The four elephant arrays of the coalition forces originally had to rely on the breath of the generals of various countries, which could barely maintain the incomplete version of the four elephant arrays.

Now the generals of the Wei State and the Yan Kingdom were bombarded by Huo Qubing's dragon snake, and the four elephant arrays directly collapsed.

"Father! Let's surrender, if we continue to fight like this, the children of Koto will be defeated! "

Xiang Liang originally wanted to enter the battlefield to fight, but was stopped by Xiang Yan, because he knew how difficult this big battle with the Qin State would be, whether it was a small soldier or a general of the army, there was a possibility of death, and he did not want Xiang Liang to die.

However, in order not to be criticized by various countries, Xiang Yan did not arrange the soldiers of the State of Chu in a relatively safe position, on the contrary, as the commander of the coalition army, in order to set an example, the army of the State of Chu was in the most cruel battlefield position, so the casualties of the army of the State of Chu were the heaviest.

And a small part of the army of the Chu State is a concubine army belonging to the Xiang clan, and every additional person who dies is cutting the flesh of his heart.

"Father, the children of Jiangdong are all dead, what should we do with the Xiang clan?" Xiang Liang looked at Xiang Yan with a slight cry and pleading.

Xiang Yan glanced at Xiang Liang, and then at the terrified coalition troops on the battlefield, basically every coalition soldier had a retreat on their faces, and the formation had a faint tendency to collapse.

If the elite is okay, it can barely be maintained, but the coalition forces are soldiers of various countries, and the rabble of new and old soldiers has already suffered more than a third of casualties and is on the verge of collapse.


Xiang Yan's expression was dejected, and just as he was about to open his mouth, a mouthful of blood spurted out wildly from the sky, and Xiang Liang quickly helped him.

Xiang Yan's body shook slightly, a sickly blush appeared on his pale face, and he laughed miserably: "In this battle, anyone can fall, only I Xiang Yan can't descend!" "

No matter how you look at it, it is impossible to win this battle, Xiang Liang does not have the need to fight hard, and the coalition will not give him the opportunity to fight hard.

Just now, Huo Qubing Dragon Snake evaporated tens of thousands of people with one blow, indirectly knocking out the guts of 100,000 people.

And according to the situation of Huo Qubing, Wang Yi, and Meng Xiao killing all sides on the battlefield, it won't be long before the coalition forces collapse on their own.

"Father, why!"

Xiang Yanmuran looked at the battlefield and said, "The Great King has already had a jealousy of my Xiang Clan, and since Li Si of the Qin State was in my Chu Country, the Great King's jealousy of my Xiang Clan has become more and more obvious. "

"If I win this battle, it's okay, the Great King has no reason to move the Xiang Clan, but if I lose, whether I surrender or go back alive, the Great King has a reason to move the Xiang Clan."

He looked sideways at Xiang Liang, patted him on the shoulder, and said seriously: "My death is the best result, I can save hundreds of people from the Xiang clan, Xiang Liang, and the Xiang clan will be handed over to you in the future." "

Xiang Liang was stunned, suddenly knelt on the ground, grabbed the hem of Xiang Yan's armor, his shoulders shook, and cried silently.

Yingbu wiped a handful of blood on his face, haha crazy: refreshing! Readily! "

There seems to be a tiger roaring knife in his chest, and every move is a tiger pounce, which is really domineering and fierce.

Yingbu's moves seem to be completely unskillful, simple and crude, showing strong lethality, sweeping and slashing seems to have been speculated on thousands of times.


A knife swept across the three soldiers, Yingbu kicked his feet sharply, his shoulders shrugged sharply, and directly collapsed the chest cavity that a soldier hit, spraying blood, and killed him immediately without a snort.

At the same time, Yingbu didn't look at the back, and the Mo knife went up and down, gouging a soldier's stomach straight open, and all his internal organs flowed out.

It is gold that always shines, Fan He, Xiahou Ying, Zhou Bo, Peng Yue, Guan Ying These people are more conspicuous in the area where they are fighting, but Yingbu is the most conspicuous one.


A coalition commander slashed at the body of an ordinary Qin soldier, his knife was bounced off, there was only a white mark on the Shenwu armor, the soldier did not suffer the slightest injury, but turned his eyes to keep staring at him fiercely.

The commander of the coalition forces was stunned, and instantly collapsed: "I grass mud horse!" You can't kill each other at all, and you can fart, Lao Tzu won't beat anymore! "

This coalition commander has been fighting on the battlefield for a long time, and the situation just now is only one of countless times, but he didn't believe in evil before, until now his hand is about to be broken, he directly collapsed, and tears flowed.

"Kill him!"

That Qin army soldier shouted, and in an instant, two Qin army soldiers joined forces with him and attacked this coalition army leader.


Three against one, just a face, blood splattered, and the arm of the commander of the coalition forces flew up with the knife in his hand.

Half of his shoulder, cut off like tofu, was thrown high on the bloody battlefield.


The next moment, a knife stained with blood swept through his neck and directly beheaded him.

Although this coalition commander died, his collapse roar had a chain reaction and quickly spread throughout the coalition.

"Run! We can't kill each other at all! "

"Mama, I don't want to die yet!"

"I surrender!"

"No more fighting!"

Their sword-pointed halberds attack the enemy, and the enemy's armor only leaves a shallow trace, while the enemy's attack can kill them.

And the enemy has perverted generals, one blow can evaporate tens of thousands of people, as long as they see that blow, all of them have cold hands and feet, numb scalps, and trembling with horror.

You can't kill the enemy.

The enemy can easily kill them.

And there are super perverted generals in the place.

This is clearly not a war, but a death.

Even with the extra-high rewards promised before the war, the coalition collapsed.

Run! Run! Only run!

You run and I run, everyone runs together.

The general ran with the soldiers. _

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