"There is also a kind of this stone that absorbs daylight during the day, and at night, it slowly releases the light absorbed during the day, and the light is soft and not dazzling."

"This stone not only absorbs light, but also absorbs heat, of course, more than a certain degree of heat will absorb, below a certain degree of heat will release heat, so that the house built of this stone always maintain a certain temperature."

"We call this stone sunstone."

Ying Zheng was stunned, isn't this more powerful than air conditioning? Always keep the temperature constant? And it's automatic.

No wonder Loulan Kingdom is happy here, this is simply a paradise in a paradise.

There is no war, the mountains and waters are beautiful, there is plenty of food, and the house is still warm in winter and cool in summer, which is a hundred times better than the summer when there is constant war.

"Which mountain?" Ying Zheng asked.

The high priest pointed to a mountain more than two thousand meters high in the northeast: "There is a vein of this stone under that mountain, we have been digging for hundreds of years, we don't know how big the vein of sunstone is, I suspect that the sunstone we have excavated for hundreds of years is only a drop in the bucket compared to that time." "

Ying Zheng nodded slightly, and followed the high priest into the sacrificial hall, which is the holy place of the Loulan Kingdom, except for some guards, only the high priest and the elders can enter at any time.

The material for building the temple is obviously also sunstone, and Yue Zheng felt the temperature in it, which is about twenty degrees, which means that as long as the house is built of sunstone, the temperature inside will always remain twenty degrees regardless of winter or summer, which is much better than air conditioning.

After passing the long altar and walking another hundred meters to the left, the high priest opened a mechanism, revealing a deep passage on the ground, no more than two meters wide, which could only accommodate two people.

The passage is a spiral staircase, without a trace of light, so through this spiral staircase descended hundreds of meters, suddenly opened, it turned out to be an underground space.

The walls around the underground space were lit with a faint firelight, and into the eye was a bronze gate 100 meters high, both sides of the gate were welded to steel for 100 meters, above the bronze gate were two hideous and terrifying beast faces, four eyes emitted scarlet light, at first glance, it seemed that two fierce beasts were about to be resurrected.

Kun stepped forward, slightly hard, only to hear the crunch, a heavy friction sounded, and the bronze door was slowly pushed open.


A monstrous heat wave rushed out, and everywhere I saw it, it was a deep red, the heat wave was rolling, the magma was like a pillar, rushing up a hundred meters high, and the smoke was billowing out.

Behind the bronze door turned out to be a sea of magma, even the ground, was burned red, the temperature was unimaginably high, and the sea of magma was bubbling out.

Inside the bronze gate, the distance from the magma is not more than a hundred meters, even if he is a congenital master, I am afraid that he will not be able to stay inside the bronze gate for long.

The temperature here is too great.

In the magma, stood eighty-one tall.

This magma temperature is not like words, I am afraid that most of the things in this world, even if the Great Grandmaster falls into it, will be melted, and these eighty-one figures can actually stand in it safely.

"This is the Demon God? Isn't it said that eighty statues were destroyed, leaving only one? Ying Zheng turned around and asked.

The High Priest said: "These eighty-one soldier demon gods are forged by fallen stars, and I don't know what kind of material it is, and the nine heavenly goddesses can't destroy them, but Xuanyuan Huangdi defeated Qianyou, and it is impossible to say that he can't destroy his eighty-one soldier demon gods, which is undoubtedly a blow to his newly established prestige, and can only claim the destruction of eighty soldier demon gods." "

Ying Zheng nodded slightly, rubbing his chin: "Legend has it that Chi You has eighty-one brothers with bronze heads and iron foreheads, which are probably these eighty-one soldier demon gods." "

The High Priest was silent for a moment: "The reason why the Nine Heavenly Xuannu sealed these eighty-one Soldier Demon Gods is because these eighty-one Soldier Demon Gods can really destroy all living beings, and the more they kill, the stronger they will be." "

"When the original Qianyou just created the Soldier Demon God, the Soldier Demon God was not so powerful, and later Xuanyuan Huangdi understood that killing made the Soldier Demon God strong, and he was defeated in the war against Chiuyou, so that he had to turn to the Nine Heavenly Xuannu, which defeated Chiuyou."

"The more you kill, the stronger you are?"

Ying Zheng suddenly sounded the strange creature that disguised as a killing system possessed Meng Ting's body, able to absorb the life qi to make himself strong.

And the characteristics of this soldier demon god were actually very similar to that strange creature.

Only then did he understand why the Loulan clan was so afraid of the Soldier Demon God, and why Kun said it and why the High Priest reacted so much, preferring to take the Loulan clan as a bet.

It turned out that the Soldier Demon God fell into the hands of people with improper hearts, which would really cause monstrous killing.

However, a trace of doubt arose in his heart, what kind of material was it to create the Soldier Demon God?

Would it have this kind of property?

"How do I activate them?" Ying Zheng asked.

The High Priest hesitated slightly, took off a fist-sized golden ball on his waist, and gently darkened the bulge, and the ball clicked, revealing the small beast curled up into a round ball inside.

The ball opened, and the little beast stretched its body, revealing its confused eyes.

This little beast is so cute, fluffy, wrapped in pale yellow fluff, exuding a strange spirituality.

Like a little lion, like a little tiger, like a kitten, but they are far from cute, the yellow hair is soft and fluffy, very smooth, like satin.

Even if it stretches its body, it is only longer than the palm of the hand, and a pair of eyes are black and shiny, extremely spiritual, and sparkling, enough to melt a woman's heart. _

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