In this timeline, the south of the jiaotoe has been developed well, there are many small countries, as few as hundreds of thousands, as many as millions, worth conquering.

In later generations, it was called yue nan.

In the Western Regions, there are also many countries, known as the Hundred Countries of the Western Regions.

Of course, not as many as a hundred, but dozens of countries always have.

"Dare to ask the sect leader..."

Bright Top returned to calm, and Yang Xiao asked on behalf of the questions of everyone in the Ming Sect.

Huan Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly, looked at everyone in the Ming Sect, and said in an indifferent tone: "Huan Zheng, the emperor of Daqin!" "

"First Emperor!"


"Isn't Daqin already dead? It has been destroyed for fifteen hundred years! "

The expressions of the Ming Sect people changed drastically, shocked, and some even weakened their legs and feet, and almost sat down on the ground.

"Teach ... Your Majesty is... Is it Qin Shi Huang? "

Let the muscles in the corners of my eyes beat wildly, and my heart thumps violently, and the Ming Sect people actually have a little belief in their hearts.

That powerful army that appeared directly from the space portal, the strength of each army could easily crush the Ming Sect up and down ten times.

What is Daqin!

It was the first unified empire in this land, and strictly speaking, all dynasties and countries after the Great Qin Dynasty were inheriting the Qin system.

What is Qin Shi Huang!

It is the first emperor of this land, the three emperors of merit, and the five emperors of virtue!

Without Qin Shi Huang, there would be no title of emperor.

Huan Zheng said lightly: "There is no need to hide from you, Xu and Daqin are not the Daqin of this world, the last time Xu came to this world, under the pseudonym Zhao Zheng, he saved the Ming Sect because the Ming Sect is still useful to Shu." "

"The Ming Sect has meritorious service, and Xu will not treat you badly, so I will give you two choices, enter the Great Qin, and become the minister of the Great Qin."

Although Ying Zheng stood not far from the people of the Ming Sect, everyone inexplicably felt that there was a Heavenly Emperor standing there, and his words were as follows, and his voice was like a cloud in the sky, ethereal and vast, not ringing in everyone's ears, but shaking in everyone's minds.

Everyone in the Ming Sect trembled in their hearts, only feeling that as soon as the First Emperor spoke, the huge pressure that Taishan Kunlun was not enough to compare with overturned and almost crushed their knees.

Bang bang bang!

The Mingjiao believers on the top of the light are almost complete.

These Ming Sect believers are not high-level Ming officials, they are unscrupulous martial arts masters, and their bearing capacity is far inferior to them, and they have seen the god of the Qianzheng bare hand cutting the peak of the Thousand Zhangshan Mountain before, and they have won the face of the First Emperor of the Ancient Emperor, how can there be no reason not to kneel.

"Second option, die."

Under the expectation of everyone in the Ming Sect, Ying Zheng coldly spit out two words.

Ying Zheng's words were not very profound, but they contained the divine power of the Dao, and the high-ranking members of the Ming Sect only felt that their hearts were heavy, and they were almost out of breath.

Fan Yao smiled bitterly, and said in his heart: "There are two choices here and there, there is clearly only one choice, and fools know how to choose." "

He sighed in his heart: "This is the First Emperor, so domineering, although I have never seen the First Emperor, but now when I think about it, the First Emperor should be like this, its shape is tall, its voice is majestic, its domineering, this kind of ancient and shining power, majestic and majestic, who else will have it except the First Emperor?" "

Yang Xiao's eyes flashed, it was an ambitious light different from Ren Xing: "It is worthy of being the First Emperor!" Zulong was not enough to show his karma with the number of kings, and the three emperors of virtue and high virtue, and the merits of the five emperors, so he thought that he was 'emperor', and he was named the 'first emperor'! The man standing before himself and the others undoubtedly deserved this title. "

The emperor of this land began with Emperor Qin I. He unified the six countries and created a unified China.

He established counties and feudal worlds.

He wrote the same text, the car was on the same track, the equipment was measured, and the law was measured by the stone.

He practiced the method of cultivation and warfare and created the imperial system.

He resisted the Xiongnu in the north and conquered Sanyue in the south.

At the same time, he was also the first emperor and the king of violent Qin, and his empire was known as 'ordered by heaven, both life and prosperity', but 'Qin lost its deer and died in the second dynasty'.

This is the glory created by the first emperor of this world for 1,500 years, and although his brilliance is still being praised, and future generations are still admiring and yearning, it has come to an end.

The First Emperor standing in front of him is different, his ambition seems to be greater, and the brilliance he wants to create seems to be much more than that.

Yang Xiao's ambition is different from Ren Yixing.

Ren Xing is the kind of ambition that must be the boss, unless you can crush him from all sides, he will suppress his own ambition.

Yang Xiao's ambition, on the other hand, was the kind of ambition to make a contribution, and there was no doubt that following the First Emperor was the best choice.

Yang Xiao was very perceptive, and he memorized the names of those legion commanders.

Bai Qi, Li Cunxiao, Han Xin, Chen Qingzhi, Li Xin.

He also remembered that the five group armies all had their own numbers, which meant that Daqin also had the First Army, the Second Army, and the legions that appeared in the entire world from the portal were far from the full strength of Daqin.

This means that this Great Qin is much stronger than the Great Qin in history.

Although the Great Qin of this world is powerful, it definitely does not have an army composed of warriors.

Moreover, Bai Qi and Han Xin are tens of hundreds of years away from the era of the first emperor.

Li Cunxiao, Chen Qingzhi, these famous generals in history are farther away from the era of the first emperor.

"Maybe Daqin has conquered more than one world, otherwise Li Cunxiao and Chen Qingzhi, two names that are not comparable to Daqin's wind and horses, will become the commanders of the Daqin Group Army?"

This idea popped up in Yang Xiao's mind, but he became more and more excited.

A Daqin who can conquer other worlds, how brilliant should his brilliance be? Under such splendor, how exciting would it be to be able to take your place? _

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