I built an armada

Chapter 489: It is useless to bring a lawsuit to the alliance. This is strength.

"We do not plan to conflict with the Longxia tribe for the time being."

"That's it."

The chief waved his hand and dismissed the intelligence personnel.

A storm goes as quickly as it comes.

The next morning.

At the headquarters building of the Blue Star Alliance of the Eagle Tribe in New City, the flags of each tribe fluttered in the wind on the square.

Representatives from various tribes gathered in the huge conference hall.

Compared with the nervousness and anxiety last time, Josh, the representative of the Longxia tribe, felt relaxed this time and no longer needed to worry about the safety of his fleet.

Many tribes in the Dongzhou sea area have been 'fighted' to become unified, and the Longxia tribe can develop stably for a while.

After getting off the car, he walked from the entrance of the headquarters into the inner hall. From time to time, many tribe representatives took the initiative to greet him in a friendly way. He was in a good mood and seemed very relaxed.

Last time, he didn't get such treatment. It was all thanks to the great reputation built by the navy, which gave him great support.

When the representative of the Eastern Wasteland Tribe, Yukio Kojima, passed by him, his face was gloomy the whole time, and he glanced at him with cold eyes, but he didn't care at all, wasn't he just talking?

Facing the representatives of the Eastern Wasteland tribe, he had never been afraid of anyone.

At nine o'clock in the morning, all the representatives in the conference hall had arrived, and the Secretary-General announced the official start of the meeting.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yukio Kojima was the first to stand up and shouted loudly: "President, my tribe has a huge grievance, and we must redress it."

Seeing the representatives of the Donghuang tribe standing up, the other tribe representatives smiled and said nothing. They all knew what was going on, and they were just watching the show at this moment.

Karl, the representative of the Eagle Tribe, narrowed his eyes slightly and asked in an unhappy tone: "What grievances do you have?"

"President, the Long Xia Navy broke into our tribe's waters early yesterday morning without authorization and shelled our tribe... causing immeasurable huge losses to our tribe. Their behavior was extremely bad and violated the rights of our tribe. !”

"The behavior of the Longxia tribe violates the rules of the alliance. I implore the president to impose sanctions on the Longxia tribe!"

Karl said meaningfully: "Besides you, are there any other victims?"

"President, yes!"

Yukio Kojima was very excited and immediately pointed to the tribes, "They are the Felu tribe, the Nigang tribe, and the Thousand Buddha tribe. By the way, there are also the White Elephant tribe and the Iron Monkey tribe."

"Like us, they also encountered bullying from Long Xia's navy!"

The representatives of the three tribes, the Nihan tribe, the Philippine tribe, and the Qianfo tribe, were still eating melons and snickering. Suddenly, the melons landed on their heads.

Damn it.

This is to attract hatred.

The representatives of the three tribes immediately panicked and hurriedly expressed their stance loudly.

"President, Yukio Kojima is talking nonsense!"

"Yes, President, he is slandering!"

"Yukio Kojima, stop talking nonsense here!"

The representatives of the three tribes were so anxious that their faces turned pale, and they even scolded Yukio Kojima bloody in their hearts.

Well, Yukio Kojima, we didn’t provoke you, so why are you so desperate to drag us into the water?

We finally reached a friendly agreement with the Longxia tribe, how could we be harmed by you, a bastard?

Daotian swore that they were just here to watch a show and never thought of bringing the flames of war to him.

They were also afraid. The Longxia tribe was attacking the Donghuang tribe at night.

You must know that there is a garrison of the Eagle Tribe on the Eastern Wilderness Tribe, and the Longxia Navy dares to do this. What else do they not dare to do?

None of the three tribes have troops from the Eagle Tribe. If the Longxia Tribe is offended and the Longxia Navy Fleet suddenly comes over, they really won’t be able to withstand it!

Ask the Eagle Tribe for help?

There have been precedents before, and people who asked for help simply ignored him.

The representative of the Philippine tribe stood up again with great anxiety and said: "President, and all the vice-presidents, what Yukio Kojima said is completely true."

"Yes, we have a very good relationship with the Longxia tribe."

The representative of the Qianfo tribe quickly took over the conversation and said, "We and the Longxia Navy are completely engaged in very friendly exchanges and cooperation, and there is no unpleasantness."

"Both of us are committed to maintaining peace and stability in Dongzhou waters, and we also need to cooperate in the fight against piracy."

The representative of the Nigang tribe also said: "I don't know what purpose Yukio Kojima, the representative of the Donghuang tribe, has to sow discord between us and the Longxia tribe. Let me ask, Yukio Kojima, what do you want to do? ?”

Seeing that the three tribes were rushing to prove their innocence one after another, and even quarreled with the representatives of the Donghuang tribe, the representatives of the other tribes knew it all.

Obviously, these three tribes must have had some unpleasant encounters with the Long Xia Navy.

But the Three Tribes and the Longxia Tribe didn't mention anything, so they naturally just took it as a show, since the matter was none of their business anyway.

They will not stand up to help the Eastern Wilderness tribe.

The Longxia tribe is completely different from the past. There will be a corresponding price to pay for randomly siding with one another, and the consequences will be very serious!

Seeing the representatives of the three tribes stand up with great anger, and all pointing their fingers at him, Kojima Yukio was suddenly shocked.

Obviously everyone is a victim, why did you all choose to remain silent and help the Longxia tribe deal with me?

Don’t you all want justice?

Xiaodao Yukio pointed at the representatives of the three tribes and was so angry that he couldn't speak for a while: "You..."

Carl, the representative of the Eagle Tribe, had received instructions that he could not have unnecessary conflicts with the Longxia Tribe before the affairs of the central region were completely resolved.

The theme of this Blue Star Alliance meeting was to deal with the Keyi Tribe's occupation of the Kewei Tribe.

I never thought that the Donghuang Tribe would jump out at the beginning.

Originally, Carl thought that since Xiaodao Yukio was crying out for injustice, it would be nice for him to disgust the Longxia Tribe a little bit.

Who would have thought that the three tribes including the Philippine Tribe were more anxious than one to distance themselves from the matter, which made him helpless.

His plan fell through. Carl glanced at the Longxia representative Qiao Xi and found that the other party was sitting there with a normal expression, as if this matter had nothing to do with him, and immediately extinguished the idea of ​​watching the show.

"Representative Yukio Kojima, it seems that your information is wrong. Do you know that this is slander?"

Carl looked at the representative of the Donghuang tribe not far away and said expressionlessly.

Yukio Kojima was immediately anxious: "No, it's not like that. President, they clearly..."

"That's enough!"

Before the other party finished speaking, the representative of the Philippine tribe stood up and scolded, "Yukio Kojima, I have no grudges against you in the past life or the future life, why are you forcibly dragging us into the water?"

"I remind you again that your grievances with the Longxia tribe have nothing to do with my tribe!"

The representative of the Qianfo tribe also scolded: "Yukio Kojima, you old man, shut up!"

"Don't bring everything to our Qianfo tribe! We have a very good relationship with the Longxia tribe. If you slander my tribe again, be careful that I will beat you up!"

After that, he raised his fist and pretended to rush over to beat Yukio Kojima up.

Representative of the Niying tribe: "Xiaodao Yukio, you bastard. Don't drag our Niying tribe into everything. We have a better relationship with Longxia than you do!"

This scene made Xiaodao Yukio completely confused!

After thinking for a while, he realized that these three tribes had been frightened by the Longxia tribe and had completely given in.

The next second, he set his sights on the representatives of the White Elephant Tribe and the Iron Monkey Tribe.

"As far as I know, the White Elephant Tribe and the Iron Monkey Tribe..."

As soon as these two tribes were mentioned, the representatives of the two tribes hurriedly stood up.

Representative of the White Elephant Tribe: "I, the representative of the White Elephant Tribe, protest to the representative of the East Wilderness Tribe!"

"Kojima Yukio is just talking nonsense, we don't agree! We have reason to believe that Mr. Kojima Yukio is talking nonsense at the moment, and he is no longer suitable to stay here."

The representative of the Iron Monkey Tribe also said: "We are extremely dissatisfied with Kojima Yukio's remarks, and his mental state is no longer suitable for participating in the next alliance meeting."

Fuck, direct personal attack.

Kojima Yukio was so angry that he almost spit out a mouthful of blood. Even though he was sitting there, his body trembled.

I helped you speak up again, but you didn't say thank you, and you criticized me verbally.

Are you all crazy?

You don't know the kindness of Lu Dongbin?

We unite together to attack the Longxia Tribe and make the Longxia Tribe pay compensation. Isn't it good?

Why do you unite to attack me?

What did I do wrong?

"Second the motion!"

The representative of the Thousand Buddha Tribe said loudly immediately.

"We second the motion."

"I second it."

Then representatives from the Niying and Philippine tribes also stood up one after another.

Just at this time, the representative of the Laxi tribe also spoke up: "I second it too!"

The representative of the Tesha tribe immediately said: "I second it too."

As the representatives of these two tribes stood up one after another, a wave of waves suddenly arose, and representatives of the Shayi tribe and other tribes stood up one after another to express their agreement.

The representative of the Donghuang tribe, Yukio Kojima, was immediately anxious.

The sound of "seconding" was like a bullet, hitting his head, and his mind went blank, and his face was full of helplessness.

He looked at these people with great grief and anger, as if he was possessed by evil spirits, and his body trembled violently.

Why is this happening?

It is obvious that our Donghuang tribe is the biggest victim. We were bombarded and suffered heavy losses!

Why do you have to help the Longxia tribe, a powerful country, to speak?

You are helping the evil and being accomplices to the tiger, do you know?


At this time, Yukio Kojima thought of the representative of the Eagle Tribe and begged sadly, "You must make a decision for my Donghuan Tribe."

At this moment, he thought of the previous instructions of the cabinet leader. If it weren't for the wrong occasion, he really wanted to kneel directly in front of Carl.

Finally, at this time, Qiao Xi, the representative of Longxia, who had been sitting there leisurely like an outsider, finally spoke.

"Mr. Carl, I fully agree with the judgment of the representatives of the White Elephant Tribe and others. I also think that Mr. Yukio Kojima's mental state is not right and he has been too stimulated."

"I propose that in the spirit of humanitarianism, we should rescue him immediately."

"If we continue, it may affect the agenda of the next meeting."

Obviously, he was pointing at the representative of the Eagle Tribe. As a representative of the Longxia Tribe, he also has certain privileges as the vice president.

Hearing this, Carl was obviously stunned.

After that, regardless of whether Carl would agree or not, Qiao Xi looked at the other vice presidents, "What do you think?"

The representative of the White Bear Tribe was the first to stand up and said, "I support the proposal of the Longxia representative!"

With the White Bear Tribe representative speaking, the other two vice presidents also expressed, "We support it too!"

Having already brought humanitarian care to the table, and seeing Kojima Yukio being so hysterical, the remaining three vice presidents naturally nodded in support.

Seeing that the four vice presidents said so, the other tribal representatives expressed their support.

The Eagle Tribe representative Carl immediately showed a bad look on his face.

He suddenly realized that he didn't know when the vice president, that is, the Longxia tribe, who had never had a sense of existence, suddenly had such a great influence.

He immediately realized that the situation was not good.

Kojima Yukio looked at Carl nervously: "President..."

If he was forcibly driven out under such circumstances, then this face would be even more lost.

Although the Donghuang tribe is the castrated watchdog of the Eagle tribe, he also wants to keep the other party, but the situation is already determined and it is on the side of the Longxia tribe.

Moreover, the subsequent topics still need the consent of the Longxia tribe, so now he may stand on the side of the Donghuang tribe.

The oil in the central region is the lifeline of the tribes. They want to achieve control over this area and have garrisons in this area.

In comparison, the things in the Dongzhou sea area have become less important and can be put aside for the time being.

After taking a deep breath, Carl said expressionlessly: "Kojima Yukio, in view of your poor mental state, in the spirit of humanitarian concern, we temporarily cancel your qualification to attend the meeting."

"You go to the medical rescue team for treatment, and come back next time after the treatment."

After that, he waved at Kojima Yukio, indicating that he could leave.

Kojima Yukio was directly blinded by the dry, and looked at Carl not far away with an unbelievable face.


He was actually driven out in front of so many people. This was a great humiliation, and it was also a shameful moment for the East Wilderness Tribe.


Xiaodao Yukio still wanted to struggle.

"Get out!"

Karl's face turned cold and he scolded.

Xiaodao Yukio, who was stunned on the spot, cast a pleading look at the other tribal representatives, wanting them to help speak.

However, these tribal representatives avoided his gaze.

The consequences of violating the resolution of the Blue Star Alliance last time were very painful, and he remembered it vividly. This time, no matter how unwilling he was, he dared not disobey.


After a long sigh of despair, Xiaodao Yukio took extremely difficult steps and walked out of the conference hall step by step, like a dog that had lost its home.

As soon as he walked out, the door of the conference hall was closed. His back looked so lonely, but no one sympathized with him or pitied him.

Because this is reality, everything is based on strength.

Shouting without strength is just a pitiful groan.

He hadn't walked far when the assistant who had accompanied him saw him and hurriedly caught up with him and subconsciously asked, "Is the meeting over?"

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