I built an armada

Chapter 494 Unprecedented, Su Dingping received the highest honor

"Oh, Chief Deng said it a few days ago."

Su Dingping didn't have any surprises, and even didn't care much.

"President Su, I heard that I also have a share, and all the staff in our integrated military factory have a share."

The news revealed by Wan Long made Su Dingping look slightly sideways.

He realized a problem. This time the commendation was not limited to a small area, but a large-scale and serious one.

"Why did the commotion become so big this time?"

Su Dingping was quite surprised and couldn't help but ask.

Wan Long shook his head slightly and said: "I also got the news from Colonel Zhang Zhaoxin. I don't know the specific reason, but the chief said that we should go there tomorrow night."

"Okay, I understand this."

Su Dingping nodded and continued to devote himself to his research work without thinking too much.

He picked up a book with the title "J57 Turbojet Engine of Air Force Classic Aviation Engine Series" and sat there and read it carefully.

Speaking of the J57 turbojet engine, it is the first dual-rotor aeroengine on Blue Star and the first engine with a thrust of more than 4.535 tons. The structure inside is very classic and deserves in-depth study.

For Su Dingping, once his research reaches a certain level, he will never leave his roots.

But Wan Long on the side was about to turn around and leave, but when he turned around, he saw the bold title on the cover, and his face suddenly showed surprise.

"President Su, are we taking over the mission from the Air Force?" Wan Long asked.

Su Dingping asked casually without raising his head: "Air Force? What is the mission of the Air Force?"

"What is this, Mr. Su?"

Wan Long hurriedly came over and pointed at the large book in Su Dingping's hand.

"You're talking about this book."

Su Dingping smiled casually and said, "Then do you remember those U-2 high-altitude reconnaissance planes we shot down before?"

"Of course I remember."

Wan Long reacted as soon as he finished speaking. He seemed to have thought of something, and was shocked and said, "Could it be that Mr. Su..."

Su Dingping smiled and waved his hand and said: "It's not as exaggerated as you think. I just happened to have some ideas, so I came to find some information and take a look."

After walking out of the laboratory, Wan Long's heart was still surging.

Although Su Dingping didn't say much, he was too sensible to ask any more questions. He still knew the basic disciplines, but he knew that when Su Dingping said he started to look for information, it meant that he was going to take action, and he was very worried. Shocking.

That was the U Lao 2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft. Although it was not the top reconnaissance aircraft of the Eagle Tribe, it was still ranked among the top three. It brought great pressure to the various tribes on Blue Star.

I didn't expect that such an advanced reconnaissance aircraft would be...

After walking out of the institute building, Wan Long felt inexplicably proud.

"Mr. Su is really not an ordinary person. Even an Air Force reconnaissance plane can handle it."

Then, a look of excitement appeared on his face, "When we have advanced reconnaissance aircraft like U Lao 2 in the future, we will also be able to conduct reconnaissance in the enemy's airspace, and the enemy will not be able to find or attack it. ”

"Hahaha, just thinking about it makes me excited."

At the end of the sentence, Wan Long couldn't help but reveal a bright and proud smile.

In the laboratory, Su Dingping continued to look at the information in his hand, put it down, and picked up another piece of information "Research on the Status of J5I Turbojet Engine in Wind Tunnel Test" and flipped through several pages in succession, put it down again, and picked up another piece of information. I read the book "Resonance on the J5I Turbojet Engine Test Bench" carefully again.

He reads books very quickly, but his efficiency is extremely high. This is not just a quick glance at the book, but a selective absorption of useful content.

After reading several books in a row, Su Dingping let out a long sigh of relief.

Immediately, he turned his attention to the forging space of the Military Industrial Illustration and looked at the various data that appeared on the virtual panel of this engine.

There has been considerable progress in the analysis progress data of the U-2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft.

"The third generation reconnaissance aircraft - U Lao 2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft. Completeness (15%) Note: Upgrade is not available yet!"

"Full version of hydraulic control resistance technology (analysis progress 99%, analysis time 2 days); full version of synthetic aperture radar technology (analysis progress 99%, analysis time 1 day); J57 turbojet engine technology complete version (analysis progress 95%, analysis time 1 day) Analysis time: 10 days); full version of high-resolution photography and multispectral analysis combined system technology (analysis progress 100%).”

"The complete version of interference metal foil technology (analysis progress 100%); the complete version of new aviation fuel technology analysis (analysis progress 98%, analysis time 11 days); the complete version of high-altitude pressurized suit technology (analysis progress 100%); high-altitude electronics Complete version of investigation technology (analysis progress 100%)..."

After so many days of hard work, most of the core key technologies have been successfully analyzed, which means that as long as he wants to build a U Lao 2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, he only needs to wait patiently for 12 days at most.

However, he was not very interested in replicating this high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft. Instead, he wanted to obtain sufficient technical reserves. He was familiar with many fields, so the research was naturally quite smooth.

That's why he was able to make such rapid progress in such a short period of time, which can be said to be surprisingly smooth.

"It seems that many core technologies are progressing very smoothly."

Su Dingping had a relaxed smile on his face, muttering to himself, "Upgrading to the next generation of reconnaissance aircraft is still too challenging for the current military industry system."

"Whether it is new technology or various high-precision production equipment, none of them can keep up. Currently, it is only suitable for the production of naval warships."

"If we want to produce carrier-based aircraft, the integrated military factory must be upgraded at least twice, and the scale needs to be expanded."

Thinking of the expansion of scale, Su Dingping fell into deep thought.

"Forget it, let's do it for now. It's enough to have a third-generation reconnaissance aircraft. After catching up in all aspects, we will promote the next generation."

Su Dingping pondered for a moment and made a decision. At present, he still focused on the construction of naval equipment and took defense as the main purpose.

Then he realized that the integrated military factory urgently needed to be upgraded and expanded again.

After the suppression of the rebels last month, he discussed with Xue Shuai that it would not be a simple matter to include the production of the military industry system of the navy, army and air force, and it would definitely be a drastic construction.

It will be a huge expense at that time, so we must be very careful.

Moreover, the development of the space field is relatively slow, so Su Dingping directly classified it into the air force system.

In this way, he needs to study the time and opportunity of expansion in depth.

It is absolutely not possible to expand for the sake of expansion, which will lead to the loss of the main business and slow down the development of naval equipment. That would be more harm than good.

Two days later, Su Dingping, accompanied by Wan Long, boarded a special plane directly to the naval headquarters base.

After them, the military experts from the Yitinghua military factory also took the plane to set off.

Of course, the integrated military factory still left the duty personnel, and those military production tasks must not be stopped at any time.

Not only can it not be stopped, but it must be built quickly.

The navy owes too much debt, and it needs to make up for it quickly, and it must not slow down at all.

After all, imperialism is determined to destroy us!

Beijing, naval headquarters military base, conference hall.

Su Dingping sat with a group of leaders. Although he did not have such a high military rank, in the eyes of Liu Huaming and others, his status was no less than that of these big guys.

It can be said that it was because of Su Dingping's existence that they became more and more confident, and the navy was no longer afraid of any challenge from any opponent in the Dongzhou Sea.

"Many of our naval officers and commanders have received invitations to this three-service commendation meeting."

Liu Huaming was obviously very happy, his face flushed.

He was very emotional in his heart. In the past, at such a major commendation meeting, the navy envied the army and the air force, and was always responsible for applauding.

Now, the total number of people invited by the navy includes collective commendations of the troops. Although it is still not as good as the army, it is slightly higher than the army in terms of individual heavyweight commendations.

If it were not for the last campaign to eliminate the rebel armed forces, the number of people who made meritorious contributions in the army would probably be the army and the air force envious of the navy this time.

"Dingping, you will attend the event with me."

Then, Liu Huaming turned to Su Dingping who was sitting next to him and said.

"Yes, Chief!"

Su Dingping accepted the order happily.

This was in line with his wishes. It was better to follow Liu Huaming than to wander around alone without knowing what to do.

At the same time, the army and the air force were also preparing intensively.

The next morning, the commendation meeting of the Beijing Military Region officially began.

All the invited people gathered here.

A huge banner was hung in the auditorium of the Beijing Military Region.

"The Commendation and Awarding Ceremony of the Three Armies."

On the high platform, Xue Shuai sat in the middle position, and on the left and right sat senior commanders from the three armed forces, including two from the army, one each from the navy and the air force.

The entire high platform was decorated in an extremely solemn manner, which set off the atmosphere here to the climax.

In the first row below, the leaders of the three armed forces, Xu Dongguo, Qian Wenbing, Xiao Chongjun, and Su Dingping, etc., were sitting among them.

As for the back, all the officers and soldiers of the three armed forces who were about to be commended sat in line in different areas, very neat and solemn.

Among them, nearly half were majors and above, and the other part were representatives sent by various departments.

Among them were naval soldiers from the integrated military factory.

There were hundreds of people in total, filling up this small auditorium.

"Everyone stand up!"

Seeing that the time was almost up, Xue Shuai stood up and announced directly, "The commendation meeting of the three armed forces is now officially started!"

This meeting was presided over by him personally, and both the specifications and levels were very high.

As soon as the voice fell, the auditorium played an exciting tribal song.

After it ended, everyone sat down again.

"Comrade Hua Ming, your navy will be the first to come this time."

"You played a great role in the last operation to eliminate the rebels."

Xue Shuai turned his head and glanced at Liu Huaming beside him, raising his hand to signal.

"Yes, Commander Xue!"

Liu Huaming immediately accepted the order, then spread out the folder in his hand and took a look, and said loudly, "All officers and soldiers of the navy, please stand up!"

Xu Dongguo and other people from the navy all stood up in unison.

"After unified review by the three armed forces, approved by Marshal Xue, Wan Long and Ma Tianxiao are awarded the rank of colonel! With the treatment of a regular brigade officer... and are awarded a first-class collective merit!"

"Award Zhou Qinglei and Cao Youren... the rank of senior colonel, with..."


All the sailors who participated in several naval battles were either promoted in rank, or in military treatment, or received military merit.

And people like Zhang Zhaoxin, although their ranks were not promoted, their military treatment was improved, directly to the level of a regular division.

With the awarding of ranks by the navy, the promotion ceremony ended, and the army and the air force were next.

More than an hour later, the commendation meeting of the three armed forces came to an end.

Marshal Xue immediately announced that all the personnel could leave.

Su Dingping naturally got up and left, but was stopped by Xu Dongguo.

"Isn't it over?"

Su Dingping was quite surprised, he wanted to go back to work.

"No, the chief has other activities, you must participate."

Xu Dongguo said with a serious face.

Su Dingping had no choice but to stay.

Not long after, only several important leaders of the three armed forces were left in the auditorium. There were real generals, and they were top-level ones. Su Dingping was the only colonel left.

At this time, several guards came out, took down the banner, and replaced it with a new one.

Su Dingping couldn't help but look up and was stunned.

"Comrade Su Dingping's promotion ceremony to the rank of colonel!"

Oh my god, this is too big, right?

Next, he will be awarded a rank for himself, and it's such a high-level military leader?

This treatment is a bit scary.

If he hadn't seen a big scene, he would still be calm.

If it were an ordinary person, I'm afraid his legs would be weak.

"Chief, this..."

Su Dingping wanted to back out.

"Don't worry, this is what you deserve. I told you at the beginning that you would have such a day."

Xu Dongguo patted Su Dingping's shoulder gently and said earnestly.

He remembered very clearly that the last time Su Dingping was awarded a title, it was very shabby and not worthy of his status at all.

"Due to your special situation, we must hold a separate commendation meeting for you."

"Don't mind this. This is also the case for strategic-level scientists like Mr. Qian."

"We will be witnesses together."

Liu Huaming, who came over, immediately added, looking very kind.

Soon the venue was rearranged, and it was still very solemn.

Xue Shuai personally opened the folder very solemnly and announced: "Comrade Su Dingping, stand up!"

Su Dingping stood up immediately, his body straight and his eyes sparkling.

"Dear Comrade Su Dingping, Comrade Su Dingping's major scientific research achievements have brought unprecedented revolutionary technological changes to the navy."

"The Military Council has unanimously decided to grant Comrade Su Dingping the rank of Navy Colonel, the treatment of a full division commander, and three first-class merits... and the highest scientific and technological progress award!"

After the words fell, the honor guard members came over with medals and certificates of honor and military ranks, and stopped in front of the totem flag. Everything was so solemn and solemn!

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