I built an armada

Chapter 468 The power of thunder is terrifying, and everyone is terrified

The Air Self-Defense Force was requisitioned, and the Maritime Self-Defense Force was crippled. All that could be used could not be used.

What should they do?

"Our East Wilderness Air Self-Defense Force has been temporarily requisitioned by the Eagle Tribe, and our Maritime Self-Defense Force is already crippled. If we only have one 88 fleet and it is sent out, it will be a huge loss. As for the new ships that have not yet arrived, our Ground Self-Defense Force can't fly over by itself, right?"

"From the current situation, we have no way to support Longzhua Island by mobilizing troops!"

"The Longxia Tribe is moving too fast, and the time is too short for us. We must think of other ways."

For a moment, everyone in the conference hall was silent, and no one spoke, and the atmosphere became very strange.

And at this moment, a cabinet minister had a flash of light in his head, and then he spoke.

"Kui Shou, do you think this will work?"

"We will issue a notice through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, calling on all the tribes on Blue Star to condemn the Longxia Tribe!"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up.

This method is really very good.

Put pressure on the Longxia Tribe through the Blue Star level!

"Very good! Let's do it!"


The cabinet minister in charge of foreign affairs immediately accepted the order.

Soon, the Foreign Affairs Department of the Donghuang Tribe issued a notice.

"Strongly condemn the Longxia Tribe for the unprovoked raid on Longzhua Island! Such behavior is outrageous!"

"The Longxia Tribe cannot rely on the strong to bully the weak and do whatever they want in the Dongzhou Sea! Tribes, Longzhua Island suddenly suffered an unprovoked attack today, so is there still justice on Blue Star?"

"We must severely condemn this unreasonable behavior and we must strongly resist it!"

As soon as this announcement came out, the countries in the Dongzhou Sea were directly shocked.

Thousand Buddha Tribe: "Oh my god, is Longxia Tribe crazy?"

Feilu Tribe: "They destroyed our three tribes' joint fleet before, and now they are attacking Longzhua Island. Are Longxia Tribe too busy to do anything?"

Niying Tribe: "I don't know if Longxia Tribe is crazy, but I think Donghuang Tribe is crazy. Are they not worried about Longxia Tribe's revenge later?"

Iron Monkey Tribe: "If Longxia Tribe takes Longzhua Island, everything will be fine. If they fail to take it, Donghuang Tribe will have no place to cry. They have not learned the lesson of being defeated. They are looking for death themselves, and they can't blame others."

This time, everyone in the Dongzhou Sea Area kept silent tacitly.

After the three tribes' joint fleet was completely destroyed, they were all scared, and their memory was particularly clear. They dared not jump again.

The tribes in the Europa Sea Area, who had been waiting for news, were so shocked that their jaws dropped to the ground.

Hans tribe: "Oh my god! I was wondering why the boss suddenly started a war, so this is what happened."

Blast furnace tribe: "Longxia tribe is really playing big this time, they are too fast to strike while the iron is hot, they caught us off guard, we have been watching the auction of aircraft carriers."

British tribe: "I'm so generous! Longxia tribe really knows how to grasp the timing this time, they actually started the war at this time, making it impossible for me to get involved, and it's too late to send troops immediately."

Boots tribe: "What should we do? Although the boss didn't notify us, if Longxia tribe takes Dragon Claw Island, it will be of great significance to us!"

The tribes soon discovered that it was too late to send soldiers to reinforce.

The tribes in the East Continent were scared and learned a profound lesson. No tribe dared to jump out and lend a hand, which made it difficult for them to mobilize help.

They were extremely annoyed, but helpless.

Looking around, they found that the influence of the Western Alliance in the East Continent Sea had unknowingly dropped to the freezing point.

And all this was because of the Longxia Tribe.

All the tribes felt an unprecedented crisis!

Once the Longxia Tribe took over Longzhua Island, there would be no more constraints in the East Continent Sea!

No more!

Only the Donghuang Tribe and the Eagle Tribe’s garrison base were left!

In desperation, the tribes decided to follow the example of the Donghuang Tribe and issue a fair condemnation of the Longxia Tribe through the foreign affairs department.

Boots Tribe: "Longxia Tribe is shameless! Our tribe protests and seriously infringes on the interests of Blue Star..."

Hans Tribe: "Longxia Tribe's attack on Longzhua Island is a barbaric act! Bullying the weak is too overbearing. We call for..."

British Tribe: "Longxia Tribe must not be so barbaric. They should sit down and negotiate with the rebels. If they can't reach an agreement, they can discuss it at the Blue Star Alliance. The sudden use of force is a destruction of the peace of Blue Star, and it tramples on the order of Blue Star and destroys the peaceful environment in the region..."

Kangaroo Tribe: "We strongly condemn the Longxia Tribe's reckless use of force. It is a destruction of the peace-loving people on Longzhua Island. We firmly oppose it..."

After the condemnation of more than a dozen tribes and the release of the threat statement, they suddenly realized that it was the Longxia Tribe that issued the condemnation before, and they smiled and said nothing.

Today, the identities have been reversed.

The reason for all this is that the Longxia Tribe's national strength and military strength have increased, which has had a huge impact on the situation!

Once the justice of the tribes was published, it was like a super thunder hammer hitting the blue planet, causing a major earthquake in the tribes of the blue planet. More and more tribes heard the news and took action, issuing public condemnation statements.

After remaining silent for a long time in the Dongzhou Sea Circle, they finally jumped on the bandwagon.

As the Western Alliance becomes more and more cheerful, especially the Kangaroo Tribe: "The Longxia Tribe is too despicable. We strongly condemn it. They are blatantly trampling on the peace of the East Continent and are an extremely irresponsible empire." It’s an act of ism and even more hegemonism!”

Seeing that the Blue Star Fishing Forum was almost one-sided in condemnation, and even blatantly confused right and wrong to support the rebels on the island, the Long Xia Foreign Affairs Ministry finally stopped being silent and published a latest notice.

"Our military is warning the tribes of Blue Star."

"First, take care of the rebellious children in your own family. Tribes, please don't be nervous and don't interfere in my household affairs."

"Second, our Longxia tribe's armed forces are capable of repelling any invading enemies, so don't say it's unforeseen!"

"Third, we successfully test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile some time ago. We plan to conduct a second test-fire. Anyone who is willing to be a new target for the test can sign up. (Photo attached)"

At the end of the announcement, a very thoughtful photo of a fixed launcher for an intercontinental ballistic missile was attached.

This news was like a huge stone being thrown into the lake and setting off a huge wave. Many tribes immediately chose to remain silent.

With the example of the Donghuang Tribe out there, who dares to take the lead and let the Longxia Tribe really throw intercontinental ballistic missiles over their heads?

I thought about the loss of contact between the three tribes' combined naval fleet, and thought that the Great Chief was still in the Eastern Wilderness Tribe and the Longxia Tribe still dared to launch intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Ever since, the announcements were deleted one by one quietly.

Let's play, let's make trouble, don't joke with nuclear weapons, if the situation is not right, run away immediately!

The Qianfo Tribe and other tribes in the Dongzhou Sea area couldn't help but secretly rejoice. Fortunately, they didn't interfere with the Longxia Tribe's household affairs in a hot-headed way.

Suddenly, the noisy Blue Star immediately became quiet, and no one came forward.

Just when everything was going very smoothly for the beach landing, on the eastern sea.

The atmosphere in the main control room of the 10,000-ton cruiser, which was responsible for intercepting reinforcements within the sea boundary, instantly became tense.

"Report to Captain, the radar has detected 42 enemy aircraft, at an altitude of 11 to 13 kilometers, and a distance of 200 kilometers away."

"Report to captain, radar has detected 11 enemy aircraft at an altitude of 14km."

At this time, the radar monitor responsible for monitoring hurriedly reported the latest situation.

"The hidden enemy has finally taken action. This is the Eagle Tribe's fighter plane."

Guo Chengjun said very seriously, "Notify us and prepare to meet the enemy. We must not let them break through our sea boundary!"


The deputy captain immediately took the order.

With an order, the 10,000-ton cruise ship and the three nearby 052Ds quickly broke up the air defense formation.

The vertical manhole covers were opened one by one, and the anti-aircraft missiles had entered the stage of preparation, ready to deal a fatal blow to the enemy at any time.

Cao Youren, the leader of the battle group, soon learned the news.

He picked up the microphone and started mobilizing for battle with a serious expression.

"Comrades, the hidden enemy has taken action. They want to prevent us from sweeping away the rebels on the island and stop our historical process. Do you agree?"

Cao Youren's words were very provocative.


All the sailors on the ship said in unison.

"That's right, I won't agree either!"

"Because behind us are our comrades, our brothers, who are working hard to wipe out the rebels."

"They gave this side to us, then we will block the enemy from outside the sea boundary and provide them with a safe barrier!"

"Comrades, the enemy is coming, it's our turn!"

The mobilization was completed quickly. All the sailors on the ship were in great spirits and their morale was high. They were all like tigers coming out of their cages, howling!

After completing the mobilization, Cao Youren immediately exchanged views with Guo Chengjun through the internal communication of the battle group.

"Then we will intercept the enemy aircraft when it enters a range of 150 kilometers."

After some discussion, the battle group soon determined the attack distance.

They were already well prepared, waiting for the enemy to arrive.

The interception distance of the 10,000-ton large drive is very long, but if it needs to be coordinated with the 052D, the interception distance needs to be compressed by at least 50 kilometers, so as to realize the battle group's strengths and weaknesses and form a concentrated fire effect on the enemy!

Although the Guangfu is very powerful, its ammunition capacity is always limited.

If you want to intercept as many enemy planes as possible, you still need the assistance of the other three 052Ds!

On the border of the eastern sea area, the atmosphere of war suddenly became intense. The battle group headed by the 10,000-ton driver had already drawn up its posture and was ready to fight at any time.

Finally, the enemy plane entered within the 150-kilometer strike range.

In the control room of the 128th ship owner, the radar monitor reported: "Report to the captain, the enemy plane has entered the strike range."

Cao Youren took a deep breath and immediately ordered: "Fire!"

At the same time, the 10,000-ton cruiser and the three 052D warships responsible for intercepting opened fire collectively.

Accompanied by bursts of sonic booms, dozens of missiles rose from the ground, shot straight into the sky, and fired in the direction of the enemy plane's incoming attack.

On the other side, at an altitude of 10 to 13 kilometers, 42 enemy fighter jets formed several battle formations and rushed toward Longzhao Island at very fast speeds.

In a fighter formation, the flight commander of the East Wasteland tribe, First Class Air Marshal Hirata Ichiro, looked at the electronic map in the cockpit and was about to reach the sea boundary.

"Everyone, please pay attention. We are about to enter the eastern waters of the Longxia tribe. Be vigilant!"

"Before, when our unit was adjacent to the eastern waters, it was intercepted by ship-borne air defense missiles."

"Please be careful, please be careful, please be careful!"

He knew very well that the Longxia Navy would never sit idly by, because no tribe on the Blue Star would allow its territorial waters and airspace to be trampled on by other tribes at will!


The pilots of the East Wasteland Air Self-Defense Force responded enthusiastically.

At the beginning, the U-2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft was shot down in succession within the scope of the eastern waters. Although it has been a while, they still feel that it happened as if it happened yesterday, which brought them great pressure and they still haven't forgotten it!

For the friendly reminder of the East Wasteland Air Self-Defense Force, the pilots of the Eagle Tribe fighter formation laughed it off, or even disdained it at all.

In any case, they are all pilots of the Eagle Tribe, the top existences that can truly look down upon pilots from other tribes on Blue Star.

Whether it is flight time or high-intensity training, they are all top-notch on Blue Star.

The leading pilot Thomas sneered: "Are these people from the East Wilderness Air Self-Defense Force scared? Why are they so timid? Can the ship-borne anti-aircraft missiles of the Longxia Navy pose a threat to us? Isn't this a big joke?"

"Let them try to shoot one, don't they know how advanced our fighters are?"

"Even if I give it to them to shoot, they can't hit it."

In the communication channel of the fighter formation, all the pilots of the Eagle Tribe laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, it seems that the people of Donghuang have been traumatized by the Longxia Navy. Could it be that they have psychological barriers?"

"A bunch of cowards, they are all scared."

"See how we break through the border of the eastern sea area. We don't take the Longxia Navy seriously!"

The ridicule of the Eagle Tribe pilots did not make the pilots of the East Desert Air Force angry at all, because they had experienced actual combat, so they kindly reminded them.

"Everyone, you seem to have forgotten how the U-2 was shot down a few days ago?"

"The Longxia Navy is no longer what it used to be. I think everyone should take it easy. Maybe we have been targeted."

As soon as these remarks came out, the faces of the pilots of the Eagle Tribe suddenly changed.

U-2 is a high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft with a flight altitude of 23km. Being able to shoot down this kind of reconnaissance aircraft means that the Longxia Navy already has anti-aircraft missiles to destroy it.

The Eagle Tribe pilots, who had originally disdained it, became nervous at this moment.

"Sir, we need to be careful and not be careless."

"Yes, sir, we can't be careless. We have to pay attention to the anti-aircraft missiles of the Longxia Navy."

"We still need to be cautious at the moment."

Several pilots persuaded him, and Thomas immediately came to his senses and dared not be careless.

"This matter is my negligence! Everyone, be vigilant!" Thomas said immediately.


The pilots responded immediately.

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