Huan Zheng stood with his hands in his hands, and said solemnly: "I dare to say it in front of the rank in the Qilin Hall, naturally it is not false, everything that is needed to establish the Yun Dynasty has long been prepared, and what is needed now is only a Heavenly Sealing Platform, and as soon as the Heavenly Sealing Platform is established, it can turn Daqin into a Fortune Dynasty." "

"Moreover, because of the adventure, he obtained a method of "Casting the Holy Court", and after turning Daqin into the Yun Dynasty, he directly skipped the dynasty, the imperial dynasty, the imperial dynasty, the heavenly dynasty, the divine court, and the achievement of the holy court, and after the holy court is the heavenly court!"

After receiving the final affirmation of Ying Zheng, everyone trembled with excitement.

Those who can stand on the Qilin Hall can be regarded as the middle and high-ranking officials of Daqin, and after Daqin turns into the Yun Dynasty, their benefits are undoubtedly the greatest.

They memorized every word that Ying Zheng said before.

If Daqin is a holy court, Ying Zheng can get a thousandfold cultivation speed blessing, the Third Duke of Daqin, Jiuqing or a high-ranking person, can get hundreds of times the cultivation speed blessing, and these middle layers can at least get dozens of times the cultivation speed blessing.

As Huan Zheng said, with tens and hundreds of times the blessing of cultivation speed, even a pig can cultivate into an immortal.

What's more, if he achieves Daqin as the Heavenly Court, he can directly seal the immortal official immortal god, and those who are on the list of immortals, even if they are mortals, are immortal gods.

Lü Buwei, Wei Yanzi, Meng Qiao, Wang Yi, Wang Bian, Meng Tian, Li Si, Xiao He, Zhao Gao... Sangong Jiuqing was so excited that they couldn't help themselves, and some people didn't know how to put it, and no matter how they put it, they couldn't express their excitement now.

Their current mood is the same as Fan Jinzhongju.

If an outsider suddenly came to the Qilin Store and saw such a group of Great Qin Wen Wu officials, he would definitely think that they were a group... Neuropathy.

Huan Zheng smiled slightly: "The four most important factors for establishing the Yun Dynasty, merit artifacts, Zhenguo artifacts, the method of establishing the Yun Dynasty, and sufficient luck." "

As for the list of consecrated gods, it was a divine object that would naturally condense after the establishment of the Yun Dynasty.

Ying Zheng flipped his palm, the Nine Dragon Jade Seal was suspended in his hand, shining with rich golden light, and the eight big characters under it: "Appointed by Heaven, Both Life and Yongchang" extremely show the dignity, majesty, and the aura of the plateau like the sky.

The nine true dragons were dragging upstream of the Nine Dragons Jade Seal, and all the courtiers could see the fine golden dragon scales on the nine true dragons.

These nine true dragons sometimes wandered among the Nine Dragon Jade Seal, sometimes rushed out of the Nine Dragon Jade Seal, and swam in the void.

"Before, Xu was refining Heshi Bi into a meritorious artifact of Daqin to suppress Daqin's qi luck, and these nine true dragons were transformed by Daqin qi luck, which was a true dragon of qi luck, and also turned into a void, and became the body of a true dragon."

Huan Zheng pulled out the Tai'a sword on his waist again: "This is the Qin Zhenguo artifact, if the merit artifact is for defense, the Zhenguo artifact is for attack." "


An ancient and majestic aura overflowed from the Tai'a sword, although the Tai'a sword did not take shape, but the courtiers all shrank their pupils, feeling a kind from the depths of their hearts, and clearly saw a huge dragon shadow coiled in the Qilin Hall, holding their heads high after the victory.

The group of ministers were shocked, the dragon shadow in their eyes was simply the ancient dragon in mythology, this sense of power, this sense of majesty, extremely noble, perfect, as if it was the embodiment of majesty and power.

Before, they saw the changes in the Nine Dragon Jade Seal and the Tai'a Sword, but they didn't understand the reason for the change, but now they understood.

It turned out to be the necessary merit artifact and Zhenguo artifact that Ying Zheng was refining the Yun Dynasty.

It turned out that Ying Zheng had been preparing for the Yun Dynasty for a long time, which further showed that the establishment of the Yun Dynasty and the transformation into a holy court were basically nine out of ten?

"And Daqin, now has enough luck."

"The theory of qi luck is ethereal, you just need to know that if it is the previous summer countries, even if they have the other three factors, it is impossible to establish the luck dynasty, because they don't have enough luck."

Wei Yanzi grinned and laughed like a fool, very silly, very silly, but there were many people in the Qilin Hall who were as silly as him.

Lu Buwei raised his palm and stared at it, but finally did not fan down, but pinched a piece of meat around his waist and twisted it down at 360 degrees.

It hurts.

Not a fake.

"Your Majesty, long live! Banzai! Hooray! "

Li Si couldn't suppress the ecstasy in his heart and knelt down and shouted wildly.

Immediately afterwards, all the courtiers also knelt down and shouted: "Your Majesty the First Emperor! Banzai! Banzai! Hooray! "

Huayang Old Tianhou, who was sitting below Ying Zheng, blinked: "I'm not dreaming, right?" At the beginning, he just liked the child of Yingzheng, which supported him, planting cause and effect, he actually had the opportunity to become an immortal? "

After shouting, Li Si immediately got up: "Your Majesty, the minister immediately went to prepare." "

Huan Zheng waved his hand: "Don't be in a hurry at this time, Wei Yanzi, let's announce it." "

Wei Yanzi patted his head, only then remembered something that had been prepared for a long time.

The Third Duke of Great Qin and Jiuqing ruled over all affairs, but the differentiation of official positions and affairs was not clear, and although Ying Zheng re-divided everything in the reform, it was still not very clear.

Ying Zheng wanted to reform the official position of Daqin for a long time, and he had long been deliberating, and the wind was also released, and the ministers basically caught some wind and made some preparations in their hearts.

Wei Yanzi turned to face the group of ministers: "The official system of Daqin is three dukes and nine qings, you must understand, but because the division of official positions and things is not very clear, it is more confusing, I believe you will also encounter it when acting." "

"Your Majesty and I have been discussing for a long time, and have consulted many people's opinions, and you have also heard some rumors, and after more than a month, hundreds of people have deliberated, and finally settled on the latest official system of Daqin." _

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