I built an armada

Chapter 471: Looking forward to the landing of the royal army, destined to go down in history

"Who are you? Why are you lying in ambush here?"

The captain stared at the group of people in front of him with sharp eyes and asked directly.

They are now on Longzhua Island, which belongs to the rebels' territory. They must not be careless, otherwise they will really capsize in the ditch.

Although they believe that most of the ordinary people controlled by the rebels are good, the Donghuang tribe left at least 500,000 descendants here. With the development of time, these descendants may have multiplied to millions of people.

Therefore, they must be extra careful!

Those who are not of our race must have different hearts.

Dealing with the descendants of these Donghuang people, as long as they have any dissent, they must be killed without mercy!

"Sir, sir, don't shoot."

"We are locals of Longzhua Island. Our ancestors were from Liaocheng, Longxia tribe, and were captured here."

"We have no ill intentions, but we are waiting for you here."

Then several old men in their fifties and sixties started to talk about it. They were really crying.

It seems that they have been waiting for the king's army to land for a long time.

At this moment, the captain also recognized the faces of these people and was quite surprised, but after some communication, he basically concluded that these people had no ill intentions, which was a very good thing for them.

"Comrades, are you going in that direction?"

One of the old men probably guessed the direction of their movement and asked hurriedly.

"How did you know?"

The captain was quite surprised.

"We used to be soldiers."

The old man pointed at himself and said, "Then don't go there. The rebels have set up an ambush there. I will take you to take a shortcut."

The old men were very sincere, almost heartfelt.

The captain stared at the old men and hesitated for a moment, then waved his hand and the team members came out of the dark.

"Okay, let's talk while we walk."

It was related to the life and death of the entire action team, so the captain had to be extra cautious. Even if he believed that the words of these old men were true, he still remained a little vigilant.

Fortunately, along the way, the old men really led them to avoid one ambush after another.

Finally, they arrived at a relatively safe place.

"Old people, why do you want to help us?"

The captain spoke first, and gradually believed in the old people in front of him.

"Sir, we also want to go home."

One of the old men's eyes turned red, and his voice choked, "I was only 16 years old when I was conscripted, and now I am 70 years old. After retiring, I have always wanted to go back there, but I never had the chance."

"I also want to go home, and now I don't know which relatives are still at home. Over the years, I have seen my old parents in my dreams. Hey, we also want to return to our roots."

"Before, the superiors sent people to recruit us old guys to fight, and we were still wondering who we were fighting against? We didn't expect that your royal division would land."

"You came so well, we finally waited for this day, do you know? Many old soldiers like us are loyal to Longxia."

"Those who rebelled on the island are basically descendants of Donghuang people. They are determined to let Donghuang people rule our ancestral land. They are very hateful!"

When it comes to the emotional part, the turbid tears in the eyes of these old men flowed down, but their faces showed a helpless expression.

The old men knew very well that the descendants of the Donghuang people had already formed a climate on the island.

If there was no powerful force to kill them, there would be no way to completely eliminate the filth here, and the rebels on the island would become more and more vicious.

Hearing this, the captain was also quite moved, and hurriedly said: "Old men, please rest assured, this time we came to eliminate those rebels in one fell swoop! We will definitely take the actions that should be taken, and there will be no womanly mercy!"

Seeing that the old man wanted to say something, the captain continued to speak.

"Old man, we are disciplined and will never shoot at unarmed civilians, but we will never be soft-hearted to the rebels!"

Hearing this, several old men nodded and said: "That's good, that's good, you are indeed a benevolent and righteous army, and a mighty army that is invincible and unstoppable!"

Naturally, they were relieved and felt much more refreshed.

"By the way, we have some more information to tell you. We'll talk on the way."

The elders simply led the assault team forward, while exchanging important intelligence information with the captain.

The captain immediately told the other action teams about the situation, and notified the follow-up large forces, informing them of the details they had learned.

In fact, the captain knew very well that some intelligence was not mastered in advance. Now that these people on the island were willing to tell the elders of the Longxia tribe, it would be great.

Soon, the team members sent feedback.

The rest of the teams also encountered almost the same situation as them.

That is to say, there are many similar situations.

After summarizing various intelligence, each action team and large force continued to make temporary fine-tuning of the combat details to form a more complete combat plan.

The captain had no expression on his face, but his heart was full of turmoil. It turned out that their actions were the general trend!

These people are looking forward to the early arrival of the day when the king's army will conquer the Central Plains in the north!

The captain was more determined. Their actions would be very smooth. They would be able to sweep away all the rebels at the fastest speed and completely take down the island!

And all the rebels would be caught!

The teams advancing on the front also found that as the situation developed, they were advancing very smoothly.

They also found that the resistance they encountered was getting smaller and smaller.

Not only that, there were also many local elders and people who were loyal to Long Xia who would provide help to the best of their ability.

With the help of these veterans and the locals, the losses of the participating troops were greatly reduced!

This means that their actions are what the people want!

The situation of the various armies was gradually transmitted back to the headquarters. The leaders were silent at first, but soon everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that our actions are what the people want!"

At this time, Xue Shuai said with emotion.

The leaders nodded silently.

There was not only help from veterans on Longzhua Island, but also help from many ordinary people. They had expected it before, but they didn't expect so many people to help.

No matter what the reason was, at this moment, the veterans all missed home.

It was great that they were willing to help.

"This time we have to uproot the rebel forces and completely eliminate the stubborn forces of the island owner."

"We have to accomplish our goal in one fell swoop!"

Deng Zhenhua took a deep breath and said very seriously.

Just at this time, news came that the navy was fighting with the East Wasteland Air Force and the Eagle Tribe's garrison air force.

"Report to the chief, a part of our army has already fought with the Eagle Tribe, the East Wasteland Air Self-Defense Force fighters and bomber formations 150 kilometers from the eastern sea border!"

"Report, according to the feedback from Commander Cao, the two tribes have a large number of fighter planes coming to support."

At this time, the communicator came over anxiously and said very seriously.

"It seems that the Eagle Tribe and the East Wasteland Tribe are not going to be friendly with us."

Deng Zhenhua's face was very ugly, and he immediately said, "Huaming, it's up to you next."

"Okay, I will contact Xu Dongguo now and ask him to contact Zhou Qinglei immediately to transfer some warships to support Cao Youren!" Liu Huaming immediately expressed his position.

After that, Liu Huaming immediately contacted Xu Dongguo to operate.

The large force that crossed the sea to fight has achieved a successful beach landing, which means that the navy guarding the west and other closer directions can spare some forces to rush to the rescue.

The 052C battle group in the north has no way to attack the fighters that are too high, and those missiles are already outdated.

After this battle, they will return to the integrated military factory for upgrading and transformation.

Immediately, Xu Dongguo personally contacted Zhou Qinglei, the head of the northeastern battle group, who is also the commander-in-chief of the front line, and conveyed the order.

After receiving the order, Zhou Qinglei immediately led three 052Ds to the sea area where the two sides were fighting to provide support.

On the other hand, the news that the Longxia tribe attacked Longzhua Island and cleared out the rebels spread quickly, and the overseas Chinese from various tribes also received the relevant news, and they were all excited.

The Longxia tribe finally made up their minds to solve the unresolved issue for many years, making them happier than the New Year.

"Has everyone heard? Our tribe has finally sent troops to clear out the rebel forces. How can those guys on the island mess around this time?"

"For many years, we overseas Chinese have been looking forward to Longxia's early encirclement and suppression of the rebels. Now the fight has finally started. I am so happy."

"Damn, aren't the rebels arrogant all day long? Especially those stubborn elements of the island owner, this time they are finally going to be completely liquidated. It's really a great job."

"I just saw a lot of other tribes' foreign affairs departments issued warnings and condemnations. They are so stupid! If condemnation is useful, then what's the point of using fists? Now Longxia's fists are hard!"

"Fight! We must fight hard, and completely wipe out those rebels in one go, and drown them all in the toilet!"

Countless overseas Chinese were so excited that they couldn't sleep. What they had been looking forward to day and night was finally about to be realized. What a happy thing it was!

Those overseas Chinese who were still unaware also received reminders from their friends, and they were all very excited. They seemed to feel that their blood was awakened, and there was an inexplicable summoning force urging them to take action.

At the same time, Donghuang tribe, Kyoto.

After learning about the situation, the high-level officials of Donghuang tribe here were so anxious that they lost their appetite and sat still.

Originally, it was thought that the pressure from all tribes on Longxia tribe would work, but it was unexpected that Longxia tribe directly counter-threatened, directly frightening all the noisy tribes to shut up, and even many tribes quietly withdrew the condemnation announcement.

Obviously, those tribes did not want to be deterred by nuclear weapons like them.

"They are all fucking cowards. They were frightened and started to withdraw the condemnation notice!"

"How can they be so fearless? They are afraid of the Longxia tribe like they are afraid of a tiger. They are fucking bastards!"

"Hey, now we are isolated and helpless. They don't care that we are members of an alliance. It's really infuriating."

Many cabinet members cursed and condemned the so-called members of the Western Alliance.

They were very helpless.

"Bagaya road!"

The leader of the cabinet angrily cursed, "The Long Xia tribe is officially despicable and shameless, and they actually openly threatened to use nuclear weapons. They are such bastards!"

"What do we do now?"

A cabinet minister couldn't help but ask.

They know very well that once the Longxia Tribe finishes cleaning up the rebel forces on Longzhao Island, they will definitely take measures to settle the scores in the future. By then, our Donghuang Tribe will be in dire straits.

They were the ones who started this incident. Now that the tribes have retreated, they are suddenly exposed.

"Now we can only hope that the rebels on Dragon Claw Island can delay it for a while!"

"After our fighter group and the Eagle Tribe's aircraft carrier battle group arrive, we will see if we can turn the situation around."

"Yes, all we can do now is pray. It's all those damn Longxia tribe. They are so arrogant and arrogant that they threaten to use nuclear weapons at every turn!"

The cabinet members were in an extremely bad mood, but they were powerless to make any changes.

A tribe that cannot even retain military command is destined to be unable to stand in the middle of the Blue Star stage. They are just the castrated watchdogs of the Eagle Tribe.

As time goes by, the battle on the eastern sea border has entered a fever pitch.

The navy, led by Zhou Qinglei, had already arrived, but the second batch of air force support fighters from the two units had also arrived, and a fierce exchange of fire broke out, and the battle had entered a fever pitch.

On the high seas, the night was still as dark as ink.

But the light of the explosion illuminated half of the sky, which was extremely brilliant.

The air is filled with a thick smell of gunpowder smoke!

On the other side, after a long journey, tens of thousands of army elite steel warriors, led by locals, headed straight for the city lord's palace.

The march was very fast, without any stops on the way.

In the city lord's palace.

"Island Master, something bad has happened, the Longxia people are coming towards us!"

"They're very fast!"

At this moment, a communications soldier rushed in and reported anxiously.


As soon as this news came out, everyone was shocked.

The island owners were extremely shocked. No one expected that Long Xia's army would advance so fast, as if they were on a plane.

"What happened? Where is our resistance?"

The island owner quickly discovered the problem and stood up suddenly to ask.

"Report to the island owner, some people on our side have surrendered, some have defected, and many of them are serving as guides for Long Xia's army!"

The communications soldier opened the document, took a look at it, and hurriedly reported the situation.


Hearing this, the island owner fell down on his chair, his face full of despair!

The situation was progressing so fast that it completely exceeded their expectations.

They had previously imagined that the rebels would be as fearless as they were, capable of coexisting with Dragon Claw Island, and would even fight tooth and nail to protect this territory.

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