Huan Zheng looked at this group of people with tears and laughter, almost fighting for the divine machine crossbow, and waved their hands to make them stop: "Don't fight, the transfer of the divine machine crossbow naturally has a good idea, and the divine machine crossbow has already hoarded more than 30,000 pieces, and at least three thousand can be produced every day, and everyone will have a share by then." "

"However, the Shadow Secret Guard and Black Ice Sky have made a lot of merits for Daqin, and the widow will allocate a hundred divine crossbows to you alone. "

The guard captain looked at Ying Zheng pitifully: "Great King, the guards of the palace city are your personal army, you can't favor one over the other." "

"Go get a hundred too." "

Zhang Wei and Beiyugong still wanted to make more points, but Huan Zheng directly interrupted their thoughts: "There are only a hundred at most, and the divine machine crossbow is to be applied on the frontal battlefield." "

"Public revenge, you continue. "

Gong Yingqiu nodded and took out a pair of armor forged in one piece from the box, and said to the ministers: "This is the Shenwu armor named by the great king, if the divine machine crossbow is the strongest spear, this is the strongest shield." "

Everyone was a little interested, just a pair of armor, what was strange.

"The Shenwu armor is cast in one piece, and it can be wrapped from the ankle to the skull, and there is no point. "

"After many tests, if a warrior below the ninth rank, including the ninth rank, is armed with a sharp weapon, he will not be able to injure the person in the divine armor within ten moves. "

"And the martial artists below the seventh rank, including the seventh rank, even if they hold a blunt weapon, they can't hurt the people in the Shenwu armor, unless there is a congenital master True Qi who can leave the body to hurt the people inside. "

The eyes of the military attachés immediately changed, and the eyes of the gods and armor were like dogs seeing bones, wolves seeing flesh and blood, it was naked longing.

General Liu stared at the Shenwu armor deadly, and whispered in a voice that only he could hear: "The armor handed down by my family is a piece of compared to this armor." "

Meng Wu was the first to speak up: "Great King, how many pairs of Shenwu armor can produce every day?

Ying Zheng said lightly: "I have already hoarded 60,000, and I can produce 4,000 pairs a day." "

Meng Wu was silent for a moment, and began to mourn for the other six countries, Daqin now has the strongest spear, the strongest shield, which country can block it?

At this time, the public revenge spoke up again: "Colleagues, please look at the third artifact of the Divine Mechanic, the crossbow that breaks the city." "

Gong Lost Revenge said, the two palace guards have moved the broken city crossbow in: "The broken city crossbow has been applied in the war with the Xiongnu army, the effect is very good, these days, the divine machine division has improved the divine crossbow, the range has reached three thousand meters, the general city gate, the broken crossbow can shoot through." "

Huan Zheng nodded slightly, and looked at Meng Xiao: "Qiao, now there are 800,000 soldiers in Daqin, you are in the army, you should know very well how they train? "

Meng Xiao replied: "Great King, excluding the 300,000 troops recruited later, the 100,000,000 and 500,000 troops because of the exercises given by the Great King, plus unlimited meat and food resources, the lowest strength is now equivalent to a fourth-grade martial artist, and the qualified ones have reached the realm of the sixth or even the upper third grade. "

Huan Zheng slowly stood up, - Zheng Xu swayed gently, his voice was impassioned, and it shook in the Qilin Hall, and it seemed to condense behind him into an emperor void. Standing in the Qilin Hall, it was palpitating and convincing: "The army of Daqin is stronger than ever, now, is there anyone who opposes the war?"


Only fools are against it!

More than fifty grandmasters!

Magic machine crossbow!

Shenwu Armor!

Break the crossbow!

They are all big killing weapons, it is impossible to have a killing weapon, and Daqin has four!

500,000 troops, each of which is the standard of elite soldiers of other countries!

Even if the six countries together do not have 200,000 elite soldiers of this standard.

Where is this still war?

It's bullying.

Even those civil servants also felt their scalps tingle,

"Who dares to object!"

The civil and military officials in the hall turned into evil wolves one after another, a pair of wolf-like eyes shot around, whoever dared to speak out against it, without the need to speak up, would be violently beaten by them.

"Since no one opposes, it is best for me to work together from top to bottom. "

Ying Zheng slowly sat down: "The matter discussed in the Qilin Hall today is confidential, and the Qilin Hall is rotten in the stomach, the monarch is a monarch, and the widow does not want to see you in prison in the end." "

Ying Zheng's voice was flat, and everyone was cold in their hearts, and they vowed in their hearts to keep their lips shut.

"Wei Yanzi, you are the prime minister of Daqin, and you need to worry more about things after that, after all, it is impossible for the army to suppress it all the time after attacking the city, and it is necessary for Daqin to deploy officials to rule other countries, and at the same time, people need to pacify the people. "

"There are also ministries, obey the dispatch of the prime minister, how much grain and grass are needed, how many soldiers and horses are needed to defend a city, how many officials are needed, how to pacify the people, you need to take a charter in advance, and when the charter is ready, it is only when Daqin starts a war." "

"The minister understands!" Wei Yanzi bowed slightly.


"Casting the Holy Court..."

Ying Zheng sat down, and the mystery of the "Casting Holy Court" flowed in his mind.

The general Yun Dynasty needs to upgrade the Yun Dynasty step by step, and the luck of the Yun Dynasty reaches a certain degree in order to upgrade to the Imperial Dynasty, Imperial Dynasty, Celestial Dynasty...

This is an extremely long process that takes tens of thousands of dollars.

However, the mystery contained in "Casting Holy Court" can communicate to a place of the underworld, and the reason why it is a place of the underworld is because that place has no concept of space, time, nor chaos, and does not belong to any world.

It was a pure void world, that world was like a long river of time and space, covering all the heavens and realms, that world did not have any living beings, some only luck. _

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