I built an armada

Chapter 455 Longxia Tribe, are you planning a rebellion?

The international route to Longxia tribe was very busy on this day!

Various tribal charter flights and special flights are departing from different tribes and flying directly to the Longxia tribe!

On the other side, Wang De, who was responsible for purchasing high-precision machine tools and related materials, arrived at the base after receiving the relevant orders and met with Zhang Zhaoxin, who was in charge of the arms trade.

Ever since he learned that the navy had swept through the combined fleet of the three tribes and scared off the great chief, Wang De's blood was boiling and his heart was racing.

Wang De has participated in many warship auctions, and he is very familiar with the process. It is naturally beneficial for a person with rich experience like him to participate.

When they met, the two exchanged pleasantries.

"I didn't expect that our navy would be so powerful. It's really amazing."

Wang De saw the USS Gabet aircraft carrier parked in the base and his eyes widened. "Our naval soldiers who have sacrificed their lives so bravely are so cute. I would like to express my high personal respect to them."

"There was a time when this was something we didn't even dare to think about. The aircraft carrier Gabet was also a warship in the hands of the great powers. How many times has it flaunted its power in our Nanzhou waters?"

"Unexpectedly, in a sudden change, it became our captured trophy!"

As a person who specializes in foreign trade procurement of military products, it can be said that he has witnessed the process of Long Xia Navy's step-by-step transformation from weak to strong.

He was once responsible for purchasing 956E and negotiating with the White Bear Tribe personnel. Later, he purchased high-precision related production equipment for the shipbuilding base. From then on, the Longxia Navy no longer purchased warships from abroad, but continued to export warships to the mainland.

What a huge change this is, and this time the aircraft carrier is actually being auctioned publicly!

At this time, Su Dingping came out and said hello to the two of them.

"Being a colonel at such a young age is really extraordinary. He is truly a hero born out of a boy."

Wang De was quite shocked to see Su Dingping wearing a navy captain's uniform at such a young age, and he could see that Zhang Zhaoxin respected Su Dingping from the bottom of his heart.

"That's ridiculous, Secretary Wang."

Su Dingping turned around and made an invitation gesture, "Let's go, let me introduce this aircraft carrier Gabet to you, so that you can better evaluate its value and find more of its core selling points."

"Thank you."

Zhang Zhaoxin and Secretary Wang didn't waste any time, and immediately followed Su Dingping onto the spiral staircase to board the aircraft carrier.

After boarding the aircraft carrier, the two of them could appreciate Su Dingping's familiarity with the Gabet aircraft carrier, as if this warship was manufactured by Su Dingping.

He knows everything about the relevant equipment and related performance on the ship.

Zhang Zhaoxin and Secretary Wang were extremely shocked.

What the hell!

It's so familiar, why should it be so scary?

I'm afraid none of the commanders of the Thousand Buddha Tribe are as familiar as Su Dingping, right?

Was this warship really captured?

"Okay, I've finished explaining what needs to be explained, and I'll leave the rest to you. Work hard tonight to make the auction lively."

Returning to the deck again, Su Dingping was ready to end the work here, "I still have things to do, so I won't accompany you."

"Colonel Su, don't worry, we will definitely handle this matter."

Zhang Zhaoxin, on behalf of the two of them, shook hands with Su Dingping and said goodbye with a smile, watching Su Dingping gradually go away until he disappeared from their sight.

Secretary Wang came back to his senses at this time and exclaimed: "Who is our Colonel Su? He knows the Gabet aircraft carrier so well?"

"It's like he built this ship. Could he be from the intelligence department?"

In his opinion, only those in the intelligence community would have such detailed information about such an aircraft carrier.

If the intelligence reaches this level, even if the enemy does not want to fail, it will be completely defeated in the end.

"He is a legend! Besides, we should ask less about him."

Zhang Zhaoxin turned to look at Secretary Wang, "Okay, let's continue working."

He knew very well that Su Dingping's affairs were not something that people at their level could inquire about. If they didn't do it right, it would be a violation of discipline.

As night fell, the first buyer’s special plane landed at Beijing International Airport.

The staff immediately came forward to greet you.

With the arrival of the buyer, the reception work also started in full swing and was carried out in an orderly manner.

Subsequently, many buyers arrived one after another, and they were all cordially received by the staff, allowing these buyers to fully appreciate what it means to feel at home.

The media was already involved when the first buyer arrived.

Naturally, the purpose of doing this is to publicize it widely, make this aircraft carrier auction extremely grand, and focus the attention of the entire Blue Star here.

At the same time, another secret operation also began.

A military airport somewhere in Beijing.

Dozens of buses quietly drove into the airport under the cover of night.

In these cars, a group of people wearing executive jackets were sitting. They all looked serious and said nothing.

Dozens of vehicles add up to nearly a thousand people.

All of these people have signed strict confidentiality agreements. Not only that, everyone's background is very clean and innocent.

And they have also been highly isolated to ensure that no news will be leaked.

In the carriage, a burly leader with a Chinese character stood up.

"I believe you all already know the content of our work this time."

"I want to emphasize three points now. First, deployment! Second, comfort! Third, you need to stay there for a while!"

"Don't worry, the tribe will not treat you badly!"

"Remember, this is a great cause and you will all be remembered in history!"

"I hope you will fulfill your responsibilities with all your heart!"

Having said this, the leader's eyes swept over everyone's faces one by one.


Everyone's expressions remained unchanged, but their hearts were extremely excited.

This task can fall on the heads of myself and others. What a great cause that honors our ancestors.

Once done, you will be the first to enter the ancestral hall during future Qingming sacrifices!

It can be said that nothing makes them more excited than this.

The bus stopped, the door opened and a group of people got off one after another, then entered the exclusive passage and directly entered the private plane.

Soon, passenger planes took off and flew directly to Guangzhou!

At the same time, the Navy Headquarters Base.

Liu Huaming took Xu Dongguo and other generals under his command, as well as Su Dingping, and boarded a special military plane flying to the Southern Military Region!

Just as Su Dingping and others' special plane took off, on the other side was the Eagle Tribe and the Black Palace.

After returning to the Eagle Tribe, the chief urgently summoned Defense Minister Hawke Henry and other military representatives at the Black Palace.

On the chief's desk, there was a pile of combat information sent from the military headquarters.

He had already looked through the information, which contained detailed records of the warship combat data of the Long Xia Navy, and he felt extremely depressed and anxious.

"You all should take a look too."

The chief said weakly, and then motioned to his staff to distribute the stack of information.

After getting the information, a group of senior officials began to look through it.

After just one glance, they looked shocked, almost writing the word 'unbelievable' on their faces.

Do warships have stealth capabilities?

Anti-ship missiles are almost Mach 3?

Long Xia's warship has the ability to hang hair?

Does that mean a phased array radar is also installed?

Looking through the relevant information again, the chief was still extremely shocked by these data, and his eyelids were beating wildly.

After a while, he raised his head and looked at the senior officials sitting in front of the desk.

"Have you finished reading the information?"

"Now tell me, what does the comparison of the enemy's and ours' warships look like?"

"Do we still have the upper hand?"

As soon as this question came up, all the officials present, whether from the military or the civil service, fell silent.

In fact, the military representatives really want to say that if our warships are ahead of the Longxia tribe's warships, they will not let you cancel your trip.

Why do you still ask about such an obvious thing?

Isn’t it embarrassing to say it?

How do you tell us to speak? Do we just abandon our face?

"Okay, I understand."

"Then let me ask you again, how do they compare with the new warships we are about to launch?"

Seeing everyone's silence, the chief already understood, so he raised a brand new question.

Hawke Henry glanced around and said confidently: "Great Chief, after all, you can have half-and-half combat power."

Seeing that the defense minister said this, everyone immediately agreed.


The chief suddenly fell into silence.

He remembered clearly that the military had vowed that although the launch of the new warship was more than half a year later than expected, it was definitely Blue Star's most advanced warship and could defeat the Longxia tribe's warships with ease.

Why is it now half-open?

A 50-50 split is completely different from a slap on the wrist, okay?

Seeing the great chief's face gradually darkening, Defense Chief Hawk Henry quickly explained.

"Great Chief, it's like this. Warships are systematic combat platforms that evaluate comprehensive combat performance. We have an advantage in this aspect."

"From the data point of view, the Longxia warship has stealth capabilities and fast anti-ship missiles, but these are just two things. We are superior in systems, electronic warfare, and radar detection."

"Our advantage is also in this aspect, so our chances of winning are still very high."

Seeing the defense chief's serious explanation, the chief suddenly understood.

"Since your military is so confident, will the naval warship exhibition on August 1 continue to be held?"

Defense Minister Hawk Henry nodded quickly and said: "Great Chief, I think it's absolutely fine! We can take the opportunity to see with our own eyes how good the Longxia Tribe's warships are."

The great chief nodded and said: "Okay, then it's settled!"

As soon as the matter was finalized, a staff member walked in quickly, appearing to be in a hurry.

"What's up?"

The chief turned his head and looked over, asking.

"Report to the chief, Long Xia's navy has returned to the vicinity of Dragon Claw Island." the staff said hurriedly.


The chief was quite surprised.

"They are conducting military exercises over there."

The chief waved his hand nonchalantly and said casually, "Then don't worry about them."

Obviously, he didn't take it to heart.

The Dragon Claw Island incident made him lose all his face. He is still very unhappy and angry. Naturally, he doesn't want to care too much for the time being.

"There is one more thing..."

The staff hesitated for a moment, but didn't say it after all.

"What is the other thing? Tell me quickly!"

The chief frowned and urged.

"The Longxia Foreign Affairs Department issued a new announcement. They are going to auction the seized Gabet aircraft carrier. The highest bidder will win!"

As soon as the staff finished speaking, everyone's face suddenly changed.

A light aircraft carrier like Gabet was sold to the Qianfo Tribe by them. It would be fine if the Longxia Tribe seized it, but now it is auctioned!

This is equivalent to a slap in their face, making them extremely angry.

What is the difference between this and the light aircraft carrier that the Longxia Tribe sold to the East Desert Sea?

This time, it is actually auctioned publicly. They don't take their Eagle Tribe seriously!

"Too much, the Longxia people are too much, they are too presumptuous, they are simply lawless!"

"It's too much, the Longxia people are totally giving us no face."

"What on earth do they want to do, to prove their strength?"

The officials were extremely angry and roared.

The chief was so angry that he slammed the table and roared.

"Damn Longxia tribe, are they crazy about money? They actually used our warships to sell for money, they are completely bold!"

"Does the Longxia tribe still have our Eagle tribe in their eyes?"

After venting, the chief immediately said: "Send someone to contact the Longxia tribe immediately and ask them what they want to do?"

"Chief, I have already sent someone to contact them."

"But, but they completely ignored it."

Without waiting for the chief to speak, the staff spoke again this time, "Chief, according to our investigation, there are still many tribes that want to buy that aircraft carrier."

Hearing this, everyone's face was extremely ugly.

"That's not nonsense!"

"Anyway, that's the aircraft carrier we built! Even if it's retired, its performance is still just right."

The chief had an urge to hit someone, and he was still confident that the weapons and equipment produced by the Eagle Tribe were the best quality and most powerful on Blue Star.

"Then, then, chief, do we need to send someone over?"

The staff asked again, and he seemed extremely cautious, fearing that he would offend the chief.

The chief was silent, and he didn't know how to make a decision.

The military representatives were also silent at this moment, staring at each other with big eyes and breathing heavily.

When the Longxia tribe captured the light aircraft carrier of the East Desert Sea and sold it, they sent people to negotiate and even issued a threat of force.

But the Longxia tribe ignored it at all. At that time, the Longxia Navy was not strong enough and was very low-key.

This time they spread such a big rumor, as if they were afraid that the numerous tribes on Blue Star would not know about it. It would probably be useless to send people over there.

Besides, the navies of both sides just confronted each other a few hours ago, and even had a tentative fight.

Going over there at this time would undoubtedly add fuel to the fire. It would be strange if Long Xia would show a good face to them.

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