The sound shook the clouds, roaring the clouds above the sky to retreat, neatly, as if rehearsed thousands of times.

On the top of the light, the two envoys on the left and right, the two remaining kings, the three scattered people who survived the five scattered people, the two rulers who survived the four gates of heaven and earth, wind and thunder, and the two banner masters who survived the five-element banner.

The Heavenly Eagle Sect survived the three altars of the Yin Ye King, and the outer five altars survived an altar master.

The head of the Sun Moon God Sect is my line, the deputy sect leader Dongfang is undefeated, the left envoy asks the sky, the four elders of the ten great elders who survive, and the four hall masters who survive.

They all bowed down and bowed to Ying Zheng, begging him to become the leader of the Ming Sect.

Ying Zheng frowned and looked at them for a long time, as if he was considering, and for a long time, he slowly nodded.


At this moment, everyone knelt down and roared in unison: "Meet the sect leader!" "

Cao Shaoqing, who had already left the Bright Top, heard this deafening roar, and his heart couldn't help but tremble, and he said in a deep voice: "Mingjiao, it's rising again." "

Cao Zhengchun squinted his eyes slightly: "The new sect leader of the Ming Sect is much more terrifying than Yang Dingtian, the threat of the Ming Sect is greater, quickly, return to the capital as quickly as possible, the side of the Daming bed allows others to sleep, Your Majesty is afraid that he will not endure." "

Although Zhu Yuanzhang came from the Ming Sect, he wanted the Ming Sect to be destroyed more than anyone.

As long as the Ming Sect does not die, he will be restless every day.

The Ming Sect forces that split into three forces are still not to be underestimated, and now that a more terrifying Ming Sect leader has taken the throne, the Sun Moon God Sect and the Sky Eagle Sect have returned to the Ming Sect, which will make the Ming Sect even more terrifying.

The Ming Sect, which has hundreds of thousands of members and the largest number of masters in the world, is a thorn in everyone's side.

The previous Northern Song, Southern Song, and Manchu Qing dynasties were watching a play, and in the face of a condensed Ming Sect, their strategy was to get rid of it quickly.

"Amitabha, the devil rises and disappears." Xuanci chanted the Buddha's trumpet, and his steps quickened a lot, as if someone was chasing him behind.


Yang Xiao and others collected and buried the bones of Yang Dingtian, and Huan Zheng briefly explained the process, listening to Huan Zheng see the bones of Yang Dingtian and his suicide note, and practice Qiankun to move.

Everyone passed the suicide note of Yang Dingtian, sighed with all their sighs, and said: "Who expected that the Yang Sect Lord I was brave and wise, but because of the love of husband and wife, he went crazy and returned to heaven. If we had seen each other sooner, how could we have today's failure? "

Everyone thought of the tragedy of their dead companions and the humiliation of fleeing for their lives, and scolded Cheng Kun with gritted teeth.

Yang Xiao said: "Finally, the Skynet is restored, and this evil thief will eventually lose the palm of the Sect Leader, and avenge the life and death of the Yang Sect Leader, which shows that the Sect Leader is destined to control my Ming Sect." "

He glanced at Ying Zheng lightly, and grabbed the horse's, for fear that Ying Zheng would pull away and leave.

The Flaming Banner made Xin Ran say hatefully: "Cheng Kun, this evil thief, has done such a great crime, but it is too cheap for him to die." "

Everyone scolded Cheng Kun for a long time, and Yang Xiao told the teachings and purposes of the Ming Sect, the rules passed down from generation to generation in the Ming Sect, the power of the Ming Sect in various places, and the talents and personalities of the leading figures in the Ming Sect.

And King Yin Ye, let me do the same, he has understood the sub-altar forces of the Heavenly Eagle Sect and the Sun Moon God Sect.

Among them, Daming occupies one-third of the altars, while the Northern Song Dynasty, Southern Song Dynasty are also almost one-third, Manchu Qing, Mengyuan are also distributed.

There are more than 300,000 members of the sect, and most of the altars are secret, even if they are also Ming Sect altars, they may not know the location of other altars, and Zhu Yuanzhang is powerless to eliminate them.

Ying Zheng stayed in Bright Top for ten days, and for ten days, all the altar masters from all over the Ming Sect returned to Bright Top to meet the new Ming Sect leader, and the forces of the Sun Moon God Sect and the Heavenly Eagle Sect also merged into the Ming Sect.

And the whole world also knows that the Ming Sect has given birth to a new sect leader, and this new sect leader is much more terrifying than the previous Ming Sect leaders.

There was news that Zhu Yuanzhang did not collapse in the Ming Sect, and a new sect leader was born, combining the strength of the Sun Moon God Sect and the Heavenly Eagle Sect, returning to his peak, with extraordinary rage, killing thirteen palace maids and eight eunuchs in one day, just because they made a little noise.

After that, some people found that the East Factory, West Factory, and Jinyiwei were dispatched in large numbers, and their activities were more frequent, as if they were looking for the location of the Mingjiao altar.

After integrating the Ming Sect, the government at this time had returned to the Qin world.

"It's been more than ten days, and you shouldn't be angry when you go to that big dragon now."

Back in Xianyang Palace, Ying Zheng immediately thought of the qi luck space, and his divine thoughts rushed towards the qi luck space in the underworld.

The place where the eye enters is still boundless, like a huge space of the heavens, and all four sides are condensed into the essence of "qi luck creatures"

At this moment, a head ten times larger than the sun stretched out, and the two big eyes were like two rounds of scorching sun, filled with incomparably terrifying majesty, and the voice rumbled: "What person dares to peek into the space of qi luck!" "


"This big dragon is furious!"

The first thought that flashed through Ying Zheng's mind was this, his divine body was almost crushed by this huge aura, suppressing him to death, unable to make any movement.

"It turned out to be the ancestral dragon of the past."

This big dragon's eyes are like a big sun burning, his expression is very displeased, his voice rumbles, and the urn is angry: "Ancestral dragon in the past, you are not small, last time I threatened me to send you luck, I saw you wrong, but I can't beat you in the future, only to give you so much luck, now I know, you were extremely weak in the past, your strength... Hmm..."

This big dragon compared to a small indelible dragon claw: "Only so tall... Your strength is so low, you threatened me once, and you dare to threaten me a second time? You can't beat me so daring? It is worthy of the ancestral dragon. "_

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