eagle Tribe!"

These words were like a bombshell, directly blowing up the White Elephant King. The whole person was dumbfounded.

The chief didn't go to Dragon Claw Island?

Returned directly from Kyoto?

Which song was this sung in?

Is it fun to conduct a sneak attack?

"Why didn't he go to Dragon Claw Island?"

After a while, the White Elephant King came back to his senses and asked hurriedly, "They have already announced it to the world, how can he not go?"

"If he doesn't go, what will happen to our soldiers deployed on the front line?"

"Where can I go to get money?"

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the conference hall was opened again, and then another intelligence officer walked in.

"Report, the Foreign Affairs Department of the Eagle Tribe has deleted all announcements about the visit to Dragon Claw Island!"

I don't know if it was because he heard the intelligence officer's explanation several times in a row, but the intelligence officer's voice was very loud and reached every corner of the conference hall.

Upon hearing the news, the White Elephant King was so angry that he almost spit out blood.

It would be fine if he didn't go, but now he deleted all the announcements out of guilt!

What is going on?

Before he could react, a minister asked, "The chieftain is not going to Longzhua now, so the Longxia Navy and the Eagle Tribe aircraft carrier battle group should not be able to fight!"

"What should we do with the soldiers at the border? Should we continue to wait or withdraw to the country?"


What the hell are you waiting for?

The White Elephant King suddenly felt a headache, what the hell is he waiting for?

He originally wanted to take advantage of the battle between the Longxia Navy and the four tribes' navy, and rush out of the border to the Longxia tribe to get benefits.

Now that the three-tribe joint fleet has failed, the Eagle Tribe Navy has no idea where to go, and the chieftain has directly returned to the country on a special plane.

There is no one in the Longxia Navy who can help hold them back, so what can they do by surprise?

If they take action now, it is equivalent to a military confrontation with the Longxia tribe alone, and they will not even know how they died.

This made the White Elephant King speechless, and he cursed in his heart: Damn the bastard chief, he is not reliable at all, and I mobilized a large army, but ended up with nothing!

Now he can't take advantage. If he fights head-on, he will not only face the army and air force of the Longxia tribe, but also the more mysterious navy.

He doesn't think that the White Elephant tribe's aircraft carrier fleet can compete with the Longxia navy fleet. He still has some self-knowledge.

After all, facing the three-tribe joint naval fleet, his aircraft carrier fleet does not have much chance of winning.

But the three-tribe joint fleet was completely wiped out in front of the Longxia navy!

"Oh my god, this is so infuriating."

"Hey, it seems that the chief doesn't want to provoke the Longxia tribe. He flew away early when he saw that things were not going well. He is too unethical. How can he just leave?"

"What happened that made the chief return home early? He made us passive. So many troops deployed at the border in advance were deployed in vain. It's really unpleasant."

"Originally, once the war started, we would be able to obtain a lot of land and share a lot of benefits. The chief really misled our tribe. This time the loss was huge. It's damned."

"Asshole, the chief caught us off guard. How could they be so dishonest? It's so shameless."

"How could they do this?"

"This may also be fake news. We can't easily believe it."

A group of ministers complained. They wanted to rush over and grab the chief's collar to ask him why he suddenly changed his itinerary, but many people still thought it was fake news.

"What should I do? What should I do?"

Just when the White Elephant King was anxious, new news suddenly came.

"Report, the Iron Monkey Tribe has retreated."

An intelligence officer walked in quickly and reported loudly.

The faces of the ministers became very ugly, as if they were slapped hard. That was not fake news at all, it was clearly the real news that couldn't be truer!

The White Elephant King felt like he had suffered a critical hit, and his head was buzzing.

Even the last teammate tribe on the same front was gone, what the hell was going on?

They were alone.

After a full moment, the White Elephant King said in great frustration: "Notify the front line of the valley base that the situation is not favorable to me, cancel the raid plan, and retreat!"


The Minister of Defense immediately received the order, stood up and walked out.

In the eastern valley base of the White Elephant Tribe.

In a large tent, in front of a huge sand table, Commander Panag was discussing with everyone how to win this raid.

For them, the best way to fight this kind of battle is to launch a surprise attack and annihilate all the border troops while the Longxia army on the opposite side is not ready.

"General, I think we should go straight through from the left wing. There is a small path here where tanks can go. As long as we kill through, we can go around the flank to the back of the Longxia border army and then launch a sudden attack to catch them off guard."

"You are wasting time. Don't forget that most of their troops are tied up now. We already have an absolute advantage in terms of troops. So just push forward and seize as much territory as possible. Time is crucial for us!"

"General, I agree to do this. Push forward directly, cover on both wings, and advance together. As long as we break through at one point, the other two points will naturally break through. At that time, we can't fight however we want. beat!"

"Look, you guys, there are their troops in this valley area. They will bombard them directly with artillery. After the battle is over, we will advance with tanks. We will definitely be able to achieve the maximum results."

"Kill him and I can avenge my shame."

While everyone was arguing, the correspondent ran in at this time, in an extremely hurry.

"What's up?"

Panag was the first to notice and asked, staring directly at the other party.

"Report, report to the general, the latest news from the military department." The correspondent said quickly.

"Hahaha, the news is finally here. I have been waiting here for so long and working hard for so long. I can't wait." Panag said with great excitement.

To him, this must be good news.

"That's right, our chance to avenge our past has arrived, and the military still understands us."

"Great, General, it seems that we are about to start a war. We can finally kill him without having to continue talking on paper."

"I'm happy, I'm so happy. We can finally let the Longxia people taste the power of our iron fist."

The commanders were very excited and shouted anxiously that the war was about to begin.

It's just that they didn't see the change in the correspondent's face, it was embarrassing.


The correspondent coughed twice, and after everyone calmed down, he said: "This, this is not news of war. The military has ordered to cancel all combat plans and retreat!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone present was instantly confused.

The smile on his face immediately froze.

Everyone was extremely surprised, why didn't they fight?

They have been preparing for such a long time, using so much military equipment and a large number of armed personnel.

Now if you say you won’t fight, you won’t fight?

Damn it.

Do you want this?

"What the hell is going on?"

Commander Panag roared with a sullen face.

This scared the correspondent so much that he jerked his neck.

"According to the latest news, the warchief has canceled his plan to visit Dragon Claw Island. The Long Xia Navy and the Eagle Tribe Navy are no longer able to work together."

"Under such circumstances, if we take military action rashly, we will encounter a counterattack by the Longxia tribe's three armies, and then our situation will be dangerous."

After the correspondent finished speaking, everyone present was stunned.

This result was something none of them expected.

Previously, they were counting on the Eagle Tribe Navy to contain Long Xia's armed forces, but now they simply walked away, leaving them here to hang out.

They knew very well that once Long Xia's armed forces were no longer restrained, if they launched an attack again, it would be equivalent to a violent counterattack back then, and they would probably be hunted down again.

As for whether the capital city can be saved, there are two opinions.

"Why did the chief want to return home suddenly?"

After a moment of silence, Panag looked at the correspondent again and asked.

"have no idea."

The correspondent shook his head. The military department was not clear about it now, so naturally he was even less clear about it.

Who knows why the great chief suddenly went crazy and canceled the visit, which was like punching them in the back.

Now basically everyone is in the dark, and they don’t understand what the chief means by doing this?

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