Many ministers looked at Lu Buwei in unison, as if they wanted to see from his face what kind of world that world was.

Ying Zheng smiled gently: "There are countless worlds outside our world, and no one knows what the specific number is, because there may be hundreds of millions of worlds born in an instant, hundreds of millions of worlds annihilated, these countless worlds are collectively called the heavens and worlds, and our world is one of the worlds of the heavens and worlds." "

"And there is a long river of time and space running through the heavens and realms, and the heavens and realms rise and fall in the long river of time and space, and each world is like sand in the long river of time and space, and no one can count how many grains of sand there are in the Yellow River of the Yangtze River."

"There are high and low world levels, and there is a heavenly court in our world myths and legends, which may be born in a world with extremely high world ranks."

"The higher the concentration of aura, the higher the world level, our world level is considered to be the middle and lower level, some worlds have almost no aura, and their strongest can only reach the level of five or six rank martial artists, there is not much gap between mortals and mortals."

"Such a world is called the Chuwu World."

"There are also some world levels with a thicker aura, and the strongest of them can reach the strength of a ninth-grade martial artist, such a world is called a low-martial world."

In the heart of Ying Zheng, most of the world of Jin Yong's martial arts is such a low-martial world.

"No matter how rich the aura is, the strongest of them can reach the level of innate masters, and such a world is called the Zhongwu world."

The degree of aura in the dragon and snake world is similar to that of the low-martial world, but the dragon and snake world gave birth to national arts, and the dependence of national arts on spiritual energy is not high, and masters such as Wang Chao, Ba Liming, and GOD were born, so the dragon snake world was divided into the middle martial arts world by Yingzheng.

"Zhongwu, including the world under Zhongwu, national strength is above individual strength, because no matter how high personal strength is, it can match up to 100 people, and it is impossible for one person to become an army and one person to break the army."

"One level higher, it is called the Gaowu World, and the Daqin World is the Gaowu World, there are Grandmasters, Great Grandmasters, Martial Dao Heavenly People, Shattered Void, and it is also the top world in the Gaowu World."

Wei Yanzi raised his own doubts, puzzled: "In that case, why does His Majesty still say that the Great Qin World can only be regarded as a middle and lower level in the Heavens Hengsha Ten Thousand Realms?" "

Ying Zheng glanced at everyone, and saw that almost everyone was puzzled.

"You all know that after shattering the void, you will soar."

"It's just that the world after the Ascension is called the Taikoo, and the weakest of the Taikoo are all masters of the Shattered Void who have just ascended, the strongest..."

Huan Zheng paused, he couldn't imagine for a moment how high the strength of the Lord God of the Ascending Heaven, the Demon World, after all, he had never seen that kind of expert make a move, and only said vaguely: "The most in that world, a finger, in an instant, can destroy the Daqin world thousands of times, they play like we play with stones." "


Qunchen gasped and glanced at each other, the shock on the other party's face, Wei Yanzi knew how stupid the question he asked was, no wonder His Majesty said that the Great Qin World can only be regarded as middle and lower rank.

One finger destroyed a world thousands of times in an instant, and they couldn't imagine what kind of existence it was.

"Could it be that that world is the immortal world we yearn for?" Xiao He muttered.

Ying Zheng glanced at him and had to strike them again: "There is no so-called immortal world, Taikoo is actually an extremely miserable and cruel world. "

"In the multiverse after Ascension, humans are not at the top of the food chain, on the contrary, in the multidimensional universe after Ascension, humans are exactly the lowest creatures, a race that is almost at the mercy of anyone."

"The world after the Ascension is Taiko, and Taikoo is not the so-called Immortal World, the Immortal Realm is just a lie used by the Taikoo Race to inspire you. A lie used to help the Terrans below out of their cage,"

"It is also to strengthen the Taikoo Race, if they know the cruel truth of the Taikoo race, who will choose to ascend?"

"Your Majesty!"


"The Immortal World is a lie?"

"Humans are at the lowest end of the biological chain?"

Everyone couldn't help but show a shocked look on their faces, Meng Xiao took two steps back, covered his chest, only to feel a big hand grabbing his heart fiercely, making him have the illusion of severe pain in his heart, he muttered: "Immortal world? Falsehood? It turns out that what ascension is a lie? "

Although Lu Buwei has been in the Dragon and Snake World for a long time, his world view has greatly expanded, and at this moment, he also looked at Ying Zheng with a hint of expectation: "Your Majesty, you are lying to us, right?" "

When the others heard this, they also looked up at Yingzheng, hoping that he would say the answer they wanted.

After ascending, it has always been the goal of inspiring people in martial arts, it is their faith, even in the hearts of people who do not practice martial arts, the immortal world is a beautiful existence.

But one day a person told them that there was never any immortal world, only Taikoo, everything was a lie, Taikoo was not beautiful at all, but very cruel, I have to say that it was a big blow, people couldn't believe it.

Huan Zheng sighed, he had already hit Zhuang Zhou, Ghost Guzi and them once, this time he still had to hit Qunchen: "I have been to that world, and I have seen with my own eyes a ruined Taikoo, Taikoo is like a hundred yue of the summers, and the heavenly angels of that world, the demon race of the demon world, are above the ancient human race." "

Qunchen fell silent, they all knew the situation of Baiyue, since the beginning of the birth of Baiyue, the theme of the fate of this collectively called group was to be oppressed, oppressed by the State of Chu, oppressed by the State of Qi, bullied by the State of Wei, bullied by Han, and Tianze was the prince of the Baiyue tribe who was annihilated by Han.

In the countries of Zhuxia, each country can oppress Baiyue, expel Baiyue, and kill Baiyue. _

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