The momentum of the victorious government was too grand, first the Great Qin soldiers were like copper walls and iron walls, casting an indestructible impression in the hearts of the coalition forces.

Then Ying Zheng rode out on the unicorn, and Ying Zheng painted a beautiful picture in their hearts to the soldiers of various countries, and then Xiao Hei spoke with supreme majesty and occupied the orthodox righteousness.

Step by step, the fighting spirit of all people is disintegrated, the name of righteousness is occupied to the extreme, and the things that are eternal and prosperous.

Occupy the name of righteousness, and everything is easy to say next.

It is also to give the enemy a step of surrender.

There are many people who want to be both bitches and torii.

This phrase is only meant to be neutral here.

For example, Minister Zhao decided in his heart that there was no possibility of turning over, and surrender was the best choice, but King Zhao had not surrendered yet, wouldn't it be good for me to surrender first?

Will I be poked in the spine and scolded if I surrender? Despised by others?

It's good now.

You see, Daqin now occupies the great righteousness, is orthodox, the king of Qin has been accompanied by a qilin, this unicorn has followed the three emperors and five emperors for ten thousand years, followed Xia Yu, King Wen, Confucius, every one is either a saint or a supreme person.

Now there is Qilin to prove that King Qin Huanzheng is the most holy king predicted by the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor ten thousand years ago, and will become an existence beyond the three emperors and five emperors.

What is this not orthodoxy?

Isn't surrendering to orthodoxy a matter of course?

"Master, what did I say?"

Xiao Hei maintained a majestic demeanor and said softly in his mouth.

Ying Zheng put his hands on his back and said indelibly: "Who taught you?" "

Xiao Hei said proudly: "I came up with it myself, master don't think that I can't read, I can also read, our clan is Xiangrui in your history, of course Xiangrui won't lie, anyway, no one can prove that I haven't followed the three emperors and five emperors." "

The muscles at the corners of Ying Zheng's eyes jumped slightly: "Very good, reward you with a cart of grapes, don't be proud." "

Little Black Heart was furious: "Thank you master!" "

King Zhao looked at the majestic unicorn in the sky in a daze, and looked up to the sky and laughed miserably.

What orthodoxy is it that he does not believe at all, but what is the use of not believing in it?

Now most people believe that this majority of people is ninety percent, and the rest of the adult thoughts are no longer important.

Before the war began, he still retained a glimmer of hope that the coalition would win.

But the facts slapped him hard, and the coalition army suffered a crushing defeat!

The Qin State army is too terrifying, on the city wall, he can see some of the battle between the two armies, one by one Qin State soldiers are like entering no man's land, they can be injured, there are too few people who kill them, and they can easily kill the coalition soldiers.

The army of the Qin State Army is too terrifying, and the horizontal push of the coalition army is like destroying the decay.

He counted on the city wall, and within his field of vision, Qin counted fifty-three.

And the people who died in the coalition army, he could not count

"King Qin! Winning! Why not destroy my hopes yourself! Why wear out my hopes little by little! "

King Zhao pulled the crown off the ground, venting hysterically, sobbing and tearing his heart and lungs.

From the time Meng Ting was easily pinched to death by Ying Zheng, he knew that they were already fish meat on the sticky board, but he didn't want to believe it, he preferred to believe in a false hope constructed in his heart.

Now that the allied forces of various countries were defeated by the Qin army, he finally understood that the allied forces of various countries were not worth the fight of Ying Zheng at all, and only the army of the Qin State could easily defeat the coalition army.

What coalition forces, a joke from beginning to end.

It is a joke of Meng Ting uniting countries.

Now the joke is ended by the Qin army, and Ying Zheng only needs to ride the unicorn, occupy the orthodox righteousness, and easily win the fruits of victory.

"Father! We..."

Xiang Liang looked at Xiang Yan.

The corner of Xiang Yan's mouth barely pulled out a smile that was even uglier than a smile, solemnly: "Xiang Liang, the Xiang clan has been handed over to you, remember, when the Qin State Iron rides into the Chu Kingdom, don't resist, surrender Qin!" "

"Father!" Xiang Liang seemed to realize something and reached out to grab Xiang Yan.


Xiang Yan roared, appearing particularly conspicuous in this almost silent battlefield.


A cold sword light suddenly appeared, as if the Sen Han that had been accumulated for a long time burst out in an instant, and from top to bottom, it tore through the sky towards the Qin army.


The void shook, and a Fang Tian Painting Halberd pierced through the void and suddenly arrived in front of Xiang Yan, the spearhead was sharp and sharp, exuding a killing intent that pierced everything and moved forward.


Laugh at!

The long knife shattered, the tip of the spear pierced Xiang Yan's throat, his figure suddenly stopped, and the color in his eyes slowly disappeared.

Huo Qubing indifferently withdrew Fang Tian's halberd.


Blood spurted out from the wound on Xiang Yan's throat, and his stagnant body crashed to the ground.

Huo Qubing stretched out his hand and flicked slightly, and Xiang Yan's body returned to Xiang Liang's side.

Huan Zheng indifferently glanced at Xiang Yan, who had become a corpse, and knew in his heart that this Yan was bent on death.


The army of Jiangdong's children suddenly sounded drums, one high and one low, as if someone was whimpering with tears.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

One by one, the Jiangdong disciples suddenly knelt down and knelt in the direction of Xiang Yan.

Xiang Liang grabbed Xiang Yan's body in a daze, watching Rumu's father die in front of him, Xiang Liang only felt that his heart hurt, and his painful heart was about to break.

"Xiang Yan is martyred, he is a good man, bury it thickly!"

Huan Zheng spoke up and set the tone for Xiang Yan's death.

"Thank you King Qin!"

The Jiangdong disciples turned around and knelt down to win the government, and in the eyes of these Jiangdong disciples' soldiers, the Xiang clan was heavier than the king of Chu, which was also the reason why the king of Chu was afraid of the Xiang clan.

"King Renyi of Qin!"

I don't know who shouted, but the coalition forces suddenly joined suit and shouted.

In a word, Ying Zheng originally only wanted to appease the hearts of the soldiers of the Chu State, but he didn't expect that he could actually play such a big role.

He followed the prestige and smiled, it turned out that the person who called out King Renyi of Qin was actually Ji Bu, and this chicken thief did not know when he took off his armor and mixed into the coalition army. _

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