I built an armada

Chapter 478 The sword exists to protect the country, and the island entry ceremony is unprecedentedl

It can be said that there are many people and it is very lively.

"Everyone, I am really happy to see you here."

"I warmly welcome you to come to the ceremony."

As soon as he entered the reception hall, Xu Dongguo smiled and chatted with everyone.

Su Dingping was naturally acting as a temporary translator next to him. There was no language barrier for everyone to communicate, so they were naturally very enthusiastic.

Su Dingping, who was wearing a decent high-end suit and had a senior translator's nameplate on his chest, naturally did not attract the extra attention of these tribal representatives. He just smiled and nodded and greeted them friendly.

They naturally would not think that the Longxia Navy warship that set off a huge wave on the Blue Star was actually the work of this young hero in front of them.

"Everyone, it's getting late, please take your seats."

"Our victory celebration ceremony will begin soon."

After talking enthusiastically with everyone, Xu Dongguo directly made an invitation gesture.

Then, under the enthusiastic guidance of the staff, these tribal representatives took their seats in the guest seats on the viewing platform.

These platforms were naturally added extra. The previous design had redundancy to prevent such unexpected situations.

The victory celebration ceremony was getting closer and closer, and it would only take twenty minutes at most.

As time went by, countless Longxia people squatted in front of the TV. Even overseas Chinese and some immigrants began to pay attention to the live broadcast of this grand event.

At 5:18, the sky was just getting light, and the whole venue was silent!

Under the gaze of the crowd, the honor guard held the totem flag high, kicked the extremely sonorous and powerful goose step, and slowly walked to the position of the flagpole in the middle of the venue.

The honor guard fixed the totem flag on the flagpole, and everything was ready.

At 5:19.

With the entrance of the host, the celebration meeting was officially announced.

The excitement in front of the provincial government never stopped, and the content moved forward one by one, and the smiles on the faces of the people became brighter and brighter.

They have been waiting for this moment for too long. Finally, they can see the rebels being swept away in their lifetime. The place is restored to peace and prosperity. The loudspeakers are filled with extremely passionate tribal songs, as if the entire huge square is shaking.

Countless people are full of blood, countless eyes are filled with tears, and they are extremely moved.

At this moment, it seems that the heaven and earth are of the same force, and the upper and lower are of the same desire!

The air in the square is like a rainbow, and extremely fierce applause broke out. Many people's palms are red.

At this moment, the picture on the TV also looks extremely exciting, as if the heat wave is rolling, and the enthusiastic audience in front of the TV cheers. They seem to be on the scene, cheering and jumping with the masses.

At this moment, the entire Longxia tribe is boiling, and the people spontaneously run out to set off fireworks to celebrate.

Su Dingping, Xu Dongguo and others also looked at the totem flag, with great pride in their hearts!

At 5:20, the totem flag rose to the top of the flagpole, and the tribal song ended quietly.

Many people at the scene were already in tears.

After the first item was over, Representative Hu walked to the front of the stage and delivered a passionate speech.

Undoubtedly, this speech expressed the voices of countless Longxia people, who were looking forward to this moment coming soon.

And standing in front of this provincial government today is a historical necessity, and it is also the result of countless days and nights of struggle.

This day is destined to be recorded in the history books and become the eternal pride of Longxia people!

After Representative Hu's speech, dozens of cannons in the square fired.

Fireworks also shot a few big words in the air: "Celebrate the great victory!"

"Pah pah pah!"

For a while, fierce applause and cheers went straight to the sky.

The TV host excitedly faced the camera and told the story with emotion.

"Dear audience friends, after decades of struggle, we finally defeated the rebel forces today and cleaned up the place. We don't have to worry about it anymore, and we can also focus on promoting the great cause of national prosperity and people's strength!"

"Friends, we have a responsibility on our shoulders and need to work harder!"

"I believe that at this moment, every Longxia person, whether in their hometown or in a foreign country, will feel extremely proud of our Longxia tribe and proud of being Longxia people..."

"The people have faith! The country has strength! The nation has hope!"

At this moment, almost all the people in front of the TV cheered and jumped enthusiastically.

The sense of honor for the country and the national self-confidence reached its peak at this moment!

The existence of the rebel forces has always been a knot in the hearts of every Longxia person, and today the rebels were swept away in one fell swoop, completely untying this knot.

What kind of suffering can stop the progress of our Longxia tribe in the future?

Overseas Chinese from all over the Blue Star cheered and hung totem flags at the doorsteps of their homes, and even on their cars, to celebrate the complete annihilation of the rebels.

After watching the victory celebration ceremony, the immigrants felt extremely complicated.

They almost witnessed with their own eyes how the Longxia tribe went from being backward to dominating the East Continent Sea Circle, and then to sweeping away the rebel forces and completing its historical mission.

In their repeated doubts, they broke the norm with force and became a powerful tribe with a place in the international community.

They were filled with mixed feelings, extremely painful, and puzzled.

Why did we immigrate to other so-called developed tribes, hoping that the Longxia tribe would continue to lag behind, but suddenly it took off?

After joining the Blue Star Trade Alliance, the economy has developed rapidly, the military strength has steadily improved, and the navy has swept the entire East Continent Sea, resisting the huge pressure of the Eagle Tribe Navy.

Now even the rebel forces that they have high hopes for have been swept away. What else can the Longxia tribe not do in the future?

Why did you rise up when we left and hoped that you would not be good, and become an existence that we can't reach? Will it take a long time to surpass those developed tribes in our eyes?

Originally, they could also share this joy, but now they don't have that identity and confidence.

Now there is only envy!

Because the moment they gave up their identity as Longxia people, they became people of the country where they immigrated. If they went to the battlefield, they would be enemies!

Now there is a popular saying in the Longxia tribe: if someone speaks Longxia language on the opposite side of the battlefield, please do not be soft-hearted and resolutely shoot him, because he is a real demon more brutal than the enemy!

The immigrant circle, which has always been extremely lively, is now full of grief and sorrow. The helpless sighs are like ghosts, lingering and hitting everyone's heart.

In the mysterious nuclear weapons base in the northwest, after watching the victory celebration ceremony, Mr. Qian's heart was still surging and his expression was moved.

He came to the window, looked at the rising red sun, moved his lips, and whispered: "Old friends, did you see it?"

"This is the difference between having a sword but not using it and having no sword in hand. Without a sword, what can we use to protect this magnificent land?"

It is obvious that Mr. Qian's original decision was correct and great.

It is because of the nuclear weapons that the Longxia tribe has the confidence to stand proudly on the blue star!

The victory celebration ceremony ended, but the mission of the Longxia Navy did not end there. The participating ships returned to their respective home ports to rest, replenish weapons and ammunition, and maintain the status of the ships.

Everything was still busy, but the sailors were very excited.

The great cause was completed by them personally, and today these meritorious warships need to improve their status because there are important tasks waiting for them to do.

The second friendly visit of the Longxia Navy has been put on the agenda!

It's time to settle accounts!

After the ceremony, many tribal representatives set off.

After seeing off these guests, Xu Dongguo took Su Dingping on a special plane and flew directly to the naval base in the north.

With the assistance of many talents, the remaining enemies of the rebels were gradually cleared.

All the work was being pushed forward intensively, and soon the order was restored to this place that had been baptized by artillery fire.

Everyone's face was filled with an extremely bright smile, full of expectations for a new life.

For them, it is very worth looking forward to the restoration of life and the development in a better direction.

The speed was so fast that it refreshed the cognition of Blue Star and made the world see the power of Longxia again. It was no longer the Wuxia Amon of the past.

So many people in this place realized that the rebel armed forces had been completely swept away by the autumn wind after watching the live broadcast on TV and the news!

Moreover, they gradually discovered that many dark forces that were arrogant and domineering in the past were also quickly eliminated and included in the next step of public security crackdown, so that they dared not make trouble again.

The people's livelihood in this place gradually stabilized and continued to live an ordinary life.

Everything is moving in the right track and developing in a good direction.

Subsequently, tourism and visiting relatives channels were opened one after another, and various unreasonable checkpoints were eliminated one by one.

For a while, if you want to travel to the Longxia tribe in this place, you can set off immediately after buying a ticket. The main feature is freedom of coming and going, just as convenient as returning to your own hall from the door of your own home!

As for visiting relatives and friends.

A green channel was specially opened, and many plans were given.

If you want official help, no problem. If you want to find it yourself, it's all voluntary.

So many old veterans who are unable to move themselves choose official help, and soon they find their hometown with official assistance.

Soon they took a plane back to their long-lost hometown to visit their relatives.

At the same time, many people in the inland of Longxia bought air tickets and boat tickets, preparing to be the first batch of tourists to travel to this place.

With the prosperity of family visits and tourism on both sides, the exchanges between the two sides have become closer.

The sense of belonging of the people in this place is also increasing.

The Longxia tribe has achieved integrity, and the general trend is basically set. This cannot be changed by any force, and the national destiny is booming!

As busy as the airport and customs, there are also departments responsible for education in the capital.

In a hidden building, many professors and scholars gathered here.

Since the time of the victory celebration ceremony was determined, they received relevant instructions.

From the start of school in September, all Chinese, history and other textbooks used in universities, middle schools and primary schools need to be recompiled and new content added!

You know, the last time the textbook was recompiled was when the Donghuang tribe formally submitted a letter of surrender to the Longxia tribe. The entire text of that letter of surrender was included in the textbook without any changes.

Among them, the picture of Su Dingping confronting the chief of Donghuang was used as a model by countless students, inspiring countless students to strive for progress.

Today, sweeping the rebel forces, achieving control over this place, and celebrating the victory ceremony will be written into the textbooks and become a compulsory course for Longxia students.

In a short period of time, the textbooks have been compiled twice and new content has been added.

Those unimportant articles, such as Edison saving his mother, Hua cutting down cherry trees, Dongyang washing dishes seven or eight times, and other texts with obvious worship of foreigners were deleted from the textbooks.

It was replaced by the navy competing with the joint naval fleet of the three tribes, scaring away the chief, and fighting against the air force of the two tribes, as well as the army landing on the beach without fear of danger.

At any time, peace is not obtained by kneeling, and the rebel forces will not be automatically eliminated, and they need to be crushed by thunder and lightning.

It is to let the students truly understand from multiple angles that the integrity and rejuvenation of the Longxia tribe have never come by kneeling, but by generations of hard work and bloody struggle.

There is no such thing as a free lunch. Only when you are strong can you make the enemy dare not have any dissent!

Only then will the hostile forces be afraid and despair!

The long-term suffering history of the Longxia tribe has made more knowledgeable people hide their identities and dedicate their lives to the military industry. Their spirit is worth remembering by the world.

And those who contribute to the development of the Longxia tribe should be respected by the world, rather than being slandered by the public.

Many prosperous activities are being carried out in full swing, and they are really in full swing.

On the other side, Su Dingping and Xu Dongguo returned to the northern naval base.

As soon as the two arrived, they had no time to rest, and an internal meeting of the navy's senior management was held in the afternoon.

Liu Huaming, sitting in the chief position, glanced at everyone, and his eyes finally fell on Qian Wenbing.

"Dingping, your suggestion to publicly auction the Gabet aircraft carrier was really very good."

"We originally estimated that the price of this ship might be lower than the one seized from the East Desert Sea Self-Defense Force, but we didn't expect it to be sold directly for $4 billion. Previously, it was sold for $3.7 billion with the attached fleet."

"I have to say that we made a lot more money from this auction."

After Qian Wenbing understood, he smiled and looked at Su Dingping not far away, praising him without hesitation.

"What I didn't expect was that the Shayi tribe was willing to spend $4 billion to bid for the Gabet aircraft carrier."

"We made a lot of money this time."

Liu Huaming was also very happy, which also meant that the navy's wallet was bulging again.

"Dingping, now our navy has more than 4 billion US dollars in hand. His subsequent research work should not be short of funds in the short term, right?"

"To be honest, the military expenditure of hundreds of billions before has been reduced to so little. After learning the cost of a 10,000-ton destroyer, the originally wealthy navy has suddenly become poor. I am panicking."

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