Huan Zheng said: "The end of the sky and the corner of the sea can still be heard and seen. "


The courtiers gasped.

This is somewhat similar to the mythical clairvoyant tailwind ear.

They are undoubtedly fake, and the image of Gein's majesty has long been established in their hearts.

In the hands of His Majesty, any miracle can happen.

This is their idea.

Ying Zheng traced his finger on the light curtain, the light and shadow floated, and in an instant, the light curtain was divided into two halves, the right side was the image of the speaker, and the left side was the virtual hall, which had the shrinking figure of Ying Zheng, and above the hall, the book had "Hall of Discussion" and other seal characters.

"This is the council hall, the place of the council, only the people present have the permission to come in, and if you have anything in the future, you can report it here, even if it is thousands of miles away, you can receive it at the first time, even if it is not in this realm."

The image of Yingzheng flashes on the right side, indicating that he is speaking.

All the courtiers got the permission, and they all began to search the council hall, only to see the light and shadow flickering, and one by one the shrunken figures appeared in the virtual hall, the same as the real them, but shrunk dozens of times.

With the explanation of Ying Zheng, the ministers also understood how to use this object, and for a while, the exclamations were endless.

Nothing in the past had shocked them more than the Ten Thousand Realms Talisman.

Wang Yi sighed slightly: "If twenty years ago, Daqin could be such a fetish, even if Daqin's forces and strength are the same as a country, I can crush them." "

From the beginning of war, the word "information" is inseparable, and intelligence is one of the most important factors that constitute the victory or defeat of a war.

Whether the intelligence is transmitted accurately and quickly sometimes directly determines the success or failure of a war.

There are Ten Thousand Realms Talismans that can transmit information instantly, and this alone is more than just a simple thing for an ancient famous general like Wang Yi.

It is simply adding wings to the tiger and then armoring the tiger.

Meng Xiao, Huo Qubing, Bai Qi, these battle-hardened generals all nodded with deep feelings.

Ying Zheng continued: "I want to equip all officials of the imperial court with the Ten Thousand Realms General Talisman, and in the future, the music will be abolished, and all officials' reports will be directly sent to the 'cabinet' through the Ten Thousand Realms General Character Talisman, and similarly, only the imperial court officials have the authority to enter the 'cabinet', no matter what county, what county, and what major events can be reported to the 'cabinet' as soon as possible, so that Xu can know." "

Lu Buwei spoke in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, how many Ten Thousand Realms Talismans are there?" "

Ying Zheng glanced at him: "How much and how much." "

Lu Buwei was stunned, isn't this a mobile phone?

No, it's more powerful than a cell phone.

When the mobile phone still has a bad signal, the universal knowledge character has no effect on the function anywhere, even if it is not in one world.

Ying Zheng just said "even if it is not in this realm", everyone just exaggerated the metaphorical language from what Ying Zheng said, but only Lu Buwei knew that Ying Zheng had the ability to cross the world, so Ying Zheng's "even if not in this realm" was not an exaggerated metaphorical language.

Lu Buwei suddenly thought, if he put the Ten Thousand Realms Talisman in the Dragon Snake World to buy it, he was afraid that those large companies that sold mobile phones in the Dragon Snake World would close down and change careers.

Lü Buwei was busy these days, and Daqin set a policy of "heavy peasants suppressing business" in the era of Shang Martingale Reform Law, so he actually paid little attention to business.

Or in the entire summer, the status of merchants is not high.

But Yingzheng knows the importance of commerce, no matter what the world, commerce plays the role of lubricating oil, without the circulation of goods, society will become a pool of stagnant water.

Therefore, the establishment of the Ministry of Commerce was necessary for Daqin, and the establishment of the Ministry of Commerce also released a message, the imperial court began to be important to commerce, and the status of merchants also improved a lot.

When the Ministry of Commerce was first established, there were too many things to do, and Lu Buwei still had to make time to go to the Dragon Snake World from time to time to get busy, and he had not slept for seven days and nights.

Fortunately, he is a martial arts celestial, even if he has not slept for seven days and seven nights, he is still in good spirits.

The Ministry of Commerce was an imperial court institution that had never appeared before in Daqin,

"How much and how much?"

Wei Yanzi's heart moved: "Then what if the people of Daqin are equipped with the Ten Thousand Realms General Talisman?" "

Huan Zheng shook his head slightly: "Now is not the time to popularize the Ten Thousand Realms Talisman, the time is ripe to talk about this matter." "

Qunchen left, leaving only Feng Yu and Wei Yanzi left.

"Your Majesty, please take a look."

Feng Hao and Wei Yanzi handed over two letters together.

Huan Zheng did not open it, lightly buttoned the table, and said with a smile: "These are your last two letters." "

The two were stunned, and then remembered that the future enlightenment was through the Ten Thousand Realms Talisman.

Feng Hao smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty, I really didn't get used to it for a while." "

Ying Zheng opened the fold, but saw that the content on the fold was about the corruption of imperial court officials, and the matter of corpses and vegetarian meals, adding up to more than a dozen lists, all of which had been verified.

When Huan Zheng finished reading it, Wei Yanzi spread out his hand, and a seal belonging to him appeared on his hand: "Your Majesty, all these people have been handed over to the division for trial, and the two of Chen and Feng Yu did find it through the seal." "

Saying that, the seal in his hand rose up a gray mist, and the mist condensed and turned into a mirror, and there were three seal characters "Clothes Crown Mirror" at the top of the mirror.

"A few days ago, the minister discovered that this function of the seal can condense the clothes mirror, as long as it is a Daqin official, in front of the clothes mirror, whether what he has done in office can be reflected in the people, as a blessing of power, a vegetarian meal, and greed and lawlessness."

"After the minister found out, he and Feng Yu reflected all the eight officials of Xianyang in the past few days, but fortunately, most of the officials are still in their positions and are worthy of their position."

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