
Suddenly, Yuan Tiangang and Kun Qi looked at a hundred meters away, only to see where the wind and sand suddenly rose, the sand and stones gathered, and in the blink of an eye, the sand and stones actually converged into a sand and stone giant that was 100 meters high.

The sand giant has all five features, and its eyes are also pure sand, and the sand and stone are infinitely compressed, forming an extremely hard carapace on the surface.

This sand giant indifferently scanned Kun, Yuan Tiangang and the others.


The sand giant roared violently at everyone, and stepped out a fist ten times larger than a house and blasted towards them, like a cannon hitting a mosquito, the air surged and the space exploded.

Yuan Tiangang's face was expressionless, and his fingers were open.


With a heaven-shaking sword groan that shook the sky, the infinite sword qi condensed, Yuan Tiangang's five fingers grabbed it sharply, and the infinite sword qi condensed into a sword qi of more than a hundred zhang in his hand.


The rolling sword qi swept across, cutting the sand and stone giant in half, and then the sword qi exploded, densely packed with thousands of sword qi raging, cutting the upper and lower parts of the sand and stone giant's body into stones with a large head, and it seemed that the dead could no longer die.

Shangguan Yunque gently covered his mouth with his palm, slightly surprised: "Yuan Shuai's cultivation has improved again. "

"Please also ask Lord Kun to break this enchantment."

Yuan Tiangang looked back at Kun, but Kun looked at the pile of sand and gravel fragments and frowned slightly: "It's not dead." "

Sure enough, the sand and stones all over the ground immediately condensed again, turning into a huge hydra, lifelike.

Yuan Tiangang did the same and destroyed this hydra, and the next moment, another sand and stone giant ape that roared up to the sky condensed.

"What the hell is this? Why can't you kill? Yuan Tiangang frowned: "Could it be that he didn't find his point?" Or does it have a core, or is it controlled? "

Yuan Tiangang's eyes narrowed slightly, and the cold light burst out, and he glanced at the little girl Xiao Li, only to see that the little girl had a dazed look, which was obviously not controlled by her.

"Found it!"

Kun stomped his foot sharply.


The ground in a radius of thousands of meters shook violently, rolling and surging like waves, and even swung more than ten meters high, and a large area of sand and gravel stirred in all directions.

The ground shook and the smoke stirred.

Kun's sharp eyes stared at the ground in a radius of thousands of meters.

Seeing that this tall and strong man just stomped his foot heavily, and the earth looked like he was about to fall, Xiao Li was horrified, and he didn't dare to imagine what kind of disaster Loulan would suffer if such a master entered.

"Want to run?"

Kun's rough and cold face showed a sneer, his arm stretched out in vain, and in an instant, his palm turned into a giant palm of Beamon, with five fingers stretched, and suddenly slapped several times.


The earth was slammed by Kun's violent, powerless Beamon's giant palm, and made an overwhelmed roar.

Immediately afterwards, Kun Qu grabbed it and directly grabbed the sand and gravel soil weighing 100,000 tons in his hand.

100,000 tons of sand, stone and dirt, what a shock it was to be held in the hand by a giant palm.

Xiao Li only felt that his heart had sunk to the bottom, and he only hoped that the Loulan Enchantment could block them.

Kun stared at the 100,000 tons of killing dirt held in his hand and squeezed it sharply.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In just an instant, the sand, gravel and dirt on Kun's hand shrank dozens of times, his Beamon giant palm also became dozens of times smaller, and a glazed object about two square meters appeared on his hand.

The 100,000 tons of dirt did not disappear, but was compressed into such a glazed object by Kun's furious force, and in the middle of the glazed object, there was a round bead.

The beads were about the same color as sand and had fluorescent light shimmering on the surface.

"What is it?" Staring at the round bead in the glass, Yuan Tiangang questioned slightly: "This bead is the culprit?" "

Kun nodded slightly: "Eight nine is not far from ten, catching this orb, this trip can be regarded as an unexpected joy." "

Kun looked at the Loulan Enchantment again, and suddenly punched out.

Silently, but the bad guys almost vomited blood when they saw this punch.

The contrast is too great.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Kun's punch is like a fluttering punch thrown by an ordinary person who does not know a little martial arts, and it is also in the eyes of bad people, but they are one by one with profound martial arts, and they can see some of the mysteries of Kun's punch.

This is a punch that is enough to make the mountain peak collapse and the river stop.


Shangguan Yunque, Wen Tao, Uncle Yang and the others all vomited a mouthful of blood, and their breath withered in vain.

Yuan Tiangang was also muffled, and drank lowly: "Don't look, don't think!" The gap in your Kun's realm is too big to comprehend!" Forget this punch of Lord Kun! "

Even Yuan Tiangang was uncomfortably tight when he saw this punch, not to mention the bad people and others, although he listened to Yuan Tiangang's voice and tried his best to forget, but the more he wanted to forget, the more anxious he was.

Suddenly, Kunna's punch seemed to come at them.

The achievement of martial arts heavenly people martial will can turn the void into reality, just like substance, their punch and kick are not only physical injuries, but also damage to the heart and soul.

And for a strong person like Kun, who broke through the void peak, the will of martial arts was no longer like substance, but was no different from substance.

The gap between their realm and strength and Kun's is too big, but seeing Kun's mysterious punch, they subconsciously want to see it clearly, but they are affected by Kun's martial will, as if Kun is throwing this punch at them.

Yuan Tiangang saw that everyone's breath was getting weaker, his figure flashed, like a wisp of breeze, his palm brushed over everyone's forehead, and he let out a low drink of the morning bell and twilight: "Forget it!" Forget! Forget! Forget it all! "_

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