I built an armada

Chapter 466: Sweeping the rebels, the flag is planted on Dragon Claw Island

"Please make a decision, island master."

All the subordinates looked at the island master at this moment, hoping that he could give a countermeasure.

"Notify all departments, organize forces to fight back, and be sure to hold on!"

"Also, inform the Eagle Tribe of the situation here immediately and ask for their support!"

After glaring at these stupid subordinates, the island master's brain was working at high speed, and finally came up with an idea, and immediately gave a loud order.


The subordinates immediately took the order and immediately started to deal with the matter.

Eagle Tribe, Black Palace.

At noon, the chief, who was sitting in the office enjoying the slight cool air brought by the air conditioner, took a sip of the coffee cup very comfortably. The thick high-grade coffee water flowed into his mouth, and he immediately closed his eyes very happily.

It was not until a moment later that he swallowed all the coffee into his stomach that he slowly opened his eyes.

"What happened? What makes you so serious?"

Suddenly seeing the serious look of the staff, the chief was shocked.

Before the staff spoke, he saw a group of senior officials hurried in, each with a stern expression on their face, as if something big had happened.

Before he could react, the staff spoke at this time.

"Great Chief, the Longxia tribe raided Longzhua Island, and Longzhua Island is in danger! Now the military is already discussing an intervention plan."

Hearing this, the great chief was immediately confused.

"Wat? Did the Longxia tribe get their brains stuck in the door? Aren't they just looking for trouble? Why did they choose to do it at this time?"

Halfway through his words, he suddenly reacted.

This is a great opportunity!

The Longxia tribe grasped it so well.

All the navies in the Dongzhou waters that could help Longzhua Island were basically swept away by the Longxia navy.

Sweeping the three-tribe joint fleet, all the tribes in the Dongzhou waters were shocked by the powerful force of the Longxia tribe, and their Eagle tribe's aircraft carrier battle group had just retreated.

In addition, the Longxia tribe blatantly auctioned the aircraft carrier, which attracted the attention of all the tribes on Blue Star.

On the contrary, no one noticed the military action of the Longxia tribe.

The timing was perfect.

At this moment, who dares to run over to support?

Unless they don't want to die.

Then the annihilation of the three-tribe joint fleet is the best example!

No one can guarantee that the Longxia tribe has no other means waiting for those tribes that dare to help.

Seeing that senior leaders from various departments, military representatives, and members of the staff group all gathered in the office, the chief put down the coffee cup.

"How is the progress now?"

After saying that, his eyes focused on everyone's faces again.

"Chief, according to the feedback from Longzhua Island, we can basically confirm that the Longxia troops launched attacks on the armed forces on Longzhua Island from at least five directions at the same time!"

"The currently known participating troops are the Longxia Navy and the Longxia Army's missile troops. As for the others, it is not clear yet. But it is basically certain that the Longxia Air Force will also join the action."

At this point, the staff did not speak again, but left time for the chief to digest.

The chief was also extremely shocked at this moment. He never expected that the Longxia tribe would be so generous, and it was completely a joint effort of the three armed forces of the navy, army and air force!

It seems that the Longxia tribe is not small!

"Chief, Longzhua Island is in danger and may be taken down by the Longxia tribe at any time!"

The words of the staff shocked the chief again.

"So fast?"

The chief was in disbelief, his eyes widened, "Haven't we sold them a lot of good things over the years? Various advanced weapons, although basically castrated versions, are no worse than those equipped by the Longxia troops, and even slightly better."

"It should be able to last for one or two days, how could it be defeated so quickly?"

After saying that, the chief looked at the military representatives and the staff members.

"For the time being, we don't know."

The military representative, Defense Minister Hawk Henry, looked around and spoke first.

"There are too few clues at present, and we can't give an accurate assessment."

The staff also spoke at this time, with helplessness written on their faces.

Everything happened too suddenly, without any signs at all.

"I can't care so much now. I only have one request, that island must not be taken by the Longxia tribe!"

"The existence of that island is of great benefit to us."

The chief took a deep breath, glanced at everyone, and immediately made a decision.

"It's too late to send an aircraft carrier battle group to support! So we decided to send the air force in the garrison base."

"In addition, let the East Wasteland Air Self-Defense Force send fighters to assist!"

Military representative Hawk Henry spread out the folder and quickly told the battle plan.

After receiving the relevant intelligence, he immediately arranged for the staff to formulate a battle plan and would never give up.

He knew very well that the three armies of Longxia caught all the tribes off guard. Fortunately, they had a garrison in the East Wasteland tribe to prepare for this day.

"Just execute this plan!"

The chief immediately finalized it, and they must respond.

As the military command was issued, General Cruz, the three-star general of the Eagle Tribe stationed at the East Wasteland Military Base, received the news and immediately contacted General Koro, asking him to mobilize the air force immediately to prepare for combat support.

After the deployment was completed, General Cruz immediately called the head of the cabinet and asked to take control of the wartime command of the East Wasteland Air Self-Defense Force!

The head of the cabinet was completely confused and had no idea what was going on. But General Cruz was very strong and did not give any explanation at all, forcing the other party to give it.

In the end, the head of the cabinet was very helpless and had to hand over the command of the Air Self-Defense Force.

At the garrison base, the person in charge Koro hurriedly reported.

"Report to the general, the first batch of fighters can take off in ten minutes at the latest! Our base is about 800 kilometers away from the rebel island. It is estimated that it will arrive over the rebel island in about 60 minutes to start fighting!"

Cruz nodded lightly, and then asked: "What is the situation over there?"

"Report to the general, the Eastern Wasteland Air Force may be a few minutes slower."

Hearing Koro's report, General Cruz frowned immediately, showing dissatisfaction. If the Eastern Wasteland Air Force is a little slower, relying only on the first batch of fighter formations, it may encounter unexpected events.

War has always been about predicting the enemy. The reason why the Longxia tribe dared to do this must be that they must have considered all aspects carefully and would definitely do the necessary defense.

"Then wait for them for a while, and you must give me money to take off and fight within ten minutes!"

"You must get me at least 30 fighters and 9 bombers!"

Cross thought for a moment and made a decision. Anyway, this time can allow them to make more adequate preparations.

He also didn't believe that a few minutes could fundamentally change the trend of the war.

Only with enough power can we be safe, but this will require waiting for dozens of minutes, and the cost of this time is affordable.


Koro immediately received the order.

"Contact the aircraft carrier battle group immediately and ask them to prepare for support! As long as we delay the offensive rhythm of the Longxia tribe, we will have a chance to turn the tables!"

Cross then gave another order.

Although it is a little late, as long as the air force can delay the time, the aircraft carrier fleet will have time to rush to the rescue.


Koro received the order and turned to deploy.

In a moment, the air force of the East Wasteland Air Self-Defense Force and the Eagle Tribe garrison base began to act.

The fighter group responsible for the first wave of operations has been quickly integrated.

The air force support of the Eagle Tribe and the East Wasteland Air Self-Defense Force has not yet officially started, and the rebels on Longzhao Island have been beaten back step by step.

Under the powerful offensive of the Longxia Tribe's navy, army and air force, the four major military bases of the rebels and the air force base headquarters have all suffered extremely heavy blows!

The rebels on Longzhua Island could not organize their effective and powerful firepower to counterattack in a short period of time, and they could not stop the army from crossing the sea to launch beach landing operations.

As time went on, the fast multi-functional ships carrying the first batch of beach landing operations were close to the coast of Longzhua Island.

With the fierce firepower suppression of the three armies, the rebels could not organize an effective firepower strike network at all, and all their minds were focused on intercepting incoming missiles and artillery attacks.

Undoubtedly, this gave the beach landing troops an excellent opportunity to operate.

On the speedboat where the beach landing troops were located, the squad leaders of each team crouched and locked their eyes on the land not far away, and the flag bearers were carrying flags and ready to launch an attack on the shore at any time.

One hundred meters.

Ninety meters.

Eighty meters.

The distance was getting closer and closer, and the soldiers were full of blood. Their hands were already tightly holding the steel guns, and they took a deep breath for the final sprint.

Forty meters.

Thirty meters.

Finally, there were only ten meters left, and the fast landing craft was about to hit the beach.

"Brothers, take your positions and listen to my orders!"

At the squad leader's command, the soldiers on the boats hurriedly crouched down, ready to go like tigers.

Before the landing craft completely approached the beach, the leading flag bearer waved the flag and rushed out first, wading directly into the water. Then the squad leader shouted: "Follow me!"

After that, he jumped off the landing craft and rushed to the beach.


The sound of the charge horn was very rhythmic and instantly resounded over the entire beach.

After so many years, the Longxia soldiers finally set foot on the island occupied by the rebels.

The bright flags, like giant dragons, led the soldiers from all directions to rush into the heart of the rebels like a long dragon!

According to the original orders received and the target areas marked on the map, they rushed to their respective target areas and quickly disappeared into the night.

Just when the first batch of soldiers of the army successfully landed on the beach, the news was quickly transmitted back.

Longxia tribe, Southern Military Base Command Operations Center.

"Report to the chief, my first batch of troops successfully landed on the beach!"

The staff hurriedly reported the latest news.

The chiefs present couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and their hearts were finally relieved.

The most difficult stage in the sea crossing operation has passed.

For the landing troops, it is extremely important to minimize the casualties during the sea crossing operation.

Next, they have to race against time.

Before the enemy could react, they completely swept the rebels on Longzhua Island and took full control of the island.

Fortunately, the navy had carried out firepower coverage in advance, suppressing the rebels' firepower and causing great losses to the five major military bases on Longzhua Island.

Following closely, the army's missile forces, plus the air force's air-to-ground attack missiles and rockets with a very wide coverage, completely suppressed the rebels' long-range firepower.

In this way, the first batch of troops crossing the sea for combat were greatly supported, leaving them with almost no losses.

This time, the efficiency of the joint operations of the three armies was so high that the classic cases that only existed in various military textbooks abroad before were almost perfectly reproduced.

There was no way. The Longxia tribe navy was only a little bit like it in the past two years, and its strength had increased. It was not taken seriously by other tribes before.

The several leaders present were in a good mood.

In the past, even if they had this idea, they had no way to realize it.

Those leaders sighed one by one.

"Decades ago, we were still envious of the Eagle Tribe's aircraft carrier battle group, which carried out joint bombing with the Air Force, and the Army then carried out rapid beach landing operations! I didn't expect that today, we have also done it."

"Yes, looking back, decades have passed. How many decades are there in life? At that time, even if the aircraft carrier battle group was docked in the South Bang Sea, it brought us tremendous pressure. Now the times have changed, and we also have such power!"

"The past is unbearable to look back on, but fortunately we have come through it together, our Longxia Navy has also become awesome, and the three services can even work together."

In fact, they all know very well that the joint operations of the three services will not work without any of the arms. The navy was too weak before, and there was no way to cooperate effectively.

The army leaders on the side had a complicated expression.

Decades ago, they were just doing interspersed operations, because they were too poor and had no choice.

For the joint operations of the Eagle Tribe's navy, army and air force, they were so envious that they were salivating.

Firepower coverage and crushing saturation attacks are all new terms, but they have brought them a past that is still very difficult to forget.

At that time, the three armies of Longxia were called the three armies, but in fact the air force could only provide a small amount of air support, and the navy had no way to help. In the end, it had to ask the Soviet Union for help.

The army fought 1 against 13, and although it won in the end, it also paid a huge price for it.

Now, they have also experienced the joy brought by the saturation strike of the three armies.

The leaders were overwhelmed, and their eyes flashed with moving light.

"After decades, our soldiers finally set foot on the island occupied by the rebels. The wish for many years has finally come true."

Representative Hu was also very moved, "In a few years, it will be almost a century."

"Today we successfully landed on the beach, so I'm afraid it won't be long before we take over that island."

Su Dingping just listened on the side, and his heart was also overwhelmed.

He had not witnessed this historic moment before, and he will witness it with his own eyes today!

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