This sword has always grown up with Ying Zheng, which is why although Ying Zheng is no different from a puppet after taking the throne, no one dares to touch him in the slightest.

Who knows if Ying Zheng will draw his sword in vain and reproduce the power of King Chu drawing his sword?

Ying Zheng had never inquired into the secrets of Tai A Jian, and at this time, he was slightly amazed at the extraordinary nature of Tai A Jian.

The Tai'a sword was suspended in front of Huan Zheng's body, faintly emitting purple qi, emitting a sword groan sound, even with the void trembling slightly, the sword groan was majestic and shocking, it seemed that there was a real dragon roaring in it.

And Naheshi Bi also emitted golden light, the light was extremely dazzling, and nine slender figures were swimming on the surface, like a vacuum.

An indescribable wisp of majestic qi emanated from them, permeating the heavens and the earth.

The voice of the real dragon on Heshi Bi became clearer and clearer, and he opened his teeth and danced his claws in it, and let out a silent roar, as if he could break free from Heshibi's muscles and bones at any time, and take off instead of Hua being a real dragon and wandering for nine days.

As soon as Ying Zheng's mind moved, he instilled all the qi luck obtained from the Qi Luck Space into Tai'a Jian and Heshi Bi.

For a long time, he had been worried about the establishment of the merit artifact and the Zhenguo artifact of the Yun Dynasty, and now he thought about it, why not turn the Tai'a sword into a Zhenguo artifact and the Heshi Bi into a meritorious artifact.

Although Qunchen didn't know what was happening, he inexplicably felt that Ying Zheng was doing something very important, and he almost held his breath, staring at the changed Tai A Jian and He Shibi.


The nine true dragons on the Heshi Bi let out a silent roar, and in everyone's minds, a roar containing dignity and majesty sounded, making people's hearts tremble.

With the infusion of Qi Zheng's luck, the nine true dragons on the Heshi Bi became clearer and more solid, and their eyes became more agile.

At a glance, the real dragon phantom on Hejibi is no different from the real one, as if the real dragon lives in it, and the majestic qi machine is becoming more and more dense.


There was a roar of the dragon, this time in everyone's ears.

Nine golden rays flashed on the Heshi Bi, and the golden light gave birth to nine true dragons, and the real dragon embryo was broken, and the real dragon descended.

The true dragon seems to break through the void and descend from the illusion to reality.

The true dragon is golden, first only an inch long, swimming in the void, slightly transparent and illusory, gradually, with the instillation of luck, it grows rapidly, and the sense of illusory also disappears quickly.

An inch... Two inches... Three inches... Nine inches...

The nine true dragons grew to nine inches long and stopped growing, emitting a childish roar containing majesty, flying towards Ying Zheng, surrounding the Pingtian crown where he went, his neck, body, and arms flying, seemingly playing.

Looking closely, these nine true dragons were already real objects, and the fine dragon scales were clearly visible.

Ying Zheng spread out his palm, and a real dragon flew into his palm, and he carefully scrutinized it, dragon claws, dragon scales, and dragon horns were all real.

Qunchen was stunned.

Real dragons?

This kind of thing that only exists in legends has appeared?

King...... No...... His Majesty the First Emperor is truly the destiny of heaven.




Nine nine-inch long true dragons swam in the air, end to end, and the dragon groaned one after another.

Not long after, these nine true dragons suddenly rushed into Heshibi, and Heshibi also underwent a slight change, changing from a circle to a boxy shape.

Above the jade seal, the nine dragons are coiled, and a piece is raised in the center above the jade seal, like a nine dragon seizing a pearl.

At the same time, eight large characters slowly appeared on the printing surface.

"Ordered by heaven! Both life and prosperity! "

These eight big characters are extremely wanton and arrogant, domineering and arrogant, and at a glance they seem to have a shocking feeling.

Ordered by heaven!

Both life and prosperity!

As long as the big seal is under the cover, these eight big characters will appear.

Nine Dragon Jade Seal!

This is the name in the heart of Ying Zheng.

And the Tai'a sword on the side suddenly stopped chanting, and the sword body seemed to fall into dead silence, and Ying Zheng frowned slightly.

Next moment!


A huge, sacred and solemn, magnificent and great dragon groan sounded, shaking the world and the earth, and the eight seas were everywhere.

The supreme dragon groaned, rumbling and deafening, resounding in the hearts of all the people of the Great Qin Empire.


The body of the Tai'a sword was twisted and deformed, and it seemed that there was a true dragon about to break free and fly for nine days.



The dragon's groan became more and more urgent!


Tai'a Jian suddenly broke through the dome of the Qilin Hall and transformed into a majestic black true dragon that was thousands of feet long.

The dragon scales are larger than the house, and the dragon horns are tens of feet long, with five claws and sharp holes, and the hole grasps the void.

This is a black dragon, spanning the sky dome, like a glorious sun.

"That was... Real dragons? "

At this moment, the entire people of Xianyang City were stunned, and looked at the Qianzhang dragon in the sky.

"Groove! Groove! Groove! Groove! Groove! "

Yi Xiaochuan looked at the black dragon blankly, rubbed his eyes, looked again, rubbed his eyes again, and looked again, almost dreaming: "I really came to Daqin two thousand years ago?" Not a mythical era? Dragons appeared? "

With a long roar, he flew up, standing on the dragon's head, the dragon robe hunted, overlooking the world, a supreme and great, the universe six in eight desolate solipsism, the domineering momentum shook the nine heavens.

"I am the First Emperor of Great Qin! Winning! "

Just one sentence, resounding throughout the summers, showed an indescribable atmosphere, turned into invisible pressure, and made hundreds of millions of people give birth to a heart of submission.

At this time, people with different intentions lowered their heads, not daring to look directly at the powerful figure in the sky dome.

"First Emperor!"

"His Majesty the First Emperor is actually so powerful, and the dragon capital is willing to carry His Majesty."

"It turns out that the emperor of my Great Qin is so powerful, no wonder he can dominate the summers."

At this moment, even people who are not familiar with martial arts know that the emperor of Daqin is very powerful!

"First Emperor!"

Yi Xiaochuan's expression was shocked and he muttered to himself, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that Ying Zheng would be so powerful. _

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