I built an armada

Chapter 451 Looking at Dongzhou, there is no rival

Why do things always develop in the direction he doesn't want to see?

He just wants the chief to come to the rebellion island to prove that he is the most influential island owner.

"Island owner, island owner, relax a little. They may just come here to perform a monkey show? Isn't that what they did before?"

"It's nothing more than a demonstration. When they are done, won't we still live the same life?"

"With the Eagle Tribe here, they dare not change the overall situation."

At this time, someone stood up and said loudly, not taking Longxia's military action seriously at all.

The island owner sat down on the chair dejectedly, and his mood was still very bad. Now he could only settle for the second best, hoping that the Longxia Navy would come here to perform a formality as before.

"Damn it, the Longxia tribe has done it again this time."

"Why is God so unfair, letting the Longxia Navy take such a big advantage?"

"Why do you do this to us?"

Everyone looked extremely ugly, as if their wives had died, and they felt even more bitter.

Even though it was already tea time, none of them had any desire to eat, which was in stark contrast to the usual rush.

On the other side, Longxia Integrated Military Factory.

After receiving the news of the retreat of the chief from the Navy Headquarters, Wan Long was extremely excited and punched the air hard to vent his anger.

With the relevant information, he quickly walked to the chief engineer's office.

Seeing Su Dingping working at his desk, he hurried over.

"Boss Su, good news."

"The chief compromised, he finally compromised, and returned directly from Kyoto!"

Hearing this, Su Dingping nodded gently: "Okay, I understand."

The tone was ordinary, without any emotional fluctuations. For him, everything was expected.

He felt that according to the previous calculation, there was a 50% chance of winning, which was enough to make the chief hesitate.

Adding the deterrence of intercontinental ballistic missiles, if the chief did not compromise, would he die?

The chief did not have the courage!

"This time our navy is completely proud, and we don't have to suffer those birds anymore!"

Wan Long was still very excited, and then said, "By the way, Boss Su, the Gabet aircraft carrier is about to arrive at the northern naval base. Do you want to go and see it?"

Su Dingping wanted to go somewhere, so he naturally had to make security arrangements in advance.

Such a top expert, the treasure of Longxia's military industry, and the future flag bearer, naturally had to ensure absolute safety.

After thinking for a while, Su Dingping said, "Let's go and have a look. It's a good opportunity to learn about the basic performance of the aircraft carrier."

The aircraft carrier Gabet was sold to the Thousand Buddha Tribe after the Eagle Tribe moved away.

Afterwards, it became the core ship in the hands of the Thousand Buddha Tribe Navy, and an aircraft carrier fleet was formed around it. It can be regarded as a strong force in the East Continent Sea.

When the Longxia Navy was still weak, it was still a little scary to see it patrolling the South Continent Sea.

Time has changed, and now it has become the trophy of the Longxia Navy, and it has been directly pulled back.

I'm afraid that the ancestors in the past would never dream that such a day would come?

"Okay, I'll arrange it now."

Under Wanlong's arrangement, Su Dingping took an armed helicopter and took off directly from the exclusive base of the integrated military factory, heading north, with the goal of the northern naval base.

At the same time, the Eagle Tribe.

Due to the different geographical locations, it was close to noon on the Longxia Tribe and midnight on the Eagle Tribe.

In the laboratory of Professor Kelvin's research group at a top university, the lights are still bright.

Chen Kai, a talented person who came to study abroad from Longxia, was busy with experiments with two dark circles under his eyes.

After so much hard work, he has successfully obtained a green card, and the process of entering the Eagle Tribe through the talent project is also in progress. It won't be long before he will become a real new Eagle Tribe member.

He has been busy since the afternoon, and he didn't even have time to eat dinner.


"Finally the debugging is completed, it should be OK this time, right?"

Chen Kai, who was busy with the experiment, finally entered the last value into the computer, and then hurriedly called up the relevant experimental data. He found that the results were not bad, and he was relieved immediately.

Coincidentally, at this time, the sound of protest came from his stomach, which made him smile bitterly.

Another difficulty was overcome, and he felt that his future was bright, and his mood naturally improved a lot.

At this time, the blond and blue-eyed senior brother walked in quickly with heavy steps.

Hearing the footsteps, Chen Kai turned his head and saw that the other party looked serious, as if something big had happened.

"Brother, you are here. Today's data has been entered and proved to be valid."

Chen Kai immediately went up to him, "By the way, brother, have you had dinner?"

"You did a good job."

The blond and blue-eyed brother raised his hand and patted Chen Kai on the shoulder, "I have already eaten, go eat by yourself."

"Then leave it to you, brother."

"I'm going to eat."

After taking a deep look at the other party, Chen Kai turned around and walked out of the laboratory.

But in his heart, he was surprised that the senior brother's behavior today was a little abnormal, very cold, and not as enthusiastic as before.

Although he was surprised that the other party had not been like this before, he did not make too many guesses.

Just when he passed the lounge, he heard a fierce quarrel coming from inside and leaned over to listen.

"No, it's impossible! Why would our Eagle Tribe bow to them? They are so weak!"

"This news must be false, I'm sure it must be a rumor!"

"Fuck, we will definitely be laughed at by our allies and many tribes this time, damn it!"

"Houlixie, I just saw that our Ministry of Foreign Affairs has deleted all the news about the visit. My God, this is clearly an admission that we have failed in this matter. Is this still the style of our Eagle Tribe?"

The people in the laboratory were talking about it, but Chen Kai was confused. He didn't know who the Eagle Tribe had a conflict with, and finally lost.

Before, he had been staying in the laboratory, basically the type of person who didn't hear anything outside the window, so naturally he didn't know what happened outside.

With doubts and puzzlement, Chen Kai didn't care about eating. He turned around and walked into the lounge. He came up to the crowd and stretched his neck to take a look inside.

Just this one look shocked him greatly.

How could this be possible?

In order to confirm whether he had seen it wrong, he took another look, and his heart almost jumped out of his body.

My god, this news shattered his worldview.

There was a big headline in bold black font.

"Blue Star is crazy today: Longxia Tribe Navy and the three tribes' naval coalition all ships frightened the chieftain away. From now on, there will be no enemy of Longxia Tribe Navy in the East Continent Sea Area!!!"

Even though he had read the headline, he still couldn't believe it.

So he looked and left the lounge, quickly returned to his dormitory, turned on the computer and searched the Internet.

You don't know until you check it, and you will be shocked when you check it.

There are all kinds of similar news on the Internet, all from the official media of many tribes on Blue Star.

If it was gossip, he would not read it at all.

But this is all official, so shocking!

"Huff, huff."

Even though his hands had left the keyboard, he was extremely excited.

The Longxia Navy, which was once bullied at its doorstep, has become so powerful?

When did this happen?

How come he didn't hear any news?

He remembered very clearly that his senior brother once said that the Longxia Navy's defeat of the East Desert Sea was already a display of its strongest combat power.

And how long has it been now?

The Longxia Navy swept the three-tribe joint fleet, frightened the Eagle Tribe's aircraft carrier fleet, and even scared the chief to return home early.

This is too shocking.

Isn't it too incredible?

He hurriedly clicked on the news to check, but happened to see the comments of the underground Longxia tribe expatriates, and his mood fluctuated for a while.

"I never thought that the Longxia Navy would develop to such a powerful level. I am really proud of our navy. It's a pity that I have been living in the Eagle Tribe for these years and have not made any contribution to Longxia. I am really ashamed."

"I have been away for so many years and have been fighting for the prosperity of the Eagle Tribe. Is it really worth it? Our motherland seems to welcome me back more."

"Originally, I could share this joy with the people at home, and be happy and proud of the revival and strength of Longxia. Unexpectedly, I feel like an outsider."

"I have been working hard for so many years and have been forbearing all the time. I didn't expect that one day we would see our navy become so strong all of a sudden, and even the Eagle Tribe's navy would have to retreat."

"Thirty years in the east and thirty years in the west, in the blink of an eye, our navy has also grown from weak to so powerful, awesome Plas!"

At this moment, Chen Kai suddenly felt a little confused.

"I abandoned my country and fought for the Eagle Tribe. Is it worth it or not?"

"Originally, I could be as excited as my compatriots at home about the rise of Longxia..."

In a trance, Chen Kai's inner belief began to waver.

Gradually, a complex expression appeared on his face, and he couldn't help but sigh secretly: I seem to have no way back, and it seems that I can't go back.

There are many immigrants who are as heavy-hearted as him, wandering in their hearts, at a loss, like a child who has done something wrong and is afraid of being beaten by his parents when he returns home.

In contrast, the Longxia tribesmen and the overseas Chinese are singing and dancing at this moment, and even in some places they simply set off fireworks to celebrate.

The lively scene is like the New Year. They are extremely excited and even want to tell others.

In all these years of living abroad, this is the first time they have been so happy about the rise of the Longxia Navy!

The previous celebration was because Longxia had mastered the mushroom egg, which made them stand up straight. Now the Longxia Navy has made them dare to speak out loudly.

Even when facing those people from the Eagle Tribe, they dare to say: No!

Longxia Tribe is the place where the most military fans and netizens gather. On the Tiexue Forum, a huge banner was hung on the homepage of the website, and an extremely festive red background was used.

"The Tiexue Navy, the sword is shining in the Dongzhou Sea, and there is no opponent after the sword is drawn and looked around!"

Countless military fans and netizens were so excited that they burst into tears, and their joy was beyond words.

"Brothers, our navy is so awesome this time, it has become a national idol."

"That's right, we wiped out all 25 warships of the three tribes' combined fleet. We never dared to think about it before, but now our dream has come true, and we scared away the chief of the Eagle tribe. Now the whole Blue Star knows about it."

"Oh my god, I'm so excited. Didn't those banana people laugh at us before? Now they dare not say a word, they all shut up. The chief was scared away by our navy, let's see how they can show off in the future, it's really a great honor."

"You think it's funny, we were arguing with our enemies on the Internet before, and no one believed us. Now facts speak louder than words, I fucking ” had the last laugh. Those who were forcing others are now deleting their posts one by one, fearing that records will be left. They don’t know that I have taken screenshots, hahaha. ”

“I tell you, since the battle in the East Wasteland Sea is over, the Qianfo Tribe Navy is finished, the Feilu Tribe Navy is also annihilated, and the Niying Tribe is even more finished. They were all the great powers in the East Continent Sea before, but now they are all a thing of the past. We have accidentally become a great power.”

“Hahaha, we can hold our heads high when we go out in the future, because looking at the entire East Continent Sea, our navy is already invincible. It’s so refreshing, so refreshing!”

The navy has achieved an unprecedented victory this time, which has greatly inspired the confidence of the general public and enhanced the public’s sense of national honor.

At this moment, they feel extremely proud and proud of being born in Longxia!

Longxia Tribe TV Station, also known as CCTV, noon news.

The news anchor who usually wears uniforms of other colors also specially put on festive maroon clothes today, and the smile on his face is obviously much more intense than usual.

"Good afternoon, friends. Now we are reporting the noon news."

The host sat upright facing the camera, and a sweet voice came out immediately.

"Our navy attacked mightily and resolutely defended our homeland. The vast number of naval soldiers, driving advanced warships, shot down four U-2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft that invaded the sea area of ​​our tribe at sea, and won consecutive victories."

"Our navy showed good combat qualities and proficiency in warships, and once again crushed the enemy's attempt to conduct reconnaissance on our tribe!"

"Let the enemy know that any fighter and reconnaissance aircraft that want to invade our tribe will be shot down! The navy will resolutely fulfill its duty to defend the country and maintain the sacred and inviolable homeland!"

After such news was broadcast, many people were confused.

When I woke up, why did I feel that the sky had changed?

The Longxia Navy shot down the invading Eagle Tribe high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft. When did the navy become so brave?

Could it be fake?

Then the news screen changed, and pictures and videos of the scene were released one by one.

It seems that for better identification, the wreckage was numbered, so that the public could clearly see the wreckage of the four U-2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft at a glance.

Three of them could probably be pieced together to resemble the original appearance of the U-2 reconnaissance aircraft, but the wreckage of one of them was shattered so badly that it was impossible to recognize its appearance.

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