I built an armada

Chapter 462: Sweeping the rebels, planting the flag on Dragon Claw Island

Once there is support from the East Desert Air Self-Defense Force and the Eagle Tribe garrison, there will be variables in the elimination of the rebels on Longzhao Island.

This variable is quite unfavorable for the task force to eliminate the rebels, so they must do everything they can to stop the enemy aircraft outside the line of fire.

Fortunately, Zhou Qinglei equipped them with a 10,000-ton destroyer and three 052Ds as auxiliary ships. The vertical launch units of the four ships reached a terrifying 304, not counting the Haihongqi 101 air defense missiles carried on the ships.

Even if divided by two, there are more than 150 air defense missiles left.

Such a large number of air defense missiles is enough to deal with the invading enemy.

They roared one by one, even if they died, they would stop the fighters of the two tribes outside the sea boundary line and never let them cross the line.

At this time, Zhou Qinglei's sonorous voice came out again in the communication channel.

"Lao Chen, Lao Li, you lead your 052D battle group to deploy in the south of Longzhua Island and be responsible for attacking the military base in the south."

"Lao Sun, Lao Ma, you lead your 052D battle group to deploy in the southwest of Longzhua Island and be responsible for the military base there."

"Lao Gao, and my unit are responsible for attacking the military base in the northeast."

"Lao Mao, Lao Zhu, you lead your 052D battle group to deploy in the west of Longzhua Island and be responsible for the west, assisting the army's cross-sea operations! Intercept ground and air firepower as much as possible."

"The northern military base will be left to the eight 052Cs! 052Cs continue to conduct military exercises to confuse the enemy, and once the time is up, they will immediately launch an attack."

"Everyone, our goal is to destroy the important military strongholds in the four directions of the rebels as much as possible."

"We must also destroy as many air force bases as possible, as well as combat-ready highway runways!"

"Do you understand?"

In the communication channel, everyone responded in unison: "Understood!"

As the order was issued, all participating warships began to move towards the target sea areas according to the deployment.

This time, even combat ships such as 051C and 052 were pulled out to perform fire support tasks. Although these warships are only at the level of quasi-third generation, the firepower of their equipment is also quite fierce.

The battle groups located in the southwest and northwest directions still have very heavy tasks to undertake. Not only do they have to attack the rebels' military bases, but they also have to support the western battle group.

For a while, the navy became the busiest branch of the military, and it was almost too busy.

But for the sake of the overall situation, in order to minimize the losses of the army when launching cross-sea operations, they had to do so. Those who are capable should do more work.

All those warships have been deployed, and the entire Longzhua Island was completely surrounded in an instant. Now they are just waiting for an order to be issued!

Zhou Qinglei is not worried about the rebels on Longzhua Island. What he is really worried about is to meet the air reinforcement battle group composed of the two armed forces of the East Wilderness Air Self-Defense Force and the Eagle Tribe Garrison.

Although it is equipped with a 10,000-ton destroyer and 052D for assistance, no one dares to guarantee that there will be no accidents 100%!

After all, once the war starts, it is too late to replenish ammunition when in combat mode.

In fact, under normal circumstances, it is very good for a warship to use up all its missiles.

So what Zhou Qinglei is worried about is that the pressure on the battle group to meet the reinforcements is too great. If they hold on for another hour, the amount of ammunition is not enough for a hearty battle.

If there are two or three 10,000-ton destroyers, then he can rest assured.

For this reason, Zhou Qinglei had to pull a separate communication channel.

"Captain Guo, you are under the greatest pressure. It is very likely that you will face a powerful air force like the Eagle Tribe, so I need you to be extra cautious."

"My task for you is to hold on for another hour."

Zhou Qinglei's voice was immediately transmitted to the participating ships of the Northeast Battle Group.

As the acting captain of the 10,000-ton destroyer, Guo Chengjun naturally knew what kind of strong opponent he was about to face, so he did not dare to be careless.

"Please rest assured, Commander-in-Chief, our Northeast Battle Group will never retreat!"

"Even if we die in battle, we will never let enemy planes cross our sea boundary!"

Soon, a very inspiring military order was passed on. Zhou Qinglei was very excited to hear it, and his heart was half relieved. He chose to fully believe that Guo Chengjun and his men would be able to complete the task of blocking the enemy's support very well.

At the same time, at the southern military base, fighter planes were parked neatly on the runway, and the maintenance personnel were busy giving the fighter planes a final physical examination.

Ammunition personnel were loading the latest weapons and ammunition on the fighter planes.

Even the air was filled with a busy atmosphere, tense but orderly.

The transport planes gathered from all directions have also arrived. They are about to carry out the army's air delivery mission and parachute directly to the relevant combat areas on Longzhua Island.

At the air force base, 6,000 fully armed army soldiers are ready.

They are the warriors who are about to parachute on Longzhua Island, and they are also the first combat corps to arrive on Longzhua Island, equipped with light and heavy firepower.

"Comrades, we are the first group of warriors to arrive at Dragon Claw Island. I hope that after you land, you will turn into tigers, pounce on the enemy, and crush the rebels' bones!"

"In a word, show the momentum of our division!"

The commander finished the mobilization, and almost every soldier screamed. They were all full of fighting spirit and their blood was boiling!


The soldiers shouted in unison, with great momentum, breaking through the sky!

"Board the plane!

At the command, the troops quickly divided into several teams and ran towards the transport plane.

Another part was the special forces. They boarded a number of armed helicopters. They were about to land vertically at the key position of the rebels and give the rebels the most deadly attack.

And on the long coastline, batches of landing troops were boarding the ship quickly.

At the port, various types of main battle equipment, heavy weapons such as tanks and armored vehicles, were driving into the belly of the big ship in an orderly manner. They would land on Longzhua Island as soon as possible.

The multi-functional ship went on first, followed by the roll-on/roll-off ship. After the rebels' firepower was suppressed, they would immediately organize a sea crossing operation. Landing on the beach.

With batches of steel warriors boarding the ship, the prelude to a war to sweep away the rebels is slowly opening.

This is a military action that is not subject to personal will.

Five minutes before the navy launches the general offensive.

The participating battle groups have arrived at the designated sea area, only about 30 kilometers away from the rebel military base that is about to be attacked.

This is a relatively safe area outside the range of shore artillery.

And this distance is just beyond the field of vision of the investigators with the help of telescopes.

Ship 123, after looking at the time, Zhou Qinglei picked up the microphone.

"Countdown 5 minutes, please report the situation to each battle group."

Soon got a response.

"Report, the southern battle group has been deployed! The radar has locked the rebel headquarters."

"Report, the southwestern battle group has been deployed! Lock the rebel port and military stronghold."

"Report, the western battle group has been deployed! Lock the airport."

"Report, the northern battle group has been deployed! The radar has locked the missile position. "

"The Guangfu has arrived at the designated sea area..."

The 123 ship where Zhou Qinglei was stationed in the northeast: "Our troops have been deployed!"

"Very good."

"Now everyone, check the time."

The order was issued, and all the captains of the participating ships checked the time.

"All troops are on standby. When the time comes, listen to the order and open fire together!"


This time, the navy is out in full force, almost all of them are modern warships, and their combat effectiveness is absolutely first-class!

Although the number of warships is not large, it is enough to deal with the rebels on Longzhua Island.

Of course, if the number is larger, it will be easier to wipe out the rebels.

At this moment, the military bases in all directions of Longzhua Island are still following the usual schedule. Except for the northern military base, which has to keep an eye on the 052C warship group for military exercises, the other military bases are more relaxed.

Rebels The army had never expected that the Longxia Navy was preparing a devastating blow to them.

Once the fire was opened, there would be an unexpected effect!

Everything was ready, just waiting for an order.

With the deployment in place, the dark clouds of war over Longzhua Island became thicker and thicker, as if the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

Finally, the time came, the order arrived, Zhou Qinglei decisively issued a combat order, and the warships in the four directions opened fire together!

At nearly 11:30, the military base in the northwest of Longzhua Island.

"Why hasn't the Longxia Navy ended the military exercise yet?"

The base commander frowned and said unhappily after looking at the radar screen.

"Report, not clear."

A staff officer changed the subject, "A few hours ago, news came from the northeastern base that some ships participating in the military exercise left one after another, and their whereabouts were unknown."

"According to the judgment, it is estimated that they are preparing to disband."

Hearing this, the commander couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and finally it was over.

"It's good that the military exercise is about to end. "

As soon as the voice fell, the radar monitor's extremely anxious cry came.

"Report, there is a missile attack!"

"Distance 30 kilometers, speed 1.7 Mach!"

The commander was extremely shocked and didn't understand what was going on at all.

How could a missile attack suddenly come?

Is it a ghost?

"Did I see it wrong?"

The commander asked subconsciously.

I immediately rushed to the radar screen at the fastest speed and was immediately frightened by the scene in front of him.

"Report! A total of 3 missiles were found!"

The report of the radar monitor made the commander completely confused.

How could there be an enemy attack suddenly?

Who is the enemy?

It's completely unclear.

And it's only 30 kilometers. At this distance, it is naturally invisible to the naked eye, but the radar can detect it.

Why was it discovered at the moment when the other party opened fire?

At this moment, countless questions lingered in the commander's head, but there was no response.

"Enemy attack! This is an enemy attack! "

The adjutant suddenly shouted at this time. He found that the missiles were heading towards them, and the base was in chaos in an instant.

Almost at the same time, the battle groups deployed in four directions opened fire at the same time!

The flames from the missiles in the four directions of Longzhua Island instantly illuminated half the sky!

On the other side, just a few minutes before the army chief Deng Zhenhua ordered to open fire.

In the command center of the Southern Military Region.

The staff suddenly walked up to Deng Zhenhua and reported: "Report to the chief, Xue Shuai is here."

Hearing that Xue Shuai Gu had come, Deng Zhenhua was slightly startled, and quickly dropped the work at hand and handed it over to the deputy commander.

"Lao Liu, Dingping, Xue Shuai is here, let's go and greet him."

The group quickly got up and went to greet him.

But just as they walked to the door of the conference hall, they saw Xue Shuai and a strange middle-aged man in an executive jacket walking over.

"Xue Shuai!"

Deng Zhenhua and the other three greeted him in unison.

"Comrade Zhenhua, Comrade Huaming, you have all worked hard."

When Xue Shuai greeted the two, he suddenly found that Su Dingping was there, and immediately showed a warm smile on his face, "Dingping is here too, you have worked hard."

Su Dingping immediately said, "Not hard."

"Come, let me introduce you, this is Representative Hu sent by the higher-ups."

After listening to Xue Shuai's introduction, Deng Zhenhua and Liu Huaming looked at each other and were about to greet each other, but before they could open their mouths, Representative Hu spoke first.

"We just came to take a look, and we will never interfere with your actions."

Xue Shuai also spoke at this time.

"That's right, this time we are just watching from the sidelines, and the command is still in your hands!"

Hearing this, Deng Zhenhua, Liu Huaming and others were relieved.

They were not afraid that Xue Shuai would interfere, after all, they were all military personnel, and they all knew each other. Their command ability was there, and they would naturally not make wrong decisions, but for others, that was not necessarily the case.

Moreover, at this critical moment, the arrow is on the string, and the change of command is a taboo in the military.

Now that Xue Shuai has expressed his position, the two can let go and do a big job.

In fact, the two suspected that the representative Hu was the military supervisor, and the reason why Xue Shuai followed was purely to prevent the military supervisor from interfering with their combat operations.

Everyone returned to the conference hall. Deng Zhenhua wanted to give the chief position to Xue Shuai, but was rejected by the latter.

Sitting down at the side, Xue Shuai glanced at Liu Huaming and Deng Zhenhua.

"I came here to convey a spirit."

"There is only one requirement from above, to avoid casualties among ordinary people as much as possible. After all, most people still have the same identity."

"As for the rebels, let's not care, especially those mentioned in the previous documents."

The reason why Xue Shuai chose to give the chief position to Deng Zhenhua was to show the two that he would do what he said and would never interfere with their command!

Deng Zhenhua said quickly: "Please rest assured, Commander Xue and Representative Hu, we have made all preparations."

"Our targets are all aimed at military bases and those stubborn rebels. We have no actions against ordinary people."

"We have always deeply implemented the tradition of our army and do not hurt civilians."

Commander Xue turned his head and glanced at Representative Hu, and nodded slightly.

In fact, he knew very well that the rebels on the island were extremely vicious, extremely cruel, and had lost their humanity. If ordinary people were pulled out as human shields, then this military operation to sweep the rebels on the island would not be carried out?

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